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Fandom "Tears" (a multi-fandom RP)

Accelerator clicked his tongue. Ten seconds was all he'd allow. There was a beep as his choker style electrode was turned to esper mode. Academy City's number one monster flew forward with both arms outstretched, brushing past four alien warriors. After seeing one of them bleed from being shot by Stevenson and Tesla he knew this particular attack would work. From that simple touch of the tips of Accelerator's fingers, each of the four had the vectors controlling their circulatory system drastically altered. They exploded into bloody chunks as Accelerator darted back to where he'd let his cane fall. He picked it up and turned his electrode back to normal mode. "Now then, if anyone else wants to try and fuck with me, please, be my guest."
Disappointed that the wanna be god was injured so easily, Angron grabs the demon's right arm with his left hand before stabbing his blade into the ground after deciding that the pathetic demon did not deserve a quick death. After discarded his blade, Angron yanks the demon's remaining arm with the intention of tearing it off." Do you know who you are fighting, welp? I am Angron, the Eater of Worlds!" As this is happening, the Berzerkers charge straight into the demon army with their chainswords and bolts ready while the Raptors use their jet packs to flank the opposing army .
Warrior proceeded to clothesline a few alien jobbers. Then, he witnessed Accelerator explode some of them, he knew what must be done.

"ACCELERATOR! CATCH!" He lifted and threw as many Sycorax as he could. If you gave Warrior one thing, he knew how to do things quickly! He is the master of the two minute squash match, after all.
The two armies were about to crash into each other, chain swords roaring and burning the very taste of the air. The warriors were powerful, but could they stand up to the Taken? Oryx slammed down his sword, creating a loud burst of magic that moved the air slightly around him. Oryx roared out his own battle call, "I grow tired of your pathetic display of war, and denying a King his question! Even if this is a new world, I will conquer it just like all the rest!" Oryx then did a straight up monster roar, and almost immediately in response the clouds parted to reveal the Dreadnought from above. Hundreds of Tombships flew down, raining down purple orbs of explosive energy while dropping down hundreds of the Hive. Oryx screamed out his final command, "Kill them both, take their armies, and then take the Town! Raise the Taken army!"

The Crawler immediately began to fire out heavy shells, unleashing out beach ball sized drones that birthed out electric bouncing mines. Acolytes began to fire into both armies, while the Ogres followed shortly after. Thrall unleashed their unholy clicks, screams and clatters as they charged and tried to tear through flesh like the Bloodthirsters. Oryx unleashed his leathery wings, and started to aim for their commanders. Shortly...
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Accelerator reacted quickly, turning his electrode back on and reducing everything thrown at him to giblets at the slightest touch. "Hey! I've got a time limit on this shit!" He said, turning it back off but letting his left hand hover near the switch just in case another of his new companions did something stupid. "Moron brigade, we got any sort of plan beyond murder everything that comes our way?"


Berserk world

Gilgamesh partook in a few innocent villagers that had been brought to submission by careful applications of swords going through their houses. With a swift thrust he shoved the ritualistic kris into the heart of another villager and drained them of their Prana. He wanted to overcharge a little bit so he could make an entrance worthy of a king, especially since one of those fools outside was going on about being a king themselves. This simply would not do. He emerged from the hole he'd made in the wall around the town and found the three armies clashing against each other.

"Now then! Which of you is truly worthy enough to bow before the King of Heroes!" Gilgamesh roared as he addressed his subjects. "Which of you mongrels will truly learn that there is only one true king, and that everything that exists already belongs to me."
"WHAT OTHER PLAN DO WE NEED!? THIS SEEMS TO BE WORKING!" He said as he attempted to Gorilla Press a mook into a propeller.
(@RIPSaidCone Thanks for giving a pic of the vehicle. Good to know. Now I feel a bit dumb to have Oregon worry about the weight of her armor, but whatevs. The damage is done.)

Oregon and Zeta

As people talk inside the vehicle, some English and some from another language, I just look around silently through my visor. I do not want to contribute unless I am spoken to, just like I always am. Although, I do listen to what I can, because I am naturally quite the listener when I am not talking. While listening, I hear mention of a homestead that we will most likely travel to, then one of the soldiers probably relaying the info to the drivers in, I'm guessing, their native tongue.

A homestead? I haven't heard of those actually existing still since I was back home, on Harvest, before I even left to join the military and the place was glassed. And they were even old and abandoned back then, as well as few and far between. Would one of those places even help protect us from these supernatural bastards? Would it even hold up?

