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Fandom Tears: Rebirth

theManCalledSting said:
This legit sounds very closeted gay to me...
It sounds like me, or at least what I would have said a few months back. Needles to say I didn't even need to come out. They worked it out. Maybe it had something to do with Oberyn Martell and liking Katy Perry music.
Sheaon13 said:
Universe from: "I'm from the underground, though I was originally from the surface" (Undertale AU where Frisk only killed Asgore and got his soul and was able to go back home before flowey showed up and the things that sans explained in the call, before flowey allows you to go back before you fight Asgore, happened)
Alignment: "Well I'd like to believe I'm good, but I guess I can do things that go against the law or something like that if I really want to protect or help someone. So I guess that makes me neutral good, huh?"

Name: "Well my name is Agatone, though most people don't call me that"

Alias/nickname: "Most people just call me Cerberus since I'm like a watchdog and I'm always looking out for the people of the underground. Like Cerberus guards the gates to hell in the myths I guard the people of the underground against threats"

Age: "Well I'm fifteen years old"

Gender: "I'm a male"

Sexuality: "Why does everyone always ask this? I'm straight, okay?! There's no in between and I am not going for boys either! I'm as straight as straight can get! The end! End of story! No if, ands, or buts about it!"

Species/race: "I suppose this is a reasonable question, after all I do live in the underground and the people there do tend to be monsters. I'm probably the only human there. Most of the other humans that fall down here turn out to be genocidal murders. So the Queen decided to judge the humans case by case as they came down here"


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Clothes: "My clothes are in the picture, though I'm wearing military green jeans and white sneakers as well, so yeah"

Likes: "I like all the monsters in the underground, with the exception of one, helping people, and protecting the people of the underground with Undyne"

Dislikes: "I don't like genocidal manics, bullies and mettaton"

Personality: "Well my main trait is kindness, my soul is free so it represents kindness, but I guess you're asking for all of my traits. I'm brave, stubborn, determined, kimd, caring, forgiving, friendly, and protective"

Backstory: "Well I was abused by my parents and constantly bullied at school so one day I climbed mount Ebott and attempted to take my own life, jumping into the hole. Somehow I survived without a scratch on me thanks to the flowers below me breaking my fall. I didn't even know how that was possible. That's when Undyne found me and she took me in, which also includes Alphys taking me in as well. I was only eight at the time and Undyne had declared me as her and Alphys's adopted son once she learned of my past. I already saw her as a mother before that and was overjoyed that she felt the same way. She began training me how to fight and learned I had magic almost exactly like hers, only I had glowing blue throwing knives instead. She was so happy that day and I was glad. I was also taught by Alphys all about since and the rest of education was handled at the monster school, which I graduated at twelve due to me being very smart. I also learned I had ago that could create shields that would protect people and monsters from any attack, though it only worked with three monsters at a time. This magic came naturally to me once I unlocked it and I didn't need to learn how to use it. Well either way I'm currently helping my mom, Undyne as I call Alphys mommy, guard the underground from evil people.

Known enemies: "All the enemies I have are dead, well except Mettaton but he doesn't really count"

Known rivals: "I don't have any rivals, though Papyrus likes to claim he's my rival and I play along for his sake"

Known allies/friends: "All the monsters in the underground really"

Known Family: "My adoptive mothers, Undyne and Alphys, and my blood relatives who will not be mentioned"

Companion: "No one really"

Weapons: "Does my magic count? Because if not I don't have any"

Gear/gadgets: "I have the phone mommy, Alphys, made me"

Powers/abilities: "I can keep someone from moving for five minutes, I can materialize glowing transparent blue throwing knives, and I can create shields"

Skills: "I'm really good at fighting"

Weaknesses: "My mom says I'm too easy to forgive and too trusting as I don't attack people back until I know why there attacking isn't for a good reason"
How does the stopping someone for moving for five minutes work? Is it a paralysis spell? How far does it extend, like can it freeze The Unknowns and player characters?
Noivian said:
Universe from:



