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Fandom Tears: Rebirth


Sash Lilac

Dragon Energy



"You wouldn't happen to know what's causing all of the tears in the multiverse thingy, would you?" Carol asked first.


Mood: A bit creeped out

Condition: Doing good!

Location: Some Kind of Hallway

Unknown Universe

Amelia turned to Carol and stared into her eyes intently "Beyond the walls of reality is where it started. Where it started...It shall turn everything to fragments."


JackOfHearts said:
Error Sans smiled. "H̨u͝h҉.̛..̛I̧f̨ gods̴ ͟h͝ave sòu̧ls̵ th͏at҉ ̡make̕s ̀'em͝ p̛r̸etty ͜e҉asy ̶t҉o͟ ͞k͢įll. ͟Afteŗ ̨all͞,̵ b͝re͟a̵king ͡so̡ul͝s̢ is̨ ͡m͜y͏ s͝p͢e̸c̸i͞àlt҉ý!"̸
"Gods are never easy to kill, you numpty. That's why they're Gods." The Librarian snapped "Wit and trickery are the best methods for killing a God."
[QUOTE="Some_Bloke]"Gods are never easy to kill, you numpty. That's why they're Gods." The Librarian snapped "Wit and trickery are the best methods for killing a God."

Error Sans shrugs. "I̛f ͘y͞o͝u s͝a̸y sơ.̶ ́So̡uls͜ a͡re͢ ̶p̨re̡t̶t̶y͘ dàn͜g ea̛s͘y t͠o̴ de҉s̢tr͜o̢y͘ th̀oưgh̴."

Sash Lilac

Dragon Energy



Carol reached up and scratched the back of her head "That's... A real useful answer, there."


Mood: Thinking

Condition: Doing good!

Location: Some Kind of Hallway

Kero, Kero.

The sounds of croaking frogs were Suwako's companion as she placed her feet on the cool waters of the pond. She placed her hat on the ground as she watched the waterfall nearby flow its water ending with a thundering crash. She saw the flapping of dark wings and smiled as it vanished, as if it was never there to begin with. The Tengu really liked to keep watch over their territory, and having newcomers didn't make things easy for them as it is. Not that Suwako cared, she and Kanoko had the mettle to prove their dominance and Kanoko's spreading of the faith was slow but surely worthwhile.

Since Sanae was with Kanoko, this left Suwako with time on her hands as usual. This routine was no different from yesterday, and the day before that. She actually wanted Kanoko or someone to stir something up so things would be a bit more lively here.

"If only another incident would occur..." She muttered absent-mindedly.

As if on cue, a ripping sound opened near her and she could see the same darkness that Yuyuko and Kanoko opened.

It seemed like her boredom would be sated.
JackOfHearts said:
Error Sans shrugs. "I̛f ͘y͞o͝u s͝a̸y sơ.̶ ́So̡uls͜ a͡re͢ ̶p̨re̡t̶t̶y͘ dàn͜g ea̛s͘y t͠o̴ de҉s̢tr͜o̢y͘ th̀oưgh̴."
"I have a soul, yet I cannot be easily killed as you believe." The Librarian scoffed as The Merchant appeared behind the two "Oh, I wondered when you'd show up." The Librarian smiled

"Every living thing within this Multiverse has a soul. Gods, Devils, Angels, Demons. Everything." The Merchant explained with a smile "I have seen it."

Unknown Universe

"You will be there as a world burns." Amelia told Carol

"What is it you think we can do to help?" Tesla asked The Merchant

"If I am honest, I am not sure. A friend of mine told me that if we connect the dots and figure out what each prophecy means, perhaps within them lies the method to helping her. Or perhaps...Perhaps there is something else."

[QUOTE="Some_Bloke]"I have a soul, yet I cannot be easily killed as you believe." The Librarian scoffed as The Merchant appeared behind the two "Oh, I wondered when you'd show up." The Librarian smiled
"Every living thing within this Multiverse has a soul. Gods, Devils, Angels, Demons. Everything." The Merchant explained with a smile "I have seen it."

