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Fandom Tears: Rebirth

Error Sans responded by wrapping Hero Prinny in the blue strings once again and opening a hole into the Anti-Void "Well͢, I̷ th͠in͜k ͏a ͟l̵i̛t͢tle ͝ti͏m͟e͡ o͡u͡t ͘in th̛é ̨Anti-̷V҉o̕ìd̨ ̛unti͟l I̶ n̢ȩe̵d hi͡m is̷ ̛the̷ ͟be͞s͞t co̧u̶r̸s͞e o̴f a̢c͝tio̶n͡."҉ He lobs Hero Prinny into the Anti-Void and closes it behind Hero Prinny. "͠E͜ve̢n if͡ ̶h̢e͡ t͝ri̵ed͘,̵ h́é ̨ço̶u̷l͜dn̢'́t͜ f͟i̸nd ̸his wa̴y ̛out̷.͘ O͠n͞ly̵ ̨Er̴r̨ơr͞s̢ ̷c̛a̡n͢ o͢pe̸n̨ p̴or̨t͜a͘l̕s̨ in̴ an͡d ̧out o̧f t̷h҉e An͝ti͝-͢V͢òid͢, ͝an̴d ͏na̴v̨i̡gat͠ing i͟t's͏ ͟a͝lm̢ost impos̀si͠b̛le͘. T̀heŗe is ̢no̧ b̷e͟gi͢n̷ni͠n͜g,͘ ́no͠ ̸e̕n͏d̢. ̨Jus̷t ̧l̀ike ͟t͞im̴è ̶it̴şelf̡. ͏A ͡c̴on҉st͏a͜nt͞ loop."
Doctor Who Universe: London, Earth 2020

The Priest paused "She wants you to help her friend. Her mind is in fragments."

"What happened?" The Doctor asked in a concerned tone

"She stared into time itself and saw something that broke her. She saw death."

"She looked into the Time Vortex?" The Doctor asked in shock

"No. Not the vortex. Just time. She was looking for something, a way to bring back a friend from the dead." The Priest explained in a glum tone

"I know someone else who can help." Tesla suggested "Though I am afraid I will not be much use in helping your friend."


JackOfHearts said:
Error Sans responded by wrapping Hero Prinny in the blue strings once again and opening a hole into the Anti-Void "Well͢, I̷ th͠in͜k ͏a ͟l̵i̛t͢tle ͝ti͏m͟e͡ o͡u͡t ͘in th̛é ̨Anti-̷V҉o̕ìd̨ ̛unti͟l I̶ n̢ȩe̵d hi͡m is̷ ̛the̷ ͟be͞s͞t co̧u̶r̸s͞e o̴f a̢c͝tio̶n͡."҉ He lobs Hero Prinny into the Anti-Void and closes it behind Hero Prinny. "͠E͜ve̢n if͡ ̶h̢e͡ t͝ri̵ed͘,̵ h́é ̨ço̶u̷l͜dn̢'́t͜ f͟i̸nd ̸his wa̴y ̛out̷.͘ O͠n͞ly̵ ̨Er̴r̨ơr͞s̢ ̷c̛a̡n͢ o͢pe̸n̨ p̴or̨t͜a͘l̕s̨ in̴ an͡d ̧out o̧f t̷h҉e An͝ti͝-͢V͢òid͢, ͝an̴d ͏na̴v̨i̡gat͠ing i͟t's͏ ͟a͝lm̢ost impos̀si͠b̛le͘. T̀heŗe is ̢no̧ b̷e͟gi͢n̷ni͠n͜g,͘ ́no͠ ̸e̕n͏d̢. ̨Jus̷t ̧l̀ike ͟t͞im̴è ̶it̴şelf̡. ͏A ͡c̴on҉st͏a͜nt͞ loop."
"I know." The Librarian replied "I have not travelled to the Anti-Void myself but I have read about it...As well as sentenced people there for unspeakable crimes. I wouldn't be surprised if you came across one or two sods I threw there."
Doctor Who Universe (Earth, 2020)

Sash Lilac

Dragon Energy



Lilac listened in silence. She didn't really have much to say. Though she found the concept of looking into time interesting, the logistics of it would obviously just confuse her, so she didn't bother.


