Telltale's The Walking Dead Ep. 2: After [Inactive]

Aylaela considered Sam with a cool gaze before deciding he had been playing with her, offering the boy a small smile.

Leaning forward the girl went to grab a hammer to help before turning at the sound of a thud and gurgle, all thoughts of the wall gone. The sight behind the girl was frightening, Ryker soaked from sweat and against the cool pharmacy floor, bloody stump standing out from the cool blue of the building. But what most caused fear to touch the girl's heart was the hot blooded rage within the eyes of the boy, causing her blood to run cold.

Briefly the girl wondered if she had done anything to the man to invoke such a piercing look but she could think of nothing.

Not daring to go near such a murderous look, Aylaela cleared her throat to gain the attention of those left in the room. "I can get some medication if you two can help Ryker," the girl said to Evan and Jon, turning to move towards the bags of collected meds, a nervous chill running down her spine.
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Lia looked at John. "I knee him, he was in my group then got lost in Crawford" she shrugged and kept walked behind the two. They were much taller and had longer legs so she had to almost run to keep up with them

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John kept looking at every alley, suspecting something horrible would happen any time now. Without turning the eyes to Lia, he kept talking to her. "You guys have been through Crawford? I've heard stories of that place". He had sad memories of his trip across Crawford. A baby being dropped from a building... Women crying and being kicked out after such pain. "Horrible, horrible stories of there...", he said, his face becoming more sad in each word.
Jon eyed Kenny suspiciously, the story sounded completely like he had been bitten by a walker. He would of dealt with the kid immediately if Ryker had not dropped in on them, literally.

He dropped down to Ryker's level, dragging the man to rest his back against the wall. Jon snapped his fingers in front of Ryker's face, "Ryker, buddy, I don't want you walking on your own any more man. I will personally carry you out of another walker horde if it means you stay off your good leg." He turned his head back to Ayleala, "Whatever you're thinking, probably should go do it."
Pursing her lips, Aylaela rifled through her bag, reading various labels until she found a reasonable drug to help the pain and fever.

Walking up to Jon, the girl eyed Ryker warily before handing the other man a bottle. "It says take two every eight hours, preferably with food." With that she hastily retreated, retrieving a hammer and exiting the stuffy pharmacy with all haste.

Aylaela found Sam working outside, some dollies nearby. She hardly even bothered to tell him about the events indoors, just needing some friendly companionship. Sure, the girl had met people who didn't like her for her views or the way she acted, and even a few times for just being a girl. But Aylaela never had seen a look of such hatred fixed upon her, and she was convinced she would fix whatever wrong she had committed towards the man.
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Kenny tapped John. "Listen, I'm not saying that its not a walker bite but its unlikely. I have had this for one whole day." He said lifting his arm. "Now can you give me the damn B.C pills so I don't get gangrene."
Evan had little patience for Kenny. Apparently the kid had eavesdropped on them, which was unsettling enough in itself and now he was more or less demanding pills. Did he just say he'd been drunk as well? What kind of twelve year old was he? His father had whacked him once for taking a sip of mom's wine, just a sip. He could scarcely imagine what this kid's parents were like if they let their child be drunk.

He was about to intimidate Kenny into showing his bite mark when Ryker collapsed into a lousy pile of limbs. He looked terrible, he couldn't walk or stand, an ordeal worse than death in times like these, for it was almost certain that one day, the walkers would outrun him and get him. "Wait here," he growled at Kenny before he rushed to Ryker's side to give him his medicine. Painkillers and anti-infection pills were the only things that could save him now.

"You're only making it worse for yourself. You need to rest, but maybe we can get a bed down if you'd like to have people around you," he told Ryker as he gave him his pills and a sip of water.
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"Holy shit. I can't f**king believe it. Come on, get up." Matthew used his good hand and began to pull Jeff up. "How are you alive? Crawford got piled down with walkers man." Cynthia looked up at her father, then back to the SWAT officer, and then back to her father.


"You said it earlier."

"Well played."

