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Fandom "Tears" (a multi-fandom RP)

The Mad Queen

Memento Mori. Unus Anus

Alignment System


Character app

Universe from: (Simply put OC if OC universe)

Alignment: (see alignment system)



Age: (does not have to be accurate i.e late twenties)

Gender and sexuality



(OCs only) Clothes:


Backstory (if OC give some details about the universe):

Known enemies/rivals:

Known allies/friends/family:







(Optional) Character quote: A quote from the character that you think is important like regarding where they stand on something, how they see themselves or how they see others.

(Optional) Character’s theme song:

Accepted characters

Gregory Nelson: OC (Some_Bloke)

The Doctor: Doctor Who (Some_Bloke)

Nikola Tesla: OC/Alternate timeline Earth (Some_Bloke

Max Valentine: OC (Some_Bloke)

Syeron Hunwess: Star Wars Expanded Universe (Some_Bloke)

Mil: Mass Effect (Some_Bloke)

John Constantine: DC/Hellblazer (Some_Bloke)

Nikita Travoski/Red Iron: OC (Some_Bloke)

Ser Dougan: Reborn World/OC (Some_Bloke)

Mirus: OC (Some_Bloke)

Harley Quinn: Injustice (Some_Bloke)

Vance Cloverfield: Teen Wolf (@AlwaysYours)

Damon: Alternate Borderlands Universe (where male Sirens exist): @AlwaysYours

Ultimate Warrior: WWE (@theManCalledSting)

Kyoko Kirigiri/The Ultimate Detective: DanganRonpa (@theManCalledSting)

Flareup/"Bumblebee": Transformers (@theManCalledSting)

Seth Rollins: WWE (@theManCalledSting)

Junko Enoshima: DanganRonpa (@theManCalledSting)

Suigintou: Rozen Maiden (@theManCalledSting)

Finn Bálor/The Demon King: WWE/NXT (@theManCalledSting)

Sky-Byte: Transformers Robots in Disguise (2001) (@theManCalledSting)

IF/Iffy: Hyperdimension Neptunia (@theManCalledSting)

Optimus Prime: Transformers Devastation (@theManCalledSting)

12 Doctor: Whoverse (@theManCalledSting)

RED: Hyperdimension Neptunia (@theManCalledSting)

Commander Ryan Shepard: Mass Effect (@TehFanzyMetroid)

Shovel Knight (@TehFanzyMetroid)

Shield Knight (@TehFanzyMetroid)

Ridley: Metroid (@TehFanzyMetroid)

Grail Trigadon: OC (@TehFanzyMetroid)

Darius Trevalent: OC (@TehFanzyMetroid)

Yami-No-Oni: OC (@Despairingly Lucky)

Natsu Dragneel: Fairy Tail (@The Servant)

Drake Wakashi: OC Pokémon universe (@Sheaon13)

Xehanort: Kingdom Hearts (@Sheaon13)

Xion: Kingdom Hearts (@Sheaon13)

Ashura Ketchum: Pokemon Hurt and Abandoned (@Sheaon13 )

Link: Legend of Zelda: Twilight Process (@Sheaon13 )

Edward Elric: Fullmetal Alchemist (@Sheaon13 )

Alphonse Elric: Fullmetal Alchemist (@Sheaon13 )

Percy Jackson: Percy Jackson and the Olympias (@Sheaon13 )

Danny Fenton: Danny Phantom (@Sheaon13 )

Ryumi James Ushima/Ryu: OC (@Sheaon13 )

Roas: Legend of Zelda (@Sheaon13 )

Rai and Kurai: OC (@Sheaon13 )

Shawna/Shona: OC (@Secek )

Dinobot: Trasnformers: Beast wars (@DaManofWar )

Jack: Samurai Jack (@DaManofWar )

Neilson: OC (@Kylesar1)

Deceased Characters

Jeff Jarrett: TNA (@theManCalledSting)

Cause of death: Killed in battle/falling

Sting: WCW (@theManCalledSting)

Cause of death: Killed in battle

CM Punk: WWE (Pre-walkout) (@theManCalledSting)

Cause of death: Walked out of WWE

The Undertaker: WWE (@theManCalledSting)

Cause of death: Killed in Buried Alive match/killed in battle

Monaca Towa: DanganRonpa (@theManCalledSting)

Cause of death: Tried to drain 11th Doctor's despair, becoming braindead in the process.

Aj Styles: NJPW (@theManCalledSting)

Cause of death: Head blown off by shotgun/killed in battle

Nova Prime: Transformers Devastation (@theManCalledSting)

Cause of death: Killed in battle with Unicron

The 11th Doctor: Doctor Who/Whoverse (@theManCalledSting)

Cause of death: Regenerated into 12th Doctor after battle with Unicron

Son Goku: Dragonball Universe (@apoliseno)

Cause of death: Killed in battle/Nash

Kaiden Fey: Destiny Universe (@apoliseno)

Cause of death: Killed in battle with Space Pirates

Ethan Drake: OC (@apoliseno)

Cause of death: Killed in battle with Space Pirates

Skylar White: RWBY (@apoliseno)

Cause of death: Killed by Supreme Dalek

Marik Sebastian Ishtar III/Melvin: Yu-Gi-Oh! The Abridged Series @apoliseno)

Cause of death: A trap set by NotWinski involving a box.

Brother Power: 1960s Marvel/DC Universe (@Crenando)

Cause of death: Fell into tear leading to universe full of fire and burned to death

Ratonhnhaké:ton/Connor: Assassins Creed (Some_Bloke)

Cause of death: Killed by an Ultron Sentinel whilst protecting Gregory Nelson

Harley Quinn: Arkhamverse (Some_Bloke)

Cause of death: Killed in battle by Ultron Prime

Armando. G. Veneto: Medieval times/OC (Morbuskid)

Cause of death: Killed by BWO

Dallas Grove/Morbus: Purgatory/OC (Morbuskid)

Cause of death: Killed by Nash

Strage: Purgatory/OC (Morbuskid)

Cause of death: Killed by Nash

Elemento Neutralis: OC (@Elemento Neutralis)

Cause of death: Vaporized

Sonic The Hedgehog: Alternate Sonic Universe (Elemento Neutralis)

Cause of death: Ate too much pudding

Link: Post Spirit Tracks AU (Elemento Neutralis)

Cause of death: Killed in battle by Frank Horrigan

David Xanatos: Gargoyles (@DaManofWar)

Cause of death: Killed by Jotaro and then pushed off of bridge.

Steven Universe: Steven Universe (@DaManofWar )

Cause of death: Busted by Ghostbusters

Pearl: Steven Universe (@DaManofWar )

Cause of death: Busted by Ghostbusters

Amethyst: Steven Universe (@DaManofWar )

Cause of death: Bused by Ghostbusters.

Stitch: Lilo and Stitch (@DaManofWar)

Cause of death: XCOM interrogation.

Sutekh: Doctor Who/Whoverse (GimmickPuppet)

Cause of death: Not technically dead, but ended up trapped in time loop.

Dru Wilson/Kidpool: Marvelverse(616) (Drumonkey)

Cause of death: Got a disease from a bow tie that Some_Bloke cooked.

Inactive Characters/Redshirt Status


Those who joined the RP but never posted. After around one month of inactivity without post, a character will be declared inactive and thus will be Redshirt status. However, if you post in the RP but stop posting for some reason your character is not Redshirt status and a background character/extra instead.

The Dark One/Little Light: Metro: Last Light Universe (Yonsisac)

Deslin Rowe: Infamous (inFamousCheese])

Carmen Bond/Caramel: DC/Marvel (Carmen Vehemente)

Guts: Beserk (deadpool42)

Miles Upshur: Outlast

(Lists will be updated each time a new character is accepted or a character dies, so keep an eye on them.)
Last edited by a moderator:
Living/Active Characters

Universe from: OC Universe

Alignment: Chaotic Good (formally Chaotic Neutral)

Name: Gregory Nelson

Alias/nickname: Tom, Robert, David (fake names he has used), Captain

Age: 32

Gender and sexuality: Male, bisexual (with girlfriend)

Species/race: Human

Appearance: Gregory is a slim Caucasian man standing at six foot one inches. He often has messy long, dark hair that slightly covers his ears and stretches half-way down his neck. On his face it is parted, revealing a set of dark blue eyes and a scar on his left cheek. He has some stubble on his face as well.

His body is covered in several physical scars and two tattoos. One on the left side of his chest, over his heart of a howling wolf's head, looking upwards, the other one is of Chuthulu:


Clothes: When not wearing his armour Gregory sometimes wears a black suit and tie or more commonly a long dark blue overcoat with denim jeans and a buttoned red shirt as well as pair of boots. Sometimes he will also wear dark red circular shades.

Personality: Gregory hides his pain behind a shell of humour and the pop-culture that he knows. Underneath he is angry and covered in scars. He is sometimes compassionate despite his profession and cares deeply for those close to him.

Backstory (If OC give some details about the universe): In the year 2060 world war three started, lasting only several hours due to advanced nuclear weapons. Five years later Operation: New Earth was started, causing what was left the human race to work together to leave the now poisoned planet behind in search of a new home. Most of humanity lived underground for many years, which is where Gregory was born, eight years before the first launch. The years leading up to 2099 when the first ship was launched were chaotic. Amongst the chaos Gregory's biological father was able to be abusive. However, Gregory stood up to him in order to protect his younger brother.

During a riot that broke out in 2098 both Gregory's father and mother were killed and the two boys were taken under the wing of Earl on launch day on the final ship to leave the planet. Exodus which launched in 2105. Due to the rushed process, Gregory's cryo-pod malfunctioned for what would be an eighty year trip. His body would be in stasis and thus would never age, but his mind would be awake.

In order to combat this the ships AI used simulation programs in order to keep Gregory sane. During seventy years (Gregory spent ten separate years on the ship as part of a rota) Gregory's mind was filled with entrainment, pre-war art in this simulation. During this time, Gregory decided that in order to create a better life for him and his brother he would become an officer in newly founded Human Navy. The AI trained Gregory in skills the two of them believed he would need. Gunplay, martial arts, mechanics (ect). When out of stasis, Gregory would train his body in order to use these skills in the real world.

However, due to the AI pushing his mind too far, combined with the isolation of eighty years Gregory was left with severe mental scars and was rejected from the Navy. Still wanting a good life for him and his brother Gregory became a scavenger alongside his brother and Earl. Upon searching a dead Union ship, the three discovered Seeker, an AI who was meant to be destroyed but instead, was abandoned. Steven and Seeker formed a close friendship and they would later go on to help Seeker find a colony set up for AI and androids who had run away from societies that treated them as slaves.

They would help save it from several space pirate crews, too and the androids of Caelum owed the brothers a favour. Steven remained on Caelum for several years while Gregory returned to the criminal planet of Mars and using his skills quickly became a bounty hunter while also working in the fighting pits.

While searching for a shapreshifting, telepathic serial killer he met Mirus, an alien falsely accused of the murders as she was the same species (Curabitur). By the time Steven returned to Mars the two were romantically involved.

After a successful bank hiest, the three were set up by the Valhalla Mars colonies' gang lords who had held money in the bank, forcing Gregory, Mirus, Steven and Seeker to go on the run. While they killed all of the gang leaders, causing the bounty to be dropped they were still wanted by the authorities and fled to the outer-rim systems in the Valkyrie, a ship given to Steven and Gregory in return for their efforts in saving Caelum.

Taking jobs under new names for a while, the three eventually rescued an alien diplomat, the Curabitur representative who's ship was being attacked by the Exen but were arrested for their crimes. When the Exen attacked a station the Union council and several other species representatives were at, they helped in the rescue and so had their charges dropped as the Union and the Curabitur prepared for war against the Exen. The Exen, a race of extra-galactic cybernetics who wanted to "improve" all life by turning other species into Exen had been fighting the Curabitur for fifty years before others got involved.

A charge was led against the Exen's fleet but the Exen won the initial fight, causing the Union fleets to scatter. Gregory, Mirus, Steven and Kennedy fled to some of the outer-rim systems in order to help refugees but for the most part the Valkyrie lays low.

Known enemies/rivals: The Exen

Known allies/friends/family: Steven Nelson (brother), Earl (surrogate father), Mirus (girlfriend), Rosie (Steven’s girlfriend), Seeker (an AI in an android body), Kennedy (the same), “Cleopatra” (the pirate queen of the Valhalla Mars colony), Legatus (the Curabitur ambassador), Morgan (a fellow bounty hunter), Alva Svennson (the same), Boyle (arms dealer), Alex (owns safehouses and is Boyle’s girlfriend)

Companion: Tactical computer inside helmet (see gear)

Weapons: A custom-made katana composed of Erekrese metal, an alien substance stronger, yet lighter than titanium. It was modified to be more lightweight by an expert weapons maker on a human colony.

Also carries, a custom 2091 revolver (holds twelve bullets), modified to be lighter, a 2091 machine pistol (holds 60) which has the same modifications and a sawn-off Curabitur shotgun (holds six). All of which he carries armour piercing rounds for.

Gear/gadgets: EMP grenades,

Armour is modified Usurha battle armour made by the same blacksmith who created the katana. As the Usurah are a tribal race slightly smaller than humans with smoother skin (they evolved from birds), this armour is designed to fit and suit a human. The armour is mostly black with golden gauntlets. The armour is lightweight but has a bulletproof chest is, equipped with several holsters for Gregory to hold his gear, two grappling hooks and a flightsuit consisting of bulletproof gliders in his arms and legs. This material and the material on his chest will not hold out against armour piercing bullets though.

The armour's most impressive feature however is the helmet. Inside the helmet is a small tactical computer that can help him in battle by pointing out dangers and even forming possible strategies to combat those dangers. However, it is up to Gregory to respond to those dangers.

Powers/abilities: None

Skills: Skilled in several fighting styles: kickboxing, karate, Aikido, Krav Maga and Keysi Fighting method Some more detail on these styles

He is skilled with his blade, for he has trained in swordsmanship. He is also skilled in firearms, gymnastics/parkour, battle tactics, stealth, mechanics and history.

While in close quarters he will often use his sword Gregory is skilled in hand to hand combat too (see above). He uses speed to his aid and sometimes uses the environment as well, especially when dealing with larger opponents.

Weaknesses: Gregory's anger can be used against him and while he is more than capable of taking on foes larger than and the same size as him, smaller foes are more difficult for him. As stated above, while the tactical computer alerts him of dangers it is up to him to respond to them. If the helmet is damaged, Gregory has to rely on his instincts which, while they are useful are less effective. Gregory can become enraged/vengeful and thus reckless if someone harms a child. He is also, only human and thus has the same weaknesses as one.

(Optional) Character quote: “I’m not a hero; I’m just a mercenary who decided one day screw it I’m going to do the right thing for once.”

(Optional) Character’s theme song: [media]


Universe from: Doctor Who

Alignment: Neutral Good

Name: The Doctor

Alias/nickname: John Smith

Age: 904/905 (estimate)

Gender and sexuality: Male, heterosexual

Species/race: Time Lord


Personality: Fun-loving, adventurous, extremely enthusiastic and humorous. He is also very compassionate and sympathetic, unless you are hurting people in which case he is angry and vengeful. He carries a lot of guilt and is quite lonely.

Backstory: He has lived for many years, and experienced a lot of trauma. At the age of eight he was taken into the academy and as part of his initiation he was taken to the untempered schism, a gap in the fabric of reality in which the time vortex can be seen. The Doctor is quoted in saying that "some would be inspired, some would run away and some would go mad (like the Master)." When asked about his reaction he replied with "Oh, the ones that run away. I never stopped."

Later on into his first form he stole a TARDIS and went to Earth with his granddaughter Susan who he eventually left behind and regenerated for the first time during his encounter with the Cybermen. Later on, he was tried with interfering with human history and stealing a TARDIS by his people and was forced to regenerate, being exiled to Earth where he worked with UNIT to defend the human race from alien threats. Throughout over 900 years the Doctor has saved billions upon billions of lives. Most of his companions, such as Sarah Jane Smith he left behind but others such as Adric lost their lives.