Error Sans crosses his arms. "H͘uh,҉ ̢t͜h͜at̛'̸s҉ A ͝L̴O҉T҉ o͞f ̨sǫuls̡. Alt̸h͠o͘u͢gh,̨ I͜ d҉ou͞bt̸ ̧an̶y ̶of ͝th̀em̢ ̢co͜u͞ld s̢tan̛d ͟a chan̨c͢e aga̢i͜ns͘t me҉. A̢f͜t͠ęr a̷ll͘,͟ on͡ly͘ ̶hu̧m͟ans ̸h͟ave D̶͟͢͡͏ ̶̨̨͞͞Ę̧͢ ͏͞͏T̢ ̷͞E̵̢҉͜ ̸̧̧͟͞R͡͏̀͡ ̢̛͏̶̛Ḿ̷̡̢͟ ̶̸̛̀͠Į́ ̕͠҉̷Ņ҉̢͞ ̷́͜͞A҉ ͞T҉̷̧̢͠ ҉́Í̵̕͝ ̴̀Ó̵ ̡̧̀́N̶̢̡͜͢. It͝ ̨ma͘kes ̛ţhos͠e̴ f́uc̡ke͟r̡s ̕r҉e͡a̢lly h̵aŗd͝ ͟t̨o kilļ. Ser̡i̷o̸u͘sly҉, yơu ͏şh̷at̶te̷r ͘t͡he͝ir̀ ̶blood̀y ͏so͝u̢l ͏a͡n͘ḑ ̨i̧t̀ c҉ǫm̛e͞s ri̢ght ba͜ck҉ ag̵a̶i̛n.҉ And̴, soul͟s ͘w̵i̕t̵h̨ ̀a̷ ̢hi͡gh̶ ̧l͝ev̴e̢l͜ ̷of͠ viole̛nce ÀN̛D͞ ̴d̶et̕er͟mi͏n̵a͜t̨ion̢ are ev͏èņ ͝M͞OR̀E͘ ͠an͜noýing.̶ T̛h̴e͝y͟ ̨c̶a͝n͠ ju̶s҉t̶ tank ̡atta҉cks o͝ņ ̸t͜hęi҉r sou̢l,͏ an͝d then̕ ̵w͟hȩn s͡o̵me̷t͏hi҉ng̷ DOE͝S̶ s̸ha͏t͘ter ͠th̢e҉i̸r ̷s͢ouļ ́i̕t ju̴s͝t ̕f̨i̢x͞e͠s ́its̷ęlf͞!̧"

Sash Lilac

Dragon Energy



"That's reassuring..." Carol said.

"Do you think 'Beyond the walls of reality is where it started' could mean that the tears are being made by something outside the multiverse?" Lilac suggested, after the others had spoken.


Mood: Thinking

Condition: Doing good!

Location: Some Kind of Hallway

Unknown Universe

"I'd bet on it." Lovecraft muttered "In my experience, anything from beyond the Multiverse is going to cause trouble...But on such a scale as this?"

"You shall see many worlds burn." Amelia told Lovecraft, gazing into his eyes

"Which worlds?" Lovecraft asked, taken aback by her words "Tell me." He demanded

"Howard." Tesla butted in "If what she says is true, what can we do to stop it?"

"That heavily depends on what is causing this. We need to figure out what that is first before we can do anything."