Matthew slightly smiled, and looked at Jeff. "How the hell did you get out of that?"
"Y-yeah... so I noticed when I got back." he said still in a weak manner. "Y-you know me... I'm a tough nut to crack..." Jeff said in a partly joking manner. "I was on a recon mission with Fletcher for Crawford. We go way back." he said as he was starting to pant. "We were doin' fine till we... stumbled on a huge herd. It got most of us. When Fletcher and I doubled back to Crawford, it was already falling apart. Fletcher got us out... but he got bit." he said as he recollected what he was through. "I... I had to put him down. He asked and it was the decent thing to do... Been living like a rat ever since. 7 months Matt... 7 months." Jeff started to cough. "Some water would be really nice." Jeff felt his strength escape him with each passing moment. Finally, whatever god was there was giving him a break for once.
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Nathan had heard about Crawford, just he had never been there. : "I've been avoiding major cities after I was dispatched at Atlanta." He bowed his had, remembering the hell he and his companions had went through.
When Evan went over to go help Tyler, Kenny decided to look for his bag. He walked back into the room they were sleeping in when he saw a tan strap hanging out from under his bed. "I should've looked here first." He thought. He pulled it out and opened it up, revealing the vodka he had gotten drunk on that night. "Won't help me." He mumbled "I'll help myself." He grabbed the bottle and walked into a nearby bathroom. After shutting the door he rolled his sleeve up and bit down onto the rim. "This is gonna hurt," Kenny thought,"A lot." He put a tiny drop of vodka on his arm causing it to jerk. He nearly dropped the vodka. "This is harder than I thought ." He said.
Jon and anew kid came over once had collapsed. The kid gave him pain killers which he pretended to swallow. The kid turned away and Ryker spit the pills into his palm. Looking at Jon he began trying form syllables. After a few minutes of practicing silently Ryker gave it a try. "Jon ...why... she still here?" It came out slowly and painfully and Ryker felt a wave of exahustion wash over him. The second time it came more easily. "She left us for dead Jon, that bitch left us for dead. Ryker pointed to the door Aylaela had left through. With that his vision faded and Ryker slipped into unconsciousness.
( Sorry my last post was odd, I was writing half-asleep. Anyway I edited so it made more sense if anybody wants to read it c: )

Sam looked around the street, pushing the four dollies out. There were many cars, all abandoned and frozen like a forgotten game of chess. They looked glued to the streets, those dilapidated things. Rust began to appear on most of the cars and a lot of their wheels had been stolen.

Sam wondered if any other parts had been taken as well and he approached one of the cars. The engine had been taken out as well. It was a Honda Civic and its car door was open. Inside, he could see a stack of papers in the passenger seat and a small monkey doll in the back. Sam imagined a mother going to work and taking her daughter to school. That must’ve been terrifying for the both of them, having to leave right away. He imagined a horde closing in on all sides, the little girl crouched. She would be screaming, covering her ears while her mother was mercilessly torn apart.

He pushed the thoughts away with disgust. Sam closed the door and with it, those imaginations. Sam used the car jack to elevate it and placed a single dolly where the wheel should’ve been. He did the same with the three other wheels until the Civic could roll albeit very slowly.

Sam began to push the car.
"Fletcher is dead? That sucks, we was a nice guy. But, uh, I thought that about everyone at Crawford. Until they beat the shit outta me for helping let a kid in, then Oberson himself cut off my goddamn hand." Matthew winced at the thoughts, memories flooding back to him. How Crawford had cut off his hand. Just sliced it off with a goddamn cleaver. The pain Matthew had felt, like a thousand fire ants were eating his arm, while someone took a jackhammer and started going away on it. He had felt sick, and he had lost so much blood.

Matthew sent the thoughts away into the deep vaults of his mind, then looked over to Braeden. "We should probably take him back to the pharmacy, then come back and scout out Residential." Jeff looked weak, torn, and otherwise about to die. He didn't look like he could go anywhere else on his own at the current moment.
(Likewise I read my post and edited it as well since it was like one in the morning when I made it :b)

Aylaela tried her best to help Sam in whatever manner she could but soon realized the man was so consumed in his own thoughts, that her help would be only a burden.