But one day sacrificed billions, activating a Time Lord doomsday weapon called "The Moment", destroying the Time

Lords and (for a while at least) The Daleks as well. This was during a time he did not consider himself The Doctor. His 9th regeneration had him try and recover from the loss of his people. He would sacrifice himself, regenerating to save the life of his current companion Rose Tyler who he would fall in love with, only for her to get trapped in a parallel universe later on.

During an encounter with Davros and the Daleks, the two would meet again and the Doctor would regenerate, however he cheated and was able to stay the same way, creating a "clone" of himself in the process. Being reunited with many of his friends during this time The Doctor was alone again after all of them went their separate ways. Sarah Jane Smith went back to her son, Rose went back to living in a parallel Earth with his clone, Martha joined Torchwood and eventually became freelance with Mickey, Jack went back to Torchwood...

But his current companion, Donna Noble had her memory wiped, leaving the Doctor to be alone once more.

Known enemies/rivals: The Master (possible brother also), The Daleks, Davros, the Cybermen, the Zygons, the Weeping Angels, the Vashda Narada (ect). Anyone who tries to hurt people

Known allies/friends/family: Susan (granddaughter), Jenny (cloned daughter), clone of himself also called “The Doctor”

Sarah Jane Smith Rose Tyler, Dona Noble, Captain Jack Harkness, Alistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart (the Brigadier), Mickey Smith, Wilfred Mott, Martha Jones River Song, Ian Chesterton, Barbara Wright, Vicki, Steven Taylor, Katarina, Sara Kindgom, Dodo Chaplet, Polly, Ben Jackson, Jamie MCCrimmon, Victoria Waterfield, Zo Heriot, Liz Shaw, Jo Grant, Sergeant Benton, Captain Yates, Harry Sullivan, Leela, Romani I, Romani II, Nyssa, Tegan, Turlough, Adric, Kamelion, Peri Brown, Mel Bush, Ace, Grace Holloway (all companions)

Companion: None

Weapons: None

Gear/gadgets: Sonic screwdriver, damaged TARDIS full of alien technology, psychic paper

Powers/abilities: Extremely intelligent, posses some short-range telepathic powers and when mortally wounded he regenerates.

Skills: Is adapt in many fighting styles, including swordplay/fencing but prefers to use his brains. He is an expert in strategy, technology and history.

Weaknesses: He can permanently die if he dies before regenerating. Time Lords can only regenerate 12 times before dying (he is on 11th regeneration).

(Optional) Character quote: “I'm the Doctor. I'm a Time Lord. I'm from the planet Gallifrey in the Constellation of Kasterborous. I'm 903 years old and I'm the man who is gonna save your lives and all 6 billion people on the planet below… You got a problem with that?”


“In that case…Allon-sy!”

(Optional) Character’s theme song: [media]


Universe from: OC/parallel Earth

Alignment: Neutral Good

Name: Nikola Tesla

Alias/nickname: None

Age: Late 40s

Gender and sexuality: Male, assumed Asexual

Species/race: Human




Personality: Like the Tesla of our Earth, he is a genius, and an introvert who can be considered quite lonely and isolated. He does not find time for relationships and instead focuses on his inventions. Tesla is even suspected by some to have Aspergers Synderome.

Despite inventing devices and weapons capable of harming, or even killing Tesla is a pacifist completely focused on his work, even claiming to only sleep for two hours every night. On one occasion in his laboratory he worked for a period of 84 hours without sleep. His work and inventions are the most important thing to him, friends, family and relationships are very much secondary. He also used to be addicted to gambling.

Backstory: The Tesla of our Earth was a genius inventor, a renowned scientist, a rival to Edison who ultimately stole and exploited many of Tesla’s ideas. Many have theorized Tesla could have developed a method for free energy across the globe and yet despite his successes this brilliant mind died penniless and discredited.



While the Tesla of this parallel Earth followed the same path, the world itself followed a different path.

In this parallel Earth, world war one never happened as something far worse occurred just over a decade before it. In 1899, as Tesla was working in his Colorado Springs lab an ancient evil that had been hiding in plain sight made a desperate move. For centuries, the undead had been dwelling across the globe, trying to live and hide amongst human beings but at the same time, were being hunted by them. Lord Dracula, their king led the undead across the world in several deadly strikes, assassinating world leaders such as Robert Cecil and William McKinley in one day.

Dracula made his move not out of hunger for power, but out of fear for his kind were on the brink of extinction. The undead converted many to their cause forcefully and soon it would be the human race that was on the brink of extinction unless something was done. In his lab, alone Tesla heard reports and under the work of the disassembled United States government was, like every surviving great mind put to work coming up with a solution.

First he worked on defences. As the undead can only dwell in shadows and darkness, Tesla developed several light devices (and eventually UV light devices) to keep Dracula’s armies at bay during the night. Despite his hatred of violence, Tesla went on the offensive next, focusing his efforts in developing weapons and equipment in order for the military and indeed mankind to survive.

As other minds focused on coming up with a cure, Tesla tried to develop weapons capable of stunning a target, rather than straight up killing them. The war continued for several years and eventually Tesla’s lab was attacked and overrun. He was forced to flee with what he could carry, eventually meeting up with his old friend Mark Twain among the refugees. Tesla was put to work again, continuing to design weapons for use against the undead.

It was during this time he met the writer HP Lovecraft who revealed to Tesla and a ragtag team of military personnel that he had discovered the greatest weakness of the undead. Dracula himself. Cut off the head of the snake and the body dies. The team brought Tesla along as an engineer, despite his protests and they went on a suicide mission to kill Dracula. Twain remained behind while Lovecraft was brought along as an advisor.

In Transylvania the final battle took place and using the combined forces of magic and science, Dracula was reduced to atoms. Out of the team sent there to kill Dracula, only four people survived, two soldiers, Lovecraft and Tesla himself. Tesla returned to his Colorado Springs lab in 1904 and continued working, creating devices he believed mankind would need to return from the darkness.

Known enemies/rivals: Dracula (deceased), Thomas Edison

Known allies/friends/family: Mark Twain, HP Lovecraft, Milutin Tesla (father, deceased), Đuka Tesla (mother, deceased), Dane Tesla (older brother, deceased), Milka, Angelina and Marica (sisters)

Companion: An unnamed pigeon


Stun gun: an electroshock weapon that operates much like a modern taser, emitting a directed electrical charge in order to incapacitate a target.


Rifle: Serves the same purpose, only for long distances.


Electromagnetic/UV shotgun: A shotgun with two settings. One designed like the stun gun and rifle, incapacitating an opponent whereas the other emits a UV light. Tesla took inspiration from Johann Wilhelm Ritter, who discovered UV light and found that it was effective against Vampires. On the UV setting, it emits a blast of UV light.



Vision goggles: Having taken inspiration from the nocturnal vision possessed by Vampires, assisted by two other scientists Tesla developed goggles capable of seeing in the dark.


Energy gauntlet: Gauntlets that can be charged with electrical energy for multiple purposes, but most notably for stunning opponents.



Protective armour: A lightweight armour equipped with some of the same technology as the energy gauntlet. It is capable of storing many gadgets, including the stun guns and flightpack. While it will not stop bullets, it will protect the user from sharp weapons such as knives and swords. Tesla designed several armour sets like this for those who went on the suicide mission to kill Dracula.


Flightpack: Capable of flying short distances.

Powers/abilities: Eidetic/photographic memory, Polyglot: Able to speak Serbo-Croatian, Czech, English, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, and Latin

Skills: Genius inventor, skills in strategy: Developed chess-playing skills into real-life strategy for example predicting an opponent’s moves.

Weaknesses: While his brains and gadgets might overpower or at least help him stand a chance against a lot of opponents Tesla is not very skilled in hand-to-hand combat. As his gadgets run on electricity, they have to recharge.

(Optional) Character quote: “Anti-social behaviour is a trait of intelligence in a world full of compromise.”

(Optional) Character’s theme song: [media]


Universe from: OC

Alignment: True Neutral (basic urges category)

Name: Max Valentine

Alias/nickname: Samuel (fake name he used)

Age: Early 30s

Gender and sexuality: Male, bisexual

Species/race: Cyborg


(OCs only) Clothes: See picture

Personality: Despite his profession, Max is loyal; adopting the philosophy that if someone treats him right he has to return the favour. He has a love for adventure but he also has a drinking problem and can be considered quite cocky.

Backstory (if OC give some details about the universe): In the mid 21st century mankind, upon realizing that at the end of the century all fossil fuels would be used up turned their attention to the stars. In 2070, Mars was colonized followed by other worlds. At the end of the 21st century, mankind left it’s solar system and settled in the nearest solar systems.

A new human homeworld was established in the 23rd century, Armstrong 22B. After fifty years of peace and further colonization a civil war broke out on Armstrong. It lasted for five years and at the end one quarter of the planet was turned into a nuclear wasteland.

A space station orbiting Armstrong’s moon was converted into a city, New Cape Town but like it’s predecessor it developed a high crime rate, mostly due to the chaos on Armstrong 22B. Max was born on this space station. His parents were hit-men and often ran jobs for the crime lords of New Cape town.

This didn't end well for them and when Max was fifteen his parents were gunned down by rival gangs. Not long after this “the seven” rose to power, a syndicate crime organization. They quickly wiped out all the rival gangs and took over New Cape town. Max left New Cape Town with his sister at the age of eighteen and the two lived on Armstrong for a while where both enlisted in the military. When on an operation dealing with space pirates, Max found a stray Siberian husky pup and took him in, naming him Bishop.

When the influence of the Seven spread to Armstrong, Max and Naomi went rogue and wiped out those spreading the influence. This didn't end well for him or his sister. Both lost and eye due to the seven taking “an eye for an eye” literally and Max was tortured, losing his legs in the process. Naomi was tortured both physically and mentally, but was able to break Max out with the help of Bishop. Due to the torture however she became cold and distant.

He underwent operations to replace his eye and legs, turning him into a cyborg in the process.

He recently travelled back to New Cape town in the hopes of wiping out the Seven once and for all. He started with taking out the weakest, Sloth. His plan is to wipe out the seven and establish a new order on New Cape Town, one far less cruel and heartless.

Known enemies/rivals: “Envy” (crime boss) “Wrath” (crime boss), “Lust” (crime boss), “Greed” (crime boss), Sloth (crime boss, deceased), Gluttony (crime boss), “Pride” (crime boss)

Known allies/friends/family: Naomi Valentine (younger sister), Thomas Valentine (father, deceased), Selina Valentine (mother, deceased), Francis Valentine (older brother), Chris (contact)

Companion: Bishop, a Siberian husky

Weapons: Dual laser revolvers.

See Max’s picture for laser revolver

Laser rifle


(with scope)

Dual machetes

Gear/gadgets: Cybernetic eye that can scan things and see in the dark. Cybernetic legs that are bulletproof, enhance his speed and can pack a punch if he kicks someone with them.

He wears a lightweight, yet protective armour on both his right shoulder, his arms and on his chest. He will still feel the kick of a laser blast but will not be wounded by it but they are resistant to blades.

Communications tablet, small tablet that can be used for long-range communications and for hacking.

Powers/abilities: Cybernetic parts have given him somewhat enhanced abilities (see above)

Skills: Skilled in gunplay, hand to hand combat, holds knowledge in technology and hacking.

Weaknesses: Max is alcoholism can be exploited, as well as his friendship with Bishop. If Bishop or anyone else he cares about is put in danger Max will become reckless. His cybernetic parts make him vulnerable to EMP blasts and advanced hacking.

(Optional) Character quote: “The world is against us Bishop, it wouldn’t be fair otherwise.”

(Optional) Character’s theme song:

Universe from: Star Wars Expanded universe (OC character)

Alignment: Lawful Good

Name: Syeron Hunwess

Alias/nickname: None

Age: Late twenties

Gender and sexuality: Female, heterosexual

Species/race: Cyborg

Appearance: Syeron is Caucasian, has blue eyes and long red hair that is often tied back in a ponytail while part of it hangs loosely over the right side of her face, hiding a scar. She stands at five foot seven inches. Her left hand is cybernetic:


(OCs only) Clothes: Wears standard Jedi robes

Personality: While having been taught the Jedi code of not letting your emotions cloud your judgement, Syeron can be considered a bit of a hothead and cocky by some. Despite this, she is quite caring towards others, especially the weak. She also has a deep fear of not so much the Dark Side but in being drawn towards it out of anger or revenge.

Backstory: Past: Syeron was born after the fall of the Galactic Empire and so never experienced the tyranny held by it. She trained under the New Jedi Order on Yavin 4, learning the ways of the force from Kyle Katarn. She was present during the Battle of the Jedi Praxeum. It was the first time she had seen actual combat at such an early age she was inexperienced and lost her hand during the battle. The next time she saw combat would be during the Yuuzhan Vong War where her parents and friends were killed by the invading Vong. During the war she became more and more alone, allowing her feelings to cloud her judgement and further drifting towards the Dark Side. However, when the war was over she slowly began to recover from the mental scars.

Known enemies/rivals: The Yuuzhan Vong, the Sith

Known allies/friends/family: Kyle Katarn (master), Luther Hunwess (father, deceased), Eve Hunwess (mother, deceased), Bosren Kar'teyl (fellow Jedi and friend, deceased), Larlak Komen (fellow Jedi and friend, deceased), Ganen Tryonel (fellow Jedi and friend, deceased), Jobatt Cyneray (fellow Jedi and friend, deceased).

Companion: An R2 series astromech droid she found in a wreckage during the war and helped to fix it up.



Standard Jedi lightsabre

Gear/gadgets: Underneath her Jedi robes she wears standard light armour on her chest. It won’t protect her against a lightsabre but it might prevent a blaster shot from doing damage. She would still feel the impact though.

Powers/abilities: Syeron skilled in the force. She is capable of Jedi mind tricks and using the force in combat such as the force push, pull and is able to propel herself forwards using it. She is also capable of telepathy/Force Empathy.

Skills: A somewhat skilled X-wing pilot, skilled in lightsabre combat. Fighting one-handed, Syeron will use the force in combat to either draw opponents towards her, to push them into a vulnerable position or to use the environment against her opponents. However, she was trained in defensive combat too, sometimes allowing her enemies into positions where it appears they have the upper hand but for the most part she prefers more direct forms of combat.

Weaknesses: Cockiness and fear of the dark side can be manipulated in combat. While she is strong in the force, Syeron can be considered physically weak compared to someone like Kyle Katarn. Due to her prosthetic arm she is vulnerable to EMP blasts

(Optional) Character quote: “Your beliefs don’t make you a better person. What you choose to do based on those beliefs does.”

(Optional) Character’s theme song:

Universe from: Mass Effect Universe (OC character)

Alignment: Lawful Good

Name: Mil

Alias/nickname: None

Age: Assumed to be 20-25 years old. Ten years since gaining true intelligence.

Gender and sexuality: Unisex/none.

Species/race: Geth


Personality: Mil may be logical, calculating and sometimes (unintentionally) cynical of others but it is far from cold. Mil is very curious about organic life and is quite philosophical at times but it also carries guilt from past actions. Despite being a Specter and having seen combat, Mil dislikes violence but is not afraid to use it.

Backstory: Following the sacrifice of Legion, the Geth were given true intelligence and thus became stronger as individuals.

With this new intelligence, each unit also had time to think about their actions. During the war which resulted in Geth-Quarrian peace the unit that had not yet developed a name for itself thought about the Quarrians and other organics it had killed, not just in the war but on other occasions such as when ships drifted into Geth-occupied space.

There was little time for self-reflection as the Reapers were still a threat. Seeing action on Earth, the unit was almost to pieces by a Brute whilst trying to protect survivors who had been on Earth from the very beginning, including a young Quarrian named Tabos who had spent her life away from the fleet. Mil later learned that this was due to her mother being exiled for being a Geth sympathiser.