"Could be anything." The Doctor replied


JackOfHearts said:
Error Sans crosses his arms. "H͘uh,҉ ̢t͜h͜at̛'̸s҉ A ͝L̴O҉T҉ o͞f ̨sǫuls̡. Alt̸h͠o͘u͢gh,̨ I͜ d҉ou͞bt̸ ̧an̶y ̶of ͝th̀em̢ ̢co͜u͞ld s̢tan̛d ͟a chan̨c͢e aga̢i͜ns͘t me҉. A̢f͜t͠ęr a̷ll͘,͟ on͡ly͘ ̶hu̧m͟ans ̸h͟ave D̶͟͢͡͏ ̶̨̨͞͞Ę̧͢ ͏͞͏T̢ ̷͞E̵̢҉͜ ̸̧̧͟͞R͡͏̀͡ ̢̛͏̶̛Ḿ̷̡̢͟ ̶̸̛̀͠Į́ ̕͠҉̷Ņ҉̢͞ ̷́͜͞A҉ ͞T҉̷̧̢͠ ҉́Í̵̕͝ ̴̀Ó̵ ̡̧̀́N̶̢̡͜͢. It͝ ̨ma͘kes ̛ţhos͠e̴ f́uc̡ke͟r̡s ̕r҉e͡a̢lly h̵aŗd͝ ͟t̨o kilļ. Ser̡i̷o̸u͘sly҉, yơu ͏şh̷at̶te̷r ͘t͡he͝ir̀ ̶blood̀y ͏so͝u̢l ͏a͡n͘ḑ ̨i̧t̀ c҉ǫm̛e͞s ri̢ght ba͜ck҉ ag̵a̶i̛n.҉ And̴, soul͟s ͘w̵i̕t̵h̨ ̀a̷ ̢hi͡gh̶ ̧l͝ev̴e̢l͜ ̷of͠ viole̛nce ÀN̛D͞ ̴d̶et̕er͟mi͏n̵a͜t̨ion̢ are ev͏èņ ͝M͞OR̀E͘ ͠an͜noýing.̶ T̛h̴e͝y͟ ̨c̶a͝n͠ ju̶s҉t̶ tank ̡atta҉cks o͝ņ ̸t͜hęi҉r sou̢l,͏ an͝d then̕ ̵w͟hȩn s͡o̵me̷t͏hi҉ng̷ DOE͝S̶ s̸ha͏t͘ter ͠th̢e҉i̸r ̷s͢ouļ ́i̕t ju̴s͝t ̕f̨i̢x͞e͠s ́its̷ęlf͞!̧"
"That is a very dangerous mindset to have." The Merchant cautioned "To believe you are above everything else in terms of power."

"Even I know there are stronger forces in reality than me." The Librarian shrugged
[QUOTE="Some_Bloke]"That is a very dangerous mindset to have." The Merchant cautioned "To believe you are above everything else in terms of power."
"Even I know there are stronger forces in reality than me." The Librarian shrugged

Error Sans smiles. "I'̛m͟ no͠t͡ a͘b͞ơv̀e ͢èv҉ȩr̸y̴one͘.̵ A͞ft́er͠ al̶l,͟ ̷I ̶h̶ave my̧ ̷w̧e̴a͞knes̢ses.̛ ͡I͡'m͠ ̸wha̴t ̵ỳo̶u wou̴l̷d́ call͘ a g̢l̡as͠s̢ ̡ćan͞n͜o͞n.̵ N͞ot e̛xact͝ly͜ di͘ff̢įc̴ult̢ to͞ ̛k͠ilļ, ̧bu̸t ̵gr͟eat at̶ ҉k̷i̛l͠l͠i͢ng.̷ Af̶ter ̸a̕l̶l̢,͏ my v̷er͡y bei̶ng ̢is on͞e ͜of̕ ̵m̷y͡ ͝we̵a͏k̴ńess̴es!̡"̧

Sash Lilac

Dragon Energy



"What about me?" Lilac asked Amelia "What do you see about me?"


Mood: Curious

Condition: Doing good!

Location: Some Kind of Hallway

Unknown Universe

"Are you sure you want to hear that?" The Doctor asked Lilac in a cautious tone

"You will be there at the end. As everything turns to fragments." Amelia told Lilac, glaring into her eyes "You shall see many worlds burn."

"What worlds?" Lovecraft asked impatiently "I need to know...I need to know if I can prevent any of this!"

Amelia ignored Lovecraft's words and simply focused her gaze on Lilac.


