Telltale's The Walking Dead Ep. 2: After [Inactive]

Nathan looked at the girl. His gas mask was filled with mist. "Shit, I cont see a thing." He said, taking his gas mask off to reveal his young worn face. He took the morphine and gave it to the girl. He then stopped the bleeding by pouring alcohol on the wounds: Painless but quite effective. He then proceeded to wrap bandages around the wounds after he pulled out the bullets with a pair of sterilized pliers. It was a bloody mess. The bullets missed important nerves and veins by very little. The one that hit her leg had gone clean through and the one that had hit her shoulder didn't and was luckily easy to pull out. She was lucky for being alive. Nathan had done it as fast as he could. He didnt want another person dying on him. No, not another one.
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Lia looked up at Nathan, everything was spinning and she felt her body getting heavy, her breathing slowing down....too much.

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Nathan look at the girl seeing her face. She was in pain, like most of the people he treated. It was temporary treatment, to stop the wound from infecting. "Don't worry" he says to her "You'll be fine" He looks at the rest and says "This is a temporary treatment, to stop infections. I think it'll do, but we should fine a doctor to take a look at it" This said, he replaces his gas mask on hi face and steps outside the pharmacy.
"What the hell is happening?!" Matthew began running, then noticed the sufficient rise in walkers heading for the pharmacy. "Braeden! Get him to the pharmacy and get someone to help me with these walkers! Cynthia, go with him!"

At least fifteen walkers had begun straightening their way for the pharmacy, the f**kers had been attracted by the gunshot, and now they realized that there were people inside. Matthew pulled his machete from his back, and waited for the walkers to get to him.
John ran across the streets, using his axe to put down the walkers that appeared in front of him. More and more of them were showing up, and he had already stopped shouting. The noise of his feet hitting the ground was the thing that was calling their attention. It was getting harder every street. He was getting tired. One street away from the city hall, he saw a horde. He could count at least one hundred and twenty walkers on the crowd, easily. Behind him, it seemed like fifty of the creatures were also after him. The ones who had followed his step. He couldn't go forward, moving north to the end of the street and towards the city hall. He couldn't go back south either, since he would be eaten up by the enraged walkers. To his right, there was a fireworks shop. To his left, a wall, between a gift shop and a restaurant. Good. Walls are always good, he thought. He ran to the wall and climbed it, but stopped when he got on top. There were even more walkers on the other side. Without any choice, he jumped to the roof of the gift shop. The walkers surrounded him, desperately trying to reach him, scratching the walls. He didn't know what to do anymore. He looked down to the front of the gift shop, where a little sign saying “Mary’s Gift Shop” was hanging on an old looking rope. He saw the image of his father on his side once again, with the hands on the pockets of his old pants. "Care to go fishing?", his father said, with his usual scary smile. John blinked and his father had vanished once again. Self preservation... He got the message.

John leaned down to reach the rope, grabbing it and pulling it up. It was long enough... He tied the axe on the end of the rope. It was time to go fishing. He started to throw the rope with the axe on the end of it towards the crowd of walkers, carefully so that they couldn't hold. He managed to hit the head of one, and the axe got stuck. "Come on, don't let me down now...", he mumbled to himself, as he pulled the dead body up. The axe slipped from the head, dropping the walker on the ground. "Aww, come on!", he said, out loud. He tried once more, and once again, the axe got stuck on another head, killing the walker instantly, making the others around him curious and desperate to reach the rope. He started to pull the walker again, and this time, the axe untied close to the border, dropping down with the body. John leaned down on the roof and grabbed the body by his shirt. “Not this time, not with my f*cking axe”, he said. He pulled the body to the roof. It was time for the gross part to start. He took the axe from the walker’s head and used it to open his stomach.