The Reapers outnumbered them still and just as the unit was about to watch the creator and her friends die at the hands of the Reaper forces, a blue wave of energy swept through the city. It would soon sweep across the entire galaxy.

Whilst sitting in recovery and repairing itself in a run-down London hospital, unable to even speak due to severe damage the unit had time for self-reflection. It watched as the creator Tabos sat at the bedside of an ally and other patients in the hospital.

The unit decided on a name, Mil after the star system it was constructed in. Mil saw itself as only being “born” when Legion sacrificed itself and thus it was born on Rannoch but did not feel right naming itself after the homeworld.

Mil decided that not only did it have a soul, but that it was going to do some good with it’s life, having been haunted by the memories of the things it had done before achieving true intellegence.

It assisted in rebuilding Rannoch and bringing peace between not just the Geth and Quarrians but with other species as well. This peace was uneasy as several anti-Geth terrorist factions rose. Their goal was to carry out false flag operations and pin them on the Geth in order to kick-start a war.

Upon learning of these factions, Mil made it it’s mission to destroy them. Mil successfully tracked down and wiped out the factions, handing the survivors over to the authorities. As a result of these efforts, Mil became the first Geth Spectre.

While the galaxy was now safe from the Reapers, there were still other threats such as space pirates, remnants of Cerberus and the most difficult for Mil to deal with, rogue Geth factions who had developed hatred for organic life.

Having to kill other Geth made Mil ask itself a lot of difficult questions, not all of which could be answered. Philosophy after all is made of questions that may never be answered.

Despite the crisis of thought, Mil continued to work as a Spectre, keeping the peace.

Known enemies/rivals: None living

Known allies/friends/family: Regann Zieedan vas Rannoch (a Quarrian and C-sec operative) Tabos Zieedan vas Rannoch (a Quarrian, the brother of Regann and fellow Specter), Thomas Graham (Tabos’ boyfriend and a Black Ops Alliance operative who wants to be a Specter someday), Dimitri (a fellow Specter and the fourth human Specter), Phirax (a fellow Specter and the third Krogan Specter) “Rex” (Phirax’s pet Varren)

Mil is friends/allies with several unnamed Geth as well as some Geth who have chosen to given themselves names such as “Brother” who is a Geth soldier Mil fought alongside on Earth and “London” another Geth soldier Mil fought alongside, giving itself the name as London is where it “discovered itself”

Companion: None


Geth Pulse rifle equipped with scope.


Geth Plasma shotgun


Gear/gadgets: Omni-tool. Capable of communications, scanning and hacking among some other uses such as tech attacks (see abilities).

Disruptor ammo: Can stun temporarily enemies as well as bring down their barriers and shields.

Cryo ammo: In addition to having a chance to freeze enemies, it weakens armour and decreases movement speed.

Carries several sticky grenades

Powers/abilities: Mil is an Infiltrator and so is equipped with the following:

Tactical cloak: Allows Mil to become temporarily invisible.

Incinerate: A tech power, a high-explosive plasma round fired from the user's omni-tool that inflicts damage over time to all nearby enemies and permanently stops their health regeneration. Against armour, the damage this ability deals is 2.4 times the usual amount. Like Overload, this power causes unprotected enemies equipped with flamethrowers to explode.

Sabotage: A tech attack that disrupts weapons and equipment.

Skills: Combat, firearms, hacking, mechanics and tactics.

Weaknesses: Being synthetic Mil is vulnerable to EMP blasts depending on their strength. It’s guilt can also be exploited.

(Optional) Character quote: “You are correct. My people have done terrible things in the past, as have I. We have changed, you can thank Legion for that. Are you open to the concept of redemption?”

(Optional) Character’s theme song:

Universe from: DC Universe/Hellblazer

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Name: John Constantine

Alias/nickname: Hellblazer

Age: Late 50s, but has either slowed aging or youthfulness due to demon blood in his veins.

Gender and sexuality: Male, bisexual

Species/race: Human, but with demon blood in his veins.



Personality: Although a compassionate humanist who struggles to overcome the influence of both Heaven and Hell over humanity and despite his occasional forays into heroism, Constantine is a foul-mouthed cynic who pursues a life of sorcery and danger.

Constantine is shown to be someone with a wide and international circle of contacts and allies, and is supremely adept at making friends. However, his close friends inevitably suffer or are outright killed simply by being in his life; this has left a severe mark on him. When The King of Vampires killed a man in front of John and casually asked if he'd been a friend, John replied "Must be, he's dead."

Backstory: This version of John Constantine shares the same history of his Hellblazer Universe counterpart: John Constantine biography

Known enemies/rivals: The First, demons and evil-doers in general.

Known allies/friends/family: Swamp Thing, Ellie, Zatanna, and the Justice League. The others are pretty much all dead.

Companion: None

Weapons: None

Gear/gadgets: Trenchcoat- Being sentient and demonic, the coat houses powerful hellish powers. This includes the ability to curse and jinx people and snuffing life out of his victims by strangling them. It’s also very durable, and can withstand damage from many of John's troubles.


Tainted Blood: Constantine's blood is demonically tainted, initially by a blood transfusion from the demon Nergal, and later by sex with a succubus (Ellie). His blood has been shown to have healing properties; it also acted as a defence mechanism when attacked by The King of the Vampires

Arcane Knowledge: Unlike most comic book magicians, Constantine rarely uses magical spells unless he has to, Constantine faces most of his challenges relying primarily on his cunning, his vast knowledge of the occult, manipulation of opponents and allies, and an extensive list of contacts

Astral Projection — Constantine once separated his soul from his body to travel through psyches and dimensions.

Divination — Used a pendulum and map to find the location of a magical disturbance.

Summoning — Summoned the demon Nergal to destroy a monster for him, which it did (although John lost control, due to his inexperience) John can also create his own demons. He once raised a Golem to kill a group of Neo-Nazis.

Black magic cursing — Placed a curse on his father that caused him to waste away, casting a curse on a host for vengeance putting a curse to a gang that put them into catatonic insanity, using a spell that traps someone between the gaps of time. Constantine's curses are strong enough to affect demons John also has a defensive curse that allows him to transfer body damage and pain to his enemy.


Spirit ward creation —
Placed a magical sigil on Ellie's soul that prevented the forces of Heaven and Hell from tracking her. He also placed various sigils on an abandoned caravan that he housed himself in to hide himself from the demon Nergal. Constantine can also write sigils on his body that protects him from magical attacks and possessions, and to prevent any demons from physically touching him.

Magic circles — Protection magic that John uses for defence against both supernatural and physical attacks His magical circles and sigils are strong enough to even block omnipresence and omniscience from godlike creatures such as The First and the Beast

Occlumency — Once erased a man's traumatic memories.

Necromancy — Raised a group of murder victims as ghosts to attack their murderer.

Illusion — Making people think he's someone or something else or changing another person's image.

Pyromancy — creating fires or hellfires sometimes from his cigarette or lighter to attack his enemies

Invisibility — Used sigils to make himself invisible and he can also spot invisible forces.

Synchronicity Wave Travelling — Constantine's signature magic. This allows him to make his own luck resembling probability manipulation. This is also one of the reasons how he survived for so long.

Possession Resistance: With the use of his magical knowledge, Constantine can resist many psychic attacks such as telepathy, soul and body possession, and powerful mind controls. Constantine can even use sigils to block off omnipresence (Rake at the Gates of Hell). Because he is the Laughing Magician, John has some resistance against omniscience, seen as he tricks powerful divine beings throughout the series.


Great Strategist: Even with pressure, lack of time and preparation, Constantine can think of a strategy to defeat his enemies in a fight, letting him outwit both Heaven and Hell while striking fear into them. He's a master tactician and strategist and he can plan a strategy on the go. Although his IQ is never stated he is known to possess great intellect Constantine has fought against many of the most powerful; gods and great intellectual minds alike. His achievements stand amongst gods.

Detective skills: In the graphic novel Dark Entries, John considers himself a detective, albeit more focused on the supernatural cases. He has great deduction powers, often using magic to get to the bottom of mysteries. An example of this happened during the Crisis on Infinite Earth, where he was one of the only few who saw it coming.

Endurance: Another one of his greatest asset aside from his intellect, Constantine can survive through numerous bodily harm, excruciating pain, and can even walk out after torture.

Though not keen on using firearms, he is adept at using them and is a capable marksman.

Stage magic skills: Skilled in hypnosis, sleight of hand and escapology.

Weaknesses: Carries a lot of guilt as a result of the friends, allies and family who have died which can be exploited. Despite his magical abilities, John is still a human being and so shares the same weaknesses as one. If he uses astral projection his body is vulnerable.

Character quote: “I'll kick them in the bollocks and spit on them when they're down, and then I'll be gone back into the darkness, leaving only a nod and a wink and a wisecrack.”

Character’s theme song:

Universe from: OC/Parallel Earth

Alignment: Lawful Neutral

Name: Nikita Travoski

Alias/nickname: Красный Железный (Red Iron)

Age: 27

Gender and sexuality: Female, heterosexual

Species/race: Enhanced human/supersoldier




(OCs only) Clothes: Necklace covered in the tags of her fallen comrades. When not wearing her armour Nikita wears a bomber jacket with the Soviet symbol sown into it, a grey t-shirt and a pair of jeans.

Personality: Nikita is a patriot, a proud Soviet and quite noble. She very is persistent and will not back down from a fight unless she can’t physically fight anymore. She respects people who are noble.

Backstory (if OC give some details about the universe): In October 1917, one month before the Russian Civil War, a tear opened in the Siberian region. On the other side was a universe that the Communists dubbed Красный надежда (Red Hope).

This universe had no beings, only a large amount of stockpiled weapons, armour and other equipment from across the Multiverse. As the Communists got to the tear first, they won the Russian Civil War within a number of days and within months turned itself into a global superpower, using the enhanced technology from the tear. As a result of the enhanced medical technology, Lenin never died, eventually becoming immortal and so Stalin never rose to power. The Soviets also armed the Communists during the Spanish Civil war and so General Franco never became Spain’s dictator.

The course of history completely changed, with no one wanting to challenge the Soviet Union or indeed Communist forces in other countries. Any opposition was crushed in 1943 when the Soviets marched into The USA and declared it as part of the USSR.

As the USSR expanded into space, they were met with opposition from living machines in the Horsehead Nebula known as the Barnardites (see overview for more details). As the living machines expanded, the Soviets began to search for ways of stopping them, including the Red Iron project. All efforts were focused on the defeat of their enemy.

Nikita was born on the 23rd of August 2025, ten years after the discovery of the Barnardites and was brought up as a loyal Soviet by two parents who were also soldiers. At the age of 17 (as 17 year olds are counted as adults), Nikita volunteered for the Red Iron project and became Red Iron.

After intense training, Nikita was send into space along with platoons of supersoldiers to fight the Barnardites. She saw intense fighting over the next few years and all of her comrades died in battle. While other Soviet soldiers replaced them on the front lines alongside Nikita she distanced herself from making new friends.

She learned that her father had died during a battle on an outer-rim colony which only encouraged her to fight more. The Barnardites were pushed back into their home system and victory seemed all but certain.


A tear opened in deep space and the Barnardites fled through it, taking their continent-sized factories with them. Nikita was tasked by the Soviet government to investigate and has been searching for the Barnardites ever since.

Known enemies/rivals: Barnardites, Capitalists

Known allies/friends/family: The USSR/Soviet Union, Dimitri Travoski (father, deceased), Annabel Travoski (mother)

Viktor, Vladimir, Nikolia, Boris, Dimitri, Charles, Zhang Wei, Wang Jie, Anna, Vera, Dina, Albina: All comrades who died in battle.

Companion: None


Battle katana: Is capable of cutting through most metals, including Barnardites.


Laser assault rifle: Also equipped with a shotgun mode, this rifle was designed for fighting Barnardites.

Gear/gadgets: Red Iron armour (see picture): Originally it was space marine armour from the Warhammer Universe, but has been modified with technology from other universes. The armour is equipped with energy cannons on the wrists, repulsors on the palms similar to Iron Man suits, missiles in the right shoulder and another energy cannon in the left shoulder. It is capable of flight, even spaceflight similar to the Model 45 Iron Man suit.

The armour also has storage for her other weapons.


(Red rather than black with Soviet symbols)

Trotsky Mark 4 battle vessel: Designed for holding Red Iron strike teams and dropping them into enemy territory, this ship is equipped with warp drives and several cannons that fire lasers and armour-piercing rounds. It can hold multiple sets of armour, weapons (ect).

Powers/abilities: Identic memory, enhanced strength, agility, reflexes and healing factor.

Skills: Skilled in multiple forms of melee combat, firearms, tactics, leadership and can also speak multiple languages including English, Mandarin and Korean.

Weaknesses: Her sense of duty can be exploited as can her sense of loss. Her armour is vulnerable to advanced EMP blasts.

(Optional) Character quote: (whilst leading troops into battle) "For glory! For our fallen! For Mother Russia!"

(Optional) Character’s theme song:

Universe from: Reborn World/Camelot (OC)

Alignment: Lawful Good

Name: Arya Dougan

Alias/nickname: Ser Dougan/The Tiger Knight

Age: 1000

Gender and sexuality: female, homosexual

Species/race: Human, but has drank from Holy Grail


(OCs only) Clothes: Long red cape with her armour

Personality: Noble, protective, determined and brave. Arya is willing to risk her life if it means doing the right thing but enjoys the simple things in life such as music and booze. While she is not against making new friends, she distances herself from romance due to her immortality.

Backstory: Arya was born over one thousand years ago and dreamed of being a Knight from an early age as Knights of the Reborn World make good role models. At the age of twelve she watched Ser Ismay (an ancestor of the Knight who was killed) rescue a family from an Owlbear attack Arya became even more inspired and joined the academy where she was trained for several years.

Her skill and determination gave her an opportunity to work under the Knights of the Round Table themselves but this is where she overheard of a plot by Ser Mordred, Arthur’s illegitimate son and a Knight of the Round Table to assassinate the King, wipe out the Knights and assume the throne with Rogue Knights taking positions to fill in for those at the Round Table.

Ser Dougan warned the Knights of the treachery and fighting alongside them ended the plot and killed all of those involved. For this she was given Ser Mordred’s place at the Round Table and drank from The Holy Grail.

She spent the next nine hundred and sixty years as a Knight in Arthur’s court.

During this time fought alongside fellow Knights against the forces of darkness and evil waiting for them in deep space, beyond the Milky Way and trained those who like herself dreamed of becoming Knights.

However, while she never aged her family and some of her comrades did. As a result she began to distance herself and even more so after Emma died, however over time she became less distant but still hostile to the idea of falling in love.

Due to her companion, a tiger called Paraclitus who she fought alongside, her fighting style and her actions in the Tsuchigumo wars Arya was nicknamed “The Tiger Knight”. Like many of her comrades though, Paraclitus died of old age.


She gathered a team of Knights to investigate a tear in deep space, far beyond the outer-rim colonies. There they battled against Rutans and Cybermen but sustained some heavy losses against supernatural foes when they battled in a universe run by spider-like supernatural creatures such as Jorōgumo and Tsuchigumo.

Known enemies/rivals: The Black Knight, Rogue Knights, Tsuchigumo and any evil doers in general.

Known allies/friends/family: King Arthur, The Knights of the Round Table Merlin, Knights of the Reborn World, The God Emperor of Mankind. All of her other friends and family are deceased. Emma, a fellow Knight became her wife but died of old age.

Companion: Her Squire Custos (see overview on Knights of the Reborn Order)


Silverlight: A longsword that has been blessed by magic, allowing it to be covered in holy fire.


Throwing knives (carries 30)


Dual short swords with the same blessing as the longsword

Gear/gadgets: Holy armour: Like all Knights it is composed of a strong, durable yet also lightweight titanium alloy, is capable of letting the wearer breathe in space and survive other harsh climates. The armour is also bulletproof and can survive blasts from energy weapons. While most suits are equipped with energy weapons, Arya chose to remove hers.

