Teatime Chats

Unwavering Knight Unwavering Knight BEHOLD! IT IS FEROCIOUS!

Since I get the feeling that Pretz considers this worth an announcement, in my next post Dahlia is probably leaving the dinner scene (with a hopefully graceful exit). If you have some hidden plans for an interaction, let me know now or else I have no sympathy for you when they are ruined by my ignorance of your plot!
Since I get the feeling that Pretz considers this worth an announcement, in my next post Dahlia is probably leaving the dinner scene (with a hopefully graceful exit). If you have some hidden plans for an interaction, let me know now or else I have no sympathy for you when they are ruined by my ignorance of your plot!
: O Where is she going? Or is it going to be a surprise?
: O Where is she going? Or is it going to be a surprise?

The...sewers, apparently

Btw the Discord chat got suddenly active somehow if peeps are wondering where shit like this comes from xD

But we will have a new Pretzel-approved Discord anyways soon! (Cause Wizard owned the last one which was kuking us on custom emojis and also to save newcomers lol)
Since most of the IC attention is on Eva (Tristan, Klaus, Asuran presumably, sulking Kiefer, Rosa probably), with the notable exceptions of Helbrecht and maybe Luciano (who hates everyone equally but is still probably focused on his hosts), it will be the perfect time for her to sneak out. In her mind no one will really notice and she doesn't have any political clout. She's going to try to rope Helbrecht into excusing himself too, but this may or may not be successful.

On a personal note, I'm struggling to find anything worthwhile to do in the dinner scene, so I think it might be easier if she exits and I can maybe do a short collab with Unwavering Knight, BUT if there is something someone wants to do with her first, I can fudge a reason she stays a bit longer.
Yeah the only thing I have scheduled this dinner is having Eva dance with Celso (the dance instructor). So I have no reason for her not to sneak out haha
In her mind no one will really notice

Meanwhile literally everyone will notice
Probably xD

Mostly curious how Regis and Tristan would react...poor Tristan.......

All I know is that one of yahll is gonna run into Vlad at some point tonight because I really want to write a post for him

Which is looking like Carnation...potentially.......
So far most of the posts have been centered on wondering about where Eva was, and I imagine should (if they follow suit) soon be noticing Eva's entrance much like Tristan's post did. Unless everyone does an about-face, suddenly facing the opposite side of the room, or someone YELLS LOUDLY she's leaving, I don't think it will really be all that you are making it out to be. She is the hostess half of the table wants to woo, I am not sure how they'd be put out if another princess who is a non-heir steps out making an excuse about not feeling well. Shoulder-shrug worthy and nothing more!

Regis factually knows she has been ill, unless somehow he's been hiding under a rock in his own castle.
Lol Kalen doesn't factor into this escape plan? (probably because he's a pleb) If that's happening a new character just might make an appearance :) Cuz yeah, that's a thing I've been planning.

And Tristan is pretty sneaky, currying favor with the king and the princess lol. I mean he can't dance for sh**, so better get in his good impressions now before he ruins it all by stepping on everyone's toes.
So far most of the posts have been centered on wondering about where Eva was, and I imagine should (if they follow suit) soon be noticing Eva's entrance much like Tristan's post did. Unless everyone does an about-face, suddenly facing the opposite side of the room, or someone YELLS LOUDLY she's leaving, I don't think it will really be all that you are making it out to be. She is the hostess half of the table wants to woo, I am not sure how they'd be put out if another princess who is a non-heir steps out making an excuse about not feeling well. Shoulder-shrug worthy and nothing more!

Regis factually knows she has been ill, unless somehow he's been hiding under a rock in his own castle.

Even so shoulder shrugging is still noticing

Also I already told you where Luciano's attention is.....he just heard his kink mentioned after all xD

Lol Kalen doesn't factor into this escape plan? (probably because he's a pleb) If that's happening a new character just might make an appearance :) Cuz yeah, that's a thing I've been planning.

And Tristan is pretty sneaky, currying favor with the king and the princess lol. I mean he can't dance for sh**, so better get in his good impressions now before he ruins it all by stepping on everyone's toes.

Don't think I didn't notice Tristians little sneakiness the shit lol jkjk I love Tristan I love it

Also The Luciano reminded of yet another Fire Emblem meme and my cold frozen ice heart thawed 0.0007 degrees

Will this new character be Mr. Knight dude?