The smell of putrid gas came out of it, filling John nostrilss with the disgusting smell of the dead. He ignored his will to vomit and started to rip the dead parts and blood from the walker and placing it over his own body. After he was done, he vomitted on the roof. It was time for the last part. He took off his revolver from his back and aimed to the firework store across the street. The gun on his hand was huge, and he was unsure if he could actually hit something. He shot, the first shot with that gun, who was already fully loaded since three months ago. The fireworks shop exploded with light and sound, attracting all the walkers to it. The walkers that were behind the gift shop started to walk towards the fireworks shop. Now, there were no more on that part, behind the gift shop, only the ones that were close to the wall, but none of them were paying attention to John. It was time to make his move. He couldn’t go back through the wall anymore, so he would have to fall straight to the ground. It was a bit tall, but he could make it. He went to the border and jumped down. His right left got hurt on the fall. He didn’t thought it was broken, but it was still very painful for him to walk. He was limping, disoriented, towards the West.
Walkers. Their moans were audible still over the gut-wrenching noises Lia was producing. She was attracting them too with her squirms, but for once he couldn't blame her for being loud. At once he jogged to where he'd last seen the duffle bag. Fortunately the assualt rifle was still there and they still had a magazine to spare. Ryker was down for the moment, Nathan was busy treating Lia, and Aylaela was helping him. All in all, he count only count on Sam and Jon to jump into action and help keep the walkers at bay.

Like a bolt of lighting, another face crossed his mind. Daisy! Where the hell had she been? He vaguely recalled seeing her saunter outside early in the morning, but hadn't seen her since. His gut turned into a knot, ice-cold needles shot through his veins. He had to find her and get her inside or she'd be taken by suprise!

There wasn't a second left to communicate his plans to Jon or Sam. At once he bolted out of the pharmacy, rifle in hand. The walkers were much too close, but he could outrun them, maybe even lure them away from the pharmacy. "Daisy!" he called as he circled around the horde and ran onto the street. "Daisy!"
-F*ck- said Nathan to himself, seing the walkers. He put his AUG on his back and unsheathed the katana. He lunged forward, slicing 4 zombies heads off. He looked at them. There where a lot of them. "Guys, I think its a herd!" he yells at the rest of the group
"Don't let them reach the pharmacy!" Matthew swung his machete, hitting one of the walkers straight through it's decaying head. It slumped on the ground harmlessly, and Matthew continued on with his killing spree. Another one fell down, but suddenlyHe was spun around by a walker grabbing him from behind. "Shit!" He screamed out, and twisted himself so that he'd fall down on his back. He hit the ground with a grunt, and the walker fell down on top of him.

Matthew raised the machete just in time, and it went straight through the things chest. It bit and grabbed at him, stuck on the machete but still alive. Matthew moved his face back, but then a shot rang out through the air. The walkers head imploded, and blood splattered into Matthew. He pushed the body off, then looked over to where the shot had come from, seeing Cynthia holding a smoking gun.

"Get back inside!" He yelled to her, and she ran back to the pharmacy. There were quite a few coming for them. They were coming fast too. Matthew left behind his machete lying in the walker, and pulled his pistol out. One zombie went down, and another was hit in the chest. He kept firing.
Daisy had been sleeping in another house seeing as she didn't quite trust this seemingly large group yet. She didn't know anyone. Anyone besides Evan and Nathan at least. But even then, she didn't really know them. Daisy had been searching the house she was in for food and/or supplies she would later need, when she got dizzy and fell asleep.

The sound of gunshots and low moaning awoke her from her uncomfortable position, which was leaning against the wall. She heard screaming, and jumped to her feet. Daisy quickly searched for her bag. locating it in an upstairs bedroom, she also found a baseball bat and picked it up jogging out of the house. Fast. All around her were walkers. Everywhere. The group were actively fighting, and she looked around frantically for an escape route she could safely kill off and get away through.

Daisy saw one and was about to run when she heard someone screaming her name. It was Evan. Her head swiveled quickly to the direction where it was coming from, and saw Evan's head of dirty-blond hair sprinting around. Seeing walkers go near him, she thought about running away, but instead jumped down and ran towards him, a tight grip on the bat. She killed walkers on the way, bashing their heads in with the bat. Her nervous grip on the bat had turned her knuckles white, and her hands felt sweaty as she dodged the horde. Seeing Evan, she was still a ways away.

