Telltale's The Walking Dead Ep. 2: After [Inactive]

After he finished disassembling his tent, Sam folded it up neatly and tossed it into the back of the Jeep.

Sam saw Neri, Lia close by, and Aylaela laugh together. The thought occurred to him that walkers could be nearby. It was well over 20 minutes, any wandering undead could be in the immediate area.

Sam grabbed a set of binoculars from the vehicle's dashboard and ran about 30 feet from the Jeep until he came to a hill. The hill was a good vantage point, they had all agreed on it together. It was hard to climb but it was worth the view. It overlooked the stream and above the forest.

Sam climbed the only tree on that hill, which gave him a little extra height. He used the binoculars to see into the forest about a 3/5 mile away.

His heart sank when he saw zombies, lumbering towards their location. He counted enough zombies for each person in the camp to encounter at least five.

Sam, leaped out of the tree, ran back down the hill and stopped. He caught his breath and pointed at the binoculars in around his neck.

"Guys.." He said.

"We have a problem."

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Neri had decided she would walk she had no problem with that, she leaned placed her hands on the side of the truck. "How about Lia rides with you guys, she is the one with asthma and limited inhalers after all." She figured Lia wasn't very comfortable around Evan but Aylaela and Sam should be able to keep them from each others throats if something were to happen.

She turned to see what Sam was talking about hoping the problem wasn't walker related, but of course it was. "Ok then no time to figure it out, Lia get in the truck." She ordered with her hand already on a gun.
Aylaela paused, hand resting on the Jeep's handle when Sam emerged from the trees, cheeks flushed pleasantly from exertion, his words pulling her from her thoughts.

Either Crawford or walkers, that's what she was assuming. But due to his more open statement, she assumed the latter. Opening the door, she nodded her head to the Jeep for Evan to get in. She looked to Sam, worry etched into her features, "Shall we?"
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Out of the Jeep, with rifle in hand, he signaled Matthew, Ryker and Cloe to him. "We talk anymore, we're going to get eaten, now let's cut the chatter and move out!" Adjusting his grip on the rifle, he pointed in the general direction of the road, before starting to walk, quite casually given the circumstances, but still fairly quickly.
"Give us all of your ****ing money! Now!"

The feral looking man held a gun up to Cynthia's head, jamming it into her hair. Matthew couldn't do anything but watch. Reasoning didn't seem to work, and he couldn't fight all four of them off. Maybe reasoning would work this time.

"Please, I already told you. We don't have any money, I don't know why you even need it. Just don't hurt her." Tears fell from his eyes onto the grass below, as he watched the man dig his gun harder into Cynthia's head.

"You goddamn liar! You think I'm joking?! I'll shoot her right here!"

"You want food? I have food. I'll give you food. Just please, don't shoot her." Matthew grabbed his backpack and shoved it towards the men. "Please, take anything you want. Just give her back. I'll give you anything."

The man tilted his head, and gritted his yellow teeth back and forth. He pointed the gun towards Matthew.

"Wait, no!"

The pistol fired.


Matthew was packing the tent into the back of the jeep, when he heard Jon ask who was going to get to ride. "I'll be fine walking." He looked down to his stump once more, then closed the trunk of the jeep. He looked out to the forest, and noticed a few silhouettes popping up. And groaning. He sighed, and pulled out his machete once more.
Evan ignored Aylaela's belittling remarks. Yes, Neri, he'd watched her, so what? His heart made a somersault when the girl in question came up with Lia in her trail. Smelling danger, Evan ran a hand through his hair and tried not to look guilty.

"No I didn't look at y- ehr...cry! Nope!" He snapped his jaw shut, "no crying. It doesn't hurt that badly," he said loud enough for Lia to hear.

Aylaela dropped a cannonball into his gut when she mentioned the joke. "Oh it's nothing. " The weight of her hand on his shoulder almost made him confess. "Nah, it's a bad joke, and a little vulgar."

Thank god the walkers were so closeby. He excused himself and hopped into the backseat of the jeep. The clip in his gun was loaded and he had some more bullets in his pockets, but when he saw the look on Sam's face he feared he hadn't enough. His expression darkened at the possibility of Lia joining him in the backseat. At least she wouldn't be driving.
Aylaela closed the door after Evan, climbing into the driver's seat herself. Finally she would have her chance to drive, though under such heavy circumstances it wasn't ideal. Though what truly was ideal anymore?

