Teen Titans RP character sign-up!

Name: Annette Pearson


Age: 16

Gender: Female

Height: 4"11'

Weight: 102 lbs

Affiliation: neutral (more on the good side)

Power/s: pyro kinetic, and advance agility, some close combat skills

Basic History:

She doesnt speak of her past very much. As a child, she was kept hidden from the world for a long time. Her parents were in fear of her hurting herself or others, and they were most certainly afraid of her. They would treat her like a monster, shunning her and giving no ounce of love as she got older. All she has are the memories of her once loving parents.

She became a young girl, at around the age of 10, she woke up one morning to find everything in her home gone including her parents. All that was left was a note on the kitchen counter and a necklace always worn by her mother. She read the note with the locket in her hand and learned that her parents had abandoned her. Her first heartbrake did not come from her first love but from the very people that created her.once the sadness had passed, anger came in and took over. Being lost with no home or family, she joined a carnival where she became an acrobat.

As she became a teen, she discovered that being part of a carnival was not her calling. She left her new family and found her way into become one of the Titans.

Basic Personality: she can be snooty. She has a bad temper and very hot headed, which is bad for a pyro kinetic...Shes an emotional wreck and isnt even sure about who she is or what she really wants. Shes lost and often secludes herself. Shes tiny but has enough power and anger for four people. Shes straight forward and sometimes it doesnt come out right, but she means well.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/image.jpg.6ceb150bbcd7ea2b85a8d45550fc414e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="1150" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/image.jpg.6ceb150bbcd7ea2b85a8d45550fc414e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Classification: human/mutant

Weapons: herself

Skills: she doesnt really have special skills except close combat fighting and manipulating/producing fire



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Name: Lance


Age: 26

Gender: Male

Height: 5‘10“

Weight: 190

Affiliation (evil, neutral, good): Neutral but persuadable ;)

Power/s: Matter absorption and adaption. Ability to transform his entire being into anything that he is touching. (IE: Carbon fiber, kevlar, steel, spider silk.) This ability can help or even hinder his mobility. His ability only transforms his skin, not anything that he is wearing.

Basic History (let’s leave some room for character development): It has been 16 years since Hank’s abilities had awakened. It has been a good thing that he has been off the radar of every major government. It has been good to him growing up in the not so friendly habitats of the amazon. From the young age, Lance had been raised by his family in the Amazon. There they was raised to hunt, gather and all around survival. His emotions were carved from a young age into a being of almost no emotions. He was kept to care for his family, himself, and no one else, not even the tribe. Each of the tribe member males, upon the graduation of them turning 10, they were sent into the wild to fend for themselves. Out of the ten children sent into the wilderness, only 3 made it out alive. Out of those three, Lance was not one of them. This story would start when he was sent into the forest. It was heading into the second week that Lance was soon abducted, without a trace.

Basic Personality: Lance is a very friendly guy, making friends everywhere he goes, trying not to ruffle any feathers, and attempting to stay off the radar of any governing body. Lance looks out for all the people that he considers friends. his attitude towards people that want to harm or even experiment on him, is anger, sheer anger. When his anger kicks in, his powers go into overdrive, and his blood lust awakens. Once the blood lust awakens, he tends to become what seems like an entirely different person. Lance has only awakened the blood lust three separate times. Upon each time, he had killed everyone in his path and only left destruction in his wake.

Appearance (pictures are encouraged though not required. Please give a descriptive mental image if you do not have a photo available): http://i1229.photobucket.com/albums/ee480/MattImageMan/Lance_reddick_shirtless.jpg

Classification (alien, human, ect): Human

Weapons (if any): Himself

Skills (optional): In transformed or altered state, allows Lance to change his body into any form that he wants.
Approved and approved (Backlash, could you just fill out a bit about the personality first, please? Then you're all good, bro).

The actual RP will be up in a few moments. :D
Two figures stood amidst the wasteland that was Jump city. Something big had happened, and it wiped out every living thing in the city. A small nuclear bomb had detonated, with all fingers pointing at the Teen Titans as the cause. The Teen Titans had no idea how the bomb got there or who set off the bomb. They knew nothing of the reasons for detonating the bomb.

“This conversation, us being here. It never happened Flash, you have to understand that.” One of the figures spoke. He took off his hood and looked at his companion. It was Robin, battle-scarred and visibly tired. Flash looked back at his leader.

“I know.”

“The U.S army is going to be here soon. They'll be looking for us. All of us. If you get caught you'll be considered a rogue. If you fail-” Robin stopped and looked at his friend with worried eyes. “Cyborg told me once you remove the other bomb from where it's placed, you'll only have ten seconds till it detonates. If you can't reach the ocean and back by the time it goes, We will be accounted responsible for the lives the first one took and the ones the second one takes.”

Flash looked out into the one building that was standing tall. Some how it stood standing, and the second bomb was in that building. Scanners indicated this one was huge, the survivors would be blasted away before they got a chance to escape.

“Don't worry, I'm the fastest. I will get the bomb out of harms way.” The Flash replied confidently giving a wink to his leader.