A walker was slowly approaching him, and from where she was, she knew he wouldn't see it in time. Daisy picked up full speed, and swung at the walker. It reached out for her, almost scratching her, but she knocked it to the ground before it could. She then killed it, a dark black-green-brownish liquid covering her clothing. She reeked of walker blood, a stench she hated deeply. Flicking her head to the side so her unruly hair would leave the side of her face. She grabbed Evan's shoulder, saying, "I'm here. I'm here."

(sorry about not being active. RpN wasn't giving me the notification that you guys were posting for some reason)
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Lia looked over at Aylaela, Lia couldn't breath well and she was making horrid sounds as she gasped for air. "I-haller" she tried to say inhaler but her lungs wouldn't let her. She was gonna die (i wanna make a new character xD Lia's too weak)

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Braeden's legs began to burn form the weight and he slowly began to speed up with jog. Matthew had charged him with the care of his daughter and getting help, and he would do just that. "Com'mon C, keep up," he called to the girl, making she her shorted legs were beside him the whole time.

Geeks began heading towards the pharmacy and Braeden gritted his teeth, bursting through the building's door. "This guy needs to food and water," he called to the general room, eyes alighting on the Lia girl, bloodied and moaning on the counter. Aylaela was attending to her, and she turned at his entrance, nodding when he said Jeff would need attention. A spark of pride lit in the man's chest as he watched his younger sister attend to the girl, always having been squeamish at the sight of blood.

Placing Jeff on a chair, Braeden turns to Cynthia quickly, "Stay here and help her out by getting Jeff something to eat." With that the man straightens, looking out along the pharmacy. "There's some geeks right on your doorstep, so if you feel so inclined I suggest you help out," Braeden said, not being able to restrain the sneer in his voice. The moment he had encountered this group there had been nothing but trouble.

Heading back outside, he watched warily as a boy yelled for a flower and his brow furrowed. These people are insane, unsheathing his knife, Braeden came to Matthew's aid, seeming to be one of the few sane people among them. Felling a geek with the stab of his knife the man grimaced, promising to get his sister out of here as soon as possible.


Aylaela returned her attentions to Lia after her brother's entrance, hearing her attempt to draw air. She heard the faint words of 'Inhaler' and shot into action. Of all times to have an asthma attack...

Quickly the girl located Lia's bag and grabbed the top most inhaler, shaking it like she had done not to long ago, before placing it to Lia's lips. Grasping her jaw with a free hand, Aylaela forced the girl's mouth closed around the inhaler, pushing down the release so the medication flowed into the girl's lungs.

Aylaela didn't particularly like the young girl, but she would do whatever was in her power to keep her alive.
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Nathan rushed at another 2 walkers, slicing through their heads. Seeing he was largely outnumbered, he ran back to the pharmacy. "Guys!" He yelled "We've got a herd I think! It's just me and that other guy out there, we need help!" he looked at the girl on the counter. She didn't look to good. He walked to the girl that had helped him with her and said "She doesn't look too good. You should check her out" He ran back outside and started beheading zombies again.
"I'm here. I'm here."

Evan noticed the dead walker just inches away from him. "Sheesh, thanks," he breathed. Evan spun around on his heel. He'd only fired two shots as he knew that every bullet he fired would lure ten more walkers towards him. How many drooling dead were there? Why wouldn't they just die? "We're getting out of here". The majority of the horde was headed towards the pharmacy, they could easily slip away now. He could abandon them, surely they would understand, they'd been all too eager to abandon half of the group themselves.

But Lia was inside, and Ryker. He didn't give a shit about the insane woman, but Ryker was a different story and if he left them now he would never get to tell Sam and Aylaela what cowards they were, and he'd lose Jon too.

