Teen Titans RP character sign-up!

Dear Lord, people. I leave for a bit and you FILL UP THE ENTIRE THING xD

Anyhow, approved, approved, approved, appprrrrooooovvveedd.

I am going to take on the rest of the Titans if nobody wants them.

I already said I'd do as well.

If there is a villain or other character somebody would specifically want me to play as, just shoot me a PM and I'm on it.

(And back to crushes, how can you not have a crush on this gorgeous version of Deathstroke? I cried like a baby when I thought he died.

I used to have a crush on Starfire as well o_o)
Am I the only one who just went "hhhhhhnnnnnnnnnngggg", then nearly foamed at the mouth when Robin was Nightwing?

Talk about hothothothothothothothothothothot.

And it's like....impossible to NOT have a crush on Raven. She's dreamy.

I appreciate the welcome, Hana. Of course you can, that would be fantastic! 
Maybe both, Pain?
Name: Marceline "Marcy" Loreli Queen

Code-name: Indigo Rabbit

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Height: 4'9

Wight:110 lbs

Affiliation (evil, neutral, good): Evil

Power/s:Runic Magic - Marceline does not like use this power, simply because she prefers direct combat.Using the power she can erect Runic circles for varying effects,such as a fireballs,lighting blasts,mist,illusions,and energy construction

Astral Project - Marceline is able to project her soul-self to use as a shield or transverse the other realms.If needed she can uses it for teleportation,and a short period of possession and memory wiping/controling.Her soul-self may appears as her own body or as a giant ravaging Hare.

Crystal Manipulation - Marceline is able to form and bring forth purple crystals to use as missiles,swords,shields, and anything else she may need.

Lagomorph Physiology - This gives her the ability to mimic the traits of hares and rabbits,meaning the ears.Her leg strength is heightened because of this,meaning her kicks are devastating.Her hearing,agility,dexterity,jump, and even bite are all in enhanced.Because of this power she is able to burrow and go into a camouflage state.She also has a bunch of natural stealth tactics.

Basic History (let’s leave some room for character development):Scarlet's family is rather different.They are all mutants,and they love to nurse other mutants until their abilities grow.Marceline was different from her family,she had a strong dislike for human.Mostly because they disliked mutants.Soon enough she got tired of the people in her school who made fun of mutants that have been disfigured because of their powers.Hare ears formed on her head and a tail formed lower back,then crystals began to form around her.They pierced her schoolmates and teachers,and she was the only one left.The girl left soon after that.

Basic Personality:Marceline can be categorized as a mean girl.She makes fun of the smallest things,which usually ticks people off rather quickly.She is sweet and kind to only people on her side,others are trash to her.Marceline does not like for people to dressed in to much black,then your considered a goth freak,and she really hates it when people speak in a monotone voice.Marcy really enjoys people with apparent accents,she thinks its cute

Appearance (pictures are encouraged though not required. Please give a descriptive mental image if you do not have a photo available):


Classification (alien, human, ect):Mutant

Weapons (if any):Just her gloves and short blade

Skills (optional):Taekwondo,Acrobatics, Incredible Dexterity, and Flexibility
Red X is ammmaaaazzzinnnngggg.

I was trying to think of a perverted play on his name to reveal a sexual innuendo, but hot damn I can't think of one.

But let it be known I would tap that (that being X). I would tap that very hard, mwahaha.

And APPROVED, Mitaku!
A threesome with Red X and Slade would be interesting. It could ether go very much beyond wonderful, or end with one of 'em dead.
Red SeX!

Oh and Thanks,I think the crazied smile really compliments her psychotic eyes :big grin:

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