Telltale's The Walking Dead Ep. 2: After [Inactive]

Aylaela's braid whipped behind her as she turned her head towards the yell that was Sam. She watched as his brown hair disappeared in a cloud of zombies. Hands grazed the girl's arm as she jerked back, a zombie biting the air like wishful thinking. With a grunt, she embedded her tire iron into the twice dead man, pulling it out with a sickening squelch.

The mass of dead seemed to have no end, blood splattering, a chorus of moans created by an undead choir, and the God awful smell that clogged the living's lungs. The horror of the situation descended upon Aylaela as she brought another zombie to heel, tears springing up in her eyes once again. Would it be too much to ask for a break in the crashing waves of undead? They couldn't repopulate other than by turning people, but how long, how many lost before then, if then even came?

Hands grasped the girl's braid, pulling her backwards, tripping on the pavement slick with blood. A dead man hovered over her, blackened teeth coming towards her shoulder with an unrelenting pace. So this is how it ends...

Thick black blood splattered across Aylaela's face, causing her to cringe in disgust. A squelch sounded as the zombie's head pulled back, behind it a shock of black hair against pale skin stared down at her with hard icy blue eyes.

"Oh no you don't," Braeden growled, pulling her up by her jacket and onto her feet. "Not today sis," he said with such conviction that Aylaela had no choice to believe him.

The duo put their backs to the other, defending each other from any bite or scratch that may stray near. Aylaela couldn't help but laugh at her luck, and imagine how the two look from afar, each clad in leather jackets and felling zombies within their grasp.
Bella quickly rushed out the back door, there were no walkers, she ran down to an empty street and kept running until she saw a man on top of Mary's gift shop with a bunch of walkers surrounding. She ran to the gun shop not too far away and found a little bomb. Perfect. She took the stairs to the roof and shouted to the man "I suggest you duck and cover your ears!"

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Sam went down streets as the zombies kept on increasing in numbers. Most of them were probably back there. They looked like corpses sleepwalking towards a concert in the distance. Sam ran down alley ways and climbed over cars as he evaded the walkers. After a minute, he came up the entrance of the building. Evan and Daisy were silent and had stopped shooting. Did the walkers get to them? Sam dismissed thought. He dashed up the stairs, one set, two sets, a couple more, until he came to an office floor where many of the zombies had collected.

Sam had to think fast. His mind raced in his head for answers. Some walkers were wandering around and bumping into the glass borders of the outside offices. Sam crept around the back, trying to figure out what to do. He came upon what appeared to be a break room. A small table stood in the corner and a refrigerator on the opposite end, its contents dark and door open. Most of them were huddled around a single door, probably where Evan and Daisy was, banging and groaning like a kid who had a fit. Sam went to the soda machine, aimed and fired four consecutive bullets into the center. It reminded him of Evan shooting into the radio during their escape from the gas station convenience store. The bottom half fell off, clattered to the floor and a flood of soda cans crashed on the floor loudly. He saw the zombies gradually turn and focus on the break room. Sam crept back around and watched as the lumbered over to the sounds.

He tiptoed to the door they had all gathered at and shook the doorknob urgently. "Come on, let's get out of here." He whispered.
Daisy nodded, catching her breath, and pulling back the rifle. She didn't know who 'Sam' was, but nodded anyways. She was trusting Evan for the time being, and hoped he wouldn't betray her too.

Daisy followed him down to the barricaded door, inhaling sharply. Daisy waited for the surge of walkers that would stumble in, and attack them. She prepared herself for the splatter of thick black liquid all over her and her surroundings.

She admired Evan's dedication to the group, especially considering he had originally wanted to escape. Daisy glanced behind her, seeing a window they, or she could easily climb out of and run as far from here as she wanted, but one glance at Evan, and she felt this weird want to protect him wash over her. She suspected it was because he looked like Ez.
Nathan was still on his rampage. He had counted at least 30 walkers that he had killed, and more to come. He took a quick glance at his mag pouches. There where four left, which meant 120 bullets more. "Thats more than enough for now." he said to himself and started shooting again, yelling at the top of his lungs, to catch the zombies attencion.
What in the hell was happening.

