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Fandom Tears: Rebirth


Sash Lilac

Dragon Energy



"None at all." Lilac replied "Unless we want to sit around doing nothing, which there's no way I'm doing. Let's go save some universes!" She said, pumping her fist.


Mood: Filled with determination

Condition: Doing good!

Location: Some Kind of Hallway

Doctor Who Universe: London, Earth 2020

The Merchant snapped his fingers, bringing the group back to London.

"What about your friend?" The Doctor asked with concern

"She will have to wait." The Merchant stated "The Multiverse itself is at stake and I need to track down a blade. As I speak, I am spread across reality. At least within dimensions I can physically reach, searching for records of a sentient blade. There are countless within the walls of reality and so finding one that is of actual use to us will take time."

"What can we do then?" Tesla asked "There must be something. Perhaps find this source?"

"The source of reality itself?" The Doctor asked

"Maybe. Be careful Doctor."

The Merchant snapped his fingers, disappearing.

"Doctor?" Lovecraft asked, seeing that a small grin was appearing on the Time Lord's face

"Well, we're going to travel to the beginning of the universe." The Doctor smiled, turning around to face his companions before running to his TARDIS "Allon-sy!"


JackOfHearts said:
"̧We͝ll͜,̨ yo͡u'̢ve ̀got a͡ poin͞t́ ͝p̵a̕l̡.̨ ҉I ẁo̸n'̨t͝ ̵de̴n̕y t̡h̀a̶ţ ͡there'̵s͘ lo̴gi̶c beh҉ind ̶w̴h̢a͢t you'̴re̕ ͢sa͢yin͠'͟" Error Sans says, shrugging. "B͟ut,̴ I̶'ll çro͡ss ̕t͘hat ͡br̶i̷d̀g̵e ͏w̛h́e͞n I comè ͟t̴o͟ it.̧ ́A҉f̢t͝e͏r͟ ̢aĺl,҉ I ͜hav͏e̴ ̶all ҉of̧ ̶et̡er͡n͝it̸y͞.͡ ́I'͢m͟ ̕in no͘ ͟r͢us̸h."̀
"Actually, you do not." The Merchant stated "I fear that what is causing these tears will spell the end of reality itself, leaving everything in fragments. You will not survive."

"Well, why don't we bleedin' do something about it then?" The Librarian asked "Did you find anything about blades."

"I found records of several that could help us. Perhaps Sans could be useful in obtaining one I found..."
Doctor Who (Earth, 2020)

Sash Lilac

Dragon Energy



"The beginning of the universe? You think we'll find information on the source there?" Lilac asked.


Mood: Filled with determination

Condition: Doing good!

Location: Some Kind of Hallway

[QUOTE="Some_Bloke]"Actually, you do not." The Merchant stated "I fear that what is causing these tears will spell the end of reality itself, leaving everything in fragments. You will not survive."
"Well, why don't we bleedin' do something about it then?" The Librarian asked "Did you find anything about blades."

"I found records of several that could help us. Perhaps Sans could be useful in obtaining one I found..."

"B͠la͝de͞s? You ̀a͡in'͟ţ ̸ţal̡k̀in͟g̨ ̨ab́out ͠kni̵v͢e͜s, ̨a͏re ҉you? ͝I҉ ̶ha͢vę ba͟d҉ ex̵pe͡r̶ie͝ņc̵e wit̵h ͝k͠nives͞.̴ Wel̨l̡, ̵mor̡e͠ ́sp̧ęcíf͘i̶c̢ally̧ their wie̵ld̢e̷ŗs̷.̧ Th̛e͞r͞e̷ w͏a͝s̕ th͏is̡ ́d̕am͡n k̢i͞d ́nam̡ęd ̷C̡h̵ara, ͢w҉ho ̵ju͠s͠t ͠woúl̡d̸n̨'͟t҉ ͝F̧UC̀KÌN̵G DIE͝.͢ Th̢at ͜k͞íd̶ ̧d́ȩs͞e̶r̡v͠ed ͢d̸ęaţh̶, áft̨ér̶ al͏l, th͜e̛ ҉k͞id̨ ̀kil̡léd ҉mo͜st͞ ̷o͏f ̴the͟ u͟n҉d͜er̛gr̡ouńḑ ͢i̴n ͟a͟ļm͢o̴s̛t ̴ever̡y timeline ͏I̴ ͝wen͜t tơ at̡ leas̡t o҉n̴c͟e,̶ ͟e̴ven͠ ҉th̷e ̶gl͝it̕ch on͜e̵s͝.̕"̀ Error Sans says, not really paying attention to the part about the end of reality itself.
Klarion the Witch Boy

