Telltale's The Walking Dead Ep. 2: After [Inactive]

With the roar of the jeep’s engine, the vehicle was gone, as more and more walkers stumbled out of the murky tree line. The acrid smell of their rotting flesh, green with decay, almost made Cloe gag as she began to run, following the others along the path and into an open field. With her bat in hand, she took down a couple of walkers with a sticking thwack to the skull. The crunch of bone, followed by the soft gurgle of final breath meant that Cloe had hit her target with deadly precision. The very sound made her insides turn cold, her heart sent to stone as it plunged the pit of stomach as the walker in front of her crumpled to the floor.

Others met the same fate as Cloe fled from the camp keeping pace with the others, but Cloe tried not to focus on her victims too much. They were already dead. That was true. But that never really made up for the fact that they had once been living, with families and pets.

During the blur, one of the other few girls belonging to the group gave Cloe a fleeting smile and introduction, but apart from that little was said as they pushed forward. Then the music began. Old. Brass. Classic military. It pulsed through the air like a living heartbeat, attracting the dead like moths to a flame, as most stopped their pursuit and moved off towards the source with, what Cloe would have guessed was, a grunt of excitement.

One after the other, the herd of walkers moved away. Walking past Matthew, who was just a head with so much as a snap of teeth. It was almost too bizarre to believe. Through all her time spent darting from place to place, Cloe had never seen walkers behave like that.

Faltering to a less than graceful stop, Cloe glanced around, trying to figure out if everyone has kept up, not really caring about where the current location was.

“Well…that… was…close.” Cloe offered between short gasps for breath. “Life…always…that…interesting?”
"Yeah, I you could say that." Matthew watched as the walkers kept heading on. Something smelled terrible. Unless their scents were that bad from so far away or just maybe....

It was him.

Matthew looked at his hand and realized that it was soaked in blood. In fact, he was pretty much soaked in blood. He did smell like one of the zombies he guessed, then looked towards where Cloe was standing. There were more of them. If they still came down, thy would very likely walk past him, but Cloe? Matthew really didn't know. Suddenly, a lightbulb flashed inside his head.

"It's the smell! I smell like them, so they think that I'm them!"

The others could die if he didn't do something fast. He turned around to face one of the walkers going past him, and he stabbed it in the head. Letting it fall to the ground, Matthew dug the machete into it's stomach, and vega cutting it open.

The machete wiggled around inside the monster, and eventually a rancid smell emitted from the walker's insides. Matthew did all he could to avoid throwing up, then waved the rest of the group over. He reached inside the walker, and pulled out part of the small intestine. "I think you know where this is going, right?"
“You’re kidding right?” Cloe felt her eye brows promptly disappear once more into her fringe, as her stomach preformed, what felt like, a perfect somersault. “I have known you for what? 10 – 20 minutes? And now you are suggesting I smear myself in goo?”

Revulsion shivered over her skin triggering her gag reflex at the thought. But behind the disgust though, a voice of reason sounded in her head. It did make sense and the best option for survival was not always the nicest…

Sucking in a deep breath Cloe began to chew on her lips, before quickly glancing round the field. Though most of the walkers had been distracted by the music, there was no telling how long it would last and when that music stopped it would be back to square one.

Stepping forward slowly, Cloe quickly shouldered her bat into the back of rucksack and removed her chequer shirt, leaving the simple black vest beneath on. If she was going to do this, she wasn’t going to ruin a perfectly good shirt.

But on growing closer, Cloe could not help but survey the now sliced open remains which lay at her feet. The poor creature. Whoever it had been before, probably wouldn’t have even dreamed this would one day be them.

Slowly, bending down, Cloe plucked at a few strands of flesh. It was still warm and reeked of rot, the smell so strong and thick Cloe could almost taste it on her tongue. Blanching, Cloe tried to hold a straight face as she pushed her hand further into the body, wrapping her fingers around some of the flesh before tugging gentle. The stuff peeled away with a sickening squelch.

“Gross.” Cloe breathed through gritted teeth, shooting Matthew a hesitant glance. “I hope this works Matty. Otherwise you owe me a new vest.”
You have got to be..." Jon let it go. Sure, they would trash, like absolute trash, but Matthew seemed to absolutely sure this was the best course of action. Then again, Jon had the sneaking suspicion that Matthew's sanity was deteriorating.

But he would do it, quickly. Jon dropped his rifle on the floor, and pushed his hands deeply into the abdomen. In any other situation, he would literally roll around in this, but the time they had left left something to be desired.

As Cloe bugged Matthew as she herself attempted to start to drape herself in whatever this was, Jon took the time to look Matthew straight in the eye,

"What a sticky situation."
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Lia stopped before they walked into the store "I wonder what day it is...." she said to Aylaela. She quickly walked into the store and looked for a calendar since it hasn't quite been a year. The only thing she knew was that it was june. She looked and counted how many days its been and smiled brightly "tomorrow's my birthday! I turn 20!" A zombie came from behind a shelf and she whacked it in the head with the crowbar and it dies instantly. She walked out of the store "tomorrows june 28th and that's my birthday"

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(This must be what you felt when you came back from Good Friday practice, @Sarafina30 , i missed out on all the action D: )

Sam awoke, startled. All he remembered was the blur of motion, walkers stumbling into the light, and the loud shots of guns ringing in his ears. He remembered standing up in the Jeep and aiming at a zombie, the Jeep suddenly shot forward and he lost his balance, hitting his head on the side of the Jeep.

