Teen Titans RP!

"Actually, that's where you're wrong. And you couldn't be more wrong. You have no place to make such judgements, being that you've known OF me for no longer then around 15 minutes." She raised an eyebrow. "Now make up your mind. Am I withholding serious business, or a joke?"

She knew this type. The type of person who thought the entire world was there play-pen, and that each and every other being was a toy......just waiting to be scrutinized and accused. He really could not possible be any more incorrect, as she had previously stated. This man was an amateur who needed to be put in his place. And though she would love to be that person to put him in his place, she did not enjoy associating with such arrogant fools.
Rael was having the most fun he'd had in a LONG time.

"The police gotta step up their game, haha" he chuckled to himself, the lower half of his body whirring like a tornado as he sped down the road, police cars in hot pursuit at they wailed their sirens.

He tried the 'ol fake-em-out trick by suddenly turning left, then riding up a wall of a nearby building and turning back the way he had came, so that the police cars had to stop and turn all the way 180 degrees back towards the way they had came to follow him.

"At this rate, they're gonna need a SWAT team to even get close to catching me. Oh well, might as well take these guys out so they stop bothering me."

Rael turned around to face the chasing police cars while still moving in his original direction, thrusting his hands out to create two whirlwinds of spinning air currents that grew as they traveled towards the squadron of cars, upturning some of them, rolling some of them, and launching a few of them into the air.

"That should do it. Now for the classic escape! WOOSH!" Rael said to himself, smirking and shouting the last part as he shot away down an alleyway out of sight.
"Well, obviously you had made a great first impression, and since then everything that came out of that childish mouth of yours has been a joke. So my conclussion of you is a JOKE. And secondly, i said the THING you held was of serious business. I am not sure how you got that, but i will tell you right now there is nowhere you can go that i wont be able to track your biosignature. I only wanted to ask what the hell was going on. That is why i tracked you down. but since you got so snippy about it, i take it your not one of the good guys." Lance spoke out as his stance turned from nuetral to a slightly more agressive nature.

Spinning his feet slightly, he faced the girl head on and lokked upon her completely.
Marcelines framed stopped dead in her tracks,"Sorry,I'm not some dumb bitch who falls for your wink and smooth talking,which in facts has been used on some other dumb chick minutes before.In other words your flirty personality won't work on me,because I'm smart and your an idiot."Marceline did warn him,but he did not take notice of the terrain,which was mostly crystals of different sizes protruding out of the ground.The young villain lift her hand in front of her only for a runic circle to appear,then disperse.It then began to rain a bit,making the crystals and ground a bit slippery.
Rael sat in the alleyway, his back propped up against the brick wall of a building, his arms crossed luxuriously behind his head.

"Well, it hasn't been easy, but now that I've got my abilities under control, surviving on the streets like this is gonna be a heck of a lot easier. Hmm...I think I'm in the mood to do some spying."

Rael stood up and began to spin his entire body, using the speed of the rotations to ride up the wall of the building he was leaning on. Once he was on the roof, he leaped across to another rooftop and continued this, traveling around the city on the rooftops in search of worthy events to eavesdrop upon.

After a while of this, he stopped on the rooftop he was on at the moment and hid behind a chimney. On the next rooftop over, some sort of stand-off was taking place between two people about his age, one girl and one guy. Rael leaned his ear over to try and listen to what they were saying.
Now she was mad. Anger never brings relief, remember that. Her face was cold, emotionless, hardened. Paradox looked at him without even flinching. "It never ceases to amaze me how a person can use so many fancy words, yet their meaning is still worth less then nothing. For a guy with such a big attitude, you sure have no idea about anything going on." My biosignature? Wow....that's just.....wow....."And if anybody here is a joke, that would be you. See, there is no possible way you can track my biosignature. Would you like to know why? Maybe it's my turn to use some fancy words." Paradox cleared her throat.

"My suit is made out of a combination type of titanium, which is exceedingly strong, and Graphene, one of the strongest materials ever tested. It conducts electricity as well. It uses Titanium 6/4 - aircraft grade titanium that consists of 90% titanium, 6% aluminum and 4% vanadium. It is much harder than basic grade (CP) titanium, not to mention certain other metals. This grade titanium will also resist wearing to a much greater extent, as well as Titanium 6/6/2 - extra-hard titanium that consists of 86% titanium, 6% aluminum, 6% vanadium and 2% tin. This is the strongest titanium alloy on the market. It is 130% stronger than Ti-6/4, making it the best choice for tension set panels or armor. Extra-hard titanium offers the highest resistance to denting and bending. Varying on which piece of the suit you are looking to, you will find one of the levels of said Titanium. Now the Graphene is one of the several forms of carbon known as its “allotropes”. Allotropes are different structural forms of the same element, in which the same atoms go together in different ways. For example, because molecules of oxygen can bind together as two atoms – O2, which makes up a fifth of Earth’s atmosphere – or as three atoms, ozone, which protects the wearer from ultraviolet radiation.