After hearing her talking about a special attack, Klarion decides to go on the offensive. Klarion removesthe shield, Klarion extends both of his hands and summons ten orbs around Chara and each of her clones. Grinning, Klarion snaps his fingers, causing the orbs to converge on each of the Charas before exploding.
Doctor Who Universe: The TARDIS, Earth 2020

"Well, it's worth a try." The Doctor replied as he shut the doors to the TARDIS "This source, it could be anything, couldn't it? The source of Winston Churchill's cigars...Romeo y Julieta, by the way. I told him to stop smoking those things, that it was bad for his health." The Doctor spoke at a fast-pace eccentrically as he hit multiple buttons around the TARDIS console.

"And did this Churchill stop?" Tesla asked

"He's really stubborn." The Doctor replied "Or-or the source could be referring to Chaplin's mustache. My idea, actually. It was a good look mind you until one idiot had to ruin it." He muttered, stopping in his tracks as he was about to pull a lever. "Really, travelling to the beginning of the universe to find a source is..."

"A guess?" Tesla asked

"Well...When you put it like that." The Doctor grinned

"You're making this up as you go along, aren't you?" Tesla sighed

"Yep. But I do it brilliantly." The Doctor grinned


JackOfHearts said:
"B͠la͝de͞s? You ̀a͡in'͟ţ ̸ţal̡k̀in͟g̨ ̨ab́out ͠kni̵v͢e͜s, ̨a͏re ҉you? ͝I҉ ̶ha͢vę ba͟d҉ ex̵pe͡r̶ie͝ņc̵e wit̵h ͝k͠nives͞.̴ Wel̨l̡, ̵mor̡e͠ ́sp̧ęcíf͘i̶c̢ally̧ their wie̵ld̢e̷ŗs̷.̧ Th̛e͞r͞e̷ w͏a͝s̕ th͏is̡ ́d̕am͡n k̢i͞d ́nam̡ęd ̷C̡h̵ara, ͢w҉ho ̵ju͠s͠t ͠woúl̡d̸n̨'͟t҉ ͝F̧UC̀KÌN̵G DIE͝.͢ Th̢at ͜k͞íd̶ ̧d́ȩs͞e̶r̡v͠ed ͢d̸ęaţh̶, áft̨ér̶ al͏l, th͜e̛ ҉k͞id̨ ̀kil̡léd ҉mo͜st͞ ̷o͏f ̴the͟ u͟n҉d͜er̛gr̡ouńḑ ͢i̴n ͟a͟ļm͢o̴s̛t ̴ever̡y timeline ͏I̴ ͝wen͜t tơ at̡ leas̡t o҉n̴c͟e,̶ ͟e̴ven͠ ҉th̷e ̶gl͝it̕ch on͜e̵s͝.̕"̀ Error Sans says, not really paying attention to the part about the end of reality itself.
"Then I'll make sure I don't point any blades we find in your direction." The Librarian chuckled "I know about Chara and what a nasty little shit she is. Pain in the bum for you lot, really."
They quickly dodge, one of them getting damaged by the explosion while one was completely destroyed. The rest made it out relatively unscathed. "Oh, you're strong," Chara said simply. She tossed her knife in the air before catching it with a grin. "I can't wait to cut that out of you." Chara closed her eyes and focused for but a moment before she opened her eyes with a grin. She crossed her fingers in a sort of cross formation. "Clone Assault!" She yelled. Suddenly, a small army of Chara's appeared all around Klarion. There could have been up to thirty of them. They grin and rush Chara with an endless barrage of knives, many throwing and just as many rushing.