Pulling down the visor, she grabbed the keys, inserting them into the ignition and starting the engine with a quiet thrum.

Leaning out the window, Aylaela looked at the two girls nearby, "Care to join us?" She offered, since Lia had her lungs to worry about, and Neri seemed to be able to keep Lia and Evan from going at it, leaving one other seat open in the small vehicle.
Getting out of that Jeep was a terrible decision, not looking where he was moving was even worse. As soon as he hit the tree line, he ran smack into a walker.

The angle in which he fell caused the rifle to jam directly into the walker's jaw, but it also made him pull the trigger. The rifle blew back directly into his ribs, knocking the air straight out of him and dropping him directly into the ground, rifle several meters away. His ribs didn't hurt, but his pride did, but the walkers made him wish it was just his ribs.
Evan shot a pitiful look at Lia. What a liability she was with her condition. It was a hell of a thing that they even had a Jeep for her to climb into. When he looked at the girl he saw a weak link in a chain of strong, honest people. Everything could have been fine, they could stayed here if not for her.

A variety of snaky remarks surfaced in his mind but he decided to remain quiet. If there would be a fight between them it wouldn't be because of him. He was holier than her, though he wasn't sure if that was the exact phrase. Hmm. He would have to ask Sam as soon as they were safe.

He leaned forward to look over Aylaela's shoulder. He preferred a man at the wheel, but she would be his first choice from the ladies. "How are we on gas? " he asked.

A shout was fired. In a flash, Evan pulled out his revolver and scooted towards the jeep's door. Jon had been downed and was being assualted by walkers. Matthew took one out but didn't seem to notice the Walker on his left. He aimed, resting the gun on the door to steady his sights. Bang! He hit the walker in the head. It was a narrow hit and he scolded himself for having almost missed at such a close range.

"Look out!" he called to Matthew as more walkers came from the left and right. Someone needed to help Matthew drag Jon away!
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"Shit! Jon!" Matthew ran for Jon, and soon found himself getting surrounded by what appeared to be four walkers. If there were any behind those, he couldn't see him. Matthew's eyebrows furrowed, and he slung his machete to the first monster. It went clean through the walker's head, killing it instantly. One almost grabbed him from behind, but he kicked it just in time to make it step back. Matthew swing around to the new threat, and stabbed the next walker in the head. Finding a clearing, he ran out and began helping Jon up. "Come on, you're not dying today."
Aylaela looked down at the gas gage, "We've got three-fourths left."

A shot was fired in front of the Jeep, Jon lay on his back with a zombie on top of him. "Crap," Aylaela said, the closest she got to cursing. Matthew was close on his heels to help, felling another beast as they became obscured another zombie.

"Last call," she said, allowing for who wanted in the Jeep before putting the car into drive, getting the vehicle on the clearest path out of the clearing and towards the closest road the group was headed toward.
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Wheezing as he tried to regain his breath, he mumbled something about killing teenagers who talked too long. "Thanks," he managed, actually making sense. As soon as he was at his feet, he took a breath that seemed to resemble a choking sound, before scrambling for his rifle, still lodged in the skull of a walker.

Wrenching it out quickly, he hastily pulled the rifle's lever back, letting a shell drop to the floor. Jon pulled the rifle to his eye, nailing a walker in the face behind Matthew before rashly bolting in the direction he was already going. The Road.
Ryker saw Matthew help Jon up and felt some relief. Hed been sure that Jon was a goner.The dead were on all sides now and were closing. Ryker tossed his assault rifle into Evan's lap, if things got to serious he could lay down some setious covering fire. Ryker slapped the back of the jeep. "We need to go now" he said notching an arrow.
Neri shook her head, "I can go by foot." She then turned to Evan and Lia with a stern look fixed on her face. The boy was obviously holding back a few less than appealing words and although it shouldn't have to be said she did so anyways.

"I don't want to be a pain but if one of you starts anything with the other I'll smack you both of, you so behave." Treating them like children was actually stupid but hey Evan was 13, a mature 13 year old but still. "Get going." She told Aylaela and ran towards Matthew and Jon, where the walkers were slowly gathering. She pulled out her machete and began to slowly make a dent, stabbing one after another and avoiding their mouths as best she could. "Is he alright?!" She called over the crowd to Matthew.