In the case of carbon, aside from the everyday soot and charcoal, the most commonly known forms are diamond, graphite, and the fullerenes. The atoms of graphite are sheets of hexagonal lattice, while fullerenes are similar lattices arranged into shapes such as balls (Buckminsterfullerine) or cylinders (carbon nanotubes). The different forms have different properties: diamond is electrically insulating and hard; graphite is an electrical conductor and is soft. With these properties used together amongst the layers and parts of the suit, it causes an abslute perfect conductor for her natural abilities.

Graphene’s atoms are arranged in a hexagonal lattice. What differs it is that rather than being made of stacked layers, graphene is one single layer just one atom thick.

It puts to usage basic neuroscience, which I happen to have a large quantity of knowledge relating to.

So, you know what, big fella? My biosignature is unable to be traced by any of your little toys while I where this. And seeing as you have not collected a DNA sample from me, and never will, even if I were to take it off.....you'd be screwed. My heat signature is also masked by this wonderful exo-skeleton of protection. And because my genetic code is unique to any other life-form you will ever encounter....." She smiled. "Even if you were able to trace anything, it wouldn't function correctly, considering that my own energy source is too powerful and too hidden for your doo-dads to pick up."

The girl snapped her fingers. "And of course I'm not one of the good guys, dip-wad. But I certainly am not the worst you'll meet, and considering by taking this "buisness-like" cylinder which has managed to catch your short attention span, I've just saved your life. Now, unless you actually stop being such a brick headed dumbass, it will proceed to kill all these lovely civilians. So unless the next words out of your mouth are "Good-bye", they will be, "Oh God my arms, why did she have to break my arms?".
More buildings started to crumble out into the distance. The Flash let out a huge sigh “Can't a guy catch a break, ROBIN isn't even here. That jerk the next time I see him I'm gonna-” The Flash couldn't finish his sentence, he saw a familiar figure behind the enemy in front of him.

“What was that, Wally? What were you gonna do?”

Robin stepped out of the alleyway behind the small girl.

“Go to where the buildings are crumbling, I got this girl.” Robin added.

“Why I outta. O.K you better tell me where you went off to!” The Flash gave Robin a cheerful smile. “See yeah later little lady.” With a flash, Wally was gone and he headed towards the falling buildings.

“Now, what were you saying about being able to beat Kid Flash? Well that's great too bad I'm not him.” Robin did a quick somersault and landed in front of his opponent.

The Flash got to the crime scene, only to see another speedster escape from the scene. “No you don't!” The Flash quickly caught up to the adversary and threw him to a near by wall. “Slow down guy, you don't want to hurt yourself!

(decided to bring in Robin, if that's ok)
((uh is the kid flash interrogating my character? O.o )) 
((just curious I mean you coulda given me a heads up or something :P ))
((btw he's on a roof at the moment, so if the kid flash shoved him into something, it would have had to be the chimney Rael was hiding behind))
Paradox did not remove her glare from the overly-aggressive idiot, but her hearing perked at the scuffle. Kid Flash? Again?! And a new guy? Ah, this day just gets better and better....She gave a small, high-pitched whistling sound, a simple notification of the pairs arrival.
((Okay, I'm going to assume the above circumstances then...*ahem* here we go back into RP mode))

Rael grunted as he was shoved against the brick chimney, which had until then provided him with a hiding spot, but now served as a tough surface upon which to get the tar beaten out of him. He cursed himself for letting himself get into this kind of situation; usually Rael was a whiz with strategy.

"Keep it down!" hissed Rael, trying to keep his voice down. He obviously didn't recognize Kid Flash as a hero, or even recognize him at all.

"I'm trying to eavesdrop on those two people over there..." Rael jabbed a thumb behind him, in the direction of the girl and guy arguing. "...and if you get their attention, then they might leave and I won't get the information I need."

Rael pulled gestured to the notepad he was writing on. It was apparently used to document strengths and weaknesses of his foes, because on it it had various scribblings such as "can't track DNA or heat sigs." and "armor REALLY strong". Until that moment, he had been listening in with great detail to the girl's explanation of her power suit and taking notes on it. 
Rael face-palmed.

"Fantastic. Now you've alerted them of our presence."