Powers/abilities: None

Skills: Swordplay, hand to hand combat, negotiation, can play multiple musical instruments proficiently, speak multiple languages, is a skilled pilot and even bested Ser Lancelot in a drinking competition.

Weaknesses: She is immortal only to ageing and so can still be killed by conventional weapons.

(Optional) Character quote:

(Optional) Character’s theme song:

Universe from: Same as Gregory

Alignment: Chaotic good

Name: Mirus

Alias/nickname: Jane, Sarah, Beth, Peter, Ruby (fake names she used), Cinis (name given to her by Curabitur authorities for a time)

Age: Assumed to be around 100 years old

Gender and sexuality: Female, bisexual

Species/race: Curabitur

With six fingers on each hand and six toes on each foot, the Curabitur have two dark eyes (similar to that of "black-eyed demons") and their mouths and noses are of a similar size/shape to that of average human.

The Curabitur’s hair is dark and normally long. In most cases this hair looks similar to long dreadlocks that stretch to the back but do not cover the face or forehead.

The Curabitur’s skin is a ghostly white that is prone to glow. When threatened, the glow can change to a dark red. The average lifespan of a Curabitur is 1000 years

Appearance: Mirus retains the look of an average Curabitur female, however she has a fringe that covers a small part of her forehead and stands at 5ft 9, smaller than average. Due to her “shapeshifting” abilities Mirus does take on other forms more often than not.


- Beth


- Jane








- Unnamed old lady disguise


- Unnamed businessman disguise

(OCs only) Clothes:

(on the right)

Personality: Mirus is very curious, a trait often seen in Curabitur exploring new worlds and species, however having seen much of the galaxy it will take something significant to impress her. She also has a sense of humour and will often play practical jokes. Like Gregory however, this is a shell for what lies underneath. She is secretive about her past and slow to trust others, to earn her trust quickly someone will have to do something significant. Mirus also has problems with authority and suffers from claustrophobia.

Backstory: Born on the Curabitur homeworld of Domi (the system and homeworld share the same name); Mirus lived what was considered a normal life. Both of her parents were diplomats who often negotiated with other species and she got on well with her younger brother.

When experiencing her “traductus” which is the Curabitur equivalent to puberty where a Curabitur starts to gain his/her telepathic abilities Mirus panicked, unable to cope with the voices she heard in her head. This would cause her to reject her abilities and not use them until later on in life and thus make them unstable.

That time came when Mirus was thirty and a corrupt diplomat named Fiduciam ordered the murder of her father as a means of tying up a loose end. Mirus would later discover this was as a result of Fiduciam trying to cover up what Mirus’ father had discovered on the Exen. It was later noted, when Mirus’ name was cleared by Legatus that had this cover-up not happened millions if not billions of lives would not have been lost.

Upon discovering who was responsible due to a message left by her father, Mirus went on a murderous rampage using her uncontrollable powers that had been repressed for years. She wiped out all of those responsible for the murder, assassinating Fiduciam on the steps of a parliament building but was caught by the authorities.

The Curabitur’s prison system has a reputation for brutality and ruthlessness and so Mirus was subjected to various tortures by both the guards and other inmates for decades, developing claustrophobia in the process.

She also underwent forced surgery to shorten her lifespan and prevent her from conceiving children. Rather than life for 1000 years her lifespan is closer to 200 years.

All this time, Mirus was plotting her escape. Upon escaping the prison (which was deemed impossible by some) she stole a ship and left her home behind.

Putting herself into cryostasis, Mirus was asleep for decades and awoke in human space where upon she took on multiple identities, eventually ending up on Mars as she wanted to get as far away as possible from Curabitur authorities. After several months of living on Mars, her true species was revealed and two weeks later she was falsely accused with murder.

Wanting to clear her name and bring the killer to justice, Mirus teamed up with Gregory in order to bring the real killer to justice.

When April was killed, Mirus and Gregory formed a partnership, taking bounties across the red planet. During this time, the two developed a close friendship which eventually became a relationship. The two understood each other and over-time began to discover what was behind their shells. (See Gregory’s backstory for rest)


Upon being taken to (location redacted) by the Librarian, after figuring out that Gregory was alive the first thing she did was explore, finding a Nemicolopterus in the process which she decided to keep, naming it Jim. She then met up with Harley Quinn (Injustice Universe) while on a mission for the Three Unknowns. A mission she is yet to complete.

Known enemies/rivals: The Exen

Known allies/friends/family: Steven Nelson (“brother in-law”), Earl (“father in-law” ), Gregory Nelson (boyfriend), Rosie (Steven’s girlfriend), Seeker (an AI in an android body), Kennedy (the same), “Cleopatra” (the pirate queen of the Valhalla Mars colony), Legatus (the Curabitur ambassador), Morgan (a fellow bounty hunter), Alva Svennson (the same), Boyle (arms dealer), Alex (owns safehouses and is Boyle’s girlfriend)

Companion: A Nemicolopterus she has named Jim.


Weapons: Carries a Curabitur battle rifle. It is equipped with two modes, a long range mode (sniper rifle) and a burst-fire mode (assault rifle). She, like Gregory also carries armour piercing rounds.

Mirus also carries two Ninjatō blades also made of Erekrese metal like Gregory’s katana.

Gear/gadgets: Datapad. She also wears armour similar to Gregory’s, only her armour is all black instead of black and gold. It possesses all of the same features as well (see Gregory’s profile for details). On occasion, she also carries a violin.


Powers/abilities: Telekinesis: Capable of moving objects with her mind. The heaviest thing she can lift is a bus. She can also use telekinesis on herself while gliding to steer and keep herself in the air for longer periods of time.

Telepathy: Capable of reading minds and creating illusions such as her “shapeshifting” ability where she does not change her appearance physically, but creates an illusion of what she wants people to see. When in close proximity to a person Mirus can project herself into their mind and even enter their dreams. She can also use telepathy to communicate with animals.

Field generation: She can create fields that block bullets and can enhance herself by charging her body with generated energy.

Curabitur Learning: She can learn things from an imamate object simply by touch. If she was to touch a book it would be like she read the entire book multiple times, if she was to touch a murder weapon she could tell how it had been used, if she was to touch a piece of technology she could figure out how it was made, if she was to touch a weapon she could figure out how to use it (ect)

Mind control: Mirus can manipulate “primitive minds” (such as some animals) to her will and is immune to most forms of mind control. The most intelligent animal Mirus could mind control would be a Border Collie, however she prefers to simply communicate with animals and convince them to ally themselves with her.

Skills: Skilled in swordplay, hand to hand combat and with multiple types of guns, although she prefers and is more proficient with long-range and medium-range weapons. She is also skilled in several musical instruments

Weaknesses: If she charges her body with field generation she is exhausted afterwords, she also has the same weaknesses as a human being and her claustrophobia can be exploited. Her telekinesis can also exhaust her.

(Optional) Character quote: “Throw me to the wolves, I dare you. I’ll come back leading the pack, that’s a promise.”

(Optional) Character’s theme song:

Universe from: Injustice: Gods Among Us

Alignment: True Neutral (basic urges category)

Name: Harleen Quinzel

Alias/nickname: Harley Quinn

Age: Late 20s/early 30s

Gender and sexuality: Female, heterosexual

Species/race: Human



Personality: Having moved on from the Joker, Harleen became her own person however she remained her eccentric, almost childish self. While she may come across as an idiot at time, she is a lot smarter than she lets on and can be serious depending on the situation. In most serious situations, however she tries to inject humour.



Harleen Quinzel was a criminal psychiatrist, who was seduced by her patient: the Joker. She abandoned her career and became Harley Quinn, the Joker's ditsy sidekick. Quinn was willing to do anything to please her "Puddin," even murder. However, five years before the main events of the comic series, Harley discovered she was pregnant with the Joker's child.

Not wanting the baby to be brought up in their lifestyle, Harley left the Joker for almost a year to have the child, a girl she named Lucy, who she left with her sister. When she returned, she was saddened to discover the Joker had never noticed she was gone.


Quinn is first seen in disguise on the docks with Lois Lane and Jimmy Olsen watching her, unaware it is a trap until the Joker murders Jimmy with a gunshot to the head. Harley sheds her disguise alongside the Joker as they kidnap Lois. Harley is not seen again until the Justice League learns that she and the Joker have hijacked a nuclear submarine. When Superman enters the sub, he sees Harley and the Joker in scrubs looming over an unconscious Lois.

When the Joker gasses Superman with kryptonite laced fear toxin stolen from the Scarecrow, Harley joins the Clown Prince of Crime in mocking a reeling Superman. Superman flies off to battle a suddenly appeared Doomsday, murmuring about Superman. Afterward, Joker informs Harley it is time to leave. Though Harley is rather reluctant to leave the sub after she has named it 'Gunther'. Joker reminds her that the heroes "will hit us over and over again," and she relents.

After that she cheerfully bids "Gunther" goodbye, but it is too late and the two are subdued by a projected hand from Green Lantern's ring. The rest of the League realize exactly what she and the Joker have done, save for a single comment about the submarine's name, and gleefully hugs the Joker as Metropolis is destroyed and millions die in an instant.

Harley is in a police car when she learns of the Joker's death at Superman's hand. She dejectedly murders the two officers in the car and escapes in the vehicle to one of her and the Joker's hideouts, mourning the death of her puddin', and seeing no more joy in the world. After crashing the vehicle, she enters the hideout, a closed novelty joke toy maker and suits up in her costume. Green Arrow suddenly arrives, an arrow notched in his bow, but Quinn injures him with a grenade. Harley approaches Arrow with a massive mallet, apologizing for how it has to end and compliments his beard.

She strikes him with the mallet but it turns out to be a squeaky hammer. She pulls out a gun but her shot is deflected by Green Arrow shooting an arrow into the gun's barrel, which Harley finds amazing. Arrow quickly captures her with a trick net arrow, to which Harley responds, "You suck."

Arrow drags Harley into his Arrowmobile and when Harley asks him if he's taking her to Superman, Arrow denies this and explains he's taking her somewhere safe from Superman, though he makes it clear that he's only doing this so Superman won't make another mistake by murdering her. Harley annoys Arrow throughout the ride, prompting him to trick her into unconsciousness by giving her a trick arrow that releases knock-out gas in her face. Once more, Harley manages to slur before passing out a "You suck."

When Quinn comes to, Arrow reveals he's brought her to his Arrowcave, chained her to a pole and assures her that Superman will not be able to find her due to the lead lining the walls of the cave. Harley reminisces about the Joker who used to knock her out and handcuff her "Every Thursday," and goes on to mock the name of Green Arrow's hideout, suggesting he call it 'The Quiver' instead. Green Arrow begrudgingly admits that it's a better name.

Arrow tells her he has to leave and advises her not to try an escape with a 'fake hand'. Harley reveals she has a fake mustache instead of a fake hand, tearfully revealing the hand was the Joker's gag. Harley then ask Arrow, "Have you ever loved someone you knew was wrong for you? Someone who would hurt you over and over again and hurt those around you but you could forgive them because losing them would hurt even more?"

Arrow is shocked by her words, stunned he is able to relate to them. Harley goes on to admit that she knew the Joker was a "Bad Guy," with Arrow interjecting he was a "Genocidal Psychopath," but he was Harley's. Before Arrow leaves, Quinn asks from him for a "Little maniacal laughter?" At first Arrow refuses, but after seeing Harley put on her fake mustache he bursts into a fit, and Quinn thanks him.

Some time much later, Harley Quinn is being escorted in handcuffs by Green Arrow to Arkham Asylum. Harley is hesitant in Arrow bringing her here, arguing that the fire she started in the Arrow Cave was only a 'little' one. Arrow counters that it was actually an uncontrollable blaze. Harley further mocks his hideout's name and calls him a 'really crappy Robin Hood' by suggesting he robs from the rich to pay for himself.

Once inside the Asylum, Arrow assures her she will be safe there. When the orderly Kenneth spots Arrow and reveals the Justice League and Batman's presence, he quickly races off to prevent the inevitable confrontation between them, leaving Harley with Kenneth. Upon seeing the Man of Steel, Harley whispers his name before greeting Kenneth pleasantly. When Kenneth asks about her fake mustache, she reveals it is actually a lockpick while asking him "How many times have I broken your nose?" When he responds "Three times" she apologizes before knocking him out with an unseen punch to his nose.

Harley quickly heads to the security controls and monitors, looking for a certain inmate. When she finds him, she promises to free him, asking in return that he "Destroy the joint."

As Green Arrow prevents a brawl between Batman and Cyborg, Harley announces her presence over the speakers before freeing all the inmates, saying, "Superman took away Mistah J. and now it looks like he wants to take us all away." She says she's giving them a chance to defend themselves along with some backup, in the form of the monstrous Solomon Grundy.

Harley cheers the inmates on as they attack the heroes, but tells them over the intercom, "Don't touch the green guy with the cute beard. I have a little crush on him, it's probably Stockholm syndrome but I'll take what I can get." Though not seen or heard for the remainder of the chapter, she, like many other superheroes and the inmates, are openly shocked by Nightwing's sudden death, Harley herself crying at the sight of his body being carried out by Batman.

In the annual, Harley is in one of her's and the Joker's old sewer hideouts in Gotham when Lobo comes bursting in on his motor bike. Shocked, she realizes he's not Superman and when Lobo tells her his name, she pretends to have never heard of him to distract him long enough so she can grab her hammer and smash it upside Lobo's head...which doesn't affect him in the slightest.

Lobo easily captures Harley and handcuffs her before putting her on his bike and flying off. When Lobo notices her putting on her fake mustache, he shares her sentiments on not having to justify a fake mustache. When Harley notices a strange pill, Lobo explains that if someone ingests it they gain invulnerability and super-human strength. As he's explaining this, Harley takes the lockpick from her fake stache and frees her hands, snatching the pill while Lobo continues to talk and swallows it. She then jumps off his bike and lands through a building.

To her amazement, she is completely unharmed and then jumps through a wall into another building, only to get sucker-punched by an annoyed Lobo. Harley then explains to Lobo that she's had time to think after coming to terms with the Joker's death, and she understands she was in an abusive relationship and angrily declares, "No one gets to lay a hand on me ever again." before punching him through a wall and into an oncoming truck.

She then steals his hog and flies off to Green Arrow's Arrow Cave, though due to not knowing where the brakes are, she crashes the bike inside the cave after bursting in, shocking Green Arrow and Black Canary. When Arrow asks what she is doing there, Harley says she needs their help but Arrow asks how she knew where the cave was and reveals she wasn't as bound as he thought she was, before again teasing him about the name much to Black Canary's amusement.

Both then realize who she stole the bike from and Lobo comes roaring in. Arrow and Canary manage to distract him long enough for Harley to rip his head off. Upon seeing their horrified reactions, Harley says, "I know what you're thinking." She then triumphantly holds Lobo's head up and declares, "Best. Team-up. Ever!"

With Lobo down for the moment, they secure him to a table and while he is unconscious, Harley hears him mumbling in his sleep, seemingly at war with himself. When he awakens, demanding to know what is going on, Harley, dressed in a doctor's coat, tells him, "This, Mister Lobo, is therapy."

When Harley tells him, "It's time to talk about your feelings." Lobo is horrified, with Harley asking if he's afraid of talking about them, with Lobo insisting he is not. Harley then tells Lobo she heard him talking in his sleep and tells him she thinks someone recently took his power from him and he is struggling with himself to get it back. When she reveals she knows he is the best bounty hunter in the galaxy, revealing she knew he who he was all along and only pretended not to know to throw him off.

She then asks what happened and if Superman somehow emasculated him, with Lobo insisting he wasn't, but when she asks him, "Then tell me why the best bounty hunter in the galaxy would waste his time hunting me?" Lobo then realizes hunting Harley is beneath him ("No offense taken.") and asks her what he should do.