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Matthew sliced through zombie head after zombie head. If they had needed to go, now was the perfect time. Blood splattered across his face and onto his hoodie, but Matthew kept pushing on. He saw Ryker and Cloe run by, then he heard a distant yell from Neri. "Yeah! He's doing fine!" He called out, then looked back to see Jon fire his rifle. Blood splattered into the back of his hair, but he simply nodded and turned around.

Goodbye old dreams.
Evan stuck his tongue out at Neri and let his eyes linger on her chest for a while. "Sheesh you women are a violent bunch, " he remarked. Even with her looks he didn't imagine getting whacked by Neri was all that enjoyable.

"Thanks," Evan grinned from ear to ear when Ryker handed him the assualt rifle. Now that was some real firepower. He holstered his revolver and put his head through the loop on the rifle. He briefly checked the other side of the jeep but the road was clear there. The butt of the rifle pressed against his shoulder as he aimed downrange, but he didn't take a shot. Wasting bullets want an option and he wasn't too confident about his long-distance aim. Besides most seemed to be capable of handling themselves just fine.

Jon bolted past the jeep and onto the road. What was he doing? "Do you need a ride?" he called, confused by the man's sudden movement. Was there something wrong?
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Lia climbed in the jeep but stayed as close to the door and away from Evan. She had no gun so she couldn't help the others. She kept an eye on Matthew and Neri. They have to be careful. They're the only ones who she's staying alive for.

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(Permission to godmod Aylaela has been granted by @Sarafina30)

Evan tried to aim between the trees but his view from the road was too obfuscated. He could no longer discern walker from friend and didn't dare to take a gamble with his shooting.

With a yank the car turned sharply to the right. "Shit," he heard Aylaela curse under her breath. When he turned on his seat he could see why. Dozens of walkers were on the road. They couldn't stop not could they drove the jeep into the forest, there were too many trees and too many wallets to avoid. A car was quick but slow to turn around.

"What are you doing?" Evan called when Aylaela masterfully turned the jeep back onto the road, away from the others.

"Stop! We need to help them!" Evan shouted, but Aylaela had other plans. She pushed the pedal all the way down. "Get away from the doors!" was het only warning as they speed through a sea of undead limbs. Blood and intestines splattered against the sides and rained down upon them.

"Aylaela! Turn around!" Evan almost begged. They weren't cowards, we're they?

"Shut up, Evan." Aylaela said. She needed to focus on her driving without him blabbering into her ear.

The harsh tone of her voice hit him like a carriage, but he soon obliged. Sagged like a sack of potatoes in the back seat he scowled at Lia. He could barely restrain himself. This was all her fault. What he wouldn't give to give her a taste of her own medicine...

Only after ten minutes of driving did Aylaela lower the speed of the jeep. Any other day they would have cheered in excitement upon passing a roadsign that pointed them to the nearest village, but the mood in the jeep was grim.

Dry leaves rustled after the exhaust as they drove into the silent town of Wickford. Evan hadn't spoken a word the entire half hour ride. His thoughts were of Ryker who had counted on him to cover him, and now he would think they had fled! He was ashamed of himself, he should have jumped out of the car and take a stand, but he hadn't. Why on earth was he still stuck with Lia? She was of the devil, her cuts had told him that. The bitch was pure dead-weight, a burden. Maybe he had to assist her with her suicide, to burn in hell forever...
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Lia looked panicked "Aylaela! We need to help them!" She looked like she was gonna cry but she wouldn't let herself. She ignored Evan the whole time "Aylaela please!" She begged and sat at the edge of her seat. She glanced at Evan and he was scowling at her "you fucking stop looking at me or the next punch will be harder!" She yelled at him then looked back out the back to see if any of them were okay but they had to be miles from them. "Aylaela we need a sturdy truck or something"

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Jon stopped dead in his tracks. The Jeep was gone, they were all gone. Tears started to roll down his cheeks, but he didn't even understand why they were falling.