Mood: Curious

Condition: Doing good!

Location: Church

[QUOTE="Some_Bloke]"I know." The Librarian replied "I have not travelled to the Anti-Void myself but I have read about it...As well as sentenced people there for unspeakable crimes. I wouldn't be surprised if you came across one or two sods I threw there."

Error groans. "̷You̢ we̢r͟e ̛t͜h̴e͞ ͝o̷ne th̢r͡o͘w̕i̢ng̢ ̀t̕h̕em i̶ǹ ͠t͜h̨ere?̵ I̕ t̀hou͡ght th͠at̶ o͜nę o̴f ͡t̴h̀e̴ o̡t̷her͝ ̧E̶rr͞ors͟ ̢wa̕s ̸pra̴nk̸ing m̡e! I ̸m̕ea̵n̵, w͘hen̛ y̵o͘u͠ su͘d̶denl̢y҉ ̴f̕in̷d ̸ràn̨d̛o̧m ̡peop̸le ìn͏ th̵e͏ ̀A͏nt̛i-Vo͢id,̵ yo͜u'd͜ ͠i͡mm̶edi̵atel͝y͜ ass͏ume͜ ̸that aǹ ̡E͢rror̸ t͟hre̕w͡ the̢m̡ ͞in t͠h͝er͜e."̸
Doctor Who Universe: London, Earth 2020

"Alright, they're ready." The Priest called out. The Merchant appeared behind The Doctor, Carol, Lilac, Tesla and The Priest and snapped her fingers, teleporting them away.

Unknown Universe


The group found themselves standing in a long, dark hallway. At the end was a door with the number four on it. Before anyone could speak, the Merchant snapped his fingers again, bringing HP Lovecraft into the plain of existence.

"Lovecraft..." Tesla began, a smile appearing on his face

"Save it, my friend." He replied "Right now, we have work to do."


JackOfHearts said:
Error groans. "̷You̢ we̢r͟e ̛t͜h̴e͞ ͝o̷ne th̢r͡o͘w̕i̢ng̢ ̀t̕h̕em i̶ǹ ͠t͜h̨ere?̵ I̕ t̀hou͡ght th͠at̶ o͜nę o̴f ͡t̴h̀e̴ o̡t̷her͝ ̧E̶rr͞ors͟ ̢wa̕s ̸pra̴nk̸ing m̡e! I ̸m̕ea̵n̵, w͘hen̛ y̵o͘u͠ su͘d̶denl̢y҉ ̴f̕in̷d ̸ràn̨d̛o̧m ̡peop̸le ìn͏ th̵e͏ ̀A͏nt̛i-Vo͢id,̵ yo͜u'd͜ ͠i͡mm̶edi̵atel͝y͜ ass͏ume͜ ̸that aǹ ̡E͢rror̸ t͟hre̕w͡ the̢m̡ ͞in t͠h͝er͜e."̸
"Well some were me, others were Errors pulling a prank on you." The Librarian shrugged "I have plenty of other places within reality where I throw people who want to harm my friends."

Klarion the Witch Boy

Becoming confused by the different copies of Chara, Klarion uses his powers to turn the ground around him into wet cement before repeatadly throwing orbs of energy at the Chara to his right.
Barbas said:
Klarion the Witch Boy

Becoming confused by the different copies of Chara, Klarion uses his powers to turn the ground around him into wet cement before repeatadly throwing orbs of energy at the Chara to his right.
The Chara to his right is slowed down, though not destroyed. The Chara to his left dives him, jumping over the cement and slashing at his neck. The thrown knives are about to hit Klarion.
Doctor Who Universe (Earth, 2020)

Sash Lilac

Dragon Energy



"Woah." Lilac commented. She was no stranger to teleporting - There were plenty of places that did that on Brevon's Dreadnought - but this one was different. There was no transition period. They were just instantly in this hallway. It was a little bit disorienting, to be honest.

