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Fandom "Tears" (a multi-fandom RP)

The Mad Queen

Memento Mori. Unus Anus
Discuss stuff about the RP here. I will answer any questions if you have them.
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For those wondering, this RP should be up and running by some point in the next few days. At the least, Tuesday and at the most Wednesday or Thursday.
Barbas said:
Any ideas on how to balance Angron?
I was thinking very slightly decreasing his resistance to magic. By decrease I mean he can only be hurt by high-level magic. A very powerful wizard/magic user like Dumbledore, Gandalf, Doctor Strange, Doctor Doom, Zatana or Doctor Fate would able to hurt him but someone below their level like say Sirus Black or one of the students from the college of Winterhold in Skyrim would only be successful in pissing him off. Someone who was between the level of the students and the high-level users might be able to slow him down a little bit but not actually do damage to him.

The only other idea I have is separating him from his army.
[QUOTE="Some_Bloke]I was thinking very slightly decreasing his resistance to magic. By decrease I mean he can only be hurt by high-level magic. A very powerful wizard/magic user like Dumbledore, Gandalf, Doctor Strange, Doctor Doom, Zatana or Doctor Fate would able to hurt him but someone below their level like say Sirus Black or one of the students from the college of Winterhold in Skyrim would only be successful in pissing him off. Someone who was between the level of the students and the high-level users might be able to slow him down a little bit but not actually do damage to him.
The only other idea I have is separating him from his army.

I already balanced Angron's army by removing his Bloodthirster bodyguards.
Barbas said:
I already balanced Angron's army by removing his Bloodthirster bodyguards.
I forgot about those as I'm not that familiar with Warhammer lore, sorry.

In that case, I might treat his army the same way I treat Ultron's Sentinels and have them be Basic NPC characters.
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You're in, yes.

I forgot to say before (probably because I'm an idiot :/ ) but everyone keep an eye on the character thread. There is a list of accepted characters there that I'll update every time a character is accepted or a character dies.
I never realized I wanted Accelerator and The Ultimate Warrior on the same team so badly till now. I can't wait till this gets started
If anyone has any ideas for Basic NPCs, let me know in here. There's a lot of universes I am not familiar with in terms of lore that could offer dangerous and interesting enemies.
There are tons of 80's and early 90's wrestling icons that would fit into Warrior's era as NPCs.

You have Ric Flair, Roddy Piper (RIP), Hulk Hogan (pre-modern controversy), Macho Man (RIP), the early career of The Undertaker, and anyone that was in the rock 'n wrestling cartoon.

Let's not forget Shieky Baby!


Make you HAMBLE.
You have the Doctor and you don't have any Doctor Who NPCs?

In a setting with alternate universes, Cybermen should probably show up. It's kind of their thing now.
Kamijou Touma would make a decent NPC, for antagonists you couldn't go wrong with Aiwass although something like that can't be fought since it'd be like a person trying to fist fight the sun. There's also Rensa, a cyborg designed to fight all of the high level espers of Academy City, as well as the Railgun FIVE Over suits. Mech Suits capable of firing railguns and such.

Edit: Now with links. Also I need to edit Accelerator's sheet a bit cuz Rensa made me remember an ability Accelerator has that I should probably at least mention even though I have no intention of ever using it.
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Persona and Berserk are full of all sorts of demons and monsters and whatnot.

MCU (because that isn't comic Ultron, who acts like a robot) is full of all sorts of villains. Less than the comics, but still.
Crenando said:
There are tons of 80's and early 90's wrestling icons that would fit into Warrior's era as NPCs.
You have Ric Flair, Roddy Piper (RIP), Hulk Hogan (pre-modern controversy), Macho Man (RIP), the early career of The Undertaker, and anyone that was in the rock 'n wrestling cartoon.

Let's not forget Shieky Baby!


Make you HAMBLE.
AlwaysYours said:
Glory?! Just saying.
Glory and the wrestlers would be cameo characters rather than basic NPCs. I'm sure I can find some room for all of them in at least one of the story-arcs. As I said before, as the arcs run like a season of a TV show, that means there's going to be side-plots. I can include a side-plot about the wrestlers, in fact I already had something worked up that seems to suit them quite well.

I'm sure I can think something up for Glory.


Crenando said:
Persona and Berserk are full of all sorts of demons and monsters and whatnot.
MCU (because that isn't comic Ultron, who acts like a robot) is full of all sorts of villains. Less than the comics, but still.
There's a future story arc that involves a lot of both Marvel and DC characters (along with other universes of course)

I'm working Tuesday morning till the early afternoon but if someone cancels or calls in sick, I'll also be working Wednesday from the afternoon until the evening. If I'm called in on Wednesday then the RP should be up either late Wednesday evening or Thursday morning (UK time). It would have been up by Tuesday evening but I got invited to a family gathering at the last minute and so didn't get all the hours I needed.

Sorry for the delay guys.
Barbas said:
Is the RP going to start tomorrow?
It can start when I add the finishing touches, which should only take around an hour or so but as that'll be around 2am perhaps it's best if the RP starts in the late morning. I'll add the opening post when it's finished anyway so if anyone's awake or someone's in a different time-zone they can reply if they want.

Well, that's the overview done (for now, as more will be added as the RP continues) so I'll get started on the opening post.

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