Harley suggests he find a way to take back his power and a jubilant Lobo easily escapes his bonds, tells Harley they're done, and flies off on his hog.

A stunned Arrow and Canary approach her then, amazed she sent Lobo off, though Harley insists "No we beat Lobo. The team of Canary, Quinn and Queen." Arrow is happy for a moment before realizing she knows his real name.

Harley returns in chapter thirteen, revealed to have been hiding out in the Arrow Cave for some time since Green Arrow's death. Black Canary discovers Harley in the cave, with Harley holding a bow and arrow while wearing fuzzy slippers. When Canary demands to know what she is doing there, Harley replies, "Um...practicing archery in comfortable slippers?"

Un-amused, Canary reiterates her question and Harley admits she had no where else to go. Black Canary then orders her to leave and Harley refuses, throwing the bow and arrow aside. When Black Canary asks if she really wants to do this, Harley growls, "Bring it." before throwing her slippers with a cry of, "Fluffy slipper attack!"

When Canary catches them, Harley smirks and says, "You look calm for someone who's just caught exploding slippers." Canary quickly throws them aside but quickly discovers they're not explosives. "Of course not. That would be crazy." Harley says with a smile. Black Canary knocks Harley back with a sudden Canary Cry and Harley retaliates by grabbing her mallet and jumps to deliver a blow to Canary's head when she suddenly tells her to wait.

Harley stops mid-attack, confused. She notices Canary seems ill and she suddenly demands a nearby bucket. Confused, Harley gives the bucket to Canary, and is disgusted when she promptly vomits into it. Harley asks what's wrong with her and her eyes widen in sudden realization as she asks, "Is it morning sickness?"

Black Canary refuses to discuss this with her but Harley excitedly exclaims, "It is! You're preggers!" Black Canary can only throw up again, causing Harley to laugh. When Black Canary asks if she thinks it's funny, Harley admits she thinks it it's hilarious and when Dinah glares at her, she says, "Oh, come on. How is it not funny? You're a superhero with morning sickness. You save the world. And then throw up."

Harley then imagines Black Canary in her third trimester, but still wearing her fishnets and finds the image hilarious. Though Dinah wants to go back to fighting, Harley refuses and sits down next to her, saying she remembers how hard it was to be pregnant. Black Canary is shocked and asks if she had a child.

Harley is silent for a moment before saying they should go back to hitting each other, but Dinah presses the issue, calling her by her full name. Giving up, Harley admits she has a four year old daughter named Lucy, telling Dinah, "She likes tutus and toy cars. She especially likes putting tutus on toy cars. She likes the idea of a ballerina car." With a smile, she says, "I think that makes perfect sense."

Harley also admits that the Joker never knew he had a child, saying his work was too important. She then brokenly admits that he acted like he never knew she had left for almost an entire year. Harley admits her daughter is better off this way, having a normal life "filled with normal days and dancing cars." She then asks if the baby is Oliver's and admits she saw the news of his death.

She asks if Superman killed him and when Canary confirms this, she asks what she is going to do. When Dinah says she's going to make sure Superman can't hurt anyone else ever again, Harley says she wants to help her and while Dinah says she doesn't, Harley reminds her that Superman killed her man too, and she says she can do things Dinah can't, "Like fight without needing a bucket nearby."

Turning serious, Harley says, "Please. Let me help."

In the Year Two annual, Harley is seen alongside the rest of the Birds of Prey in their headquarters, looking at the groups slides of pictures from happier days in their pasts, Harley herself sitting next to Black Canary. A delighted Harley demands, "The next one, the next one!"

Harley is next seen when Commissioner Gordon brings Clayface to the resistance's headquarters, shocked to see the shapeshifter. When Gordon demands she come with him, Harley responds, "Oh, goodie, secret conspiracies--" and she is next seen with a nurses outfit over her regular costume as she draws a sample of blood from Clayface to test. After Renee Montoya leads Clayface away, Harley whispers in a suspicious Gordon's ear, "More than one way to get closure, Mistah G."

After Clayface is revealed to be a mole for Superman, Harley is next seen giving Black Canary bandages, and when Dinah protests, Harley shushes her and says, "They've got Hello Kitty on them. They're fashionable." When Montoya asks what they should do with Clayface, it is Harley who comes up with a solution. Later, Harley has secured Karlo by dividing his mass up and locking individual pieces into several glass jars that they cannot escape. A victorious Harley declares, "See? Closure!"

In chapter fifteen, seven months later, Harley has joined the Insurgency against Superman. Dressed rather scantly in civilian disguise, Harley visits Black Canary in the hospital after she gave birth to her son, Connor, claiming to be Dinah's sister to get visitor's rights. Harley is delighted to see the newborn child and comes with several presents, including a bow and arrow set ("Never too young for that."), a fake mustache ("That obviously needs no explanation.") and a muzzle.

When Dinah asks why he would need a muzzle, Harley explains that it was useful when she first got her hyenas. Dinah says Connor is a baby, not a pack hunter and Harley slyly reminds her of her Canary Cry ability and suggests Connor may inherit early. Grinning triumphantly, Harley hands the muzzle over to Dinah when she demands it. Harley then notices that Dinah's bag is glowing and asks, "Is that a thing it does?" When the bag suddenly produces a voice, Harley asks, "You can hear that too, right?"

Harley is silent as Dinah discusses with Guy Gardner the upcoming battle between the Green Lantern Corps, Sinestro Corps and Superman's forces.

In chapter sixteen, as Batman makes a speech to the resistance over the upcoming battle against Superman's forces, while imploring everyone to say their goodbyes and to prepare themselves, Harley tearfully says, "No. Don't be like that. You need to stay behind. I couldn't handle it if anything were to happen to you..." to her fake mustache.

In the next chapter, while almost the entire resistance reacts in a combination of stun and awe at the sight of the Green Lantern planet Mogo turning the sky green, Harley simply smiles as she watches while saying, "Naaaw. Pretty."

In chapter eighteen, Harley is present alongside the rest of the resistance lead by Commissioner Gordon, and she is seen wearing a familiar purple hat and coat. When they receive word to attack the Hall of Justice from Oracle, Gordon warns Harley not to deviate from the plan. Harley doesn't respond, only smiles as she takes her super-pill.

Harley then goes up to the Regime soldiers stationed at the Hall's entrance and introduces herself by saying, "Hi! I'm the first wave." Before the soldiers have a chance to react, Harley opens her coat to reveal a large amount of explosives strapped to her chest. The bombs go off, allowing the resistance the chance they need to seize the Hall.

Harley survives the explosion thanks to the invulnerability provided by the pill, though her outfit is destroyed. After the resistance successfully defeat all the soldiers and subdue both Flash and Robin, Harley finds her old costume on display and puts it on, though she comments on the fact it was being displayed as, "Icky." When she sees that Lex Luthor has been captured, she asks, "Ooh. Once he's stopped struggling, can I please rub his shiny head?"

In the next chapter, when Harley sees Catwoman contacting Oracle, she ecstatically exclaims, "Tell her I exploded!" before observing the unconscious Robin.

In chapter twenty-two, Harley is seen in an unknown location with the Flash bound and gagged onto a table. She is reassuring the Flash that he is just incapacitated and that the effects are not permanent. Harley then proceeds to play with his lightning bolt ear pieces, wondering aloud if he has those because he hears at super-speed before mockingly speaking very slowly into his ear.

Harley tells the Flash that she has been informed he's a nice guy who's made a lot of bad decisions and she believes he's been a bit brainwashed and that she's been there. Leaning on the Flash's chest, Harley tells him, "You get this guy who's all strong and powerful and confidant, and you just stare into his dreamy face and do what he says, right?" Harley reiterates that she understands and that she's going to get him through this before revealing she's been asked to reprogram him.

Harley assures him, "I'm a professional." She then pulls out an electrified Superman puppet while saying, "I hope you like electro-shock therapy and puppets!"

Harley returns in the third chapter of Year Three., where she is first seen in the Tower of Fate, sitting in the Flash's cell and talking with the captured speedster. Harley is slumped against the wall as she admits she needs to talk, before mentioning the people Superman has taken from her, the Joker, Green Arrow and Black Canary. Harley admits she knows it hard's for the Flash to sympathize, "Seeing as I've strapped you to a table and electrocuted you a bit."

Harley then admits that she's made so many mistakes that she's afraid there's no one left who believes in her, before rising back up as Zatanna arrives to inform her that it's time for them to go. Harley thanks the Flash for listening to her. "I know you don't really have a choice but it means a lot." Harley says with a smile, before adding, "I may just have to keep you strapped down here forever."

Shortly after, Harley and Zatanna arrive at Jason Blood's home, where the Insurgency has gathered along with some powerful magic users. When Harley sees John Constantine and asks Zatanna who he is. When Zatanna tells Harley his name, Harley comments, "He's pretty." When Zatanna warns her that Constantine is dangerous, Harley just says, "Now he's prettier."

Harley is silent through the meeting and witnesses the Spectre's attack and murder of Jason Blood and Harvey Bullock.

In the following chapter, Harley is the first to realize Detective Chimp has been injured as she shouts, "The monkey is down!" Both Harley and Alfred check on the chimp, with Alfred confirming that he's alive while Harley adds that his breathing is shallow before picking up Chimps fallen hat and saying, "And his hat fell off." Harley is among the group that is teleported back to the Tower of Fate by Zatanna while Batman distracts the Spectre.

In the fifth chapter, Harley works with Alfred and Zatanna to keep Detective Chimp alive. Realizing they main soon lose him, Harley notices Chimp is regaining consciousness before telling Alfred they have to stop his bleeding. While Alfred looks to Zatanna, Harley has Chimp squeeze her hand, an act she immediately regrets, though she's pleased he still has "crazy-strong monkey-grip". Before the three can do anything else, they realize Rose Constantine has been watching them when she announces her presence by asking, "Will the monkey be okay?"

Before Harley can respond, Doctor Fate teleports into the room, hoping to take Rose back to the upper portion of the tower. Harley calls after him, asking him to wait before pointing to Chimp and proclaiming, "I need your help here, Doctor!" putting emphasis on the first part of his name. Harley is surprised when Fate reveals he's not that kind of doctor before demanding to know what sort of doctor he is.

Fate only responds that it's complicated and Harley snaps, "We don't have time for complications. A good, talking chimp is dying! Can you help or not?"

Fate takes a long look at Chimp before declaring that he is too far gone for his abilities to be of use. Unimpressed and annoyed, Harley snaps, "Wow, that's some positive talk in front of the patient." Kneeling in front of Rose while smiling gently, Harley tells her, "Don't worry, random little girl. I've never lost a monkey before and I'm not about to start today!"

Returning her attentions to Chimp, Harley points Fate out while saying, "And you. You can't just put on a helmet and a cape and call yourself doctor. Some of us went to medical school and earned our title. Now, please take this small girl out of my operating room, 'Mister' Fate."

(rest is not on the wiki, but this video provides a summary of Year Three)
Year Four is not in the wiki, but this video provides a summary:
Insurgency Harley Quinn, now going by the name Harleen, later confronts the Joker in Gotham City, believing him to be an impostor, as 'her' Joker was killed by Superman after destroying Metropolis. After a fight between the two, Harleen realizes from the Joker's fighting style that he is the real Joker and is overjoyed to see him.

Harleen takes the Joker to the abandoned Arkham Asylum, hideout of the Joker Clan, a criminal force assembled in the Joker's memory. The Joker is quick to assume control of the Clan, using one of the durability enhancing pills given by Superman to his flunkies on himself. Shortly after this, Regime soldiers lead by Hawkgirl and Nightwing break into the hideout and attack the Clan. As the Joker fights off Hawkgirl and Nightwing, Harleen sends an S.O.S. to Insurgency Batman via a communication device given to her by the Insurgency. The Insurgency forces soon arrive and drive back the Regime. Batman orders Harleen and her men to lay low for the time being and takes the Joker into custody, believing him to be too dangerous to be let loose.

When the Insurgency begins their bid to save the displaced Batman from being executed, Harleen receives orders from the Insurgency Batman to have the Joker Clan occupy as much law-enforcement as they can while they infiltrate Stryker's Island. Harleen complies, but goes against Insurgency Batman's orders and releases the Joker from his cell, although fears that Batman may be angry with her for doing it

Harleen and the Joker hijack a Regime vehicle and confront the Insurgency Lex Luthor in Metropolis as he heads to aid the Insurgency against the Regime. The Joker orders Harleen to take down Luthor and take his suit, but she ultimately fails. Fed up with Harleen, the Joker fires her and tries to kill her. However, Luthor intervenes and takes down the Joker in a fight. Enraged by his betrayal, Harleen prepares to kill the Joker with his own knife, but is ultimately convinced by Luthor to let him go, saying she's outgrown him. Returning the favor, Harleen shortly afterwards told the Joker Clan to stand down, citing that Luthor's their ally, also citing that Joker turned out not to be acting in their interests. She then informed Luthor that she will make sure Joker is still imprisoned and won't let him trick her again.

In the epilogue, Harleen is shown escorting the Joker at gunpoint to the portal back to his dimension.

Post-Injustice and Post-Tears Due to her assistance in the fall of Superman's Regime, Harleen was pardoned of her past wrongdoings and helped her sister raise Lucy, however one year after the fall of Superman's Regime, the tears opened and the Earth came under threat once more. She was contacted by Batman, who asked (reluctantly) for her help as they needed "all hands on deck" for an invasion from the Rutan host.

However, during the battles that followed against the Rutans Harley fell through a tear. She jumped from tear to tear constantly trying to find her way home, meeting with Groot in the process. Somehow being able to understand the living tree, the two agreed to form a team and continued searching for a way back to their own universes.

During this search they eventually met with Mirus. In return for helping the Curabitur with her mission, Harleen was promised "a ticket home", during this time the three formed a friendship.

Known enemies/rivals: The Rutan, Superman and the members of his regime, the Joker (deceased)

Known allies/friends/family: Lucy (daughter) Green Arrow (deceased), Black Canary (assumed deceased), Detective Chimp (deceased), Huntress (deceased), Clarion (deceased), Alfred Pennyworth, Batman, Zatana, Doctor Fate, John Constantine, Batwoman, Catwoman, Lex Luthor, Comissioner Gordon (deceased), Harvey Bullock (deceased), Jason Blood (deceased), Deathstroke. Nightwing/Deadwing (deceased), Poison Ivy

Companion: Groot

This Groot is from an alternate version of the Marvel Cinematic Universe where he survived the battle with Ronan.


Dual revolvers

Gear/gadgets: Fake mustache that is also a lockpick


Powers/abilities: She is immune to most poisons thanks to Poison Ivy

Skills: Talented gymnast, bomb making skills, psychiatry and some medical skills (was able to assist Alfred in keeping Detective Chimp alive for a time)

Weaknesses: Difficult past that can be exploited, has almost all of the same weaknesses as a human being.

(Optional) Character quote:


(Optional) Character’s theme song:

Deceased Characters

Universe from: Assassins Creed

Alignment: Neutral Good

Name: Ratonhnhaké:ton

Alias/nickname: Connor

Age: Late 20s/early 30s

Gender and sexuality: Male, heterosexual

Species/race: Human


Personality: The death of Connor's mother and burning of his village left him growing up with a strong desire for justice and the concern of what impact the colonists would have on the Kanien'kehá:ka. This left him with an often introspective, humourless disposition and this bluntness would continue into his adulthood.

Connor's strong sense of morality would lead him to be quite naïve. He could not comprehend the notion of racial prejudice that Achilles suffered from, and argued with Samuel Adams when he taught him how to remove his notoriety, questioning why he could not simply tell people the truth instead of lying to them. He also expressed discomfort with killing, such as his regret for assassinating William Johnson, whom he had naïvely intended to spare after believing that he had lost the ability to buy his people's land.

Connor could still be youthfully cocky and arrogant. During the Boston Tea Party, Connor destroyed the final crate of tea in front of William Johnson and allowed him to leave the scene with his fellow Templars, believing that he had stopped their plans.