"What's this place?" Carol asked, looking around at the hallway "Where did you take us?"


Mood: Dizzy, but otherwise fine.

Condition: Doing good!

Location: Church

[QUOTE="Some_Bloke]"Well some were me, others were Errors pulling a prank on you." The Librarian shrugged "I have plenty of other places within reality where I throw people who want to harm my friends."

Error Sans sighs. "͝S͢ou̧n̵ds͡ ̢ĺike ̴yǫu ͝h͟ave som̶e͞ p͟rettý in̶terest͡in̷g stor̵ies ͠t̶o t̛el̴l."̀
Unknown Universe

"You said you wanted to help." The Merchant replied glumly "This universe is a safe place. The last place we tried to store her was compromised."

"Compromised how?" The Doctor asked

"It's complicated." The Merchant replied

"If you want my help, you're going to have to start talking. Now." The Doctor snapped "Tell me what's going on."

"We originally had her kept out of sight in a fortress...Until the warding around it failed. Something...Or someone was able to destroy or corrupt the wardings as well as possess a group of monsters to destroy the fortress. A few people made it out but the majority of the guards were eaten or burned alive." The Merchant hung his head in shame

"What kind of monsters?" Tesla asked


"Wendigos are not pack animals...Unless..." He paused, a look of horror appearing on his face "Unless they are being controlled by other members of the undead."

"Dracula is dead, Tesla." Lovecraft butted in, sternly "We watched him die. We can discuss this matter later. For now, I am here to help this troubled young entity."

"Entity?" The Doctor asked

"Not all of them are inherently evil, Doctor." Lovecraft reassured him Some can be reasoned with, occasionally. I know of the entities you have battled before. Across multiple dimensions one is known as The Chessplayer, but both of us know his true name."


JackOfHearts said:
Error Sans sighs. "͝S͢ou̧n̵ds͡ ̢ĺike ̴yǫu ͝h͟ave som̶e͞ p͟rettý in̶terest͡in̷g stor̵ies ͠t̶o t̛el̴l."̀
"Oh yes." The Librarian chuckled "Want to hear a few?"
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[QUOTE="Some_Bloke]"Oh yes." The Librarian chuckled "Want to hear a few?"

Error nods. "Sure. ̴I̴'͡d lìk̢e̢ ̢to̕ ̡he͏ar a few͘ i͝n͞te͜r̶e͟st̴ing͝ s̛tor̀i͘e̢s͟."̶

Sash Lilac

Dragon Energy



"Okay, so you kept 'Her' in a fortress, and when that failed you brought her here. That's great and all, but could we maybe get a name or something?" Carol asked, not liking not knowing who they were talking about.


Mood: Curious

Condition: Doing good!

Location: Some Kind of Hallway


Klarion the Witch Boy

Thinking fast, Klarion raises his left hand and turns both of the knives into two bills of yarn. Afterwards, claps his hands together, causing a wave of energy to devastate the area surrounding him.
The two Charas go flying back before quickly jumping to their feet. They fall back and regroup with the Chara throwing knives. Suddenly, there are five Charas standing side by side.

"You're outnumbered, fool!" Chara yelled with a smile. "This world is kill or be killed. I'll tell you right now, I have no intention of dying. That leaves only one possible outcome." They all circle Klarion, throwing knives to stop him from making a move. Once they're in a circle, they launch a volley of knives from all sides.

SAO Not the first game I'm in... Obivously...

"After being stuck in, 'Wowzers! School sucks!' Limbo... Our favorite heroine returns to the fold! Maybe..." Neptune narrated her return to the role play in front of Ausna... "Surely nothing's going to stop this yuri-rific tag team!" "except maybe when Spring Break ends..."

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Unknown Universe

"Her name is Amelia." Lovecraft explained "And what The Merchant says is correct, at least from the research I have done."