"We've got to help them," he said to Daisy as they jogged away from the main pocket of walkers. Within a minute they had reached the border of the town. There was a house at the edge, they'd have a nice view of the pharmacy from the attic. "We can lure them away. We can hold up there," he pointed towards the tall building, "shoot them, get them over here and then sneak out through the back."

His heart was pumping in his throat. It was complete madness to even think about putting his life on the line, again for these people, but he did it anyway. "Here," he handed her his pistol. "You've got eight shots."
Cynthia watched as Aylaela tended to the woman on the table. She couldn't breath, as it appeared. Blood was everywhere now, covering the floor and the doorway. "Is she going to be okay?" Cynthia asked nervously, but the woman on the table began grabbing at the air. Asthma attack. The woman began shaking violently, looking like she was trying to breathe. Aylaela was trying her best to save the girl with an inhaler, but it was no use.

Lia suffocated and died.

Cynthia looked in horror at the dead woman lying on the table, then began crying.


Braeden and the army man from before had come to Matthew's aid, and now he heard Evan and some other girl yelling. There was too much happening at one time. His pistol was firing, walkers were pouring down the street headed for the pharmacy. "Thanks for the help!" He called out to Braeden, then returned to shooting.

Matthew could feel the vibrations of his Magnum going through his hand, into his body.
He handed her the assault rifle after they went to the border, and then her eyes widened a bit. "Wait, are you going in? Unarmed? Evan, what the hell are you thinking?" She wasn't about to be all, 'Evan nooooo,' because she didn't know him that well, but going in unarmed was quite stupid.

She pulled out her gun and smiled, "More than eight." She slipped it back into her pocket, and shook her head, "Whatever. Do what you gotta do. Just be careful, and-" she pulled the knife out of her boot, and gave it to him briskly. "Stay alive." She then ran off towards the house. As she reached it, she entered quickly, closing the door and racing up the stairs. She searched the bedrooms for a perfect view, but her attempts were futile. Finally she found one in what seemed to be an office, and searched the drawers for any more weapons, just in case. There were none, so Daisy opened the window, and clicked the safety.

Daisy, upon seeing people getting attacked or approached, shot the walkers, but only when necessary considering she didn't have many shots.
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"No!" Aylaela yelled, slamming her fist on the counter, so forceful that it would leave a bruise. Lia was dead, just dead despite her best efforts to save her, and she had failed. The girl could feel warmth flooding into her eyes as tears formed but she bite her lip hard enough to dry her eyes, though the skin of her lip of brok from the force of her own bite.

Using a shaky hand, Aylaela pushed stray strands of her hair back, realizing too late that her hands were covered in blood. Though the girl didn't even care, raising her head with a fierce light within her eyes. Distantly she saw Sam and Jon within the building, Ryker still passed out. The small child that her brother had been protecting was crying, just like Aylaela felt like doing. This alone shook her from the mad fire within, focusing on the child.

"Can you stay here and help him?" The woman asked of the child, trying to be as kind as she could with the crying girl, pointing to Jeff. "He needs your help," she offered, putting as much faith as she could into the statement. Picking up her tire iron with bloodied hands, Aylaela went outside, the dead moaning loudly at the sight of fresh meat. With a swing, Aylaela bashed in the head of a zombie, helping putting a dent into the mass of zombies.
Cloe had been too relaxed. Off in her own world of super heroes to hear a walker climb ungracefully into the shop. She was still singing the same old love song as she sat on the floor, flicking through the colourful images, when a shadow blocked her reading light.

Too late did Cloe look up to see the lumbering form of a woman, a tight pink suit hugging too closely to the bloated skin of a blonde zombie. A gnarled hand reached forward with surprising speed, snagging Cloe’s red curls in a tight grip and wrenching forward. Squealing wildly, Cloe fell, landing face first on the floor, before feeling another hand grip her arm and lift.

Fight or flight.


The warm, moist sensation of the woman’s breath against her skin trigger a series of action’s Cloe had no control over. Her mind went blank, as fear was pushed out and cold logic set in. She would die if she did not move now.