As I ponder about this, I notice that more and more of the other soldiers are looking at me curiously. Like they have never seen a Spartan before. I mean, I know there are some people who don't know about Spartans, but most soldiers in any military on any planet know about people like me. I mean, I could just be misreading their expressions, but it really looks like they don't know what I am. That makes my skin crawl again, and I wonder even more about where the hell I am. Zeta does the same in my head, which does not curb my wonder at all.

I may seem to tower over these soldiers, but their stares still naturally make my shy self uneasy. In the end, I just slowly look down and away from the prying eyes, not particularly comfortable with them. I find a spot near the bottom of the opposite wall to look at, and I latch onto it as I sit slightly hunched in my seat.

Suddenly, though, my attention is taken away from the wall when I see a light out of the corner of my eye and many people jumping due to it. My head snaps over just in time to see the light die over the girl that got hurt earlier, and I find that her clothes are different than they were before. I mean, I could just be remembering wrong, but I'm pretty sure I would have remembered if someone had been in the snow during the fight and wearing shorts. Shorts, of all things! That's like wearing flip flops into a pen to work cattle..Which is a really fucking stupid idea.

I blink a few times and stare at the girl, confused about why and how her clothes were changed out of nowhere. A mention of magic pricks the back of my brain, but I push it away, knowing that that is impossible. Only books and fairytales use magic. The real world? Not so much.

As I watch the girl, still a bit dumbfounded, I hear someone ask a question in my direction. I quickly look up to find one of the soldiers, a woman, looking directly at me, as well as a man sitting near her who appears to be in charge doing the same thing. I blink at her question for a moment, again confused as to how she doesn't know about Spartans, and probably the United Nations Space Command as well. I thought everyone knew about us? Well, I'm not technically part of the UNSC anymore, but that's where I started out as. Seriously, though. How does someone not know at least a little about us?

After a moment of hesitation, I say in a quiet but calm voice, "I am a Spartan Four, formerly working under the command of the UNSC. That is also where I was assigned this armor, which I have had for quite a few years. In fact," I add as an afterthought, "it is a bit outdated, I guess, but I haven't exactly been given the chance to get a new set."

As I finish talking, the man I helped off the cliff starts talking. My attention goes to him, because I am interested in the info he is giving. He starts saying some names that I don't know, and they confuse me, but the best guess I have is that they are names of outer colony planets that I haven't been to yet. If that is the case, then it could make sense for us to be on one, I guess. Because I have heard that teleporters are a thing, and can transport you anywhere. I wasn't transported in the way I thought I would be, but it still makes sense.

But then, he tags all of those names to a place I never thought he would: the United States of America. What? How could that be? I mean, I've never truly been there, but I doubt it has supernatural creatures roaming it, with people that appear to be from all different time periods. It really throws me for a loop. I could just be overreacting, but I still can't wrap my head around it.

And then his next mind-blowing piece of info is given.

..Time travel? Transported to another universe? Now this..what the hell. How in the what the fuck. How is that even possible?!

When he gets done talking, seeming so sure of himself, I give him a judging look behind my visor that he can't see and blurt, "What the hell are you talking about? How is it even possible for people to travel in time, and travel across universes? That's some crazy bullshit you're telling us, dude."

"He is right about the Wendigos, though, Oregon. Think about that for a moment," Zeta adds out loud, his hologram appearing a good foot away from me, hovering in the air next to my right shoulder and peering at me with his red eyes.

I look over at him and glare in a half pouting, half accusing kind of way, the only indication to that being the way I hold my head and shoulders. "Yeah, but have you ever exactly heard of anyone doing that in the history of ever, Zeta? Portals I know of. But time travel in a story that wasn't fictional? Never in my lifetime have I heard of that. It just doesn't seem possible."

"Whatever you say. I'm just saying that it is plausible."

I roll my eyes, truly not wanting to believe it or for that to be true. But I know, somewhere in the back of my brain, that what they are saying is probably true. I wish it wasn't, but it probably, painfully is.
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Sayaka Miki-Magical Girl

Sayaka shivered violently as she held her wounded side closely, regretting ever wanting to fight in that witch labyrinth, because now she was here, probably miles away from her families and friends, and her magic on pause for some reason. So yeah, things were pretty bleak for her.