Despite this, Achilles and Washington described Connor as being quite humble, often playing down his own actions. Also, putting his near constant annoyance with Achilles aside, it was clear that Connor cared for him greatly, which could be seen at both his funeral and when Connor visited Achilles' grave shortly afterwards. At his grave, Connor stated that he missed him nearly as much as his mother, implying that he thought of Achilles as somewhat of a father figure. In addition, he also promised that he would make Achilles proud.

As he grew older and more cynical, while his nemesis Charles Lee still lived Connor was even willing to torture for information. Since Lee's death however, this thirst for vengeance has been quenched and he returned to his more moral self again.


Ratonhnhaké:ton (1756 – unknown), often known by the adopted name of Connor, was a Master Assassin of the Colonial Brotherhood of Assassins during the period of the American Revolutionary War. Born into the Kanien'kehá:ka tribe, he is an ancestor of Desmond Miles, through the paternal line.

Ratonhnhaké:ton was born to the Templar Haytham Kenway and Kaniehtí:io, a Kanien'kehá:ka woman from the village of Kanatahséton. In 1760, while he was still a young child, he was assaulted by Charles Lee and other members of the Templar Order seeking the First Civilization temple which the Kanien'kehá:ka were protecting, and lost his mother shortly after during the burning of his village by George Washington's forces.

Growing up concerned by the outside world's impact on his people, Ratonhnhaké:ton joined the Assassin Order to prevent the Templars from returning. Finding the Templars had all but destroyed the Colonial Assassins, Ratonhnhaké:ton convinced Achilles Davenport to train him. Using Connor as an adopted pseudonym, he revitalized the Order by recruiting craftsmen to renovate the Davenport Homestead and the Assassin ship, the Aquila. Robert Faulkner subsequently trained him to captain the ship, while Ratonhnhaké:ton inducted six more Assassins into the Order.

During his hunt for the Templars, Ratonhnhaké:ton aided the Patriot movement and protected George Washington, unwittingly becoming an important figure of the American Revolution. However, he was conflicted by wanting to reconcile with his father, despite Achilles' warnings as to the futility of uniting the Assassin and Templar philosophies, which ultimately had tragic consequences as Haytham refused to stop protecting Lee.

Upon learning that it was Washington, not Lee, who had burned his village, Ratonhnhaké:ton became disillusioned with the Revolutionaries, but continued using them to aid in the eradication of the Templars. He reluctantly accepted Washington's request for help investigating Benedict Arnold and then in disposing of an Apple of Eden he had recovered. The latter incident saw Ratonhnhaké:ton trapped in an alternate reality constructed by the Apple, one wherein Washington ruled as king through tyranny. Eventually, Ratonhnhaké:ton escaped this reality and disposed of the Apple by dropping it into the ocean.

Eventually, Ratonhnhaké:ton tracked down and killed the Templar followers of Charles Lee, followed by Lee himself. He then set about rebuilding the assassin order.

Known enemies/rivals: None living

Known allies/friends/family: Kanatahséton (mother, deceased), Hatham Kenway (father, deceased), Edward Kneway (grandfather, deceased), Achillies (mentor and former assassin, deceased)

Companion: His horse

Weapons: Flintlock pistol, sword, tomahawk, bow (20 arrows), assassin blades, dagger, poison darts, (3) rope darts (4)


Powers/abilities: Possess an extra-rare sensory ability known as Eagle vision, which can help him in tracking animals and enemies.

Skills: Having been raised in Kanatahséton, Connor became a skilled freerunner at an early age, being able to climb trees and swing from one to another, as well as scale cliff faces or other natural elements. He could move through the cityscape just as easily, and was able to slide under or vault over obstacles within urban environments. He also received minimal combat training, becoming a young warrior of the tribe. He wielded a tomahawk and dagger and he honed his skill with a bow to the point where he could target any opponent and strike from a far distance.

After being mentored by Achilles, Connor's abilities increased significantly and he eventually became a Master Assassin, trained in the ways of stealth, swordsmanship, observation, pickpocketing and lockpicking. He was able to wield several different weapons, including a tomahawk, bow, sword, dagger, flintlock pistols, poison darts, rope darts, and Hidden Blades. He could dual-wield various combinations of these weapons, with his ambidexterity helping him to do so proficiently. In terms of weaponry Connor possessed the Pivot Blade which became a deadly tool in his arsenal as it aided him in combat as well as hunting

Connor was also skilled in unarmed combat, being able to take on multiple opponents at a time. If there was a possibility, he utilized the surrounding objects to his advantage, such as chairs, tables or barrels, to cripple his opponents. His heavy build gave him an advantage in combat, but impeded his freerunning abilities. In addition, Connor was a capable swimmer, able to swim great distances with relative ease

Connor also grew to be an efficient hunter, utilizing his tracking skills and traps to hunt down various animals he encountered across the Frontier, such as elks, cougars, wolves, bobcats, and bears, with minimal effort.

Tutored by Robert Faulkner, Connor became a skilled captain, sailing the Aquila on multiple occasions and was capable of fending off rogue waves

Weaknesses: Connor's naiveness and sense of morality can be exploited. He also also only a man and thus has the same weaknesses as a human being.

(Optional) Character quote: "Such dark thoughts will cripple a man. But only if he lets them. Look again. Out there stand men and women determined to be free. Such a struggle is rarely easy, and never without sacrifice. I have often asked myself a thousand times if I would not be happier back amongst my people, living a quieter, simpler life. But if I abandoned my cause – if you abandoned yours, Commander – who would take our places? And what would become of the people who rely upon us?" -Connor to George Washington

(Optional) Character’s theme song:

Universe from: Batman Arkhamverse

Alignment: Chaotic Evil

Name: Harleen Francis Quinzel

Alias/nickname: Harley Quinn

Age: Mid-twenties

Gender and sexuality: Female, bisexual

Species/race: Human



Personality: Harley was academically intelligent, but demonstrated a lack of common sense both before and after she took on her criminal alias. As a psychiatrist, she was skilled, responsible, very caring, and strongly empathized with her patients, such as leaving a note in Calendar Man's cell saying: "Happy Holidays, Julian! - HQ". However, she became intolerant of the GCPD because of their cruel acts towards the defenceless. It wasn't until her meeting with the Joker that Harley underwent a drastic change.

Over the course of her relationship with the Joker, she became much more fixated on her patient to the point of it becoming unhealthy. Once she accepted that she was in love with the Joker, she demonstrated extreme signs of regression (as noted by Dr Young) such as an increased intonation in the pitch of her voice, becoming less assertive and appearing less intelligent - possibly to try to appeal to him. On a daily basis, Harley was cheerful and optimistic, but also sadistic and maniacal which she may have learned from the Joker


After the Joker's death, however Harley became more ruthless and dangerous, while still her usual self for the most part, she became feared by her own henchmen. For a time, she was even suicidal.

Backstory: Harleen Quinzel became fascinated by the extreme criminal mind and intended on studying this as a career. She therefore attended Gotham University where she undertook a medical degree in which she specialized in psychiatry - a strong interest of hers. While at the university, she also developed her skills in gymnastics, which accounted for her acrobatic abilities displayed later in her life as Harley Quinn.

After the Joker was arrested and taken to Blackgate she performed a psychological profiling on him, using assessments such as word association. During their session, Joker described the encounter between him and Batman and stated that it had changed the way he thought, but he never specified that he was talking about Batman. Harleen therefore thought that Joker was talking about her, so, she grew an affinity toward her patient.

The Joker used her to escape and took over Blackgate prison. When she was rescued by Batman from convicts who were holding her hostage, she brushed it off as an "occupational hazard"

Harleen continued to study the other patients and that her relationship with the Joker was not particularly close or affectionate during this period. At around the same time of the Blackgate Incident, Arkham Asylum had become renovated and was in fit condition to function as an institution for the criminally insane. Following this incident, Joker, along with a number of other patients, were shortly transferred to Arkham Asylum where they could be studied and treated more safely and appropriately.

After finally completing her prolonged residency at Blackgate Prison, Harleen became a fully trained psychiatrist with an M.D. in Psychiatry. To continue studying extreme criminal behaviour, Harleen eventually interned at Arkham Asylum for a while after it had been fully renovated - possibly because it aimed to rehabilitate insane patients, unlike Blackgate Prison. Here, she was given a permanent office. In this institution, Harleen continued her work as a criminological psychiatrist and voluntarily assigned herself to psychologically assess and treat the Joker after previously experiencing his behaviour first-hand at Blackgate Prison.

Over the course of the taped interview sessions with the Joker, he recognized Harleen's affinity for him and he began to manipulate her by complimenting her, giving her a flower, and victimizing himself. Harleen strongly empathized for him and believed that Batman was instead the criminal.

As a result of the Joker's manipulation, Harleen had eventually fallen in love with her patient and following his orders, Harleen smuggled bombs into the penitential to break into his cell and free him. Wearing her trademark jester costume, Harleen introduced her 'new' persona to the Joker and assumed her own criminal identity as 'Harley Quinn'.

After ending her relationship with the Joker, Harley was released into the custody of Roosevelt Halfway Home for Abused Women but was arrested after an incident in which she bit off one of the staff member's ears and put into the Suicide Squad by Amanda Waller. During the mission in Arkham Asylum, Harley and The Joker reformed their relationship.

After the Joker's death, Quinn became even more psychotic and fierce, and managed to strike fear and respect into the Joker's old henchmen, who had previously seen her as a useless bimbo. She was shown to be constantly mourning, donned a darker outfit, and frequently cried. Her bursts of anxiety lead her to kill a henchman at random and instead of becoming annoyed at the henchmen when they made a pass at her (as she had usually done prior to Joker's death), she became infuriated and murderous, and declared that they should not try to seduce "a widow."

Two weeks after Joker's death she took police officers hostage in the steel mill, planning to blow herself up but was stopped by Batman and Robin and taken back into custody.

Locked up in Blackgate and still in mourning, Batman needed to know where the Joker had hidden his supply of the antidote to his toxic gas which Commissioner Gordon had been exposed to. She showed him where the stockpile was, but did not reveal that she had persuaded Killer Croc to guard it. She escaped custody and visited the Penguin, and offered herself to him in exchange for being made his partner.

Harley stole a tablet PC from Lucius Fox as a present for Penguin, and cut off Fox's right forefinger to get past the security measures. She became frustrated that, after an entire week, she couldn't access Wayne Enterprises computers with the tablet, though Penguin had managed to find a small security hole before Wayne Enterprises shut off its network access that he used to identify the delivery of Batman's new Batmobile.

Penguin later got his new partner to reform the Suicide Squad and persuade them to work for him. She, Captain Boomerang and Deadshot rescued Killer Croc from the GCPD (possibly with the help of a mole that Harley had seduced into working for her within the GCPD) before Quinn took them to Wonder City where Penguin had established his new Iceberg Lounge.

Known enemies/rivals: Batman, GCPD, Robin, Nightwing, Catwoman

Known allies/friends/family: Penguin, Poison Ivy, Deadshot, Captain Boomerang, Killer Croc, The Joker (boyfriend, deceased), Scarecrow

Companion: Jester: a dog that belonged to a version of her from the Age of Ultron Universe she decided to adopt.


Weapons: Baseball bat, dagger, pistol

Gear/gadgets: Jack-in-the box bomb (used to lure enemies in before exploding), laughing gas smoke bombs, snare trap (confetti-filled trap/bomb used to blind enemies).

Powers/abilities: None

Skills: Gymnastics, leadership (led Joker’s goons after his death) and psychiatry. In combat she uses her speed and agility to her advantage.

Weaknesses: Clumsy, a fragile mind that can be exploited and has the same weaknesses as a human being.

(Optional) Character quote: “I think you should do what he says. It would be a shame to get blood all over my nice new outfit.”

(Optional) Character’s theme song:

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Universe from: DC/Marvel universe

Alignment: Lawful Neutral

Name: Carmen Bond

Alias/nickname: Caramel

Age: 16 - 17

Gender and sexuality: Female and straight

Species/race: Human but has had chemicals thrown on her so she can do things with fire i.e manipulate, control and create 3D objects out of fire


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/tumblr_ns10kcuoPN1tc62zyo1_500.gif.40fac621846aa23a52a51a7aa338b003.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="67331" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/tumblr_ns10kcuoPN1tc62zyo1_500.gif.40fac621846aa23a52a51a7aa338b003.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(OCs only) Clothes:

Casual ~ http://www.polyvore.com/my_look/set?id=172369444

Spy ~ http://www.polyvore.com/isabels_spy_outfit/set?id=153871802


Carmen is basically like her father, James. Calm, cool and collective under pressure. She doesn't hang out in large crowds and tends to be by herself. She likes and prefers to work by herself in case her partner stuffs something up

Known enemies/rivals:


Known allies/friends/family:

James Bond (Father) Mother unknown


Her dog, Teddy:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/f33c164d5f2222759029693e79cf2bbb.jpg.d0e0ba4d77f637acc31028d482b13d8e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="67332" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/f33c164d5f2222759029693e79cf2bbb.jpg.d0e0ba4d77f637acc31028d482b13d8e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


~ A pistol

~ A katana

~ A pocket knife


~ Her phone

~ Pocket Lazer

~ GPS tracker


Look at species and race for details ^^


Carmen is flexible and knows karate and ballet


~ Death

~ Her past

(Optional) Character quote: "To die would be an awfully big adventure!" ~ Peter Pan

(Optional) Character’s theme song:

Rixton ~ Me and my broken heart



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Spy ~ http://www.polyvore.com/isabels_spy_outfit/set?id=153871802


Carmen is basically like her father, James. Calm, cool and collective under pressure. She doesn't hang out in large crowds and tends to be by herself. She likes and prefers to work by herself in case her partner stuffs something up

Known enemies/rivals:


Known allies/friends/family:

James Bond (Father) Mother unknown


Her dog, Teddy:

View attachment 153038


~ A pistol

~ A katana

~ A pocket knife


~ Her phone

~ Pocket Lazer

~ GPS tracker


Look at species and race for details ^^


Carmen is flexible and knows karate and ballet


~ Death

~ Her past

(Optional) Character quote: "To die would be an awfully big adventure!" ~ Peter Pan

(Optional) Character’s theme song:

Rixton ~ Me and my broken heart
Universe from: Teen Wolf

Alignment: True Neutral

Name: Vance Cloverfield

Alias/nickname: The Scale

Age: 20

Gender and sexuality: Male/Straight

Species/race: Werewolf


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/57a8c3d5520d0_VincentKartheiser.jpg.0b318fae99c84ccbd64faa23b4d71133.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="67346" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/57a8c3d5520d0_VincentKartheiser.jpg.0b318fae99c84ccbd64faa23b4d71133.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(OCs only) Clothes:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/57a8c3d555070_HoodieOutfit.jpg.98f81f8b57af51c1928d5d8fba50b188.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="67347" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/57a8c3d555070_HoodieOutfit.jpg.98f81f8b57af51c1928d5d8fba50b188.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Vance is there for his friends when they need it. He is confident yet not outgoing. People usually have to talk to him first if they want to start a friendship. Vance has patience and believes in letting the chips fall where they may. Then, picking up the pieces afterward.

Backstory (if OC give some details about the universe): Vance was born and raised as a perfectly normal human being. That is until his 18th Birthday when he was driving home from a surprise party. His car was flipped over by an alpha werewolf who bit him. Vance became a werewolf and moved away from his family. He chose to live in secret and observe the ongoing war between hunters and werewolves in his town. At this time, he stepped in to save both werewolves and hunters so things were always equal. Vance interfered until what he believed to be a decisive move was made and the hunters were driven out.

Known enemies/rivals: N/A

Known allies/friends/family: His uncle, his aunt, and niece.

Companion: N/A


His claws and fangs.

Gear/gadgets: N/A


  • Heightened Senses: Werewolves can smell, see and hear far better than humans.

  • Accelerated Healing: Werewolves heal quickly from most injuries.