First off, someone had burst inside the pharmacy, laid Lia down on the till and then, then Lia had died. Jon just stood there, before the walkers started surrounding the pharmacy. As soon as they had, he wrenched a hammer from the pile of tools, pulled a pistol from the duffle bag and ran upstairs. Upstairs, he bounded for the boarded windows, slammed the hammer into the middle board, before wrenching the nails off the bottom board. They both tumbled down to the pavement.

Jon pushed his pistol out the window, taking several shots at the walkers outside. With a good view, he realized these were far too many for him to deal with. With a shake of his head, he crawled out the window to rest on the lip where the sign separated from the windows.

With a swing of the hammer's opposite edge, he nailed it into a ventilation duct peering off the side. Jon pulled himself up, the hammer slipping from his grip as he got onto the pharmacy's roof.

The walker horde had everyone in absolute panic, but with just a pistol he couldn't help them. With a shake of his head and a look at his pistol, he raised his gun.

The shot rang out.

And then another shot rang out, and another, until the clip ran dry and Jon slipped in another.

That was it for him. Jon turned his head, running for a building bordering the pharmacy before jumping ship and tumbling onto another roof.
Jeff didn't realize that he had already fainted. When he came to, he was being carried by Matt to the upper level of the pharmacy. He cursed as he realize what was happening after hearing all the groans and noise that the walkers were making. He did find a can of soda in his hand. He opened it and drank all of it in one gulp.

Jeff grabbed his knife strapped to the side of his leg as he was being carried by Matt. He grunted a little after making a wound on his forearm to keep him awake. "Ahhh! Damn it!" He had a good quick rest. Though he was still weak, he thought he'd be able to stand on his own. He had a short rest, after all.

He tapped Matt's back. "Matt... You can let me down now. I can help..." he asked.
"Come on, let's get out of here."

Evan glanced at Daisy over his shoulder and pressed his finger against his lips. His heart was in full gallop and he worried that even breathing was making too much noise. Crouched, he edged over to Sam and motioned for Daisy to follow him. They had to remain absolutely quiet if they wanted to even have a change of escaping. Shooting was out of the question as it would only attract the walkers. He could only pray Daisy was as good with that knife as she had been with his gun. He nodded at Sam, waiting for him to lead the way.
Daisy watched Evan silently tell her to keep quiet, and nodded slowly, creeping over with him. Her palms started to sweat as she gripped the knife in her hand. She was so much better at long-distance attack then up front, but figured maybe she could handle frontal attack. She took slow, deep breaths, trying to keep as quiet as possible as they followed Sam.
Jeff was waking up. Matthew had let him down, after he was saying he could help. "Look, you still have your gun right? If so, I need you to protect Cynthia for me." Matthew nodded, then ran out the door. One-handed, he began shooting the walkers now. The sun was starting to set, illuminating the blood flying everywhere. Then, one of the loudest guns that Matthew has ever heard rang out in the air. He grabbed at one of his ears, flinching, then looked to where the sound was.

Military man was getting surrounded.

"Shit." Matthew began shooting at the walkers heading for him, he didn't even notice that they were getting closer and closer the more bullets he fired. "Hey! Military! Get the hell back! You're going to get grabbed!"
"Alright..." he said. He was struggling less compared to when they found him. Jeff rummaged through his backpack and took his gun out. He immediately separated the clip from the gun and showed it to the girl. "Cynthia was it? You heard him. But If there are bullets I could use in this floor, I'm gonna need them quick. Stay away from any windows and watch your step. I wouldn't want the floor collapsing underneath you." he was telling her as he also grabbed his hatchet from his backpack. "Listen, if there aren't any, I need you to stay close to me no matter what."