Wincing once more, she decided to ask for help. She pushed herself off the ground with one arm, and slowly trudged her way over to a woman and a more historical figure, with armor than looked quite ancient to her. "Excuse me," she muttered, "do you have any bandages? I just...." She opened up the now bloody hand that covered her damaged waist in a gesture. "I thought I might need some."
"I serve Lucifer, the one true God!" The Greed demon shouted at Angron but was also addressing Oryx. The demons responded to both armies and fought on both fronts. Multiple Pride and Lust demons began lifting their enemies into the air before dropping them from heights capable of crushing them, other Greed demons tossed fireballs at both fronts.

The Envy demons proved difficult to hit due to their speed, unleashing their tendrils. One Envy demon attempted to take on several Khorne Berzerkers only to have it's tendrils severed.

With it's dying breath, the Greed demon screeched in multiple voices "Both of you have declared war on God!" before it was decapitated by a Khorne Berzerker.

While the Raptors and Bezerkers were capable of putting up a fight, the Khorne Cultists didn't stand a chance. Five tried to take on an Envy demon armed with swords only to be ripped to pieces by it's tendrils. It smiled grimly as the five Cultists screamed before turning it's attention to Angron and lunging at him.



"I've faced these things before, I know how to beat them!" The Doctor explained, shouting

"Enlighten me!" Stevenson shouted, firing into the oncoming Sycorax "They swarmed the lower decks! If they reach the engines this whole ship is going to fall from the fucking sky!"

"Hold your fire!" The Doctor shouted, prompting Stevenson to lower his gun before stepping forwards with his hands raised.

"I challenge your leader." The Doctor spoke

The Sycorax holstered their swords.

"That means..." The Doctor muttered "The TARDIS translator is working..." His face suddenly brightened "She's alive again! Brilliant!" He shouted in an ecstatic tone as the two warriors teleported away.

"Where did they go?" Stevenson asked

"Back to their ship. I challenged their leader to a dual so they've popped out to see it he'll accept."

A lone warrior teleported back into place.

"He says he accepts." He spoke "But he will not fight you."


"He wants to dual the this one." The Sycorax pointed at the Warrior "As with a title such as The Ultimate Warrior he is declaring himself this planet's champion. Our leader will fight him. If he wins, we will leave this planet, if the loses we will claim this world as our own."

"And if he refuses?" Stevenson asked

"We will continue our invasion."


Assasins Creed Universe

"Spartan..." Gregory muttered, that name seemed familiar. Then the realization hit him like a slap across the face. The armour, the mention of the UNSC "Halo series..." He muttered "What the shit?! How?! How is that even possible?!"

It was then he remembered where he had seen the symbol on Connor's belt before. It was a symbol he had seen in another franchise he had played whilst in the virtual world.

"Neither of you can be real! You're, you're fictional. You are both from fictional worlds!" Gregory continued to rant at Connor and Oregon.

"What are you talking about?" Connor asked "Are you alright?"

The librarian listed to Vance speak and fell silent for several moments, thinking it over.

"Neither of those things are any use to me." He spoke, shrugging his shoulders "Why would I want soldiers or a supernatural creature when I can easily get them by myself?" He paused again, considering his options "Although there is something else you can offer me...Loyalty."
Warrior looked at the others, with a giant smile and skronked. "I ACCEPT! MADISON SQUARE GARDEN! CHAMPION VS CHAMPION! WARRIOR VS WARRIOR! NEITHER PLANET SHALL NEVER BE THE SAME! SEE YOU AT SUMMERSLAM!" He was ready to put their endoskeletons where their exoskeletons were and vice versa.
Turning his attention to the new demon that wanted to challenge him, Angron retrieve his Deamon sword from the ground and sends an attack aimed at the Envy demon's chest. As Angron attacks the demon's chest, Angron thrusts his left hand toward his opponent's face with the intention of grabbing it.
Oryx stopped his personal flight, and watched as another monster ripped from the shadows to test Oryx's might. He wore golden armor, with eyes of piercing crimson red. Oryx landed right in front of Gilgamesh, and easily stood the height of three knights. Oryx gave off a satisfied and amused laughter that shook the Earth around him, and then spoke, "I am the father of Gods and Goddesses mere King of Heroes. Every land needs a King and a Queen, but what do you do? Try to become it all. I refuse to give up my throne for your nobility, which holds no sway in my court!" Oryx put all his weight behind his blade, and tried to engage Gilgamesh in sword combat, always aiming to split off a limb. But back on the battle field, the Taken started to get some headway.