True Neutral




God of Time


10 billion

Gender and sexuality

Male, Ace


Pokemon, sub-species Dialga


Being punctual

Other people being punctual

Being correct



Being late




Dialga likes to present himself as a refined individual. He has a very gentlemanly nature and is kind to those around him. But don't mistake that as him liking you. He knows everything about the timeline he's currently on, has seen your demise, and has no intentions of making any connections that would alter the course of the timeline. He has a deep-seeded rivalry with his sister Uxie, the Goddess of Knowledge, who supposedly knows everything about everything, not just this timeline. The two bicker often about which timeline they're really on.

Backstory (if OC give some details about the universe):

Dialga is the quite middle child, unfortunate enough to have been born after Giratina and before Palkia. His two wildly aggressive brothers give the middle child a bad name, often provoking the time keeper into aggressive conflicts with them, despite his rather pacifistic nature. After Giratina was banished, he locked himself in his own dimension, keeping away from the rest of his family for several billion years. It wasn't until Palkia provoked him into a fight that Dialga reemerged from his dimension.

Known enemies:


Known rivals:



Known allies/friends:


Known Family:

Father: Arceus

Brothers: Giratina, Palkia

Sisters: Uxie, Mesprit, Azelf, Mew






Adamant Orb

A large crystal very similar to a diamond. It strengthens Dialga's attacks and abilities.


Like other Legendaries, Dialga can take on a human and Pokemon form at will.

Temporal Manipulation

Being the God of Time, Dialga can travel forwards and backwards in the timeline at will. He also knows everything that will happen in the timeline. Anything to change the timeline will cause him massive headaches.


He learned from his father.


Temporally Bound

Dialga cannot voluntarily jump to new timelines. Forcing him onto a new timeline will not only disorient him, but cause major pain and possibly death. If time were to stop for any reason, Dialga will revert to a 'Primal' state and go on a rampage, losing his sense of self.

Your characters are accepted (just gotta edit the list) but I do have one question. Would the tears count as something that disrupts the timeline?

For example in the Marvel Cinematic Universe SHIELD never merged with the ATCU, they just agreed to work together even after Roslin was killed, Ward died (and was possessed by an Inhuman space God) and obviously XCOM never formed an alliance because they're from another universe.

That's just an example of one universe. Plenty of universes timelines are buggered at this point, including The Pokemon universe I assume.
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[QUOTE="Some_Bloke]How does the stopping someone for moving for five minutes work? Is it a paralysis spell? How far does it extend, like can it freeze The Unknowns and player characters?

It's like a paralysis spell and it can only freeze one person at a time
[QUOTE="Some_Bloke]Your characters are accepted (just gotta edit the list) but I do have one question. Would the tears count as something that disrupts the timeline?
For example in the Marvel Cinematic Universe SHIELD never merged with the ATCU, they just agreed to work together even after Roslin was killed, Ward died (and was possessed by an Inhuman space God) and obviously XCOM never formed an alliance because they're from another universe.

That's just an example of one universe. Plenty of universes timelines are buggered at this point, including The Pokemon universe I assume.

That's a tricky question. I've been mulling over the answer, and I think, to clarify what I mean by timelines, is Dialga's timeline. If you think about Dialga's lifespan as a thread, he can see his own beginning, end, and the beginnings and ends of the threads that wrap around it (the other people he comes into contact with). So as long as his life and the lives of others stay on the path they're meant to go, he will be fine. If Dialga does enter a tear, then I am going on the assumption that it was supposed to happen in his timeline, and thus will not negatively affect him. Dealing with the timelines of other universes, and being in other universes will give him headaches and random body pains, but that would be about it. I think it would take a massive reconstruction of the timeline (someone going back in time to prevent something big from hapening, for example) to actually kill him on the spot.