"That is not my name." The Merchant stated grimly

"Across multiple dimensions you are known by that title. Until I know your true name, I shall use your title." Lovecraft replied "Now, enough of this. Let us help."

The Doctor nodded in response as The Merchant knocked on the door before opening it. The interior of the room was similar to the corridor itself, dark and in the style of a twentieth century hotel. However, apart from an armchair and a wooden table that sat in front of it the room was barren and empty.

Sitting in a dark armchair was a being wearing a hood. At the sight of The Merchant she unveiled it, revealing her face.


JackOfHearts said:
Error nods. "Sure. ?I?'?d li?k?e? ?to? ?he?ar a few? i?n?te?r?e?st?ing? s?tor?i?e?s?."?
"Right then." The Librarian grinned "Want to hear about the time I tricked a God by getting him high?"
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Sash Lilac

Dragon Energy



"Well that's kinda creepy..." Carol mumbled to herself as the girl revealed her face. Lilac let the others speak to Amelia first.


Mood: Curious

Condition: Doing good!

Location: Some Kind of Hallway

[QUOTE="Some_Bloke]"Right then." The Librarian grinned "Want to hear about the time I tricked a God by getting him high?"

"́Y̧ou̕ ́t̕r̕íck҉ed a͞ ̸g̛o͝d, b̶y̢ ̕ge̸t̛t̛in̶g ͠h̵im̧ ̡h҉i̛g҉h?...̢.̧..̶.̸..̛...̡ ̢Ok͞,̧ I̡'̕v͟e GOT҉ t͢o̴ he̸aŗ tḩi҉s ̡s͡t̢oŕy͟!"͢ Error Sans says, smiling.
Unknown Universe

The Doctor took a cautious step towards the creature "Hello." He began, speaking in a reassuring tone "My name is The Doctor. I'm here to..."

The second The Doctor opened his mouth, the creature's gaze fixed on him. "The Doctor?" She asked

"Yes." The Doctor replied with a smile, taking another step towards her

"The bearded man who will kill The Doctor." She spoke, causing the Time Lord to step back with a shocked expression on his face. "He will knock four times." She glared into The Doctor's eyes and began to shake violently "You will hear him knock four times."

"What is she talking about, Doctor?" Lovecraft eyes "I can see it in your eyes. You have heard this prophecy before."

"I-I don't know." The Doctor stammered fearfully

Lovecraft's eyes met that of the creature "What do you mean? Who is this bearded man?" He asked suspiciously

"Her words are connected to the future, to prophecies. It is just a case of connecting the dots." The Merchant explained

"You believe connecting the prophecies will help her?" Tesla asked


Tesla approached the creature, setting his hands on the table "We are going to help you." He reassured her "I swear."

Her gaze and Tesla's gaze met. She began to shake violently again as Tesla was thrown across the room with telekinesis and the creature stood up.

"The child of Steel The child of Light. The child of Night. Both will meet. The Sunken City shall rise from the deep. One will die so that the other shall live. Those who hide will face that which whispers lies. The six Jesters will stand together, laughing at flames. Father and child will face each other!" She paused and whispered three words with fear in her voice "The Wolf Hungers."

Amelia sat back down in the chair and began to mutter to herself as she shook violently "All will be in fragments. All will be in fragments. All will be in fragments."

Tesla stood up and rubbed the back of his head, catching Amelia's attention "The child of Light." She muttered

JackOfHearts said:
"́Y̧ou̕ ́t̕r̕íck҉ed a͞ ̸g̛o͝d, b̶y̢ ̕ge̸t̛t̛in̶g ͠h̵im̧ ̡h҉i̛g҉h?...̢.̧..̶.̸..̛...̡ ̢Ok͞,̧ I̡'̕v͟e GOT҉ t͢o̴ he̸aŗ tḩi҉s ̡s͡t̢oŕy͟!"͢ Error Sans says, smiling.
The Librarian rubbed his hands together with glee "In one universe there was a God named Emundans. His followers called him that due to his purification attempts. Every few centuries he would deem the world full of sinners and purify it. Sometimes with fire, other times with water or plagues. Once he did it with demons . Only those who worshiped him survived. A lucky few also made it by figuring out what disaster Emundas had planned and preparing for it. He's going to flood the world? Become Noah. He's going to set the world on fire or cover it in a plague? Build underground."