The giant guns of the Crawler unleashed out some light flame, and prepared all three shells to fire straight into the right shoulder of Angron. The Crawler began to spun the tri-barreled cannon to add more kinetic energy to the attack. The cannons all unleashed at once with the sound and strength of a Baneblade! More gates for the Taken army began to spear through the dimensional cracks, and force their ways open. Skivers warped forward through the gates, forcing themselves between battlers of both army and clawing into them while the surprise was still up, or at least they hoped so. The twitching monstrosities after only a minute of combat retreated to their newest troops, an entire line of Leviathans that were firing rockets into the armies. The slowly advancing forces were trying to adapt to both armies, and with how clumped up the troops are.. the Leviathans should be devastating once they get in range! Hordes of soldiers began to creep behind the Leviathans, yet in total they were only about half the size of the World Eaters.
Berserk World

"Complete and utter foolishness," Gilgamesh laughed in the face of the oncoming blade. A golden portal revealed a simple blade that held incredible power. Gram, one of the blades often held to be the basis of Excalibur, and as such possessed even more power than that sword of promised victory. He grabbed it with his right hand and swung upward, a brilliant light surging from the weapon itself. It was a light capable of destroying almost anything it came into contact with, and Gilgamesh casually wielded it against the blade crashing down upon him. "Do you think you have a leg to stand on before me Mongrel?" Gilgamesh said from the middle of the large pillar of light that had erupted around him. "Not only are you a false king but you claim to be a God as well? Everything that spills from your mouth only serves to damn you further you scum!"



Accelerator was mildly annoyed that they hadn't picked to fight him, considering he could end it in about one second. He understood why they hadn't but he also wanted to make sure this idiot didn't get slaughtered. He was strong but he wasn't an esper, and he had no idea what these aliens were capable of. "Hey Warrior." Accelerator spoke up as he hobbled over to the negotiating parties. "Since this has proven to be nothing more than a pain in the ass, why don't we make this some kind of tag team match." With this, at least he'd be on hand to interfere.
Oryx watched as Gilgamesh's sword slash into his, and then immediately shattered Oryx's own blade! Oryx just laughed, as a giant pitch black shadow version of himself formed behind the knight. It roared and tried to swat him away, which hopefully would distract Gilgamesh long enough for Oryx to actually impale him with his new materialized sword. He had tricks and power on his side! But also, he had trickery and knowledge on his side. From the gate that he pulled the blade out of, three warping Skivers tried to impale the King of Heroes. Oryx commented, "I state that my children are Gods! Your "Heroes of light" slaughtered him in his own dimension! I will never forgive this insolence, this stupidity, this arrogance!" Oryx started to rush forward, his actual Void Shield forming to help him block the blows of Gilgamesh's sword while trying to overwhelm him with his weight and might. If his sword shattered, he would just form a perfect replica from the Taken void, spawning a few more minions to help the assault.
"Okay, what do you want me to do?" Damon asked, raising an eyebrow to her willingness to oblige if he did. He'd deduced that it'd either be a sacrifice, or doing a lot of quest work. And he preferred neither at the moment, but what other choice did the man have?
With a light chuckle, Gilgamesh flooded Gram with more Prana than it could readily handle. The Noble Phantasm overcharged to the point of becoming broken, guaranteeing a drastically more powerful blow. As threats were coming from all sides, he simply swung down at his own feet. Gram exploded. Sound disappeared as a massive pillar of light erupted from the ground all around Gilgamesh expanding to consume the Skivers trying to flank him. He was glad he'd drained a few more villagers than necessary. The amount of Prana needed to not only use a Noble Phantasm like Gram, but to break it was substantial. If he hadn't overcharged himself, he would have blown away a full third of his Prana on this strike alone. As it stood, he'd just blown through his overhead, returning him to the upsetting normal state he found himself in upon arriving in this universe. He sincerely doubted that attack would destroy his opponent. In fact he hoped it didn't. He wouldn't want to waste one of his treasures on someone unworthy after all.

"Rise mongrel. I have expended one of my many treasures on you. It would be a shame if you fell before your forces like this. Although I suppose it would not be the first time you failed your people if what you are saying is true," Gilgamesh laughed. To admit fault in front of another king. It only proved that Gilgamesh was the one true king and all others were pitiful imitations.
Vance was disturbed by the man's statement. If he could get his own how powerful was he? He wanted the werewolf's loyalty. Vance doesn't usually choose sides. He mulls it over for a few moments. Vance let out a long sigh and turned to the man. He didn't know if this was the right choice. The way loyalty left the man's mouth. Something about it was off... But, he shook his head and looked at the man. This knowledge was necessary. "My loyalty? Why do you want it?"
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"I Don't think they'll make last-minute changes. Do you want a match against someone else? That's how THE BUSINESS works!" He then realized he needed to form a card for this event...