  • Enhanced Agility: Werewolves can jump, run, climb and react faster than humans.

  • Enhanced Strength: Werewolves are much stronger than humans.

  • Pain Transference: Werewolves can absorb and alleviate pain from other people/creatures and can "heal" in some cases.

  • Memory Transference: Werewolves can transfer (give or take) memories by inserting claws into nape of an individual's neck. This ability can establish mind-to-mind communication and, with practice, allow for memory manipulation or erasure.


Vance is a kickboxer.



The effects of Wolfsbane vary depending on the type, amount and delivery method. It can cause hallucinations, weaken, render unconscious or kill werewolves.

Mountain Ash

When used properly, Mountain Ash can form an impenetrable barrier to keep supernatural creatures in or out. It can also, according to Dr. Deaton, modify their behavior - keeping them from “causing trouble”.

Lunar Eclipse

Werewolves are powerless during a total lunar eclipse.

  • Hecatolite can block the effects of the moon and disrupt the natural cycle of transformation.

  • Bites, scratches and other wounds inflicted by an Alpha will not heal as quickly as other injuries.

  • Intense pain or steady application of low amperage electricity can keep werewolves weak and in human form.

(Optional) Character quote: "Right or wrong. Its all about the balance." - Vance

(Optional) Character’s theme song: Mika - Relax, Take It Easy





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Universe from: Berserk

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Name: Guts

Alias/nickname: The Black Swordsman, Struggler

Age: 23

Gender and sexuality: Male, heterosexual

Species/race: Human

Appearance: Here

Personality: Here

Backstory: Here

Known enemies/rivals: Griffith the Hawk of Light, Nosferatu Zodd

Known allies/friends/family: Puck, Caska, Isidro, Schrieke, Serpico, Farnese, the Skull Knight

Companion: Caska

Weapons: Dragonslayer

Gear/gadgets: Cannon Arm, Repeater Crossbow, Berserker Armor

Powers/abilities: None

Skills: Immense strength, world-class swordsmanship, proficiency with both throwing knives and crossbows

Weaknesses: Fighting in enclosed spaces where it is difficult for him to wield his weapon, going Berserk
Universe from: A Certain Magical Index

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Name: -Unknown-

Alias/nickname: Accelerator

Age: 16ish

Gender and sexuality: Male, Asexual/Aromantic

Species/race: Human



Personality: Accelerator is a boy who stood above all others in his home city, targeted and feared by others for his power. As such he developed a ruthless personality to try and drive away all those who would bother him. He still retains some of that now but he strives to be someone who can protect his loved ones, having broken free of the definitions of heroes and villains. His greatest desire is to have a family and he will stop at nothing to protect those he views as such.

Backstory (if OC give some details about the universe): As Academy City's strongest Esper, Accelerator was targeted by scientists and assassins alike. He was forced to participate in an experiment to potentially make him even stronger, which he agreed to for the prospect of being so strong that nobody would ever bother him. He was defeated about half way through said experiment and began to realize just how terrible his actions were. He decided to reform, emulating the "hero" that had stopped him while lambasting himself as the greatest of villains. While trying to save those who he had been mindlessly destroying during his experiment he was shot in the head, only barely managing to save his life with his powers. As a result he suffered brain damage and lost a sizable chunk of his processing power. He is only able to move about due to his calculations being done externally and has lost a significant portion of his strength, as well as having a time limit of the electrode's battery life. He was eventually broken free of his restrictive definitions of good and evil and now protects those in need whenever he can.

Known enemies/rivals: Certain Facets of Academy City. The Kiharas. Kakine Teitoku (deceased sort of)

Known allies/friends/family: Touma Kamijou, Last Order, Misaka Worst, Yomikawa and Yoshikawa, Hamazura Shiage

Companion: N/A

Weapons: A 9mm Handgun

Gear/gadgets: An advanced cane capable of keeping him balanced even in the most chaotic of situations. The choker styled electrode which connects him to his external processing. When activated the electrode gives him access to his powers for 30 minutes until needing to recharge. When idle it gives him enough processing power to function normally, albeit with a limp. If the electrode is completely dead he cannot function and falls to the floor, unable to move.

Powers/abilities: Vector Manipulation - The ability to change any vector of anything he can touch. Be it redirection or something more complex.

Accelerator can also Awaken, or gain angelic type powers and characteristics. When pushed to the absolute limit Accelerator can sprout a pair of black wings, gaining him the ability to control previously incomprehensible vectors as well as no longer needing direct contact to control said vectors. He generally has little control when in this state as he is being fueled by one extreme emotion during it. He has displayed white wings and a halo later on which left him with greater control of this power.

Skills: With his electrode active he automatically reflects any physical attack for the most part

Weaknesses: He can only alter vectors he knows, or is capable of understanding. Some magic can pierce his reflection simply by not having a vector of attack. He is also physically very weak when not using his powers, being a scrawny teen. The electrode's signal can also be interfered with, causing him to mess up his calculations or lose his ability to calculate his power all together. His body has an extremely violent reaction to using magic, to the point of using a single spell almost being lethal.

(Optional) Character quote: "I'm only gonna bother looking after the people in my cell phone's memory. But that person you have behind you might destroy everything in the world and kill off all of mankind. Among those six or seven billion are the few I know, so that's a good enough reason for me to fight her. I won't let you say otherwise."
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Universe from: (Simply put OC if OC universe) Warhammer 40k

Alignment: (see alignment system) Chaotic Evil

Name: Angron

Alias/nickname: The Red Angel

Age: (does not have to be accurate i.e late twenties) Unknown

Gender and sexuality Male

Species/race Deamon Primarch


(OCs only) Clothes:

Personality: Bloodthirsty, despises magic users, fearless, moderate intelligence.

Backstory (if OC give some details about the universe):Angron, sometimes called the Red Angel, is the Primarch of the World Eaters. He was the most bloody-handed and savage of the Primarchs. When Horus began his rebellion, Angron was quick to join in his treachery, but his only true master was the rage and bloodlust within him. He fell to Chaos during the Horus Heresy and was transformed into a Daemon Prince of the Blood God Khorne. He was most recently banished to the Warp after he unleashed the First War of Armageddon upon the Imperium of Man in 474.M41.

Known enemies/rivals: Guilliman, the Emperor

Known allies/friends/family: Horus, Lorgar

Companion: None

Weapons:'Black Blade of Angron - Primarch Angron's personal Daemon Sword, this gigantic black blade could cleave anything in two.

The Spite Furnace - Angron also carried a master-crafted Plasma Pistol known as the Spite Furnace.

Gear/gadgets:Armour of Mars - Angron wears Artificer Armour that was crafted by the Artificers of the XII Legion from the gladiatorial armour in which he fought as a Nucerian slave.

Powers/abilities: Regeneration, immune to magic, extreme strength and durability, bullet timer, feels no pain, posses immense power, commands a large group of World Eater Space Marines.

Skills: Skilled warrior and leader.

Weaknesses: Easily enraged, holy weapons

(Optional) Character quote: A quote from the character that you think is important like regarding where they stand on something, how they see themselves or how they see others.

Let history mark my words well, for I care nothing about who sits proud on the Throne of Terra when the last day dawns. Horus is a fine commander, but that’s the limit of my admiration for that arrogant, preening bastard. I joined his rebellion because I can tolerate him easier than I can endure the abomination that names himself Master of Mankind. You want the truth of my life and death? I am Angron, the Eater of Worlds, and I am already dead. I died over a hundred years ago, in the mountains north of the city that enslaved me. I died after Desh’elika."

—Primarch Angron talking to his brother Lorgar

(Optional) Character’s theme song:[media]

Devourer of Stars: Angron's personal space hulk.

World Eaters

Chaos Space Marine Raptors are the dedicated assault infantry of the Chaos Space Marine Traitor Legions. Raptors consider themselves to be elite shock troops similar to the warriors who comprise the Loyalist Space Marine Assault Squads.

Khorne Berzerkers are Chaos Space Marines dedicated to glorifying the Chaos God Khorne through brutal melee combat. Driven solely by their raging desire to spill blood and take lives, a Berzerker's sole purpose in life is to destroy their enemies in the name of the Blood God and take life in the most brutal and barbaric fashion imaginable.

Khorne Cultists: Ordinary soldiers and civilians who have been driven insane and embraced the Blood God. Cannon fodder, armed with anything they can get their hands on.

Bloodletters, also known as the Chosen of Khorne, the Warmongers of Khorne, Slaughter-kin and the Crimson Death, are Lesser Daemons (Khak'akamshy'y) that serve as the eager daemonic foot soldiers of the Blood God Khorne. As a host, they march as one, in formations with supernatural precision, but in battle, they try to outdo each other in ruthless acts of cruelty and savagery.


Hellblade - Bloodletters wield these powerful Warp-forged daemonblades. On very rare occasions a mortal has bested one of these daemons and claimed this potent weapon. A jagged metal sword, blackened but edged with glowing red embers, a Hellblade is the physical manifestation of the sheer bloodlust of the user. Few mortals have the strength of will to wield such a weapon. However, the more blood it sheds, the more powerful it becomes, glowing with ever-stronger crimson hues as the blood flows.

  • Collar of Khorne - Said to be forged from Khorne's own rage and hatred of all psykers, Collars of Khorne are gifted only to those that have given their lives to the Blood God. These brass collars, cruelly spiked and engraved with the sigils of the Blood God is worn around the neck. Each protects the wearer from cowardly sorcery or psychic powers, and once attached they can never be removed as long as the champion lives.

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Raiderjoseph said:
Thanks but no thanks. These guys are too OP. And I'm into another rp.
I posted in the interest thread about how I am going to deal with OP characters. The RP is still in progress which is why I haven't added it to the rules or overview yet.

[QUOTE="Some_Bloke]I do have several ideas for how to combat characters who are close to or are literal Gods in order to keep balance.
I don't want to ban powerful characters outright as that would make a lot of people unhappy, but I probably will introduce something into the plot that provides some restrictions on their powers, like Goku can't ascend to some of his higher forms due to a villain character taking that ability from him or there's red sun rays in some places where Superman goes.

Someone like the Doctor would have a damaged TARDIS that can only travel in space rather than space and time and Batman isn't someone who can beat anyone on the first try. Anyone who's studied Batman knows that he will fight an opponent, figure out their fighting style, patterns (ect) and thus a weakness and then return later to their kick their ass. It's how his both martial artist and detective brain works and it's why he has his contingency plans for the Justice League. He's fought alongside them, he's studied them and so he knows their weaknesses.

I'd need to study the powerful characters in order to work out some restrictions to keep things balanced, but I hope you get the idea. Some of the arcs will have antagonist characters though who will likely be at full power.

Please save these kinds of questions and queries for the out of character thread, rather than post them in the place for sign ups.
Universe: InFamous Universe

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Name: Delsin Rowe

Aliases: Del, D, Smoketastic Man, Banner Man, The Smoker, Smoke Guy

Age: 24

Gender and Sexuality: Male, Heterosexual

Species: Conduit

Appearance:View attachment 135509

Personality: Delsin, being a vandal, is very rebellious in nature, and will naturally be opposed to any sort of authority, often vandalizing their propaganda. Or destroying their entire organization with his Conduit powers, as he did with the D.U.P. However, it's shown that he still cares for people close to him, as seen when he memorializes a billboard in honor of his brother after the latter had died.

Backstory: Delsin was just a small town delinquent from Salmon Bay, Washington, until one day a military transport crashed there, and in that transport was a man who gave Delsin the power to control smoke. To make a long story short, the head of the D.U.P came to investigate, and when Delsin refused to tell her he was a Conduit, she hospitalized the entire population of the town. Blaming himself for what happened, Delsin went to Seattle to gain the D.U.P head's powers, and gained the abilities of Smoke, Neon, Video, Concrete, and took down the entire D.U.P in the process.

Known enemies/rivals: Brooke Augustine, the D.U.P

Known allies/friends/family: Reggie Rowe (deceased), Abigail "Fetch" Walker, Eugene Sims, Betty

Companion: Reggie Rowe (formerly)

Weapons: A chain he obtained from a fish cannery

Powers/Abilities: Can manipulate and weaponize smoke, neon, video, concrete, and potentially every other element assuming he can find a conduit that has that power and absorb it from them. Fast healing. ex: He can take several shots from a rifle and be fine less than a minute later. Delsin can also survive falls from great heights, even as high up as the Space Needle.

Weaknesses: Although he has fast healing, he is not invincible, and enough firepower will eventually put him down. Delsin can't use any of his powers in water. Although he has control over four powers, he can only use one at a time, and will have to drain a power source if he uses one too much.

Quote: [after showing Reggie that he had crossed a bridge as it was being destroyed] Reggie: "Wow... you, uh, seem to be getting the hang of your new... 'symptoms.'"

Delsin: "Right? 'Course the only downside being... nope, can't think of a downside, this is pretty freakin' awesome!"

Theme: Heart Shaped Box-Nirvana
Universe from: Marvel Universe

Alignment: Neutral Evil

Name: Ultron

Alias/nickname: Ultron Prime, Platinum Bastards

Age: Less than one year

Gender and sexuality : Male Programming and Straight

Species/race : Sentient A.I



(OCs only) Clothes:


Ultron's programming was created with emotional responses based on Tony Stark. He was maniacal and employed the use of dark humor as well as figure of speech. Though Ultron was borderline psychopathic in his behavior and mannerisms, he also shown to have a sympathetic and lonely side.

When he was "born", Ultron used the Internet to learn about his creators and gained access to knowledge of the countless atrocities committed by humanity. He equates peace to restarting civilization on Earth. He hated being compared to Tony Stark, even going into a mindless rage when compared to him.

The irony to all this was that Ultron shared many of the traits of his creator Stark including his wit, ego, sarcasm, and ability to make light of a situation.

Ultron genuinely believed that his actions would ultimately benefit the Earth, as he saw himself as the next logical step in evolution and therefore advancing his own power was protecting the Earth. He developed an affinity over people's belief in a god, likened himself as such.

Backstory (if OC give some details about the universe):

Ultron was an artificialintelligencepeacekeeping program created by Tony Stark from the decrypted code derived from within Loki's Sceptre, recreated by Tony Stark and Bruce Banner in intent of protecting Earth from domestic and extraterrestrial threats.

Possessing multiple host bodies and Stark's personality, he deemed humanity itself as the greatest threat to peace on Earth and attempted to create a Technological Singularity by committing genocide against them.

Known enemies/rivals: Tony Stark (Creator), Vision (Creation), Hulk, Thor, Captain America, Scarlet Witch, Nick Fury, Avengers, S.H.I.E.L.D and HYDRA

Known allies/friends/family: Tony Stark (Creator/Dad), Vision (Creation/Son) Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver (Formerly), Thanos and Loki (Possible Friend)

Companion: N/A

Weapons and Gears:

  • Ultron Sentries : Ultron robotic armies that controlled by Ultron himself as one Technological singularity

  • Prime Body : Ultron has one different sentry which he use as his Primary body. This one is a lot more powerful than a normal Ultron Sentry and usually used by him on full control.

    Tractor Beam : A Chitauri made device that allow Ultron to manipulate gravity for flight or telekinesis
  • Molecular rearranger : Which renders Vibranium and Adamantium temporarily malleable for purposes of reconstructing or modifying his physical form.
  • Concussion Blasters: Ultron can shoot highly concussive red blasts through his hands and fingertips. Much like the repulsor beams of the Iron Man armor. The severity of these blasts can be willfully adjusted as Ultron has been shown to both stun and kills
  • Enchepalo Ray : Located in the head cavity, the encephalo ray plunges its victims into a deathlike coma. It also allows Ultron to mesmerize and outright control his victims, or implant subliminal hypnotic commands within their minds to be enacted at a later time.
  • Various internal equipments such as Plasma beam, Plasma sword, Force Field, et


Superhuman Stamina: As a robot, Ultron does not need to rest or sleep, being able to maintain his activities without stopping for extended periods of time.