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Doctor Who (Earth, 2020)

Sash Lilac

Dragon Energy



"I guess it's a start, anyway." Carol replied "Just don't go making us wear stupid costumes again. Lilac, you look absolutely ridiculous in that thing."

"Eheh... Will I need this anymore?" Lilac asked the Doctor.


Mood: Umm...

Condition: Doing good!

Location: The TARDIS
(Yes I keep this thing updated what are you talking about)

[QUOTE="Some_Bloke]"Then I'll make sure I don't point any blades we find in your direction." The Librarian chuckled "I know about Chara and what a nasty little shit she is. Pain in the bum for you lot, really."

Error Sans shudders slightly. "N͡o matter h̸ow ̷m͘any̵ ̸t̛imȩs͜ I͝ ͏kill th̴a͢t ̴l͢i̴tt̀le̴ ͜shi̕t, ̶wh̡e̢t̕he̵r ͏i͠t'̕s̢ i̴n͏ a̕ g̡li͡tch ̷unive̕r̀s̵e͘ ͠o͞r n͜o͞t͜, ̸the̸y ͝dơn't f͜u͟cki͞n͘g ͟st̵a͜y̢ dea̢d҉.̡ ͞The k̸id̢'s ͜m̴o҉r͢ȩ thaǹ a͝ pąi͝n̵ i̶n͜ the̸ b̷um,͝ ͘t̛h͞e k̢id'͝s̕ a ́m҉aņi̡a͞c͞. ̡A̛ ͜go͝d͡dam҉n͠ ̡un̶killab͏le ͞ma̧niać.̢ Yo͟u͠ ́wąnt ͟t̵o͏ t̶al̨k͘ about̷ ́ŢR̨ULY͘ ̛m͟or̨ȩ po͡węr̕fu͢l̛ ̕t̸h͡a͜n ͝a͡ny̨thin̕g el͢s̡e͏ in t́h͢e ͟m̶úl͞t̢iv̛e̕r̢s͝e͝, ̡t̡h́ȩn̨ Cha̢ra͘'s ͢t̶h҉e ͜oné wh̶o ̧has ̢th̡at ͢pot͢en͘t̕įa̴l͏. ̡J̀u̶s̡t th͢ìn͘king̀ ̀ab̴ou͢t he̵r ̷c͝hi̛l͘ls̷ m̸é t̀o̷ t̀he BONE."
Doctor Who Universe: ???

"Hey." The Doctor replied, almost offended "Those outfits are stylish."

"Says the man wearing sandshoes." Lovecraft cut in, jokingly

"They're convers!" The Doctor defended as The TARDIS dematerialised.


The Doctor kept his gaze focused on the TARDIS console, staring at the screen "Just passed the dinosaurs." He muttered "Almost..." The Doctor reached for a lever and pulled it, causing the inside of the TARDIS to shake violently

"What in God's name was that?" Tesla asked, holding onto the console to stop himself from falling.

"That would be the big bang, well the aftermath of it." The Doctor explained with a grin "The beginning of the universe. If you open those doors you'll see the birth of the universe."


JackOfHearts said:
Error Sans shudders slightly. "N?o matter h?ow ?m?any? ?t?ime?s? I? ?kill th?a?t ?l?i?tt?le? ?shi?t, ?wh?e?t?he?r ?i?t'?s? i?n? a? g?li?tch ?unive?r?s?e? ?o?r n?o?t?, ?the?y ?do?n't f?u?cki?n?g ?st?a?y? dea?d?.? ?The k?id?'s ?m?o?r?e? than? a? pa?i?n? i?n? the? b?um,? ?t?h?e k?id'?s? a ?m?an?i?a?c?. ?A? ?go?d?dam?n? ?un?killab?le ?ma?niac?.? Yo?u? ?wa?nt ?t?o? t?al?k? about? ?T?R?ULY? ?m?or?e? po?we?r?fu?l? ?t?h?a?n ?a?ny?thin?g el?s?e? in t?h?e ?m?u?l?t?iv?e?r?s?e?, ?t?h?e?n? Cha?ra?'s ?t?h?e ?one? wh?o ?has ?th?at ?pot?en?t?i?a?l?. ?J?u?s?t th?i?n?king? ?ab?ou?t he?r ?c?hi?l?ls? m?e? t?o? t?he BONE."
"We have dealt with far worse." The Merchant replied grimly "While we can all agree that the child is in fact pure evil, I assume you that there are worse things within reality than her."
[QUOTE="Some_Bloke]"We have dealt with far worse." The Merchant replied grimly "While we can all agree that the child is in fact pure evil, I assume you that there are worse things within reality than her."