Oryx's massive leathery wings flapped, sending him just barely out of the way of the explosion of light. Oryx roared out, "Another magic wielder?" The King of the Taken had to do a unique assault at this point to kill this foe, what would it be... wait. His Vanguard! Oryx embedded his blade into the Earth, before a great portal opened behind him. Three Taken Vanguards stood there, all of them holding weapons forged from the core of dying Stars. They unleashed bursts of energy that gave off a horrific chill, while firing out thin lives of flame from their face. Three flying swarms escaped the portal, of all them trying to wrap their tendrils around Gilgamesh. Oryx screamed in outrage, "My people are strong, and my people face the Light with bravery and courage! My Thralls sacrifice themselves for the greater good, my Knights cleave through hordes of the Fallen! Crota, I slay this peasant for you..." Oryx flew straight at Gilgamesh, and used his magic to accelerate to almost 700 miles per hour just before impact to send him straight into the air!
Caught of guard by the attack, Angron loses his balance momentarily due to the force of the attack. Enraged that his opponets dared to attack him when his back was turned, Angron chops of the Envy demon's head before charging at Oryx with his sword and pistol ready.
Gilgamesh drew the Shield of the Gods from the Gate as the Vanguards fired upon him, the shield standing up to their might but only just. It was only when Oryx slammed into the shield that it finally shattered, forcing Gilgamesh to take a step to the side to avoid his attack. "Impressive for a false king. You have finally managed to make me move." Another golden portal opened and from it Gilgamesh pulled a red spear. The Gae Bolg. A cursed spear with two abilities to it's name. He used one to take care of the Vanguards before they could fire upon him again. Without even really turning to face them, Gilgamesh thrust the weapon forward. Cause and effect reversed. His opponents were struck in their vital areas and in order to match that effect the Gae Bolg warped and twisted around Gilgamesh, working its way through his opponents before returning to it's original shape.

The weapon was actively draining his Prana even in it's idle state. Gilgamesh couldn't hold it for long so he decided to end this fight now. As the Gae Bolg activated in Gilgamesh's hand he flung the spear towards Oryx. Granted this strike did not carry the property of always hitting it's opponent, the power of this strike so far outclassed it's other ability that it did not really matter. If Oryx, or really anything near Oryx was struck, the resulting explosion would surely damage him. With a speed rivaling or even surpassing Oryx's charge, The red spear tore through the air, aiming for the false king's heart. In passing he wondered if Angron, who had perhaps wandered a bit too close, would die from this blow. Oh well. Easy come easy go.
Oryx, covered in his own magic stared down the spear. It ripped through his Vanguard, and after returning to it's idle position he was going to throw it at him. Oryx taunted the King, and screamed, "THROW IT AT ME KING OF WORMS!" Taken vortexes formed around him, and vanished from reality to dodge the spear of doom and death. Oryx came out of the shadowy illusion behind Gilgamesh, and tried to grab him by the throat and yank him up his level. Oryx stated either way, "If you had only attacked me first, then that Spear would have ended me. But unfortunately for you, your little display told me the effects. But, you are not worth my attention.." Oryx tried to either toss, or slap with his cleaver Gilgamesh out of the way as Angron flew at him. Oryx formed 5 Vanguards from the Void behind him to blast Angron straight out of the sky with artillery and walls of flame. Swarms flew from the Void to imprison both Gilgamesh and Angron, while Oryx fired out his energy at Angron. He could fight on for as long as any Daemon as long as he wasn't injured, and all that hit him so far were only a few scrapes from this king!
Using his power armor to soak up most of the attacks, Angron attacks the approaching swarms while attempting to decapitate Oryx with his Deamon sword. While Angron prepares his attack, ten Berzerker begin to charge at Oryx's army.
Gilgamesh sighed as Oryx reached from behind him. He ducked low to avoid being grabbed as Oryx ranted on about 'should have done blah blah blah.' Clearly Oryx did not understand that as the one true king Gilgamesh did not really care what foolishness came from the false monarch. He dashed backwards and drew another blade. One even older than his previous one. The Merodach. The original sword. With a single swing, the blade gave off more destructive brilliance than even the Broken Gram had, sending a wave of light towards Oryx.