He spun his body like a top to free himself from Kid Flash's grip, then "tornado'd" away in an attempt to escape.
((Yeah, essentially the only main message Rael got from her speech was "Huge badass, do not engage under any circumstances or risk suffering injuries such as copious amounts of broken bones, 3rd degree burns, and/or several large bruises in the groin area. Virtually invincibru"))
Wally heard a whistle from behind the chimney. He looked behind it and saw the robotic-looking girl again. He waved with a smile on his face, but then remembered he had his regular clothes on. Dang, I am not Flash, I'm Wally! The Flash thought to himself. “Listen, uh, guy. I don't mean to be a bummer, but you kind of destroyed a couple buildings back there.” Wally looked at himself, he STILL had his regular clothes on. He gave himself a quick face palm. “I'm gonna be right back...” Wally told the new guy as he quickly ran back to the hideout. Wally got into his costume, but right when he did he remembered he was on a date. Oh god, well I guess there's another girl I won't be calling back. Wally thought to himself as he ran back to his spot next to the new person he found. “As I was saying, are you gonna stop with all the destruction?” The Flash asked the some-what normal looking guy.
TICK......TICK.......TICK.....TICK..........BOOM!!!The explosion was strong in magnitude and shook and ground around the east side bank of Jump City as a white van with blacked out windows pulled up. Two men jumped out,one watching the vault door with his rifle while his partner loaded several bags with money."Come on come on I hear a few sirens."The man who watched the door said and grabbed a few bags and tossed them into the back of the van."Drive drive!"The men commanded and the van lurched forward then took off.

The van drove quickly,navigating through the streets with precision while the men laughed and let the money fall through their hands.In the middle of the street a lone figure stood,his hair was a mass of black and he wore a full black suit.He held a sword in his right hand and it danced with tiny blue sparks,as was the same with his eyes.The men in the van looked at the guy and the driver was ordered to truck straight over the man.The driver complied and drove straight toward the lone figure,the intent obvious.

X lifted his arm as the van drew ever more closer and he muttered something before jumping,folding himself so that he spun and the van just missed him but the contact of blade was heard with metal and sparks danced.He dropped to the ground and turning he watched as the car split straight in half and drove out of control,smacking straight into the wall.X sheathed his sword and walked slowly to the two gunman and one reached for his gun,he had gotten purchase and had just began to point it toward him when X with lightning speed kicked it and hit the man in the throat.He turned to the second man and touching a point on his neck left him immobilized.

X looked over to the driver and opening his hand fully let his hand be fringed in blue electricity and he touched the metal,electrocuting the man and leaving him foaming at the mouth and knocked out.He phoned the police,not telling them anything and walked away but a slight mutter was heard before so just before he vanished,"I don't back up good or bad....I just hate thieves.."He said in a smooth and solid voice as his form completely disappeared.The mystery of how the men were caught never was served but some claim to have seen a young man slice their van,then knock them out and then vanishing.The claims were followed but after a time people forgot but the boy who had taken care of the men as if he was a pro lived with the men and women as a phantom,and nothing more.
((uh dewd? Rael is speeding away. Didn't read my post?)) 
((D:< Rael's a badass too! *rael sniffles* It's okay buddy, I know how much of a BAMF you are))
Godric was standing on a rooftop when the explosions went off. He jumped down from the building and floated down. He then went into a dash and headed to the scene of the explosions only to see the boy wonder himself talking with what he guessed was the one responsible. "So that's Robin huh?" He said to himself.

(Didn't know what to do for the intro post.)
Rael made it all the way back to his hideout, making sure to take the convuluted path that no one, not even that other speedster, could ever follow him through. He even managed to save his notes.

He walked over to his giant corkboard, pinning his notes about the girl and her armor next to a picture of her, which was already pinned up, and, in fact, had been for the better part of the week. 
((how bout Wally says that, but just after saying it he realizes Rael is already gone))
Wally made it back to the top of the building, but the guy was gone. I probably should have assumed he would leave.... Wally thought to himself as he stood there watching the robot girl and dark-skinned guy converse. Wally realized he left Robin back with the girl, he turned around and ran back towards that direction. The Flash saw a figure standing on top of a building near Robin. He saw the figure leap to the ground, Wally jumped near the character. "The name's Flash, who are you?" Flash asked Gordic.
"I didn't say I could beat,it was just obvious.He was imbecile who rushed into to combat without a second thought,you on the other had has been trained by the world renown BATMAN!Your something I could actually fight,but not get serious with."She giggled with a quick acrobatic feat of her on,and landed on a crystal peak.Marceline looked up at the sky,"What a beautiful night..."She mumbled with a smirk,while her left hare ear fell over her eye.
Godric blinked. He turned toward the Flash. "My name's Godric... Son Godric. "Can you tell me what happened with all the explosions?" He asked. He wanted to know more in order to help.

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