Telltale's The Walking Dead Ep. 2: After [Inactive]

Nathan looks at the building then at the girl "You don't have to tell me what to do, I know what to do in a situation like this. How many times do you think I've been in the sights of a sniper?" he looks at the building again, seeing the man with the sniper. "He's not gonna kill us. If he wanted to do that, he would not have been so reckless on giving his location away so easily"
The man standing atop the building, dressed in his blood red riot armor, stood watching the trio. "You are in Blood Dragon territory! I am the Blood Dragon's Wickford outpost. Leave now, or you will die!" The man raised his gun, and shot at the air.


"Sounds fine to me. Cynthia, keep an eye out for walkers. Matthew follows after Braeden, and pulled his machete out from it's holster on his back.

(Sorry for short post, just can't find too many things to think about or do with my characters.)
"Be cool, both of you", said John, walking towards the stake, where he could get on a position away from the man's aim, protected by the stake. "There's nobody here with him, I checked this area before. He's just crazy".
"What are you up to?"

Evan put a finger to his lips and nudged his head towards the door. "Kenny," he mouthed, "he is-" Shit, why had Sam decided to show up now? He'd hoped to confront Kenny alone, Sam and Jon, they were being far to soft on the devious little kid. He narrowed his eyes, "he is drinking." It was only part of the truth, but hopefully it would dispell the suspicion that was etched onto Sam's face. "I wanted to," he searched for words again, "help him." Unclenching his fists he tried to assume a more casual pose and prayed that Sam wouldn't ask any more questions. "He's taking his time," he added in a low voice, "I am not sure what he's drinking, but it doesn't sound good."
Nathan followed Jon's action and got behind a post, attaching a scope to his AUG. "Want me to deal with him?" he asks through his gas mask.
John turned to Nathan, whispering "No unnecessary shooting". "Hey bud, let's just calm ourselves down for a second, alright?", he said, loudly so that the man on the building could hear him.
Lia followed after the men "is your gun quiet?" She asked Nathan "because if there are walkers around this place i dont wanna have to run again..." She frowned a bit shaking her head

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Nathan looked at John and said "Ok, understood" He then looked at the girl and said "I've got a silencer in the back pack. Standard issue gear for us. I guess it would be a good idea to put it on." He reaches inside his back pack, takes out the silencer and screws it onto the barrel of the gun. "There, silent gun" He says to the girl.
"I repeat! You will not have another chance to leave. Go now, or I will fire!" The man in the blood red suit yelled out once more, and fired in the air again.

(Really sorry about these short posts, the should get longer again in a little bit)
Sam cocked his head to the side and lowered his voice. "Kenny? The kid the same age as you?" Sam put the shirt around his neck. "Help him?" He smiled, "You gonna share with him?" Sam stopped for a second.

"Why are we being quiet?" Sam looked at the kid.
She smiles slightly and looks at John "so what's the plan?" She says quietly and nods "theres always gotta be a plan" she giggles to herself. Not believing the situation they're in she shook her hea

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"Wait just a second", John said to Nathan. "Hey man, the dragons are gone. They left this place long ago, you're delusional. They got away from here about two months ago", he shouted once more.
The man looked on at the trip under him. Did they not understand the power of the Blood Dragons?!

"Glory to the Blood Dragons!" The man fired wildly at them, hitting the girl on the leg and shoulder, causing her to fall over screaming in pain. "The Blood Dragons rise!" The man stopped firing, realizing that the army man had raised his gun. He couldn't be shot and killed by this peasants. It wasn't the Blood Dragon way.

The man jumped.
Nathan sees the girl get his "Burn in hell!" he says to himself as he fires a shot that hits the man in the forehead. "Hes out" He runs to the girl and kneels down beside her "You ok?!" He yells.
John watched as the man hitted the ground and his blood splattered through the air. Everything happened so fast, he was still trying to figure out what had just happened. He saw the girl bleeding. "Sh*t!", he shouted. "Nathan, see if you can carry her by yourself!". He wondered if the shot had caught the attention of the walkers nearby.
Nathan looks at John and nods. He picks up the girl and he slings her over the shoulder "Lets get our asses out of here! he yells at John.
He heard the moaning of the walkers getting closer. "You two, get out of here, back to the pharmacy! I'll lure the walkers away and secure the city hall! Go, now! Press her wounds to minimize the bleeding!". John wandered off, shouting "AHHHH" while he ran, getting the walkers attention, running north towards the city hall. This was bad. This was really bad.
(Wait...i got shot?) Everything went so fast. She felt a sharp pain and the pain was so much, she let out a scream in pain when Nathan picked her up. The corners of her vision were going fuzzy, and she was crying a lot