"W̧ors͞e t͜han ͠Çh̡ar͠a͜? T͜ho̧sę ͜th͢ings͏ ҉mųst́ be ̀pre̴tty͏ god͝d̸a͝mn b́ad͏. A̵nd̛, i͘f ̸they're҉ l҉ivi͡n҉g,͜ d͟e̴se͢r͏vįng ơf d͜ea̶th.͏"̵ Error Sans frowns. Something worse than Chara? That was a terrifying thought...
Doctor Who

Sash Lilac

Dragon Energy



While the two argued with each other, Lilac took off the outfit "It's getting kind of hot in there anyway..." She commented. Once the Doctor declared their arrival, she quickly made her way to the TARDIS' doors "If there are any clues to the source here, we need to see it fast!"


Mood: Hurry!

Condition: Doing good!

Location: The TARDIS

There was nothing but darkness the moment Suwako set her foot in. Like a long unlit tunnel, she could only see the light that came from the far end of the darkness, and the invisible walls that kept the path straight and narrow. She wasn't afraid, not at all; opening a rift is easy if you know the right spells and the right people to help you create one. Rather, her hesitation came from a source of worry at how long this little diversion of hers would take and how it would worry Sanae and Kanako.

Nevertheless, she was bored though. It only made sense to move forward and let her feet take her to the light at the end.
Demi-Fiend was walking around the Amala Network when a giant bright light was in the distance he deicded to go towards it and he suddendly felt tired and was sleeping on some kind of flower bed.

JackOfHearts said:
"W̧ors͞e t͜han ͠Çh̡ar͠a͜? T͜ho̧sę ͜th͢ings͏ ҉mųst́ be ̀pre̴tty͏ god͝d̸a͝mn b́ad͏. A̵nd̛, i͘f ̸they're҉ l҉ivi͡n҉g,͜ d͟e̴se͢r͏vįng ơf d͜ea̶th.͏"̵ Error Sans frowns. Something worse than Chara? That was a terrifying thought...
"She's child's play compared to the things we've been up against." The Librarian scoffed

"Do not underestimate her." The Merchant cautioned "She may only be a child but she has the potential to perform horrific crimes. All it took was determination and a simple weapon and multiple versions of her have been able to wipe out an entire civilization."

"Speaking of weapons." The Librarian cut in "You ready?" He asked Error "You and I are going to track down one of the blades he's found out about." He pointed at The Merchant

Doctor Who Universe: ???

The Doctor approached the doors cautiously only to push both of them open enthusiastically. Outside was barren, however lights slowly began to form within the emptiness. "We could stand here for years." The Doctor muttered "Watching life develop." He pointed outwards "That's where the Earth will be. Give it a few years and your planet begins to form. The first rock is a Racnoss ship, actually." He explained, a smile still on his face

"Racnoss?" Lovecraft asked

"Giant spider creatures. A bit, unpleasant really." The Doctor replied, turning around.

"Are we just going to wait until something shows up, Doctor?" Tesla asked

"Seems like it." The Doctor muttered, facing the young yet empty universe again. He shut the doors and approached the TARDIS console "I'm scanning for any energy signatures. The universe has only been born, so it'll be crawling with energy, blooming with it. What I'm searching for is anything unusual."