JackOfHearts said:
Error Sans smiles. "I'̛m͟ no͠t͡ a͘b͞ơv̀e ͢èv҉ȩr̸y̴one͘.̵ A͞ft́er͠ al̶l,͟ ̷I ̶h̶ave my̧ ̷w̧e̴a͞knes̢ses.̛ ͡I͡'m͠ ̸wha̴t ̵ỳo̶u wou̴l̷d́ call͘ a g̢l̡as͠s̢ ̡ćan͞n͜o͞n.̵ N͞ot e̛xact͝ly͜ di͘ff̢įc̴ult̢ to͞ ̛k͠ilļ, ̧bu̸t ̵gr͟eat at̶ ҉k̷i̛l͠l͠i͢ng.̷ Af̶ter ̸a̕l̶l̢,͏ my v̷er͡y bei̶ng ̢is on͞e ͜of̕ ̵m̷y͡ ͝we̵a͏k̴ńess̴es!̡"̧
"I know." The Merchant sighed "I have seen some of the lives you have taken, after all. I do not approve, however my friend tells me that you are of use to our cause and have displayed loyalty to him."

"He's telling the truth, mate." The Librarian shrugged at The Merchant "Trust me, this is someone we want on our side in the wars to come."
[QUOTE="Some_Bloke]"I know." The Merchant sighed "I have seen some of the lives you have taken, after all. I do not approve, however my friend tells me that you are of use to our cause and have displayed loyalty to him."
"He's telling the truth, mate." The Librarian shrugged at The Merchant "Trust me, this is someone we want on our side in the wars to come."

"H̕e͢y͏,̨ ̢for̸ ͠t̶he̡ ͏m͟os̷t p̛ar̛t̸ ̧I o͏nĺy kil͡l ̶G͢li͜tc̡h̨es.͞ T̕h̶ey̧ a͢ren't͡ m͝e͡an͏t̴ ҉tó éxi͡s̀t͜,͠ s̕o ̷I ̶ce̢as̨e ̷t̸he҉i͠r e̸xi̷s̸t͝ȩn͡ce͠.̢ Of̢ ̧co̸u͜rse̵, ́I̢ ͠ḩav̸e͘ no ̨q͝ual͟mś ́abou҉t̴ ͜kil̀l̛ing ͏pér̕i̢od͡,̴ ͜but I͏ ̢m̸os͢tl҉y̸ ̵ǵo ͟af́ter̨ ͢gl̨i͜t̛ch҉e͠s̵."̡ Error Sans says to The Merchant, shrugging.

Sash Lilac

Dragon Energy



"Lilac, maybe you shouldn't..." Carol told her.

Lilac, like Amelia, ignored everyone else "Is there anything I can do to stop it? If not getting rid of the danger entirely, at least stop it enough that those worlds aren't destroyed."


Mood: Curious

Condition: Doing good!

Location: Some Kind of Hallway

Unknown Universe

Amelia seemed to ignore Lilac's question for several minutes, staring into blank space. She eventually spoke "There are two ways to prevent all of this. Find the source. As everything turns to fragments it's door shall open. If not, then you must find the blade that whispers. The blade that can kill Gods."


JackOfHearts said:
"H̕e͢y͏,̨ ̢for̸ ͠t̶he̡ ͏m͟os̷t p̛ar̛t̸ ̧I o͏nĺy kil͡l ̶G͢li͜tc̡h̨es.͞ T̕h̶ey̧ a͢ren't͡ m͝e͡an͏t̴ ҉tó éxi͡s̀t͜,͠ s̕o ̷I ̶ce̢as̨e ̷t̸he҉i͠r e̸xi̷s̸t͝ȩn͡ce͠.̢ Of̢ ̧co̸u͜rse̵, ́I̢ ͠ḩav̸e͘ no ̨q͝ual͟mś ́abou҉t̴ ͜kil̀l̛ing ͏pér̕i̢od͡,̴ ͜but I͏ ̢m̸os͢tl҉y̸ ̵ǵo ͟af́ter̨ ͢gl̨i͜t̛ch҉e͠s̵."̡ Error Sans says to The Merchant, shrugging.
"Glitches, errors...It's all the same to me." The Librarian shrugged