Vaguely, the girl remembered a small boy, the one that was under the shelf, demanding pills within the building. Jon and Evan seemed to be doing fine with Ryker, and Sam was so involved in himself that she figured she'd be of better use inside.

Hesitantly, Aylaela returned to the pharmacy, placing the hammer back in its place among the other tools. The girl was comforted by the fact that Ryker was passed out, though that probably wasn't a good thing. Looking around, the child wasn't visible and she wondered of he had already left. Perhaps it was for the better, but no. If this kid was bitten by a dead, then he could be a danger to the group, and Aylaela couldn't bear to let anyone get hurt.


Braeden nodded slowly, sheathing his knife and going over to the new man. Lifting with a shoulder, he was easily able to support the frail form who called himself Jeff. "I can help him if you watch for geeks," he told Matthew, wary of being attacked while he was vulnerable.

Hopefully this man was only malnourished like he said, which Braeden believed was possible. In his days with the bandits, one guy had come back bite, and all hell broke loose with his turning. Ever since he had been cautious of anyone who was sickly, especially now that he had Aylaela to watch over. He would let nothing endanger his sister as long as he was around.
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Jeff took deep breaths before talking again. "Shit and I thought I was worse for wear..." he uttered before coughing a few times again. "I'm sorry I'm dead weight for now..." he said as the unfamiliar man picked him up. "Braeden... was it? I have... a gun but I ran out of bullets a good three days ago... If you have spares, you can use it, it's in my backpack." Jeff tried to walk while being supported. "So... who's the kid?" he asked
"God dammit," Evan cursed when he turned away from Ryker to talk to Kenny again. The boy had left without a trace. He was sure of it now. The kid was going to turn just like his sister had. Seclusion, avoiding straight answers, he'd seen his sister do the same before she turned, before he'd killed her. She hadn't wanted him to, but he had no choice but to ignore her pleas for mercy and shoot her.

He had to find Kenny before he turned, before he would tear the group apart. Cracking his knuckles, Evan told Jon that he would be looking for Kenny. He couldn't be far away, he was probably still in the pharmacy. Upstairs, he saw the small shadow of the boy walk into the bathroom and lock it. Careful to remain quiet, Evan pressed his ear against the door. The sounds Kenny was making only raised his suspicion that the boy was beginning to turn. Swallowing down a gulp at the prospect of having to put him down, Evan readied his firearm and put the safety off.

Now he just had to wait until Kenny would leave the bathroom. He wouldn't even see the shot coming, and he'd be long dead before he'd hit the floor. But the longer he waited, the more uncertain he became. Who was he to decide who got to live and who'd die? They were a group now, they decided together. Besides, Jon would never forgive him if he shot Kenny now. As much as he hated it, he put his gun down and back into his holster. Alcohol wafted underneath the door. Apparently he hadn't been kidding when he'd said he'd been drunk. Pitiful creature. Drunk, bit and taxing their medical supplies, Kenny sure as hell was a weak link, one that needed to be detachted from the chain as soon as possible, no matter what.

The time for peaceful talks was over, as soon as Kenny would step outside, Evan would make him intimately acquainted with his fist and beat him into submission.
Cloe sighed as she watched the others rush round Ryker, giving him pain killers and making sure he was supported. Jon had pulled him up against the wall to rest, Aylaela had grab the medicine and Evan had given him a drink of water, leaving Cloe in a somewhat useless position. Walking half way down the stairs, she stopped and leaned against the wall, her arms crossed over her chest, scrunching up her nose as she pursed her lips looking at Ryker.

“You’re faster than I gave you credit” She huffed, blowing a stray strand of hair away from her face. “Though perhaps you will listen to your friends, if you aren’t going to listen to me.” Here Cloe eyed the man with an air of hurt. She had only been trying to help, but Ryker didn’t seem to want it.

Suit yourself. She thought, before clearing the remaining stairs between here and the ground floor. Noddin’ to Evan, of whom Cloe had a growing feeling of respect, she moved off towards the front door and headed out. Everyone had their own part in this group which left her to figure out her own purpose.