He paused "The only way they escaped his gaze was due to his many, many distractions. Despite being a being, a God who saw himself as pure Emundans was...Well, a hypocrite. Booze, women, women made of booze. That's where I came in. As I was going about my daily routine, seeing universes where I could make allies, make deals or learn something I saw the survivors and I saw the fat God in all of his so-called purity. His long and unshaven beard drenched with booze" The Librarian spoke with spite in his voice "The survivors reached out to me."

He paused again, leaning back in his chair "However, Emundans was like most Gods. Powered by the people who worship him...So I could not kill him without weakening him first. Why else do you think Gods have entire faiths based after them? Some enjoy it, some believe that their faith will help the world but others...Others need to feed off of it."

The Librarian paused again as a crooked and grim smile appeared on his face "I traveled to Emundans' palace and saw his hypocrisy up close. He asked me if I knew of anything he could use to satisfy himself and I quickly found his world one without marijuana. But why would it exist if you're going to drown or burn the planet every few hundred years not a lot of plants are going to survive...

And so, as I stood before the fat God I smiled, snapped my fingers and presented it to him. But...But I'd put something extra into it. Normally the drug is harmless aside from some mental effects but Error this was no ordinary weed."

"Within it was a toxin I had implanted myself. It made the drug extra addictive as well as weak. At first, it obviously wouldn't affect a God but he just wanted more and more and as he was weak." The Librarian made a stabbing motion with his left hand "I killed him and took his head, presenting it to all of the survivors below. They immediately turned on the fat God's followers and killed them all. In return, they granted me with the location of a weapon I could use on other Gods."

The Librarian chuckled and opened his briefcase, holding the same scroll he had threatened Sheogorath with "It's how I found the location of this thing."
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[QUOTE="Some_Bloke]The Librarian rubbed his hands together with glee "In one universe there was a God named Emundans. His followers called him that due to his purification attempts. Every few centuries he would deem the world full of sinners and purify it. Sometimes with fire, other times with water or plagues. Once he did it with demons . Only those who worshiped him survived. A lucky few also made it by figuring out what disaster Emundas had planned and preparing for it. He's going to flood the world? Become Noah. He's going to set the world on fire or cover it in a plague? Build underground."
He paused "The only way they escaped his gaze was due to his many, many distractions. Despite being a being, a God who saw himself as pure Emundans was...Well, a hypocrite. Booze, women, women made of booze. That's where I came in. As I was going about my daily routine, seeing universes where I could make allies, make deals or learn something I saw the survivors and I saw the fat God in all of his so-called purity. His long and unshaven beard drenched with booze" The Librarian spoke with spite in his voice "The survivors reached out to me."

He paused again, leaning back in his chair "However, Emundans was like most Gods. Powered by the people who worship him...So I could not kill him without weakening him first. Why else do you think Gods have entire faiths based after them? Some enjoy it, some believe that their faith will help the world but others...Others need to feed off of it."

The Librarian paused again as a crooked and grim smile appeared on his face "I traveled to Emundans' palace and saw his hypocrisy up close. He asked me if I knew of anything he could use to satisfy himself and I quickly found his world one without marijuana. But why would it exist if you're going to drown or burn the planet every few hundred years not a lot of plants are going to survive...

And so, as I stood before the fat God I smiled, snapped my fingers and presented it to him. But...But I'd put something extra into it. Normally the drug is harmless aside from some mental effects but Error this was no ordinary weed."