[QUOTE="Some_Bloke]"She's child's play compared to the things we've been up against." The Librarian scoffed
"Do not underestimate her." The Merchant cautioned "She may only be a child but she has the potential to perform horrific crimes. All it took was determination and a simple weapon and multiple versions of her have been able to wipe out an entire civilization."

"Speaking of weapons." The Librarian cut in "You ready?" He asked Error "You and I are going to track down one of the blades he's found out about." He pointed at The Merchant

"̕Y̡e̕ah̀, le҉t'̶s g̢o̢ ̵f̢iǹḑ t͢his..́.b͞la͝d͡e.͡..̷t҉hi͟ńgy̨. ̶W͢ḩat does it ҉ev͠en̕ ͢fucḱin̸g l̢oo͞k ̶lik̸e? ͟I͢s͏ ̛ít a͝ s҉w͏ord, ̢a ͏c̶l͜eav́er, w̴h̛at̷? ̡S̛ęrio̶us̵l͡y̡, ̢bl҉a̴de͏ įs̕ a v̕e̷ry b͞r͜oad̀ t͠e̢r̀m.͘ I̷'d ̵p̶r͝e͢fe͢r some͢ sp̸ec̵ifi̸cs͜." Error Sans ask.
Doctor Who

Sash Lilac

Dragon Energy



"I wonder where Avalice would be..." Lilac said, looking out into the vast expanse of space.

"Wait, doesn't space not have air? How did you do that?" Carol asked the Doctor.


Mood: Wow...

Condition: Doing good!

Location: The TARDIS

The light itself was a letdown the moment Suwako stepped out of the rift. It wasn't a bright world of light and skies; the birds flying on top of an ever present sun. Rather, she found herself in a land that was dim and dark with enough light for her to see the world in it's desolate land even if trees and flowers existed.

"Even hell seemed more lively." Suwako commented to no one in particular, "But this is clearly an underworld land."

She turned around to see the rift slowly closing, wondering if there was someone mediating this. She walked, noticing that some frogs around her had followed silently and were now hopping past her. The flowers in the land were starting to multiply the more she walked, and she found herself in a flower field. The flowers weren't that amazing in her opinion, but they gave a bit of color in an otherwise dark land.

Her eyes caught on to a body that laid on the ground, a boy with stripes on his body that ran from his hands and arms. Kneeling like a frog, she peered closed to the body and studied the boy more.

"Half naked in this land, seems like you have a death wish." She commented with an almost amused voice as she looked at the lying boy expectantly, wondering if he was some sacrifice that was being offered to a God.

CoconutLeaves said:
The light itself was a letdown the moment Suwako stepped out of the rift. It wasn't a bright world of light and skies; the birds flying on top of an ever present sun. Rather, she found herself in a land that was dim and dark with enough light for her to see the world in it's desolate land even if trees and flowers existed.
"Even hell seemed more lively." Suwako commented to no one in particular, "But this is clearly an underworld land."

She turned around to see the rift slowly closing, wondering if there was someone mediating this. She walked, noticing that some frogs around her had followed silently and were now hopping past her. The flowers in the land were starting to multiply the more she walked, and she found herself in a flower field. The flowers weren't that amazing in her opinion, but they gave a bit of color in an otherwise dark land.

Her eyes caught on to a body that laid on the ground, a boy with stripes on his body that ran from his hands and arms. Kneeling like a frog, she peered closed to the body and studied the boy more.

"Half naked in this land, seems like you have a death wish." She commented with an almost amused voice as she looked at the lying boy expectantly, wondering if he was some sacrifice that was being offered to a God.

As Demi-Fiend heard Suwako talking to her self he suddendly woke up grabbing her neck with such speed and took a good luck at her.

She looked like an innoccent girl he decided to let her go and stood up.

"Who are you....?"
His reflexes were fast, Suwako didn't have the time to dodge him, instead finding herself on the very ground with his hands around her neck with such force that he could have snapped her neck. She began to summon Mishaguji to get him off but found that he let go and stand, dwarfing her with his size. He was a tall fellow, but then she was intentionally at the height of a child for multiple reasons.

