Teen Titans RP character sign-up!

Name: Cassandra Roth

Code-name: Dove

Age: 12

Gender: Female



Affiliation (evil, neutral, good): Good

Power/s:Stardust Manipulation - Dove is able control the dust of stars that have exploded.The dust is still powerful and dangerous,which is why her father is seeking her.

Light Manipulation - Dove is able to call forth light,the opposite of her sister,and do practically anything her sister can do.When the sisters combine their powers,they make Twilight,which is much stronger than their abilities alone.

Bond Empowerment - Dove is stronger when her bond with sister gets stronger.The more love they feel for each other the stronger they are,but the more hatred boils between them,then they will slowly start to turn more demonic.(This Effects Raven and Dove)

Empathy - She and Raven share a lot of powers,and empathy being one of them.She is able to feel other people emotional pain and if they are telling the truth or not.Dove can even take away physical pain so they heal quicker

Basic History (let’s leave some room for character development):Cassandra's mother,Angela Roth,was protector of the portal between Hell and Azarath's Realm.While guarding the portal,Angela was knocked unconscious and raped by a demon who's power is equal to that of Trigon,surprisingly.She had no clue until she went back to earth and created a Ranch for miss guided women.She gave birth to Cassandra and could feel the demonic energy within her daughter.Angel left her daughter with a pacifist from Azarath,who had also come back to Earth.The pacifist was told to raise Cassandra,and if possible,keep Trigon and her father,Rither away from her.In the worst case scenario he would explain to Cassandra of her heritage and of sister,and that she must search for her.Cassandra has finally made it to Jump City,and after hearing about the Titans and about Raven,from all over the world,she wants to join them.

Basic Personality:Cassandra is a lighter/hardcore version of Raven,meaning she is nicer and kinder.Her temper is something that is not easily reached.When it is reached,she is much scarier than Raven.

Appearance (pictures are encouraged though not required. Please give a descriptive mental image if you do not have a photo available):


Classification (alien, human, ect):Half-Demon

Weapons (if any): Umbrella,(What else would she cary,a freakin butcher knife!?She is 12 -_- )Butcher Knife (Well,it only comes out when angry)

Skills (optional):Dancing,Singing,Umbrella usage,Magic.
YoungChaos and Mitaku, approved!

I'm going to post the actual thread ether a bit later tonight or early tomorrow morning. Load up your guns, guys and gals, because we're going to war!!!
Oh sorry,he isn't taken and neither is Robin.And we accept Original characters

And yes still accepting!
Gray, yes you can be Kid Flash (SDKLFNSKDFN YAY SOMEBODY WANTS TO BE HIM!)

I just need to see a paragraph or so example RP from you, as him.

It can be anything, just an example of your manner of portraying him.

And it's the same thing if you decide to be Robin. If you want, and you can do good by both of their characters, you can be Robby-Poo and Flashy as long as you would have the time and effort to commit to having two such important characters.

And of course HoneyBear, consider yourself joined. Let's just see a character profile (or if there is a Cannon character you're eying, let me know and send in an example like Gray here is going to do). 
Also, I am going to accept only a couple more people, then we will start and close applications.
I am thinking of joining. I'll be reusing a character by the name of Armory. Hm...let me pull out her original sheet, hold on.

Here. Valencia Harper. Think she'll fit in?

LINK here.

Of course, I'll edit the history and background a bit, along with her age as well as minor details to allow her to fit in. Just take a look first, alright, bro? 
Name: Valencia Harper

Code-name: Armory

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Height: 6"

Weight: 111 lbs

Affiliation (evil, neutral, good): Evil

Power/s: None.

Basic History

Oh, where do we start?

When your loving and doting father was heading illegal arms production and distribution, you know some shit is going to go down one day. Valencia Harper, lone daughter to the single father Erik Harper, grew up having her father give her all that she needed, from education to love to entertainment, even as he worked and toiled his way as a criminal wanted by nearly the whole world for being part of the syndicate that produced the weapons that brought war and strife to the world. If Erik had not joined it with his extensive knowledge of weapon construction, none of the wars would have started and no one would have died. This drove lawmen into a frothing frenzy, trying all they can to uproot Erik Harper and taking him out once and for all.

Valencia was 16 when she learned of this, and by then, her share of being tormented by her peers for her natural aloofness to the world had already given birth to a violent, but calculative, combatant. It was only time before her tendencies went towards the law who tried to take her father. Taking up arms with her father's bodyguards, despite his complaints, she went off and caused quite a stir. Her father, unhappy about all this crap about her going out to actively let his bodyguards be paid for doing nothing, brought her back to his production hide-out and taught her how to construct her own weaponry, namely explosives, something that she took until today.

As Agatha Christie once wrote, "death comes at the end". And so it did, and Erik Harper met his untimely demise during one of his rounds. Valencia, only 17 then, followed Erik to one of his usual rounds. His clients betrayed Erik Harper during a normal transaction. However, it seemed that Erik knew this would happen. As soon as Valencia attempted to draw her gun and step out into the crossfire, the driver slammed his foot on the accelerator and sped off from the scene, leaving her father to bleed to his death on the cement. Swearing hellfire on these people, she took the helm of the largest and most notorious weapon distributors on Earth and ramped up the productions, spreading the influence further, and invited all the syndicate's loyal customers, mostly mafioso or radical terrorist groups to a meeting, where she offered a free supply for anyone who could catch her father's killers. Alive or dead was of no matter, as long as she had them. The effect was instantaneous. The groups immediately deployed their own people, scouring the world for the criminals. When found, Valencia's first action was to shoot one in the head, before demanding to know the reasons for her father's murder.

The rest is history and also charred remains of bodies and crumbling skyscrapers. Her anger not sated yet, she turned her ferocity towards heroes and the like. Starting with those pesky kids in that tower of theirs. What were they called? Teen Titans. What kind of hero left a man to die? Where were they when all this happened? Heroes? More like zeroes. Useless little children playing in the sand. Their opponents weren't anything to speak of either. Losing to a bunch of kids. Useless the whole lot of them.

Basic Personality:

A highly detached person from society. She has no wish to interact with the world, and holds most of them at the reach of her spray of hydrochloric acid or her reliable handgun. She is extremely cold and calculative, aloof to all but any of those she sees as an ally, which are few in between. She tends to be very stoic in every situation and never loses her cool, even if she is faced with the possibility of death.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/untitled.png.429d9445779bd6b4bc631135f873e089.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="1129" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/untitled.png.429d9445779bd6b4bc631135f873e089.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
Classification: Human

Weapons (if any): Oh my.

-Anti-personnel fragmentation grenades

-Concussion grenades

-Incendiary grenades

-Smoke grenades

-Sting grenades

-EMP grenades

-A special brand of her own canister grenades filled with various chemical agents primely used in warfare. Works and looks almost like a smoke grenade, with four emission holes on top. Most of the gas they release are considered deadly and lethal on long exposures.

-Packs of various satchel charges, some loaded with gas canisters, some with fragmentation charges, and some with emp charges.

-A spray canister loaded with hydrochloric acid.

-A duffel bag to contain everything.

Skills : Hurp.

Above average speed and increased reflexes from first-hand experiences fighting people with powers.

-Trajectory expert. Seems to be able to lob her grenades and satchel charges with nigh perfect accuracy at her target.

-Demolitions expert. Makes her own remote detonation explosives and her own makeshift grenades with a knowledge of bombs.

-Street brawler. She depends on a pragmatic fighting style to get her out of a melee as soon as possible to go back to tossing explosives.

-Sharpshooter. Has an unerring aim with her handgun. Is equally good with any fire-arm that has a trigger.



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