As for the Pokemon universe... the timelines are already messed up because Pokemon don't have a human form to even begin with. That's just something I gave them to make them easier to rp. And apparently it's canon that every single copy of every single Pokemon game is its own universe... so, yeah.

I may be contradicting my form a bit, but considering the conflicts, this was the best solution I can come up with.

If this is too complex, I can make him more Time Lord-y and more or less just manage the flow of time and prevent paradoxes and stuff from happening...

Noivian said:
That's a tricky question. I've been mulling over the answer, and I think, to clarify what I mean by timelines, is Dialga's timeline. If you think about Dialga's lifespan as a thread, he can see his own beginning, end, and the beginnings and ends of the threads that wrap around it (the other people he comes into contact with). So as long as his life and the lives of others stay on the path they're meant to go, he will be fine. If Dialga does enter a tear, then I am going on the assumption that it was supposed to happen in his timeline, and thus will not negatively affect him. Dealing with the timelines of other universes, and being in other universes will give him headaches and random body pains, but that would be about it. I think it would take a massive reconstruction of the timeline (someone going back in time to prevent something big from hapening, for example) to actually kill him on the spot.
As for the Pokemon universe... the timelines are already messed up because Pokemon don't have a human form to even begin with. That's just something I gave them to make them easier to rp. And apparently it's canon that every single copy of every single Pokemon game is its own universe... so, yeah.

I may be contradicting my form a bit, but considering the conflicts, this was the best solution I can come up with.

If this is too complex, I can make him more Time Lord-y and more or less just manage the flow of time and prevent paradoxes and stuff from happening...
Well that makes things a hell of a lot less complicated, thank you.
Wait, so.... are we going with my explanation or am I making Dialga more Time Lord-y?
Nah, I'll go with my explanation. It's what I kind of hoped you were wanting to go with.
Alright, now for the magical question... where do I put them?
Noivian said:
Alright, now for the magical question... where do I put them?
I'm gonna need to update the notes as a few people have been moved around but basically go anywhere but the MCU at this point. It's overcrowded.
Okay, can do. I'll probably need to reposition Mew, as the characters she was interacting with kinda stopped interacting.
Also I'm debating dropping Dialga near one of the Doctors... is that okay? Any preference as to which I should or shouldn't?
Universe from: Shin Megami Tensei Persona 4

Alignment: Lawful Good

Name: Naoto Shirogane

Alias/nickname: Detective Prince, 2000 IQ Killjoy Detective

Age: 16

Gender and sexuality: Female, Bisexual (To play it safe)

Species/race Human


Likes: Solving Crimes, Being Respected by her elders, Finding the truth

Dislikes: Her "Shadow", to be Discriminated for who she is.


Having lost both her parents in a car accident when she was very young, Naoto acts very mature in spite of her age. As a descendant of a respected lineage of famous detectives, she wears formal clothing, and deepens her voice when she speaks in a sophisticated, stilted manner. Naoto has difficulty making friends and is lonely as a result.

Her biggest insecurity is her gender, as well as her age. She yearns to be seen as an adult, and expresses frustration at being treated like a child by the police force. She hates being looked down upon, and fears no one will take her seriously as a female, in a sexist occupation field. Naoto is ashamed of being female.

By the end of the game, due to her own will and with the protagonist's help, she accepts the fact she does not need to change who she is to suit the world. In the epilogue, she has started dressing more freely, disguising her femininity less than before. She is comfortable with not only who she is, but also that everyone else is aware that she is female.

Despite her mature nature, Naoto has a shy side to her, as she refuses to wear a bikini at the Yasogami Beauty Pageant. She also becomes embarrassed during the Investigation Team's visit to the Amagi Inn, when the schedules for the hot springs' use were confused. During the ski trip in Persona 4 Golden, Naoto appears to be afraid of ghost stories. And when in a state of fear and/or panic, her voice becomes more feminine than usual, possibly meaning she only has a masculine voice when she is composed.