The sun shined through tall pine trees in large golden slivers and brightened his vision. Shading his eyes from the light, he sat up and looked around.

He didn't see anyone except Aylaela, Lia, and Evan. They seemed to be parked in a street.

"Where's everybody?" He mumbled.

The right side of his head was cool and wet. He touched the spot and brought his hand to his face. Blood. Sam was extremely confused and lightheaded. Using weak arms, he pulled himself out of the Jeep. For a second, he balanced on the edge but then he fell to the ground with a hard thud.

Sam winced in pain. He was feeling dizzy..
Aylaela gave Lia a hesitant smile, ill at ease in this ghost town, far from the rest of their group. Thoughts plagued her as to if she had made the right choice, if the others were safe?

Rubbing her temple where a headache began to form, Aylaela nods at Lia's words. "June... Twenty hm? You're older than me," she said with a smile that quickly vanished at a mumble, turning just in time to see Sam smack onto the hard pavement.

"Oy Vey," she whispers, taking brisk steps to the other side of the vehicle where he landed. Aylaela had a clear view of the blood, which had been hidden from her view before.

"Can you stand?" She asks, offering a hand. "Just to the car of course," she elaborates, quickly opening the back door behind her. Luckily she had her previous shirt in ribbons just for the occasion.
Evan hurried to Sam's side to help him up. The assault rifle Ryker had given him dangled about his chest. "Are you alright?" Sam had been more quiet than usual but only now did he see why. His temple was covered in blood, he'd probably hit his head when they'd turned and sped away. He followed Aylaela's lead and offered his shoulder for support. It was quite odd to have the roles reversed.

Soon enough, they'd safely placed him in the backseat. "Sit still. You are in no condition to do anything. Good thing we're at a pharmacy," he said, "I'll see if I can find you some bandages." Evan got up, prepped the rifle against his shoulder and readied himself to enter the store, then hesitated. "Someone's got to stay with Sam." He didn't want to have Lia covering his back, so he motioned for Aylaela to come closer. He pulled his revolver from the holster on his belt and handed it to her. "Please be careful with it, I'd like it back eventually."
Aylaela took the gun from Evan, balancing it carefully in her hand, knuckles turned white on the grip of the tire iron. Should she tell him she's never handled a gun? Her cheeks heated at the thought, admitting a weakness that no one else seemed to have.

"Yeah, I will," she said, looking to the pharmacy door. Hopefully the place would be empty and it would be a breeze. Hopefully.
There was no way Matthew could have survived that, but there he was standing unharmed in as the hoard passed him by. He smelled like them? that was it? Cloe followed Matthew's lead and began to cover herself in some walkers, Jon stopped and did the same.

Neri shook her head at the thought but she walked up to the nearest one, stabbed it between the eyes. Her face twisted in disgust as she knelt down to cut the stomach open with little effort, the stench of the rotting corpse was rancid to say the least and more than once she thought she was going to lose whatever was in her stomach. This person had died a while ago, she could tell by how easily the flesh was peeling off when she touched it. She reluctantly stuck her hand into its stomach to find it was warm, that made it so much worse. She pulled organs out and began to drench her clothes in the dark blood. She was going to have to find a new pair of clothes.

(I might not be able to reply for about seven hours)
"Yeah, I will,"

Evan nodded at Aylaela. If there was anyone he would trust with his father's revolver, it would be her, and maybe Sam.Turning to Lia, his expression softened a bit. "Lia, could you please watch Sam? Not for me, but for her," he nudged his head toward Aylaela. Without even checking if she would listen, he went to the door and sucked in a chilly breath. The humid autumn air cleared his lungs. There could be walkers inside, there could be bandits inside, he could only hope the shop was empty. The windows were barred and he couldn't distinguish the floor from the ceiling through them. He propped the assault rifle to his shoulder and pushed the door ajar with his body. The sunlight that flooded in revealed two figures. "Down! Get down now! Down or I'll shoot!" The man was armed, the girl didn't seem to be. He just hoped Aylaela had her in her sights.

(@BubbleDiamondz @Darkangel666)
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Lia nodded and slowly approached. She didnt like seeing blood on live people. But she's going yo have to suck it up buttercup xD . She went and did what Evan told her to do

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Aylaela was shocked by Evan's words, for her? Shaking her head, she flicked her braid over her shoulder, prepared for what lay beyond the heavy door.