If he was in a better condition, he would've been a bigger help to them outside but at this juncture, this was the only thing he could do to help. He was on full alert carefully watching from up the stairs with Cynthia nearby.
Ryker woke to a ghastly orchestra straight from hell. The moans of the dead filled the air accompanied by gunshots which were complimented by the panicked yells of the others . Ryker looked around, searching desperately for a weapon. His eyes highlighted on a small pistol with a silencer attachment tucked in a dead zeds pocket. Quietly he crawled over and with some effort grabbed the pistol. Ryker did a double take, he thought he knew the dead girl but he couldn't place her. Shrugging he made his way to the stairwell and checked the pistols magazine. Seven shots he'd have to make them count thought to himself grimly. Ryker looked at stairs and shook his head, damn leg he thought himself. He hopped to the front of the pharmacy and looked out the window. The others were fighting but losing ground. Ryker cursed again, eyes coming to rest on a humvee in the middle of the horde. Ryker glanced at the military vehicle then to the dead girl. Ten minutes later Ryker was covered in the dead girls blood and entrails. Slowly he made his way to the humvee. Glancing around he realized his disguise had worked. Quickly he jumped in the humvee and grabbing the keys from the visor started up the vehicle. Ryker threw it into drive and crashed through the dead until he had reached those still fighting outside the pharmacy. "Get in now!"
Nathan heard a person calling him, though he could not make out what he was saying. he had counted at least 70 to 80 walkers. They just kept coming. He had run out of ammunition in his AUG and he was now deep into the one for his pistol, which he was using alongside his katana. They had scratched him. Twice. Once in the leg and another time in the face. If face was covered with splats of black blood and so was the rest of his body. Surrounding him there was an ocean of corpses, dead corpses and dead dead corpses. They where surrounding him. He had to fight, for his fallen comrades. He did not fear dying, for he had nothing to live for anymore. But he wasn't planning on dying now anyways. -Too many of them- he thought to himself. His pistol only went click now, he was dry. His only hope was his katana. He slashed through ten more zombies. There where too many. He decided he would go back to the pharmacy and maybe hold them off there. He hoped the rest where safe, for it was his duty as a soldier to keep them that way. His knees buckled for a second, time enough for a walker to scratch him again. -Too close- he thought -That was too close- with a loud yell, he beheaded the walker and started to clear a path towards the pharmacy, but there where just too many zombies. -Think think think!- he told himself. He snapped, remembering -Thats right! The grenade I saved!- he quickly searched one of the pouches in his vest with his left hand while he fended off a walker with the other. He pulled out a grenade. -Perfect- he though. He yanked off the safety pin with his mouth and threw it into the sea of walkers. Five seconds later, it went off with a large BOOOOOM as walkers flew around. The walkers where suddenly more interested in the noise than in him and that permitted him to get to the pharmacy. "Is everyone ok?!" he asks, panting.
Sam began sneaking down the hall, their shadows stretched in the light, Evan and Daisy in tow. Carefully, they walked until they reached the end of the hallway. Suddenly, a walker appeared next to Sam and tackled him to the ground, knocking over a desk in the process. Notebooks, paper, a monitor, scattered onto the ground loudly. A vase with a flower in it shattered on the ground. It's twisted face had a pathetic excuse of a mouth that let out a gurgle, thick blackened blood dripped onto Sam's cheek. Sam inserted his palm underneath it's dry, cracked, skin and pushed the zombie off. He got up and drove his crowbar into it's brain, or whatever was left of it.

"Run!" Sam shouted at them. The party of undead, no longer distracted, began running at them. Sam quickly ushered the two down the stairs, the moans of the walkers in their wake.
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Kenny screamed as he poured more vodka on the bite. His eyes started to tear up and his hands started to shake, but he continued. After it was all gone he took a handkerchief out of his pocket and started to wipe it. When the bite was clear he saw something in it. It was small and white. When Kenny tugged on it he felt another pain deeper inside his arm telling him that it ran deeper. He took his switchblade and flipped it opened. He braced himself and dug the knife next to the white thing pulling it out. What he held in his hand was a tooth. The tooth came to a sharp point, almost canine like. He put the bottle down and unlocked the door. He pulled the handle and stepped out while staring at the tooth.
"Run!" Sam shouted at them.

