Teen Titans RP character sign-up!

Alright, we all are now fully aware that we have strange fantasies about many of the attractive characters in this show.

BUT we might want to take a break, give a chance for others to join. Alrighty?
O.o Can Raven not be dragged by her hair? She thinks it would be rather painful since her hair is very close to her skull xD
Marceline wants to turn Cyborg into a bowl,and put Raven's organs in.Just to throw it into a volcano!
I kind of want to make Marcy a angel hybrid,just to make the conflict between her and Raven much much much much.....way worse.
Name: Jason Reca

Code-name: Jett Sett

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Height: 6'0

Wight:180 (without armor) 250 ( with armor on)

Affiliation (evil, neutral, good): Evil

Power/s: Super genius ( The armor does all the work.)

Basic History (let’s leave some room for character development): Jason was adopted by a rich man who found him quite interesting due to his high IQ for his young age. He was made to do everything according to his so called father wishes. He decided he could do far more better use of his time so he made a suite that allow him to have super natural abilities as well as a special pulse energy which he can change into different form when needed.

Basic Personality: Calm and Straight-forward. Can sometimes go lone wolf like on people.

Appearance (pictures are encouraged though not required. Please give a descriptive mental image if you do not have a photo available):

Classification (alien, human, ect): Human

Weapons (if any): Armor Suite and Pulse power

Skills (optional): Super-Genius

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