Evan opened it to reveal two people inside, causing Aylaela's heart to skip a beat. She watched as he trained his huge weapon on the man, and she did the same to the female. She held the gun firmly towards the girl, but with no intentions of shooting. If anyone would be doing the shooting, it would be this stranger or Evan, but not her.
Nathan turns around suddenly. Two more people come barging through the door. -Shit he says- The two, a boy and a girl, are armed. "Ok ok, calm down now, dont panic. We dont have to kill each other. Can you just put the guns down?" He throws a quick glance at his AUG on the floor and the katana on his back. -Crap- he says to himself -Im caught between a rock and a hard place-
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The military man was trying to trick him, but he would have none of it. Luck was on his side it seemed, as the man's weapons were resting at his feet. Had he been under threat by the girl? She had looked the less dangerous of the two by far, but Evan sincerely hoped Aylaela had a steady aim. He turned his attention to the military man again, finger still on the trigger. "Slide the gun and the sword over with your foot. No sudden movements, or I'll shoot." He was damn glad his voice came out stronger than he'd anticipated, it wasn't everyday that he was threatening someone with a gun, though it came surprisingly easy to him.
Nathan was starting to get annoyed . "Hey kid" he said in a very, very menacing tone "do you know who your threatening here? I'm a sergeant of the Special Forces Sector. I'm trained to blow heads off with my bare hands. I do not plan on handing my state of the art rifle to just any inexperienced kid. I'm only offering to be nice so she over there" he nods his head towards Daisy "doesn't get hurt. I hate involving civvies in gunfights, so why don't we all just put the guns down and talk like any civilized human being" He really didn't want to hurt anyone, but if he was obligated to do so, he would.
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Evan narrowed his eyes. For all he knew this man was being a bluff, he was being uppity for one. "I don't care what ya are, if I shoot now, you're dead, you should know that." Still, the uniform the man was wearing seemed to confirm his story. Evan vaguely wondered what had happened to the rest of this guy's team. Had he killed them, or had the walkers gotten to them? Doubt gnawed at his mind. The man could reach for his gun, by which time Evan could fire a bullet or two. The question was not if he'd hit, the question was if two bullets was enough to down this man. Did he wear a bulletproof vest underneath that camo? Slowly, never letting his eyes off the man, he lowered his gun. "We came in for supplies," he confessed, testing if the man could be reasoned with, "what about ya'll?"
Nathan let out a breath as the kid started to reason properly. "I've been wandering for weeks and I was short on supplies, I came here and I found her." he nodded again towards Daisy. "I know you might doubt me as a Spec Ops troop because my squad, but they are all dead. Killed by walkers." he bowed his head in sign of respect towards his fallen teammates.
(What store are we at?) Lia was standing by Sam to make sure he wouldn't collapse or anything. She held the crowbar in her hand and narrowing her eyes at the Nathan dude (sorry xD )

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"Look" says Nathan "I do not want any trouble with anybody. I came looking for survivors anyways." He picks up his gun and his katana and slings them on his back. He holds out his hand to the kid. "I'm Nathan"
Evan took a step back when Nathan offered his hand. "I am sorry but if you're a spec ops guy, I am not going to be shaking your hand." The girl hadn't spoken yet, maybe he'd been bothering her or preying on her, or even planned to molest her. What else could a tough guy like him be doing with a girl in a darkened shop?

"We have a friend who needs to be patched up. How about we split the loot? We don't mean harm either."
Nathan looked surprised. "Nah, I just need two bandages and 1 bottle of painkillers. Then I'll go look to see If I can find any military operatives clearing towns and evacuating civvies to safe houses." He takes the two bandages and some painkillers and says "You can have the rest." He picks up his pack and his weapons and heads to the pharmacy's entrance. When hes about to leave, he turns back and says, through his gas mask "Good luck surviving and tell the rest of your group to go to cities with military bases, you may find refuge there." This said, he steps out of the pharmacy.
So the man wasn't with the girl. Disarmed, Evan lowered his weapon completely. Now that the man was gone he shivered and let out a long, ragged, breath. He couldn't believe he'd faced this guy, someone who had been trained to kill. The world truly had changed.

He looked at the girl behind the counter and nodded at her. "You're not with him?"

To his own bewilderement, a dry lump formed in his throat. Whatever panic he should've felt when he had entered now flooded in, crushing whatever courage he had in him. Guilt gnawed at his stomach. Matthew had been right, he was being reckless. But who was going to stop him in a world such as this? Aylaela? She seemed scared to hold the gun, as if it would fire by itself. Sam? He would've needed someone by his side if he had taken the lead. Lia? She probably would've been glad to send him into a mall full of walkers. Light-headed and drowsy with fear, he stumbled over to the counter for support. His skin was pale as a ghost and a nauseous feeling lingered in his throat. Not once before had the reaper held his scythe so close to his throat. Not a shot had been fired, yet the threat of the man still sent shivers down his spine. He'd put his life on the line for a few silly bandages and he hated himself for it.
Nathan was now entering a house, when out of the dark, came a growling walker. A shot rang in the air as he unloaded a round into the creatures head. Putting the gun down, he cursed. "I thought this town was dead-free! God, I should warn the other survivors, though they might as well figure it out by the gunshot." He ran out of the house. To his relief, there seemed to be no other walkers. He decided to keep looking in houses.
Lia brought Sam inside and looked at Even, maybe she should be nice. He looks sick "Evan? Are you okay?" She asked curiously

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