And run he did. Down the stairs, ten more floors to go. Walkers in suits and ties began to crawl forth from every corner, an office door was unhinged as ten snarling undead plowed ahead. Some fell over the bannister and tumbled down, only to land with a sickening crunch yet refusing to die. Nine more floors. His rifle bounced against his back, but there was no time to pull it out and shoot. Past the elevators they went, a hand, stuck between the elevator doors, clawed at his back, but only managed to scratch his rifle.

Eight more floors. He didn't even dare to check if Daisy was still following him. Seven. His heart tried to break free from his ribcage, his breath became dry and shallow. Six. The stench of putrified remains made him reel over and stumble further down the stairs. Fifth floor, his shoe crunched the softened skull of a walker, gnawing at the tapestry on the steps. Four, just three more floors to go. Third. Second. First.

He tripped. Panic soared through his veins. A hand grabbed his boot, and no matter how hard he kicked, the elongated face of a walker, half it's jaw dangling from its skull, kept pulling with surprising force. Gurgling and snarling, the walker bit. It's jaw snapped shut around his foot.

Then fell off. The rotten, unhinged bone failed to penetrate his shoe. When Evan kicked again, his foot buried into the slippery goo that had once been a rich man's brain.

Five more walkers stood between them and their escape. There was no time to aim, he could only cower away from the moaning dead until his back hit the wall. "Help!"

He tackled the first one to the ground by hooking his foot behind the walker's ankle, the second stumbled over his downed comrade but continued to crawl towards him, eyes wide with hunger. Soft flesh. Fresh blood.
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Sam ran for his life. Various papers floated to the floor, leaping up off desks as Sam ran like a crazy bat out of hell. The stairs seemed to be infinite as he stepped. He would fly down the steps and turn the corner, only for there to be another set. Sam finally reached the first floor, his heart ricocheting inside his rib cage. Only a few zombies stood in his way and the entrance. He let out a wild whoop and charged at them, armed with his trusty crowbar. They were so close.
Sam tackled a walker to the ground, and Daisy cursed lowly at the big commotion that came of it. A group of walkers stumbled out of the break room, and began to run at them. Daisy picked up a full-on sprint, following the boys. She was well behind them, and there was no sign of Sam as she kept her eyes on Evan.

Eight more floors to go. Daisy ran, her breath labored and inaudible as the walker's moaning grew, stumbling down the stairs and attempting to claw Daisy. She jumped and picked up speed, the stench of rotted flesh filling her senses and making it impossible to breath. She finally made it through all the floors, and saw Evan trip.

Daisy's eyes widened as she watched the walker bite, only to have it's jaw ripped off. Evan was then backed against a wall, walkers steadily approaching him hungrily. Daisy quickly grabbed the pistol out of her pocket, and held her breath, taking aim. She then shot, hitting it dead on the rotted brain. It's contents spewed everywhere. Daisy inserted the gun back in her pocket, and grabbed Evan's hand, hauling him up so he was standing and ran out the door, kicking the walkers in the stomach so they fell backwards down the staircase. She hoped Sam was behind them but didn't check til they were well away and safe.
Sam, Evan, and Daisy burst through the building and into the normal air. He took a moment to catch his breath. He clasped his hands together and folded them over his head, a trick he learned in track that helped him breathe better. But they weren't safe yet.

