Teatime Chats

If you need help jumping in, I can get Booker to get Carnation to enter with Chantie or something since I don't plan to post for Booker every round

Actually since Carnation is working with the guard, I think she can enter the castle when ever she wants, though since she overslept in the morning section she might be getting an earful from Holwood. Just my thoughts.
Actually since Carnation is working with the guard, I think she can enter the castle when ever she wants, though since she overslept in the morning section she might be getting an earful from Holwood. Just my thoughts.
No, I don't mean help entering the castle. Just as a way to get started on character interaction, since it's more difficult playing a lower status character with the majority of the cast being royalty or NPCs.

Syrenrei Syrenrei Yep, I'm working on his post, as well as Kalen's entrance. Will get it up some time within the next few days or so
No, I don't mean help entering the castle. Just as a way to get started on character interaction, since it's more difficult playing a lower status character with the majority of the cast being royalty or NPCs.

Syrenrei Syrenrei Yep, I'm working on his post, as well as Kalen's entrance. Will get it up some time within the next few days or so

Ah thanks for clearing that up.
Alright sounds good.

Rapror Augustine Rapror Augustine If you end up going with that plan and want to either A) bunny Holwood or B) do a collab with the Pretz either is A-OK. I'm just a bit slow atm cause I'm currently being held hostage lmfao. And only have the nights to myself to slink around in the dark---

Otherwise yea I'll probably wait for at least Kalen and Tristan before posting again. And that will be poor kukd Kiefer who has not had a post since this RP began lmfao. Unless someone wants me to make the world's shortest King post to help smooth in Evalyn's untimely appearance. xD
By the way, what are we gonna do about the dance? Since the instructor is... kinda missing?
Alrighty, lemme guess, that'll become another collab? XD Or will this go down different this time
Alrighty, lemme guess, that'll become another collab? XD Or will this go down different this time

I would probably try the old fashioned way xD
Ideally we would find a replacement before that though cause...it's kind of a big moment for his character. I feel bad taking it from whoever ends up playing him, though if I end up doing it I will do my best to give him the spotlight he deserves. :3

In the beginning I was actually going to control Dance Instructor lol...cause he's important but also kind of funky and I love funky...probably my second favorite role ngl. But it was already decided that I would take care of Kiefer and back then we were trying not to hog up spots. Then the poor guy bounced around until someone wanted to play him, bless that beautiful man MLAQTS MLAQTS , to date the only one of you crazy kids who actually played this god awful game lmfao.
And now that we took Kluciano instead we'll...I'd really rather not play Dance Instructor.

But I'm sure lightening can strike thrice!
The struggle for goodness is impossible for one such as me, who is cursed to walk in the Dark...

There is a number of things that sentence makes me want to mention, but I feel I will already detail most of them in the IC. Though what I want to stress is that I spent close to ten years of my life in Africa. I have beheld mass graves and attacks on refugees in distressing detail. I have lived next door to slums and starving beggars.

Goodness is for all and everywhere. It is never too late to do what's right. If you suffer, please speak to me.
There is a number of things that sentence makes me want to mention, but I feel I will already detail most of them in the IC. Though what I want to stress is that I spent close to ten years of my life in Africa. I have beheld mass graves and attacks on refugees in distressing detail. I have lived next door to slums and starving beggars.

Goodness is for all and everywhere. It is never too late to do what's right. If you suffer, please speak to me.

In the IC, huh? Hmm...

But man. What were you in Africa for? Were you born there? Are you there now? So many questions... :0

Well, you don't have to live in Africa to see some pretty terrible and depressing things, unfortunately...
Though I'm sure being over there only exacerbates such experiences.

Wanting to help...it's a noble sentiment. :)
In the IC, huh? Hmm...

But man. What were you in Africa for? Were you born there? Are you there now? So many questions... :0

Well, you don't have to live in Africa to see some pretty terrible and depressing things, unfortunately...
Though I'm sure being over there only exacerbates such experiences.

Wanting to help...it's a noble sentiment. :)
My family emigrated to Namibia from Germany when I was thirteen years old. While it wasn't a country steeped in civil war, it nevertheless had many of the usual trappings that one would associate with third world countries, extreme poverty in slums and the like, white communities living in gated districts and such.

I traveled a bit, saw some other places on the continent. Some memories.

Now I am back in Germany, and I am probably happier than before. Puts the world and its favors in some perspective, methinks. Now I am becoming increasingly determined to fight back against the nihilism and despair that seems to grow about. Clinging to hope, to prosper despite pain and misery, raising up the needy and the weak, those are things worth keeping on going for I say.
Macbeth Act II Scene IV said:
And Duncan's horses--a thing most strange and certain--
Beauteous and swift, the minions of their race,
Turn'd wild in nature, broke their stalls, flung out,
Contending 'gainst obedience, as they would make
War with mankind.
'Tis said they eat each other.
They did so, to the amazement of mine eyes
That look'd upon't. Here comes the good Macduff.
My family emigrated to Namibia from Germany when I was thirteen years old. While it wasn't a country steeped in civil war, it nevertheless had many of the usual trappings that one would associate with third world countries, extreme poverty in slums and the like, white communities living in gated districts and such.

I traveled a bit, saw some other places on the continent. Some memories.

Now I am back in Germany, and I am probably happier than before. Puts the world and its favors in some perspective, methinks. Now I am becoming increasingly determined to fight back against the nihilism and despair that seems to grow about. Clinging to hope, to prosper despite pain and misery, raising up the needy and the weak, those are things worth keeping on going for I say.

You know, I've been wondering for a while where in the world you are lol, based on time zone activity. Seems my guess of Europe was correct... so Olissa Olissa isn't alone. xD
And one of the people I'm courting is in Asia so if she joins no one will be on at the same time mwahaha!
I love it though; I'm such a slut for travel the more perspectives the better eheh.

Anyways, interesting to know where you're from. I wish you all the best on your mission...it does often feel like we're drowning in a tide of Nihilism these days--
In fact, somehow it even swept me away!
But such is the fate of one who walks in the Dark..... :darkwizardhat:

I wanna write dammit!

Biggest Mood

I'm very pleased with the stuff I've come up with so far...in fact there's going to be a bit more additions to the Lore than I previously predicted. Well some of it I've been sitting on but decided it makes more sense to share with you all, at least a little bit... But I'll summarize everything in the announcement once it's done. Cause it's gonna be all over the place.

I'm very excited though. But between these weird work hours and my old hand injury acting up I just can't seem to make much progress getting it all typed up (´༎ຶོρ༎ຶོ`) wasting all last night playing FEH sure as fkk didn't help

But soon----
I can't wait to start kicking up some new peeps :lenny::lenny::lenny:

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