The important thing however, was that he was stronger than his build gave him, and she should be more wary about him.

"I am Moriya Suwako, a goddess." She said as knelt and made the posture of a frog, letting the other frogs hop around everywhere. She followed one, taking a few hops then stood up. "And if you're going to ask how I got here, then I'm afraid my only answer would be a rift." She said as she looked at the powerful young boy before her.

"And who are you half-naked child?" She asked with a clumsy looking teasing face, a hint of a smirk in her lips.

CoconutLeaves said:
His reflexes were fast, Suwako didn't have the time to dodge him, instead finding herself on the very ground with his hands around her neck with such force that he could have snapped her neck. She began to summon Mishaguji to get him off but found that he let go and stand, dwarfing her with his size. He was a tall fellow, but then she was intentionally at the height of a child for multiple reasons.
The important thing however, was that he was stronger than his build gave him, and she should be more wary about him.

"I am Moriya Suwako, a goddess." She said as knelt and made the posture of a frog, letting the other frogs hop around everywhere. She followed one, taking a few hops then stood up. "And if you're going to ask how I got here, then I'm afraid my only answer would be a rift." She said as she looked at the powerful young boy before her.

"And who are you half-naked child?" She asked with a clumsy looking teasing face, a hint of a smirk in her lips.

Demi-Fiend had never seen this type of girl and took a bit of interest and awnser to her question.

"My name is Hitoshura..."
Doctor Who Universe: ???

"The same reason the TARDIS wasn't destroyed when we arrived here." The Doctor explained, continuing to stare at the console "She has a forcefield. Handy if you accidently materialize next to an active volcano."

He turned away from the console "Avalice?" The Doctor asked "Not even sure if it exists in this universe." He turned to Tesla and Lovecraft "Just how their Earth is different from mine." The Doctor then turned back to the console "The Multiverse is a huge place, but we're only looking at the beginning of my universe."


JackOfHearts said:
"̕Y̡e̕ah̀, le҉t'̶s g̢o̢ ̵f̢iǹḑ t͢his..́.b͞la͝d͡e.͡..̷t҉hi͟ńgy̨. ̶W͢ḩat does it ҉ev͠en̕ ͢fucḱin̸g l̢oo͞k ̶lik̸e? ͟I͢s͏ ̛ít a͝ s҉w͏ord, ̢a ͏c̶l͜eav́er, w̴h̛at̷? ̡S̛ęrio̶us̵l͡y̡, ̢bl҉a̴de͏ įs̕ a v̕e̷ry b͞r͜oad̀ t͠e̢r̀m.͘ I̷'d ̵p̶r͝e͢fe͢r some͢ sp̸ec̵ifi̸cs͜." Error Sans ask.
"It's a rapier with a golden handle, however it can change form depending on who's using it." The Merchant explained "For someone who prefers firearms it would take the form of a pistol or rifle. I imagine for Chara it would take the form of a knife."
"Hitoshura." She repeated. Chaotic person or Person of Chaos. She wondered if she was dealing face to face with a Demon or a Magic User. He was interesting however, and she figured that there's a story to him that would be a good time waster for her.

"Nice to meet you, Hitoshura. What brought you here to be a sacrifice?" She said, intentionally making the wrong assumption to goad him into a response. He was too powerful to have been left here without a fight, and thus his existence here was interesting. Is he related to the world?

CoconutLeaves said:
"Hitoshura." She repeated. Chaotic person or Person of Chaos. She wondered if she was dealing face to face with a Demon or a Magic User. He was interesting however, and she figured that there's a story to him that would be a good time waster for her.
"Nice to meet you, Hitoshura. What brought you here to be a sacrifice?" She said, intentionally making the wrong assumption to goad him into a response. He was too powerful to have been left here without a fight, and thus his existence here was interesting. Is he related to the world?

Demi-Fiend look at her with weird face and questioned "What sacrafice...?"
"You aren't? Then how did you get here, Shura?" She asked, deciding to switch gears and see where his answers would lead her. Surely he couldn't have been sleeping here from the start?


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