Teen Titans RP!

X checked his watch and grumbled as he walked through the streets of jump city,making odd shapes with the electricity around."So far ive gotten this,I was taken away from my home to receive money..I don't get it and my mom is left to be kicked out of out home...now all that's left is to figure out who I am and who my mother and or father is.."He said and sighed then vanished,appearing on the roof of a bakery and takes a small nap.
Robin watched the girl. He was slightly confused. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Flash and a stranger together. “Listen, keep watching the stars, and stop destroying.” Robin said in a stern voice. He walked over to where Flash was.

“Who's this?” Robin asked Flash. He eyed the new comer. Looked like a regular guy to him. Except he had weird clothes on.

“Welp, this is Godric, and he wants to know what caused all the recent destruction around the city” Wally replied to Robin with a smile. He looked around. The city was a mess. Under Flash's command the city had been trashed.

“Well, would you like to tell me and Godric what happened?” Robin asked Flash, he didn't look too pleased. “Hey! It wasn't my fault you decided to take an extended break. You never asked about my feelings. I'll let you know I've been losing sleep! I haven't had fun in days!!!” Wally yelled back at Robin.

Robin let out a sigh. “The name's Robin.” He gave Godric a slight nod. “Why are you really here?” He asked Godric.
(He's a badass to. Definitely. And you, Sir, happen to be one of the coolest human beings I've ever encountered, Froggie.)

Paradox averted her attention from the carbon bozo, to the new party. Happy, happy, joy, joy. She did not return Flash's wave. "Trouble seems to just follow you everywhere, huh Zippy? And it seems to run away as well, now that I think about it.” She tilted her head. “Do you let all of your suspects run off?” Especially curious suspects like that. The guy was clearly up to no good, to say in the least. I’ll investigate later. “I didn’t think I would have the pleasure of seeing you again so incredibly soon.” The girl blinked, suddenly and randomly overcome by the same throbbing as earlier. She contained a wince, yet her eyes revealed more strain then she would care to admit.


He left, and she turned back to her supposed opponent. "Farewell." Short, sweet, simple. Paradox furrowed her brows, then proceeded to continue her run along the rooftops. The darkness provided a black coating of shadow along her body, shielding her once more from those without an eye as keen as their skill of detection. Only a small outline could be made out of her elegant leaps from each building. Even had the pain not decided to accompany her mind again, the girl could already predict that tonight was going to be a very, very long night.....

(Sorry I'm so slow right now guys. I'm having difficulties. Damn, you would never know how hard it is for a ninja space-pirate to sneak on the CPU so late. Or is it early? GAH, I CAN'T EVEN TELL ANYMORE)
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What is wrong with these heros.They just casually start to carry on a conversation,like I'm just gonna sit here and fiddle my thumbs.When did I turn into raw damn meat.RAH!!I'll beat there skulls in for this,but before that I will replicate their skulls,and make a crystal skull.HAHAHAHA!Then I will sell the skull for profit!

Marceline raged inside of her mind,making a evil plan,which would bring her riches,"Ahem!"She said launching 6 crystal missiles at the 3 men,now a few feet from her perch.Marceline did not take her gaze off of the sky,"Just because your friend shows up,does not mean you can just ignore me."She chirped with an evil glare launched toward them.
Godric nodded. "It's a pleasure to finally meet you Robin. And as to why I'm here... Well..." He rubbed the back of his head nervously. This was his chance to be useful, to help people. "I was wondering if I could join the Teen Titans...." He asked. He also still needed to find out what his dreams were telling him. He blinked when he saw the crystals. "Kamehameha!" He yelled as he cupped his hands and fired a blue beam from his hands destroying the six crystals. "I don't take kindly to those that would hurt innocents...." He said.
Flash watched in awe as the new guy shot a laser beam from his hand. “Oh.My.GAAAWWWDD” The Flash beamed with excitement. “What in the world was that!!!!!?!?” He asked excitedly as he got ready for battle against this crystal throwing girl.

Robin took a step back from the crystal girl. He was still thinking about what he just saw. Energy manipulation, he's pretty good at it too. Robin thought as he reached for something in his back pocket. He grabbed ice grenades, and tossed them at his adversary.
X grumbled,the sudden increase in activity around Jump City was bothering him greatly and he wasn't in the mood.He stood and growled."Dammit first the bank then explosions then all this energy what the crap?!"He complained and hovered then finding the point where there was a host of great energy flew toward it.
(I'm getting tired,so its time for the psycho bunny girl to disappear)

Marceline chuckled at the thought of taking them all on,but then her watch began to chime,"Up!Its feeding time!Oh,dear..."Her sadist personality dripped off of her face in 2 seconds flat.She ignored her destroyed crystal missiles and started to walk off,"Oh wait,I'm sorry!But I must go feed the animals,BYE!"She said turning to leave,a runic circle forming behind her,"Portal!"She giggled as a runic circle formed behind them,and the ice grenades appeared behind them,go at the speed they were going before.Marceline turned toward them once more,standing on another crystal,"I do leave you with one little gift."Her sadistic smile creeping up on her face once more.The crystals portruding from the building,the ground,and all along the street began to glow then explode.Once the light had diminished and the debris cleared,Marceline was gone.
"She got away...." Godric said. He looked towards Flash. "It's called a Kamehameha Wave." He said. He looked towards Robin. "Should we try and see if there was anyone caught in the explosion?" He asked.
After a tad bit of milling around in his hideout, Rael decided he had been laying low for long enough.

"Hopefully I won't run into that other speedster again..."