Her arm pulled back as she body arched up, slamming her head into the crouching Zombie’s stomach as it kneeled, ready for its freshly caught meal. A gurgling roar of rage emitted from the Zombie’s putrid mouth, sending spittle and blood in a spray across Cloe’s back, as she continued her charge, head first in the zombie’s body.

Pushing forward with her feet, she scrambled forward, replacing her head with her hands as she shoved the zombie back with all her strength, narrowly avoiding various scratches and sending the zombie blowing backward as it’s broke heeled shoes clipped the display.

The zombie screeched then fell, head over heels through the window, landing on the other side with a thunk. But the legs, still visible from the store, still moved. Wiggling like green worms as the zombie squirmed to right itself.

Acting as quickly as she could, Cloe span and ran for the counter where she had spotted a small fire extinguisher before. Thank the lord for health and safety.

Lunging for the large can, Cloe popped the lock and span back to the window. From beyond the broken screen of glass, the pharmacy seemed to have descended into chaos. Walkers were coming and the group were fighting.

Cursing under her breath, Cloe swung her hair away from her hair and glared. She had been so stupid!

Sucking in a large breath Cloe bolted towards the window, fire extinguisher raised and readied as the girl leapt through the window and ran toward the others, making sure to plant a firm foot on the female zombie’s head on her dramatic escape. That bitch should have learned never to play with fire…. And definitely not to play with Fire’s hair.
"Wait, are you going in? Unarmed? Evan, what the hell are you thinking?"

He frowned, and tapped the rifle he'd strapped around his back. "Unarmed? Hardly." Still he accepted the knive she gave him. Apparently she hadn't quite understood what he'd been trying to tell her. He wasn't leaving her, not yet. "I am coming with you," he said as he sprinted after her and into the building. When they'd finally reached a floor high enough to see the pharmacy below, Daisy went to shooting the stray walkers that were lured away from the pharmacy. Evan let the rifle hang over his shoulders and barricaded the door to what he thought had once been in an office. The room was spacious a few chairs, desks and couches. Probably the boss's office. One by one he piled the chairs and desks in front of the door. No walker would be getting through, but neither would they get out anytime soon. He just hoped he could waste all the walkers before they entered the building.

He shoved a desk through the modern, shiny office window, it crashed down some thirty feet below. At least he could aim freely now, though the pharmacy was further away then he'd hoped. Taking care with every shot, he aimed down his sights and began picking off the walkers near the pharmacy. To his dismay, only three of his five shots landed a lethal hit. Daisy was beating him at accuracy it seemed.

"Why didn't you stay with us?" he asked in-between his sixth and seventh shot.
Nathan was going nowhere with his katana. He quickly sheathed it and pulled out his AUG, letting out a large burst of accurately aimed bullets out downing 10 or so zombies. "Now that's what I'm talking about!" He yelled. He paused firing, pulled off his gas mask, stuffed it in his pack and resumed firing with a face that would have scared off one of those things. "Die you lumps of rotten meat sacks! This is for Jake, for Leonard, for Austin, you assholes!!" He downed 20 in a rampage of rage and revenge for his fallen comrades. Anyone that would have looked at him would have thought he was a psychopath.
Bella sat in the upstairs closet of the pharmacy. The people who she was hiding from had been there for a day now. Her stomach let out a growl. She sighed and after a while she heard everyone was frantic downstairs. She even heard a child crying. She stood and slowly opened the door. There was a boy on a bed not too far away. Then tiptoed past him and saw he had one leg. "Ouch" she mumbled to herself then went down the stairs and saw everyone rushing around a girl dead, a girl angry as well as a boy, a girl getting attacked and a little girl crying. "Uhm, does anyone here might need help?"

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As they shot, Daisy stayed focus and clam, hitting each one where she wanted to. "I- I don't know you guys. I don't particularly trust people anymore." She knew she would have to tell him her story, and didn't care anymore. She shot carefully, taking notice of how much ammo she had left.