"Still a life." The Merchant added
[QUOTE="Some_Bloke]"Glitches, errors...It's all the same to me." The Librarian shrugged
"Still a life." The Merchant added

Error shrugs. "W͢ha͘t͢ęv̕e҉ŕ, ̶I ҉g͠u͠es̢s ͘wȩ j̸ųs͢t ͞have ̨ḑiff͏e̴r̢ènt͞ moral ͢b̵e̸l̨ie̴f͜s."
Barbas said:
Klarion the Witch Boy

Struggling to keep his shield up as it bombarded by the knives, Klarion summon a set of five orbs above his head and precedes to throw them at each of the Charas." Order went out of style a century ago! Why don't you just give up and let Chaos run wild?"
The Charas dodged and three formed a delta and threw while two more rushed Klarion. "Order? You believe I fight for Order? How naive. I fight for no one but myself."

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Sash Lilac

Dragon Energy



Lilac smiled as Amelia broke the tension. So there was a solution! Lilac nodded in response to her answer "Got it. Find the source, or find the blade. That'll help us stop what's causing this. Thank you, Amelia." She said, giving a polite bow to her.


Mood: Filled with determination

Condition: Doing good!

Location: Some Kind of Hallway

Unknown Universe

"Even so, that's very narrow." Lovecraft stated "Sorry, I am just being realistic here."

"The source and the blade, what could she be talking about?" The Doctor asked The Merchant

"A number of things. There are multiple, extremely powerful blades scattered throughout reality. As for the source...That could mean anything ranging from the start of a river to the source of the tears."


JackOfHearts said:
Error shrugs. "W͢ha͘t͢ęv̕e҉ŕ, ̶I ҉g͠u͠es̢s ͘wȩ j̸ųs͢t ͞have ̨ḑiff͏e̴r̢ènt͞ moral ͢b̵e̸l̨ie̴f͜s."
"I'll admit I have taken lives." The Merchant stated "Both of us have killed for what we've believed has been the greater good. The difference is I do not take pride nor pleasure in the lives I take." He spoke with some bitterness
[QUOTE="Some_Bloke]"I'll admit I have taken lives." The Merchant stated "Both of us have killed for what we've believed has been the greater good. The difference is I do not take pride nor pleasure in the lives I take." He spoke with some bitterness

Once again, Error shrugs. "Hey͏,͏ ̀I ̨d̀o ́what ̶I̵ d̸o ̷f͜o͏r ̶th̸e ̢g͢r҉e̵a͡ter͠ ģo̶o̧d̶, too̡. ̕L̵ea̕ving͏ ģlit͜c̴hes͡ ͢a͞ròun͏d le͟ad҉s ̡to͝ gl͞i̸t̕c͠hes҉ ̷ca͞us̡i̢ng i͝s̡sùe̶s w̶i͢th͏ th̕e MAI҉N ͞ti̷me͠l̵ine. Ţh͜e͘y s͢ta̕rt͜ ̵fuc͡k̷ing ͠shit ̸up͡ ͘in ͘w͢eird ́w̴a̷y̵s, a̕nd̵ c҉rea̴t͘ȩ ̨M̀ORE g͟l͏itc̀h̶ u̕n̶i͠v̸er͘s̵e͢s, m͢akìn̨g̡ M͢O͜RE͜ of͘ a ̧m̧u̷lt͢iv͘er̡sal ͘m̸ess!̸ Be͏si̸des͏, w̸h͢at'̴ś wr̕o͏ng͏ ҉w͜it͝h͜ ͠h͝a͠vi̷n̶g҉ ͟f̷ùn doi̶n̛g you̢r ̡job?͟"

Sash Lilac

Dragon Energy



"I assume she means the source of the tears, right? What other source could we be looking for?" Lilac asked "And are there any blades that whisper that you can think of?"


Mood: Filled with determination

Condition: Doing good!