Lowkey wondering if I should put a kuk on any more Greedo chares after this the posse is getting too streng xD
Even so shoulder shrugging is still noticing

Also I already told you where Luciano's attention is.....he just heard his kink mentioned after all xD

Don't think I didn't notice Tristians little sneakiness the shit lol jkjk I love Tristan I love it

Also The Luciano reminded of yet another Fire Emblem meme and my cold frozen ice heart thawed 0.0007 degrees

Will this new character be Mr. Knight dude?

Lowkey wondering if I should put a kuk on any more Greedo chares after this the posse is getting too streng xD
Even though I wrote him to be a pure hearted type, he might be unknowingly scheming XD Yeah, don't worry, this will be the last Greedo character I create. Any more and the whole of Elora Castle will be moving into St. Lyon
Even though I wrote him to be a pure hearted type, he might be unknowingly scheming XD Yeah, don't worry, this will be the last Greedo character I create. Any more and the whole of Elora Castle will be moving into St. Lyon

Fufufu...the anti Kiefer...

I think I told Syren this but not you but
I'm really hoping that those countries not in my control will take center stage as the RP progresses

Who knows, if you don't move Elora to Saint Lyon...maybe Saint Lyon will move to Elora? xD (also my phone autocorrected move to Movens thats precious)

What I really wanna see is some peeps from Sea
Two damn princes cause everyone wanted in last time and now they can't pull in a single little citizen xD
My completely irrelevant imagined version of Sea is really hella too ugh pls ppl join
Pls Pretzel finish update hell so you can go on the attack
I might mega sin and throw up a Kiefer / Celso / Regis post later tonight

Or wait for Syren to go first

But then I'll also have to post for Lucci and Klaus :"")

And my captors want to do tourist stuff the next couple days

Hmm hm ok I should take a break from update hell and focus on trying to post tonight........

Kiefer will finally rise!!
Lol Kalen doesn't factor into this escape plan? (probably because he's a pleb) If that's happening a new character just might make an appearance :) Cuz yeah, that's a thing I've been planning..

I was fairly certain that Kalen was distracted by Luciano and watching to see the rat race for Eva's hand, so he wasn't paying attention either. Point stands! The only person actively paying attention to Dahlia is Helbrecht, with everyone besides Luciano and Kalen focused on the Princess.

Even so shoulder shrugging is still noticing

Also I already told you where Luciano's attention is.....he just heard his kink mentioned after all xD
Shoulder shrugging I can live with. I'd rather be doing something productive, in a side collab of ridiculousness, than in this situation that makes it difficult. Tristan is the voice and face of Greedo, she is sort of an accessory. I think the heirs have legitimate, important things to discuss and there is networking to do, and Eva deserves to bask in her glory for a scene, but none of this leaves me (or Dahlia) with anything to do in particular. Which is totally fine. I found a fun thing to do, it just means I need to exit the scene. I am happy to entertain other ideas, though, thus my posting here! I am not trying to make someone feel like I do not want to interact, I am just trying to seize an opportunity I see here and make the most of it.

On a whole, I really don't think Dahlia's departure should affect much. Like I said, in character before I mentioned this there was not much attention paid to Dahlia; there is a lot going on, including Eva's grand entrance. Unless the OOC reaction bleeds IC, and suddenly characters flip flop on caring, it really shouldn't affect anything. She slips out, a few people maybe notice, and the scene continues on without any significant change!
Also, I will wait until tomorrow to post, just in case someone wants to chime in and contribute before I do my exodus!
^ Great opportunity for adventure, I don't think Pretz was denying that, just that Dahlia will be missed (especially by her brother) XD

I tried calculating my characters' day of births for that astrology horoscope thing Primum Movens edition. Apparently Tristan and my knight were born to be scholars, Booker was born to be a warrior, and Kalen is witty and manipulative because Aithirae... What is this heresy?!?

(BTW Dahlia is also Aithirae, cuz I did her too. 10/10 trickster rogue material)
Well, Tristan has other things to do at dinner (like the toast, and he's got his eye on the prize of Eva's hand), so I didn't think it would devastate him. Dahlia won't admit she left because he (and the rest of the room) was preoccupied, but he can connect the dots later if he wants to make assumptions. ;)

Fortunately, Tristan didn't introduce Dahlia to the table, so it's super easy to sneak out!!
I am completely at a loss with the whole astrology calculations for Eva. I know she's exactly 1 year and 14 days older than Rosalein, but beyond that my mind just failed in the calculations.

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