"Perhaps you do not understand the vast gulf between us scum pretending to be a king," Gilgamesh said with a smug smile, "I do not, and will never, need to try against vermin like you."

"There might not be time." The Doctor butted in "The Sycorax, well at least the leader I fought at Christmas tried to cheat..." He explained in a serious tone "Come to think of it, why do so many species choose Christmas as a time to invade?" The Doctor asked himself "I mean, first there was the Cybermen back in Victorian London, then the Sycorax over a century later in two thousand and six and then the following year the Titanic nearly crashed into the planet!...Of course it's not Christmas now, but..Then again, parallel world. Do you have Christmas here?"

"I hate Christmas." Stevenson muttered, trying to hide his pain "Thank Christ it only comes once a year."

"Let me take a look at that." The Doctor replied, gesturing to Stevenson's wound

"Just a flesh wound..." Stevenson muttered again

"Ah, tis' but a scratch!" The Doctor smiled before the concerned expression re-appeared on his face. He turned his attention to Accelerator "Help me get him down to the medical bay. There's bound to be at least a handful of doctors down there who aren't being mind-controlled."

He turned his attention to Warrior.

"Oh and you, big man...Do you know how to use a sword?"

Tesla ran into the corridor.

"They vanished. I didn't think teleportation was possible." He spoke, sounding out of breath "Even the ones I was able to knock unconscious vanished.

"Well...Alien species, more advanced technology. Sort of, anyway. How did you knock them out? Oh." The Doctor answered his own question as he started at Tesla's shotgun

"Don't worry. It's an incapacitator." Tesla attempted to reassure him "Designed to stun, not kill."

"Brilliant!" The Doctor shouted, glaring at the shotgun, studying it before turning his attention back to Stevenson "Right, you first. I'll take a look at it later."



The demon army took advantage of the fighting between the three false Gods to attack the two armies, believing them to be vulnerable with their commanders occupied.


The woman smiled in response to Damon's question "There's a group of scientists I need you to rescue." She explained "They're pinned down in another universe, one full of hostile machines that hate humanity." She adjusted her glasses before she continued "There's already a team of people there. They want to bring the scientists back to their own universe, but I want you to bring them back to this one. I need them for a...Project I'm working on."

A holographic image of Mil appeared in the room.

"One of the few already there. It's a Specter, a highly trained soldier and infiltrator." A holographic video of Mil fighting several T-600s appeared next to the image. "It's name is Mil. If you come across this...Well, calling it a machine is inaccurate. I have something in mind for it, so keep Mil alive."

A holographic image of Syeron appeared.

"Another team was sent in two days after Mil. Her name is Syeron and she's from another universe and a trained Jedi. She has abilities such as telekinesis all thanks to something called the force." The woman continued to explain as a holographic video of Syeron battling a group of T-700s, blocking their energy blasts with her saber before cutting through them. "She's also travelling with an R2 unit. Think your Claptrap unit but it can't speak. So therefore, it's not a pain in the ass."

A holographic image of Max appeared.

"He was sent in with Syeron and a couple of marines. A Cyborg with military training who's never seen without his dog. He can handle himself in a fight." A holographic video of Max fighting alongside the Alliance marines was shown, shooting at Terminator units with his laser rifle with Bishop behind him."

The woman stepped forwards, pushing the holograms to the side.

"There's also a highly intelligent and dangerous AI there called Ultron, but a friend of mine is dealing with him."

"You're not just bringing the scientists back here, you're making sure that these three stay alive. They are more than capable of handling themselves but I need to be sure. Get them back to the tear...Wait hold on, there's a few things you don't know."

She reached out her left hand and touched the side of Damon's face. "This might hurt a bit..." Before Damon could reply, a catalogue of information on the Terminators and the land the Specter, the team and the scientists were in hit Damon like a slap across the face.

"Most people throw up the first time that happens, but you're not a regular person, are you Damon?" She asked in with

humour in her tone "Do this for me, and I will give your sister a body."


"It was just a suggestion, if you have nothing else to offer me in exchange for information..." The Librarian replied "Then you can always offer me your loyalty. Well, unless you want to trade years of your life or your immortal soul...But most people tend to pass on those things. At least with me. Unlike demons and devils, I actually give people a...A bit of a choice. Call it a compromise."

He stepped forwards towards Vance "You want this information, you have to do something for me. A favour for a favour." He smiled

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