“Cyborg also told me....that you won't have enough time to reach the sea and back. He calculated almost a certain death for you. That's why I'll ask you one more time. Come with us into hiding. We can figure out who attacked Jump city before the army gets here. We......will have to take the deaths of more people, but there's no choice.” Robin spoke with disgust in his mouth. He himself could do nothing for the survivors.

“I'll be back, see you at the hideout.” Flash barely finished his sentence as he dashed towards the building. Robin only had a split second to watch his friend go. He quickly turned around and sprinted off into a near alleyway, disappearing into the shadows.

Thoughts raced through the young speedster's mind as he approached the building. His family, friends, the Titans. Jinx. He had nothing to worry about, he knew he could do this mission. But fear lingered in his heart....

Flash reached the core room. He saw the small, yet devastating bomb sitting in a glass case. Time was ticking down, the bomb stated there were only twenty minutes till it would detonate. Flash knew he had only ten seconds to grab and go. The nearest large mass of water was not that far, the problem was the Flash would have to get deep into the ocean, and doing that would be much more difficult. Without a second thought he grabbed the bomb and began running towards the sea. 10....9....8....7....

Flash reached the coast, he felt the water beneath him.


He was far out enough. He chucked the bomb and ran back towards land.


You can have any position you want.

That was beautiful.

Consider it all yours.

You...you.....have blown me away, man. Now I need a moment.
okay, sorry both asperges and getting ahead of my self

okay, the teen titans stop a bank robbery that me and my henchmen have caused (reasons why im robbing a bank will be explained later), after they actually lock me up in jail, but I bust out and realise im useless until I run into paradox :) and I dunno he mutates me :P
Ah, okay. That's a pretty good idea, but how would Paradox mutate you?

And maybe we can use this later on instead?
I got it! Her code-name is: Ardour (old french term and latin root for 'to burn')

(I forgot to add it to the chara sheet :P )
Name: Son Godric

Code-name: Saiyan(Doesn't use it until he finds out he's an alien though)

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Height: 5'7

Wight: 128 lbs.

Affiliation (evil, neutral, good): Good

Power/s: Alien Strength and Flight,Ki manipulation

Basic History (let’s leave some room for character development): Godric is a young man who always wondered what his place in the world was. He wondered why he had such amazing power. And why lately he's been having strange dreams of someone that looks similar to him fighting against people from other worlds. Little does he know he is the Reincarnation of a great Warrior from another Universe. He believes he can find his place in the world among the Teen Titans.

Basic Personality: Kind hearted and brave. He'll stand up for and fight alongside his friends no matter what.

Appearance (pictures are encouraged though not required. Please give a descriptive mental image if you do not have a photo available):


Classification (alien, human, ect): Alien(Though he doesn't know and believes that he's human)

Weapons (if any): Yamato(Doesn't get it for quite a bit)

Skills (optional): Kaio-ken: A skill that just came to him one day. When used his body is covered in a red aura and it increases his strength and speed. It puts a strain on his body though.

Kamehameha: He cups his hands together and fires a blue beam of ki at his opponent.
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Name:What name?






Affiliation (evil, neutral, good):Neutral

Power/s:X is able to manipulate anything with electricity in it (people included but only in emergencies)

Basic History:X had once been a a happy and exciting youngman.He had loved hanging with friends and every other thing teenager's his age loved to do.But one day he found out his parents were in a great deal of financial troubles so hearing about a testing project that he would be paid for he signed up.The procedure took all memory of his parents and anything else,the only thing he knew was the name on his cell which was."Experiment X"Eventually he got out through disabling the lock and security system and walking right out.Since then he's tried piecing together what little of himself he can find.

Basic Personality:X doesn't have a personality.That was wiped out along with his memory so that at times he doesn't get mad just stands there,staring off into space.He does act kind of secluded and self reliant though and barely laughs or show emotion.

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/57a8bdac06f85_images(67).jpg.20e34a4bcb5a63798d9ce64de4e7d9a7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="1188" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/57a8bdac06f85_images(67).jpg.20e34a4bcb5a63798d9ce64de4e7d9a7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Classification (alien, human, ect):Human(barely)

Weapons (if any):He uses a silver sword which is strapped to his back.

Skills (optional):He is very agile and fast,being able to run quickly and lift things triple his size.



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Name: Raelden Nokov

Code-name: Gyro

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Height: 5'11"

Weight: about 140 lbs.

Affiliation: Evil

Power/s: Can channel rotational energy throughout his body and his environment to enhance physical attacks, travel at high speeds by spinning entire body Taz-style, or attack from a distance with whirlwinds.

Basic History: Rael was originally born to a wealthy family, but he decided that a life of elegance, proper manners, and an arranged marriage wasn't for him, so he took to the streets. Unfortunately, life was a lot harder for him than he had originally thought it would be. He's not so much villainous as he is a thrill-seeker, but Rael loves fighting the heroes so, ipso-facto, he's technically a villain.

Basic Personality: Thrill-seeker, ambitious, clever, sly


Classification: human

Weapons: Just his powers, has some knowledge of martial arts

Skills: skilled with strategics
DUDE! WALLY just needs to get in gear and speak with Lance. Persuade Lance. After all, i had a plan on him being a good guy.

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