Rael's body spun and he tornadoe'd out of his hideout and back through the passageways out into the street. "Let's see...I'll bet there are more adequate eavesdropping subjects around by now..."

Just then, there was a massive discharge of energy in the distance, followed by a couple of explosions. Rael chuckled.

"They make it too easy," he said to himself, speeding off in the direction of the blasts.
"That's soooooooo cool!!!" The Flash said admiring the strange energy-beam shooting man. "No it's fine, she only hit a building where there were no people..." Robin let his voice linger off. He pulled out a communicator from his utility belt. "Here Godric, we will stay in touch." Robin handed him the communicator. "I must be off, Flash, I'll see you at the tower." Robin ran off into a near alleyway, towards the Titan Tower.

"Nice meetin yeeah!" The Flash gave Godric a wink and headed back to the tower. Wally's stomach growled from hunger. Aw shoot I left Kasee back at Wendy's! Wally quickly got back to the tower, put back on his clothes and headed back to Wendy's. When he could see the restaurant off into the distance, he slowed down and began to walk. He could see Kasee waiting outside of his car, she didn't look happy. Wally slowly apporaced the girl, who was slurping loudly on a soda. "Listen Kasee I'm reall-" Madaline poured her soda on Flash's head. "My name is Madaline, you asshole..." She picked up her purse and walked off in the opposite direction. Wally face-palmed himself and into his car. He could see his food in the passenger seat. He gave out a sigh. He needed to get life back together. He opened up a burger and began chowing down.


Robin got back to the Titans Tower and immediately opened up the super computer to find information about the recent events. He quickly scanned over the information, easily obtaining a plethora of information. Hmm, no one seems too evil, but what's going on? Robin thought to himself. Why were so many super-powered people suddenly in Jump City? He sat back down on his chair and got lost in his own thoughts.
Once Rael reached the spot, he found his targets: three males on the ground, talking to each other. One of them was the speedster he had encountered before.

"Just my luck..." he muttered to himself, smirking a bit as he pulled out his notepad. From his spot on a nearby roof, Rael was only visible for brief moments as he lifted his head to get a look at his future victims.
The sounds of sirens echoed the streets as the male named mortem stood up out of sun roof. ''hehe'' He shot at the police hitting a perfect bullseye in the chest piercing both there hearts, eventually the police car swirves and explodes in the back ground.
Just as soon as he had gotten there, the the speedster and the Robin character were gone.

"Huh. Well, I suppose this makes my job easier for now. It's much easier to collect information through engaging them in battle anyways. Let's see what this fellow has up those baggy sleeves of his..."

Rael leaped out from his hiding spot on the roof, channeling rotational energy through his arms and practically turning them into drills. He surged silently through the air towards the baggy-clothed person on the ground, whose back was turned to him. He won't know what hit him.
(Whoa gone for one day and i miss a lot)

Ardour looked at the damage around her done by this strange crystal girl. She couldnt believe her eyes, everything was destroyed from cars to lamp posts to buildings and people!

"What is her problem?" She lifted an eyebrow at the chaos
Mortem drank another long sip of his tea. ''watch where your going...if I spill my tea ill kill you both'' The two henchmen cackle with mortem as they evade oncoming traffic. ''hmm...''

A helicopter appears above as the car stops. ''THIS IS THE POLICE, COME OUT WITH NO WEAPONS AND PUT YOUR HANDS IN THE AIR!!'' Mortem slowly walked out with arms up. ''oh no....problem officer'' He gave a sharp smile that would make the devil proud.
(Well I really can't do much about that, I can't save them or anything...)

Sirens began going off in the Titan's Tower. Robin opened up the computer screen. Apparently there were delayed crystal explosions from the girl he just met, there were many causalities. Another was a gunning of two policemen, who were in pursuit of a hostile. Robin grabbed his communicator and called Flash. "Wally, head to the pursuit, I'm gonna check something out."

Robin hopped onto the motorcycle and headed to where the destroyed buildings were. He slowly his ride down, and saw people being carried off in stretchers, and firemen putting out fires. Robin hid in the shadows as he waited and observed.


Wally put down his communicator. Hmm, I'll get there after all this food. Wally thought to himself in a cocky manner, as he downed his seventh burger.
As Rael shot through the air towards his soon-to-be sparring partner, he heard police sirens in the distance. He stopped himself before hitting the perosn on the ground by grabbing a nearby building wall and riding up it to the roof.

"Sounds like another troublemaker like me needs some help. Guess my "data collecting" will have to wait a bit. Shame."

Rael shot across the rooftops, his body making a whirring sound as it spun and sped across rooftop after rooftop, making his way towards the sound of the police sirens and helicopter blades.
The police kept there copter light on me as the henchmen ran for iy. "idiots" from the trunk he pulls out an already loaded rocket laucher firing the shot, as he annihilates the copter. "ahh soo much fun keh keh"
Rael turned the corner and arrived at the scene just as the man fired the rocket launcher. As the cops began firing at the other villain, Rael spun in a circle around him, acting as a protective barrier of sorts and deflecting all of the bullets. After a few moments, the police stopped firing.

Rael screeched to a halt next to the guy.

"Need a hand?"

Give me a moment to get caught up, and I'll be back causing trouble)
Morgan gave a strange cold look. ''huh...who the hell are...whatever...fine...you help me..ill split the cash'' He pulls out two classic pistols normally used by police. ''hehe...ironic'' Withprecision and aiming he fired at the police three times, taking out 5 with each hit. ''keh...caused a commotion haven't it''

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