Blinking rapidly, he acknowledged the dead coming from both sides of the road, and the forest. The only pat left was sprinting directly into the fields of the countryside. Not taking a second more to think, he looked over his back, shouted a single sentence, "Ryker, Matthew, Neri, Cloe, follow me or you all are going to die!" and ran into the open fields that contained his freedom.
Evan was boiling on the inside but kept his mouth shut. He would deal with Lia later, when no one was looking... It could easily pass for suicide.

The absence of walkers put him further on edge. Maybe they had just bulldozed through some of Wickford's inhabitants.

"You two, keep out of each other's hair. Things are bad enough as it is, " Aylaela warned as she drove up to the parking lot of a small pharmacy. She hit the breaks and stopped the engine.

"Why are we stopping?" Evan asked. "Lia is right for once, we should head back."

Aylaela sighed. "We can't, we'd get overrun. Matthew, Jon, they will follow the road and if they follow it for long enough, it will lead them here. We'll be doing them a favor by standing ready with supplies."

She pulled the key from the jeep and stepped out. "Let's take a look inside," she said as she readied her tire iron. She hoped Sam would act the prince part and go in first with his gun.
Lia hopped out of the car and took out her knife. She nodded and looked around for a better weapon. She saw a crowbar not too far away and she jogged over and picked it up. She went back over to Aylaela and smiled slightly "I'm ready" she nodded

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John walked back towards a position where it would be possible for him to get a clear vision of the road. The hunt was actually good, he didn’t even had to fire anything. A dead rabbit was over his shoulder. He found it in the woods, with no bites, simply awaiting for him to have it for dinner. He heard shots coming from the road. “So, the brilliant idea is coming down”, he thought, while he ran towards a small cliff with a great vision to the road, where he had set camp. He looked through the binoculars and noticed the confusion on the road. The group was being attacked by walkers, and it seemed like they were having a hard time. He felt a warm touch on his shoulder. The image of his wife appeared on his side.

“You know what you have to do John”, she gently whispered on his ear. “I don’t have to do anything”, he answered. “The deaths of any of them now would be only their own fault. The stupid jeep idea...”. “They have a boy with them”, her voice turned to a more darker tone. “He’s already quite big, old enough...”. “Old enough to die?!”, he remembered the times when her voice was like this. She was already going completely insane.

The image of her on his side disappeared.What to do was only up to him. “F**king hell...” , he mumbled to himself. He placed his backpack on the ground and opened it, taking a small musicbox out of it.He turned it on, with the last cough of energy that the batteries could give. The volume was at maximum, and he pressed the play button. An old military song started playing loudly, driving the attention of the walkers towards him. They walked out of the road. John ran to the woods.
The sound of the Jeep leaving caused a small smile graced Neri's lips. Three down, the rest to go. Her blade went through one more head before her attention switched to Jon, she pulled the blade out and made a sharp turn to run after him. She ran past the new girl who's name she just heard. "Nice to meet you Cloe, I'm Neri." She shot her a smile that faded as she kept running to where Jon was leading, an open field. Hopefully they would reach the other three soon, if not they would have to hold up on their own, with limited weapons.

Crap, she never gave Lia a weapon.

Oh f***.
Matthew rushed out into the open field, and looked around. A few walkers were limping around, but they were few and far between. However, they still had the threat of the walkers following them, and Matthew could see the ones in the field beginning to take notice of the survivors. He just kept running. There was no stopping it. He kept running out to the road, bit then...

What the hell? Military music, blasting towards the group. It was distracting the walkers, and making them start heading off of the road. What was going on? Matthew approached the cracked and curved road, and looked on to the zombies leaving them. He turned back around, and noticed that more walkers were coming for him. There were at least 30 of them. "Shit!" He readied his machete again, realizing he was trapped between the herd and this new group of them. The 30 something's walked up to Matthew, and he could smell their rotting flesh quite clearly now.

But they just walked past him. They went on, and followed the herd. Was the herd mentality really that strong, or did these zombies just really like military wake up calls? Matthew started breathing in and out in relief that he was alive, but he still wondered why in God's name was he still alive. As he watched the herd walk off, Matthew realized where this new road was.

In the middle of ****ing nowhere.

(Okay, that post was pretty sloppy. I'm sorry, I'm tired, so this is probably my last post for tonight.)

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