"Still got that knife?" She questioned to lighten the silence. She used to hate silence, she'd always have to fill the space. But after the 'incident,' 'disease,' whatever anybody called it, she loved it. Daisy wished for silence more than anything. If there wasn't silence, there was the low grumbling from walkers, which she hated.
Sam came out of the pharmacy, crowbar in hand and started swinging at the zombies. One went after him which he quickly side-stepped. He cracked open it's skull with a loud crack. Sam ran at a walker and brought down the crowbar into its spinal cord as it collapsed. From a distance, he could see two flashes of gunshots appearing from the top of the building. Evan and Daisy, picking off the zombies one by one. He grinned at their teamwork, an unlikely teenage duo. Sam's smile disappeared when he saw a group of zombie enter the building below.

"EVAAANN!!" He shouted. He frantically pointed downwards in a message that simply meant downstairs. Sam ran past the zombies, their fingers grazing him, towards the building where the light of gunshots appeared above.

Almost automatically, his sights hovered over Sam. His finger hovered over the trigger. Almost he pulled, almost he fired, but his reason flared up in the nick of time and pulled him out of auto-pilot. "Shit," he cursed under his breath as he lowered the rifle. He wiped the sweat from his brow. He'd been inches away from shooting Sam. The boy's voice had naturally drawn him into his sights and his mind had marked him as a walker. He retreated from the shattered window, dropped the knife next to Daisy and sat down.

"He wants us to come down" his voice sounded distant even to himself. Sam's call was gut-wrenching, but an unparalleled defiance had settled into his mind. They'd fought their way up here, it would be a waste to leave it so soon. Why would he come down to save that son of a-

He shook his head. Already his dream had been shattered. This place was crawling with walkers just like any other place, what difference would it make if he came down now?

Jon, Daisy. He'd do this for them, not for Sam or Aylaela or Matthew or John or Kenny even. "Ready?" he asked from Daisy as he picked up the rifle again and began to unmake the barricade he'd pilled in front of the door.
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Cynthia looked at the man sitting on the chair. Jeff, she thought his name was? "I-I have a soda. It's not as good as water, but it should work, I think." She pulled out the bottle, and pushed it into the man's hands. He looked at her tiredly. She looked around for something else to help him with, but then was alarmed at sound of groaning. She turned around to the woman on the table. She was moving. Cynthia was puzzled. She could've sworn that the woman had died. Then the thing on the table moved it's head and looked at her.

Gray, soulless eyes.

Cynthia screamed, as the walker lunged for her, and she fell over due to it slightly grabbing her hoodie. It fortunately released it's grip for a second, and the little girl attempted to crawl away. The zombie grabbed onto her leg, making those horrid noises that walkers always make. "Raaaarrrghhhhh! Agh! Aghhhh! Rarrghh!"

Cynthia looked around desperately for a weapon, and saw her pistol lying by her stomach. She would've reached for it, but it would have stopped her from kicking the thing back, and would have caused her leg to get bitten.

"Someone help!" She yelled out, and then watched as the door slung open.

Good old dad.

Matthew rushed in, and looked down at the walker grabbing his daughter's leg. He went into a fit of rage, and ran at the monster. Matthew pulled it off of his daughter, then threw it onto the ground. He brought his pistol, and blasted it in the head twice.

He turned to Cynthia and hugged her. "What the hell happened?"

"The w-woman on the table died, and then she turned into a walker and tried to get me and the man."

Matthew looked back to Jeff, who appeared to have gone unconscious with a soda bottle in his hand. Matthew looked at the walker on the floor he had shot, and instantly recognized the clothes. It was Lia. He frowned with small sadness for the girl, and helped his daughter up. "Look, get your gun and head upstairs. I'll grab Jeff and bring him up."

Matthew grabbed the unconscious man up off of the chair, and began brought him upstairs single-handedly. (Ha!) He looked at his daughter and nodded, then headed back out to help the others.

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