A well-known detective, Naoto was dubbed the "Detective Prince" by the media. She is first mentioned when the department which Ryotaro Dojima works has no lead upon their investigations for the bizarre murder case, resulting in Dojima's superiors employing Naoto to assist them, an action which greatly disturbs Dojima. Furthermore, Naoto claims that the only rewards she wants for solving the case is the truth, and wants no assistance from other departments, further annoying Dojima.

Known enemies: Any Sort of Criminal

Known rivals: The Police

Known allies/friends: The Inaba Investigation Team, Inaba Police Department, S.E.E.S.

Known Family: Unnamed Parents (Both Decease), Grandfather

Companions: Teddie, Yosuke Hanamura, Yukiko Amagi

Weapons: A Gun called Athena Kiss R

Gear/gadgets: A Special pair of Glasses that allow her to see through the fog of the TV World

Powers/abilities: Naoto is a Persona user, thus has the ability to summon her Persona, Sukuna-Hikona ((Insta-kill moves don't work on Storyline related Characters))

Skills: Skilled with a Gun, Piano Playing, Dancing, Problem Solving

Weaknesses: In spite of her Persona giving her the ability to endure most attacks such as Fire-based ones, she is still rather frail.

Character quote:

"I finally think I can accept myself. That I’m a woman… That I haven’t yet become the detective I wanted to be… I… I am a woman… and a detective. One who is seeking the truth with you and the others."

Character’s theme song:


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Sheaon13 said:
Sexuality: "Why does everyone always ask this? I'm straight, okay?! There's no in between and I am not going for boys either! I'm as straight as straight can get! The end! End of story! No if, ands, or buts about it!"
Is he gay tho? Because that would be interesting
theManCalledSting said:
Is he gay tho? Because that would be interesting
Reminds me of Marik Ishtar from YGOTAS xD

What? Oh, so just because a man likes to dress effeminately, and hang out with another extremely attractive man, and read yaoi, and flaunt his gorgeous abs, and stroke a phallic symbol suggestively in every other scene, that automatically makes him gay?!
LegoLad659 said:
Reminds me of Marik Ishtar from YGOTAS xD
What? Oh, so just because a man likes to dress effeminately, and hang out with another extremely attractive man, and read yaoi, and flaunt his gorgeous abs, and stroke a phallic symbol suggestively in every other scene, that automatically makes him gay?!
yes it does
Universe from: Shin Megami Tensei Digital Devil Saga

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Name: Serph

Alias/nickname: Just his name or his demon name Varna

Age: Unkown but appears to be in teens

Gender and sexuality: Male and straight

Species/race: Human, but he can turn into a demon when he enters a fight (this demon version of him are also called Atma's)


Personality: Usually quiet, but he's a good leader of any group he's in


Serph, along with many of Embryon's key members, were first seen present at Ground Zero, where they encounter a large seed-like pod in their territory. Assuming it to be a weapon of the Vangaurds, Gale transmits a message demanding that the Vanguards move their object away from Embryon territory or else they'd take it as an act of war. However Harley, the leader of the Vanguards, issued the same threat back to the Embryon.

The plot opens with the pod exploding and streaks of light shooting everyone present in the battlefield, leaving tattoo-esque markings on their bodies and transforming Serph and the others into demons. The members of the Embryon go berserk upon their transformations, lashing out and devouring any demon in their sight. Serph, in his demonic form, is seen eating demon flesh.

Known enemies: Other Tribe leaders/members

Known rivals: None

Known allies/friends: His tribe members from Embryon

Known Family: His tribe

Companion: None

Weapons: His handgun, but when in demon form he has some sort of swords that come out of his arms

Gear/gadgets: None

Powers/abilities: In human form he can only use his gun, but in demon form he uses ice magic and his swords

Skills: Devours other demons to stay alive and uses ice magic

Weaknesses: Fire magic

Character’s theme song:[media]

(If you want me to change his description just hit me up :D )
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