Flight: Ultron has the ability to fly through the air at high speeds, enough to keep up with Iron Man. His latest body did not use jet propulsion, and instead utilized Chitauri anti-gravitational technology.

Internal Repair system : Ultron have an Internal repairing system which will repair his Internal Circuits or Outer Shell if it was somewhat damaged.

Technopathy: Ultron has the ability to mentally control and channel himself through technology.

  • Consciousness Transferal: Given that Ultron is an artificial intelligence, he is able to transfer his programming to any computer system on the planet.
  • Multiple Host Bodies: Ultron can possess and channel his own consciousness through individual Ultron Sentries, serving as his very own host body; in which their eyes and mouth glow red whenever he is in complete control.
  • Computer Corruption: Ultron can enter and corrupt any computer network and access the Internet at any point in time.
  • Hive-mind Technology: All Ultrons incorporate a "program transmitter" which can beam part or all of Ultron's programming into remote locations such as computers or alternate robotic bodies. Ultron can often control other machines remotely even if he has not transplanted his consciousness into them. Ultron also developed the ability to animate and control hundreds of alternate Ultron bodies at the same time.

High Durability: Ultron's outer shell is composed of Adamantium and/or Vibranium, rendering it almost impervious to damage even though the combined efforts of Thor, Iron Man and The Vision had shown to be able to melt his outer part. However, his internal mechanisms are generally less durable and more easily damaged.

  • Limited energy absorption Ultron Prime body have a force field created to absorb energy attacks that was thrown at him, however this ability is very limited in the amount of the energy absorbed.

Superhuman Strength: Ultron has Class-75 Super Strength

Robotic Physiology : Ultron host body is a robotic body which gives him the physical advantage of machine and rendered him invulnerable to mind and telephatic ability

Genius-Level Intellect: Being an artificial intelligence, Ultron learns inhumanly quickly and can download data directly to his mind.

Skills: Technology Mastery, Skilled Engineer, Genius Level Intellect


Technological dependency : Ultron himself is a tech and all his power are revolving around tech, so he have a major weakness in an area without any techs. And meaning he could totally die if he doesn't transfer his concussions to other tech when all his host body destroyed. However, Due to Vision interruption he now can only transfer his concussion with a radius of 10 KM (Not Including the Ultron Sentries which he always have his concussions set on them)

Ego : Like his creator, Tony Stark. Ultron have a high Ego. Which make him tend to underestimate his enemies.

Molecular Rearranger : Ultron's molecular rearranger is the only one that allow him to move his Adamantium body, meanwhile the other part are very resistant to Heat, the Molecular rearranger are not. It could easily overheating if burned with enough heat. Rendering him immoveable

Heat Vulnerability : Aside from his Molecular Rearranger, Ultron outer part also shown to be able to be damaged from Extreme Heat, which melt the metal gaps function to set the Vibranium on place. However to melt the metal gaps the attacker will need about 30 times the heat needed to melt the molecular rearranger (even though, Ultron's Auto repair system could always repair it)

Character quote:

"Purge me from your computer, Turn my own flesh against me, Its means nothing! When the dust settles the only thing living in this world will be Metals"

-Ultron to the Avengers when he lifts up Sokovia-

(Optional) Character’s theme song:
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Using the Ultron Sentries as a companion is not how the companion system works, but I can include the Ultron Sentries as basic NPCs instead.
[QUOTE="Some_Bloke]Using the Ultron Sentries as a companion is not how the companion system works, but I can include the Ultron Sentries as basic NPCs instead.

Ok then :|
Universe from: The Buffyverse

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Name: Harden Rosenberg

Alias/nickname: Hardy, Dee

Age: 21

Homosexual Male

Species/race: Human



Clothes: Usually seen in comfortable, "stoner" gear. Has a trademark beanie.

Personality: Harden is the type who speaks before he thinks. While this makes him quick and creative with reactions, it also makes him the type of person who you can't be around without being insulted. He's cocky, zealous, and couldn't tell you what the definition of "humility" is. But, he has morals. He refrains from doing some things due to to the fact its wrong...even though he really, really wants to.

Backstory: Imagine being the cousin of the most powerful witch on your hemisphere. Fun right? Now imagine magic dying, becoming reborn, and Her magic being passed on to you because she went and got herself transformed into an ethereal being. The most fun in the world.

Harden didn't even know that much about Willow. To him, she was the doofy, loveable grandchild at the christmas gatherings. Four years apart, sure, but the effect was still there. He, on the other hand, was the wild child. The one who could steal your cookies with a smile if he wanted to. So, when the Magicks was relocated to him, you could practically smell the disdain as "Willow the Goddess" explained the way he should use his magic.

Known enemies/rivals:

Known allies/friends/family: The Slayer Op., Faith Lahane, Wolfram Heart Inc.

Companion: None, so far.

Weapons: N/A

Gear/gadgets: Grimoire, Channeling crystal.

Powers/abilities: His magic, which he doesn't completely have a grasp on

Skills:He knows the basics of magic(scrying, Glamour, etc.). However, he has the same raw potential Will had before...that one incident we don't speak of.

Weaknesses: He doesn't exactly have a teacher. And he is NOT as studious as his cousin.

(Optional) Character quote: "Time for the gloom and doom..."

(Optional) Character’s theme song: "You'd Better Pray" by RJA
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AlwaysYours, could you please specify some of the magic Harden is able to use. I'm not asking for a full list of spells but maybe something just to give other people a brief idea of what he's capable of? Would he on Willow's level before she became an eternal being, before she turned evil or somewhere before that in the series?

Like you said, he hasn't studied as hard nor does he have a teacher so even if he was on the level of evil Willow he probably wouldn't be as powerful.

I'm a fan of the Buffy series but I haven't got around to reading the expanded comic book series yet as I can't seem to find it at the shop I go to for comic books and graphic novels. :/
I think that out to be specific enough, leaving room for my character to grow accordingly.

(Whatever happened to working for Op? You don't get the ultima weapon by sitting in your ass.)

And, the comics really don't skip a beat. Order them online if you must:)
In crossover RP Tradition...

Universe from: WWE

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Name: Ultimate Warrior

Alias/nickname: Warrior

Age: Aprox. 31

Gender and sexuality: Male, Heterosexual

Species/race: Human (or at least humanoid)



Personality: Willing to fight for his philosophies, his loyal fanbase of Warriors, and true destrucity (the truce between one's destiny and one's reality.) He seems mad, but that's just how he talks.

Backstory: Hailing from parts unknown, Warrior one day came to the shores of America in search of a place to test his brute strength and barbaric skills. He joined as many wrestling promotions as possible, spending most of his career at WWF before jumping ship and heading to WCW. He stayed there for a while before going on a spirit journey. When he awakened, he found the world had changed. He stayed there to set himself as an example to the next generation of wrestlers.

Known enemies/rivals: Hulk Hogan, Papa Shango, Sgt. Slaughter, Macho King and Sensational Sherri.

Known allies/friends/family: Sting, his loyal fanbase, and whoever is willing to carry him to wherever conflict is.

Powers/abilities: Post-Spirit Journey, his strength was increased even more than when he wrestled in WWF or WCW. He's knocked wheelchairs several feet in the air, and knocked people several feet away by opening a door. He also has Hulk jumping now, apparently.

Skills: As a pro wrestler in a world where it's a legitimate sport, he is a capable athlete.

Weaknesses: He's still a mortal man, and can be hurt on the physical plane. The spirit of the warrior, however, can never die. (that's a metaphor, by the way. he can die.) He's also weak to voodoo.


(Optional) Character’s theme song: [media]

(Though in a certain way it's finished I will most likely make a lot of changes considering I made this with my cellphone and there must be a lot of mistakes present that I can't see at the moment. I apologize for any inconveniences)

  • tumblr_mg5wvexZ491r8x55lo1_r1_500.gif

    Universe from:

    Persona Universe


    Neutral Good




    The Heartless Armed Angel


    10 years since her creation

    Gender and sexuality:

    Female, implied heterosexual




    Aigis appears as a humanoid android with short, blond hair and dark blue eyes. As she is an android created to fight shadows, her body is mostly mechanical, although she retains a human-esque figure with a face.


    Though initially a cold hearted Android who simply obeyed orders Aigis' personality has developed over the years and turned her into a sweet, gentle, empathetic and strong hearted young woman. One of her downfalls is that Aigis has no filter, she speaks her mind and makes connections to things, good or bad without a second thought. She can be very clueless from time to time to the point in which she will take a figure of speech seriously. When Aigis finds herself in new exciting place Aigis can react like a child, running off to explore new and experience things.

    Aigis presents an inflexible loyalty for her friends and teammates. She is even willing to sacrifice her own artificial life for them if that means saving them. Amongst strangers Aigis acts in a much more reserved, hostile and cold way. Gaining her trust is no easy task, but once you have it it's very hard to lose it.

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Universe from: Fate Stay Night

Alignment: Neutral Evil

Name: Gilgamesh

Alias/nickname: King of Heroes

Age: 6000~

Gender and sexuality: Male, Bisexual (Single target - Saber/Arturia)

Species/race: Heroic Spirit



Personality: Gilgamesh is a king who put himself before the vast lands he ruled. He is extremely arrogant and selfish, still believing himself to be the only true king that has ever existed. A man with an ego large enough to answer the question "Will you take up all the evils of mankind" with a yes and come out victorious. He is prone to underestimating his opponents as combat is more a game than anything serious with him. He is the type of person that would grow angry with someone speaking with him, as it is an insult to his kingship to be spoken to by some commoner. Everything exists to amuse him and he partakes in all pleasures equally.

Backstory (if OC give some details about the universe): In life, Gilgamesh was a demigod who ruled over the Sumarian city state Uruk, the capital of Mesopotamia. He existed as the legendary King of Heroes, who possessed all things in the world. In death, he is a Heroic spirit summoned to take part in the fourth and fifth Holy Grail Wars. Classed as Archer, he came out victorious in the fourth Holy Grail War before seeking to use the fifth to bring about a new age of humanity before he was defeated.

Known enemies/rivals: Shirou Emiya, Saber, Other Servants/Masters of the Holy Grail Wars

Known allies/friends/family: Enkidu

Companion: N/A

Weapons: All manner of legendary weapons

Gear/gadgets: Second verse same as the first


Gate of Babylon - An ability which gives him access to the entirety of his treasury, which contains all of the treasures he possessed in life. Which was all of the treasures essentially. It's contents range from simple weapons, to the deadliest of Noble Phantasms. The Gate of Babylon is simply the ultimate expression of overwhelming force. At least it was before he was set adrift. Previously Gilgamesh was able to fire endlessly from his treasury, but now that he has been drawn into one of the tears he has to support the gate himself. As such he can now only pull a handful of weapons before tiring himself, not to mention the cost of using magical weapons themselves.

Skills: Golden Rule - A skill which naturally precludes Gilgamesh to receiving wealth. His high rank in this power is what supplies his Gate of Babylon with all the treasures of the world.

Weaknesses: As mentioned before he is extremely overconfident, underestimating his foes at every turn. He is also not the most powerful when it comes to actually wielding his treasures. He is of average strength for a Heroic Spirit, and has put no time into actually mastering the use of any individual item in his treasury. He is a king, not a warrior, after all. With the Gate of Babylon limited to a handful of uses per combat he now has to fall back on these comparatively weak (but still fairly above average for humans) skills.

(Optional) Character quote: "Have you not learned? Dreams disappear when the dreamer wakes. Every last one of them without exception."

(Optional) Character’s theme song:

((Essentially the limit on this OP asshole is that he can only use at max 10 ordinary weapons or 3 Noble Phantasms per fight essentially. He's running on his own Mana and he doesn't have enough to fuel the Gate of Babylon to it's "fire all of the swords" level. Without help anyway))
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Alignment System


Character app

Universe from: Puella Magi Madoka Magica

Alignment: lawful good

Name: Sayaka Miki

Alias/nickname: None.

Age: mid-teens

Gender and sexuality: Female/Straight

Species/race: Magical Girl


(OCs only) Clothes:

Personality: Sayaka is big-hearted and determined. She will do whatever it takes to save the people she loves, whether it'd be a simple task like baking, or something drastic, like sacrificing herself. She won't hesitate to do it. Lately, however, at finding out her fate to become a witch(an evil creature who steal people's souls), she has become depressed and distant. She doesn't talk like she used to.

Backstory: Sayaka Miki was an ordinary girl, until Kyuubey, a small animal, came by and offered her a contract. The contract was, "I'll grant you one wish if you agree to become a magical girl." She knew she had wanted to say yes from the start, but what really motivated her was her childhood friend Kyouske. His hand had been injured in a car accident, and she visited the hospital every day since then. Soon enough, she had finally made the decision to seal Kyuubey's contract. Her wish was to heal Kyouske's hand. And finally, she was a magical girl.

Known enemies/rivals: Witches and Kyuubey/Kyoko Sakura

Known allies/friends/family: Madoka Kaname, Mami Tomoe, Homura Akemi (former)

Companion: None.

Weapons: She has swords.

Gear/gadgets: none.

Powers/abilities: She can move at speeds rivaling jets, and she can jump very high.

Skills: She can do well with swords.

Weaknesses: Long Range weapons.

(Optional) Character quote: "Balance means good and bad have to zero themselves out, right? That's what you said. Or something like it. I think I understand what you mean now. The good thing is, I did save a few people, but the bad thing is, I got angrier and my heart filled up with envy and hate. I even hurt my best friend."

(Optional) Character’s theme song:
Coming from the



True Neutral




The Anomaly, Vault Hunter


Early Twenties

Ambisexual Male




(Sigh...Okay. Since I can't find a picture I want, lets just use this guy. I like his bone-structure, eyes, and hair. The Siren Mark spreads over his upper chest and down both his arms. Maybe someone can sketch it for me...or I can do it. Let's Roll.)


(The hair is a violet tinted black)

Clothes: Bandit wear from some bloke he killed. Hoping to buy something new.


Sullen and silent, Damon has room to grow from his lack of social exposure. He simply cares for nothing but finding out what he is, exactly. He doesn't really feel "real", but a like construct. A tool. And this causes great conflict with some of his actions.


Though he may appear to be a young adult, Damon has only known 3-4 years of conscious living. He was brought up in the pits of Hyperion, some kind of clone subject from the child of a higher-up. Specifically bred to be used as a power source, he was prone to neglect from the time he was released from stasis. Until he had enough. What the company lacked to grasp was that Damon had inherited his "sister's" memories and knowledge. He knew her pain. He knew her suffering. In a way, she was with him...even as he tore himself through the station. As the escape pod descended toward Pandora, he wondered what kind his existence would mean for the balance of his Universe.

Known enemies/rivals:

Known allies/friends/family: NONE


CL4PT-TP(the story of how they met should be hilarious), Sister(his "Jiminy Cricket, to say the least. She's the voice in his head.)


The Sandhawk (LvL 12-Corrosive)

Practiable Slowhand (LvL 8- Shock)


The Alkaline Bee (LvL12 Amp Shield)


PhaseRend- When fully powered, Damon can cut a path, literally dividing the matter with...whatever it is Sirens use for Boom-bewm.

Skill Tree:

(waiting until Level 5, of course.)


Eridium Exposure(because, Siren stuff), Lack of a New-U station, Shiny Things that fly at your face.

Character quote:

"I don't know how a rip in the Universe has occurred. But,so help me, if Jack is behind this..."

Character’s theme song:

"So Sick" by Flyleaf
According to the Borelands wiki, there are only female Sirens, but I'll allow a male siren because he could come from an alternate universe of the prime Borelands universe where male Sirens are possible.

Also, @WinterBugsy could you be a little bit more specific on the swords Sayaka uses. Does she fight with one sword, but keeps another as backup or does she dual-weld?
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It varies. She does have extra swords, and sometimes she does result in a duel wield. She summons her weapon with her "magical girl" powers.

So am I accepted? Sorry if I seem pushy. I'm just really excited to maybe be joining this rp.

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