"There's still walkers near the pharmacy. We need to get everyone together and leave!" Sam pointed in the direction of the pharmacy. He started towards the store.
Shaking, dragged ahead almost as mindlessly as the dead, yet fingers icy cold. Fresh air, the scent of pine washed over the horrid stench of rotten intestines. Her hand warm in his, he looked up at Daisy. She'd saved him. The world fell apart, draining it of all color but for her, standing in the dwindling sunlight. "You," was all he managed to choke out. Feet hammered against the asphalt, numb, cold with sweat, his surroundings were but a blur. The heavy boots and a ragged breath chased them, he hoped it was Sam. Finally they stopped, nearly bumping into each other. It wasn't until he'd caught his breath that he reminded himself to let go of her hand. "Thanks," he breathed as he rested his hands on his knees. Sweat glistened near his temples, his breathing was shallow and a haze covered his eyes. He gritted his teeth as a pang shot through his ribcage. "That was," he gulped, "that was far too close." He turned around, expecting to see Sam behind him.

But he'd gone. Probably had a deathwish. The pharmacy. His mind lingered on the word for a moment, what did it mean again? His veins electrified as he realized Jon and Ryker were still there. But Sam would have to handle this one by himself, his legs refused service, his frame was trembling like a twig caught in a gust of wind. Exhausted, he sagged down on the street. "I am sorry," he said feebly, "I can't do it anymore."

Not even the renting bang could tear him from his contemplations. It was over, they'd survived, but he didn't dare to look if he, Daisy and Sam were the only ones.
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Daisy felt his hand still in his, and looked at him when in a ragged breath said, "You." She nodded, understanding what he meant, and just stared at him. After a while, she felt awkward, and stared at their hands, still clasped. Suddenly, the sound of boots came thudding across the pavement and Evan let go of her hand. She let her hand drop to her side awkwardly, and turned around to see Sam.

"No problem," Daisy replied, as she watched Sam start off for the town. He said something about saving the group and pharmacy and Daisy bit her bottom lip, staring at the granite road, rolling around loose pieces of gravel under the toe of her shoe. She didn't want to stay with these strangers. But she also didn't want to be alone. So, instead she left herself to her thoughts, and the stone underneath her toe she was currently rolling around quietly.
Matthew's ears were ringing. They were ringing. After the explosion, well, he didn't know what had happened. He simply remembered shooting at the horde, but then he had been blown back with this great force. Fire had flown from the sky, and now he was on the ground. Maybe he was dead. Was he? That would be kind of nice. Except for Cynthia and the others. Maybe they had all died too. Yep, and now he was going to see them in Heaven. Yayyyy.

Matthew stood up from the pavement, and felt his nose slightly bleeding, and his forehead had the red substance trickling from it. He looked towards the way that the walkers had been, and saw the group finish the remaining zombies headed for the pharmacy. It was over. They had done it. They had killed every walker for miles. Was that every walker in the city? Probably not, but it was likely close to that.

Looking at the bodies that piled the street, he smiled. They were Gods.
Silence draped its comforting blanket around them. No words came to mind, but neither did he need to say anything. She understood, he could tell by the pained look, the doubt when she bit her lip. She chose to stay with him and he was infinitely grateful for that. To his left, the road stretched uphill and into the forest, to his right it meandered down, towards the pharmacy, towards hell. The gunshots were faint to his ears, as if he was swimming underwater and could only make out faint whispers of noises. "Daisy?" he asked. His index finger glided over the black rifle. "Why did you do it? You could've escaped yourself, you didn't have to-" his voice faltered. He let out a rattled breath, "you should keep the gun. You're better with it."
Nathan walked back out of the pharmacy and stood next to the other guy that he had been fighting alongside. "Damn" He managed to say. He looked at the place where he had thrown the grenade. It was completely covered with corpses. There were a few walkers left, but nothing too hard to handle. All of a sudden, the energy that his lust for vengeance had given him, completely vanished and he found himself saying "Rest in peace guys" as he fainted.
Daisy looked up at her name. "You came back for me, you ran into the horde to save me. I owed you one, and I couldn't just leave you there, I've seen one person get eaten alive and I wouldn't like to ever go through it again." Daisy's voice cracked, and she exhaled. "Thanks.." she mumbled. Silence enveloped them again, and Daisy didn't move from her spot. She wasn't going to follow Sam. She didn't fit in with them. How could she? These people had history. She wondered how many casualties there were.

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