Location: Some Kind of Hallway

Klarion the Witch Boy

"Oh yeah! Than why are you trying to stop my fun, then? The only people who ever try to do that are heroes." Strengthening his shield, Klarion creates another shock wave while Teekl sits next to him.
The two charging Charas covered their faces with their arms as the shockwave blasted them. They fly through the air, but flip back and land on their hands and knees, bracing themselves as they skid to a halt. They quickly stand up and prepare themselves.

"A shame. It seems you are just as naive as the rest, despite your actions. There are no heroes, and there are no villains. Everyone acts for themselves. This world is kill or be killed. If I do not kill, than I only stand to BE killed. When someone approaches with death as their companion, I must follow suit." She flips her knife multiple times as her clones regroup. "You see? That defensive combat you've resigned yourself to. That is the transition between killing and being killed. With my special attack approaching... that transition shall soon be complete."

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Unknown Universe

"A blade that whispers is perhaps a blade that is sentient." Lovecraft suggested "A living blade?"

"I've heard stories of living weapons before." The Doctor replied "But I don't see how one will help us."

"It's worth a try." The Merchant butted in "All of you need to ask yourselves one question. What choice do you have?


JackOfHearts said:
Once again, Error shrugs. "Hey͏,͏ ̀I ̨d̀o ́what ̶I̵ d̸o ̷f͜o͏r ̶th̸e ̢g͢r҉e̵a͡ter͠ ģo̶o̧d̶, too̡. ̕L̵ea̕ving͏ ģlit͜c̴hes͡ ͢a͞ròun͏d le͟ad҉s ̡to͝ gl͞i̸t̕c͠hes҉ ̷ca͞us̡i̢ng i͝s̡sùe̶s w̶i͢th͏ th̕e MAI҉N ͞ti̷me͠l̵ine. Ţh͜e͘y s͢ta̕rt͜ ̵fuc͡k̷ing ͠shit ̸up͡ ͘in ͘w͢eird ́w̴a̷y̵s, a̕nd̵ c҉rea̴t͘ȩ ̨M̀ORE g͟l͏itc̀h̶ u̕n̶i͠v̸er͘s̵e͢s, m͢akìn̨g̡ M͢O͜RE͜ of͘ a ̧m̧u̷lt͢iv͘er̡sal ͘m̸ess!̸ Be͏si̸des͏, w̸h͢at'̴ś wr̕o͏ng͏ ҉w͜it͝h͜ ͠h͝a͠vi̷n̶g҉ ͟f̷ùn doi̶n̛g you̢r ̡job?͟"

"If you have fun in killing those you see as wrong, what's to stop you from having fun killing those who do not deserve it?" The Merchant asked in a serious tone "As you grow bored you may find yourself searching for entertainment, for satisfaction in other ways. Such as taking innocent lives."
[QUOTE="Some_Bloke]"If you have fun in killing those you see as wrong, what's to stop you from having fun killing those who do not deserve it?" The Merchant asked in a serious tone "As you grow bored you may find yourself searching for entertainment, for satisfaction in other ways. Such as taking innocent lives."

"̧We͝ll͜,̨ yo͡u'̢ve ̀got a͡ poin͞t́ ͝p̵a̕l̡.̨ ҉I ẁo̸n'̨t͝ ̵de̴n̕y t̡h̀a̶ţ ͡there'̵s͘ lo̴gi̶c beh҉ind ̶w̴h̢a͢t you'̴re̕ ͢sa͢yin͠'͟" Error Sans says, shrugging. "B͟ut,̴ I̶'ll çro͡ss ̕t͘hat ͡br̶i̷d̀g̵e ͏w̛h́e͞n I comè ͟t̴o͟ it.̧ ́A҉f̢t͝e͏r͟ ̢aĺl,҉ I ͜hav͏e̴ ̶all ҉of̧ ̶et̡er͡n͝it̸y͞.͡ ́I'͢m͟ ̕in no͘ ͟r͢us̸h."̀

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