Untying her checked shirt from her waist, she tugged it on and headed across the street. Her stomach growled loudly as she moved but tried not to think about it as she reached what looked like an old comic book store. The sign was a bit tattered, windows broken but Cloe knew a nerd shop when she saw one, derelict or not.

Crawling through the window, Cloe checked for walkers before settling into her treasure hunt for reading material. Most of the stuff remained untouched, not exactly being the difference between life and death to the average survivor of the zombie apocalypse.

While the others hunted for safer places to stay and others played nurse, a job her patients had pretty much pushed her away from, Cloe settled for looking entertainment. As she browsed, she began to sing a soft country song into the undisturbed dusty shop of daydreams. The lyrics, If you ask me to, by Mackenzie Porter humming through the air in a gentle melody of old times.
They were reaching the market, and in every street the way was getting darker. John imagined the stories kept within those buildings. The people who cried, the people who died... The people who lived. The only ones that mattered now. John looked behind him, seeing the man with the gas mask and the troubled girl. Despite all that they’ve been through, they had the bravery to follow an unknown man to what would probably be the most dangerous part of the city. That city... The constant feeling that he was being watched from the ruined buildings and closed dusty stores... Something happened there. Something horrible.

John looked at a street sign, hanging just above then. Market Street. “Finally, here we are”, said John. “Just a few more steps to...”, his jaw dropped when he looked forward. Five walkers, impaled by tall wooden stakes, still moving, right on the entrance of the Market Street. In the low part of the middle stake, there was a chain. Imprisoned by the chain, a little seemed to have died of starvation. His eyes were gray, and he couldn’t stand to keep on his feet. John felt a pain deep in his soul. A sign was hanging on the middle stake, tied on the neck of the walker that was hanging there. In the sign it was written “GO AWAY”.

“F*ck me...”, John said.
Nathan looked at the gory sight. "What the hell..." he said "What do we do? D'you think there's people holding out in there?" he asked John
Sam was so absorbed in his thoughts he had pushed 10 cars by himself before he noticed Aylaela had left. He didn't mind. Sam stepped backwards a little and viewed his handiwork. There was a row of five cars, placed lengthwise bumper-to-bumper, and an identical row behind it. He had planned to lift the back row on top of the full row, effectively making a wall but he needed more people to help him. He would request for some later.

Sam walked back to the pharmacy. On the way, Cloe exited the place seemingly with urgency. Sam wanted to call on her but decided otherwise. He went in. His muscles ached, his face was dirty, and his shirt stuck to him with sweat like he had just hopped out of a pool. He needed a bath. Sam took off his shirt with much effort and almost stumbled into a wall in the process. He accidentally knocked over a small poster, hanging on the wall. He bent down, folded it into a square, stuffed it into his pocket, and entered the stairwell. He would throw it away later.

He ascended the stairs until he entered the upstairs room, dim for some reason. The bathroom's light leaked through the bottom. Sam saw Evan near the door, looking suspicious.

"What are you up to?" He asked him.
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After hearing Nathan's question, John got up. He looked around. The wind was blowing the dirt off the street. He approached the walker boy, taking an arrow of the quiver. He looked at the state of the boy decomposing. The skin on his back was coming off easily. He loaded the arrow in bow and aimed at the boy's head. "I'm sorry... Thirty... two". The arrow crossed the boy's head. He retrieved it from his skull, putting the arrow back on the quiver while looking for the void on the boy's head. He turned back to Nathan and Lia.

"I don't think there's anybody here... Not anymore..."
Lia looked at John kill the walker and rolled her eyes a bit "just perfect" she muttered under her breath and ducked her head for a second. She looked around to see if there were anymore walkers but there was non. She looked up at a building and there was a man with a gun in a swat suit "Uhm John..." She said quietly "i wouldnt suggest moving"

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Nathan heard the girl say that they should leave he sheathes his katana and grabs his AUG from his back. -Ok, calm down- he says to himself. He looks at the girl and says "Did you see someone?"
She looks over at Nathan "put that away" she hisses then nods towards the building she saw him on, and he'a still there pointing a gun

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