"Within it was a toxin I had implanted myself. It made the drug extra addictive as well as weak. At first, it obviously wouldn't affect a God but he just wanted more and more and as he was weak." The Librarian made a stabbing motion with his left hand "I killed him and took his head, presenting it to all of the survivors below. They immediately turned on the fat God's followers and killed them all. In return, they granted me with the location of a weapon I could use on other Gods."

The Librarian chuckled and opened his briefcase, holding the same scroll he had threatened Sheogorath with "It's how I found the location of this thing."

Error Sans. "̡A ͝w͡e͟a̵p͞o̵n͝ tḩa̶t ̶ćan b̶e used ̧against go͟ds͟?͡ ̢T̶hat sou͟n͟ds̡ p̢r͢e͡t̶t͜y̕ ͢cool,̢ ҉but co̡u͏l͏dn'̡t ͡you a͡ls̡o͝ j̢u͠s͟t͏ ̡sha̢t͢ter t͜h͡e͘ g͢o͡d's ̸s̀o͡u͏l͞?҉ Wai͢t̷..͏.͠d͟ò ͢ģo̧ds̸ ̛e͠ve͝n HA҉VE͘ ̢s͢ou̷l̛s̴? ҉Uh̷...ne͢v̵er͡ ͘r̶ea͟lly̧ thòu̢g͟h͠t̵ abòut͢ t̷h͢at ̷u͠n̨til ̵now̢.͝.̢.̡"

Sash Lilac

Dragon Energy



When Tesla was tossed across the room, Lilac ran to catch him before he hurt himself on anything. What was that? What was this girl doing? While Lilac made sure Tesla was okay, Carol continued to listen to Amelia, her arms folded.


Mood: Made it! Take that, physics!

Condition: Doing good!

Location: Some Kind of Hallway

JackOfHearts said:
Error Sans. "̡A ͝w͡e͟a̵p͞o̵n͝ tḩa̶t ̶ćan b̶e used ̧against go͟ds͟?͡ ̢T̶hat sou͟n͟ds̡ p̢r͢e͡t̶t͜y̕ ͢cool,̢ ҉but co̡u͏l͏dn'̡t ͡you a͡ls̡o͝ j̢u͠s͟t͏ ̡sha̢t͢ter t͜h͡e͘ g͢o͡d's ̸s̀o͡u͏l͞?҉ Wai͢t̷..͏.͠d͟ò ͢ģo̧ds̸ ̛e͠ve͝n HA҉VE͘ ̢s͢ou̷l̛s̴? ҉Uh̷...ne͢v̵er͡ ͘r̶ea͟lly̧ thòu̢g͟h͠t̵ abòut͢ t̷h͢at ̷u͠n̨til ̵now̢.͝.̢.̡"
"It's not the only weapon that can kill Gods. One only needs to know where to look." The Librarian replied "And yes, most of them do."

Unknown Universe

Tesla raised a hand, indicating that he was alright. "Child of light?" He muttered, getting a nod from Amelia in response. Tesla pointed at his chest "I am the Child of Light?" He looked to The Merchant for guidance "What does that mean?"

"I am not sure." He turned to Lilac and Carol "Would you like to ask her a question?"


Klarion the Witch Boy

Struggling to keep his shield up as it bombarded by the knives, Klarion summon a set of five orbs above his head and precedes to throw them at each of the Charas." Order went out of style a century ago! Why don't you just give up and let Chaos run wild?"
[QUOTE="Some_Bloke]"It's not the only weapon that can kill Gods. One only needs to know where to look." The Librarian replied "And yes, most of them do."

Error Sans smiled. "H̨u͝h҉.̛..̛I̧f̨ gods̴ ͟h͝ave sòu̧ls̵ th͏at҉ ̡make̕s ̀'em͝ p̛r̸etty ͜e҉asy ̶t҉o͟ ͞k͢įll. ͟Afteŗ ̨all͞,̵ b͝re͟a̵king ͡so̡ul͝s̢ is̨ ͡m͜y͏ s͝p͢e̸c̸i͞àlt҉ý!"̸

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