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Nathan nodded at John and ran as fast as he could to the pharmacy. When he got there, he burst through the door yelling "I need bandages and painkillers! Also something to neutralize the bleeding!!"
"You gonna share with him?"

Evan crossed his arms. "Really?" Had Sam ever tasted alcohol? It was nasty, disgusting stuff that burned your throat and made you say stuff that you regretted. Maybe he was just teasing him, to retaliate for the joke he'd pulled on him and Aylaela.

"Why are we being quiet?"

Flaring his nostrils, he resisted the urge to say one or two unpleasant things. "Because," he said through clenched teeth, "because..."

Bang! The door crashed open belowed, the normally cheerfull jingle of the door ringed in alarm. He heard Nathan calling for bandages and painkillers. Something had happened. Before Sam could even get a word in, Evan pulled out his gun and hurried downstairs, expecting a horde of walkers on their doorstep. Instead, he saw Lia. She didn't look good. He forgot about Kenny and Ryker. She'd been shot. But by whom? Were there other people here? What if the gunshot had attracted walkers?

Shit! So many questions, so little time. He could only imagine what hell would break loose if Kenny were to turn now and decide to have them all for lunch. "Where's Matthew? Aylaela, your brother?" He shot a worried look at Nathan, "have they been shot too?"
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Aylaela turned around quickly, seeing the gas masked man and Lia bleeding in his arms. "Put her on the counter," the girl ordered, the amount of blood making her vision blur. But she shook her head, steadying herself before moving quickly to her backpack. She would not be weak, the girl promised herself, going through her backpack the second time today. The medicine Lia would need had to be much more potent if anyone was going to be able to work on her with how much pain Lia seemed to be in.

Nothing she found was useful in her own bag other than bandages, so she ripped open another, praying for the best. "Oh thank you Lord," she whispered as she pulled out morphine.

Almost losing her stomach's contents at the sight of Lia's bloodied body, Aylaela moved forward, preparing herself for what she could.

"I have bandages and morphine," the girl says, eyeing Lia. She seemed to have two wounds, one on the edge of her shoulder and one on her leg. "What happened out there?" She demanded, starting to clean and bandage the girl's shoulder since what looked like a bullet, had went straight through. If there was a bullet stuck in her leg though, Aylaela didn't think she would be able to handle just that.


Braeden heard the sound of gunshots faintly ringing in the distance. Panic shot through his body like a lightning bolt.

"Sorry," he muttered to the guy, and grunted as he slung Jeff over his shoulder. He wouldn't leave this man behind, but he couldn't tolerate a slower pace than a jog. Braeden had to get to that Pharmacy to make sure...

He closed off the train of thought, "Let's get a move on." He said to their group, attempting to not jostle Jeff anymore than need be, but he would not slow his steady pace.
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Sam heard the wild jingle of the front door.

"I need bandages and painkillers! Also something to neutralize the bleeding!!"

Sam dashed down the steps, three - four at a time. "What happened?!" He yelled, bursting through the door.

He came to Nathan, holding Li'a limp body. There was a lot of blood on both of them. Sam rushed behind the counter grabbing rolls of bandages and and bottles he didn't bother to read.

Sam ripped the belt off his jeans and wrapped it around her leg above the wound. He tightened as hard as he could into a makeshift tourniquet. There was so much blood.

Sam ran to the shelf and brought a bottle of water. He searched each bottle until he came to the label that said paramol. He opened it and shook two tablets out onto the counter.

"Have her take this." He gave them to Nathan.
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Nathan laid the girl on the counter and looked up at the other one "I'll tell you later, shes priority number one. I'll apply pressure to the wounds to stop the bleeding. We need to get the bullets out of there. Give her the morphine." He says.
Lia let out small weak cries of pain as everyone tended to her wounds. "Owwww" she winced and squirmed.

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