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Fandom "Tears" (a multi-fandom RP)

Titan Tower

"Huh? So those are the bears Seth was talking about. "I'll want to avoid those."

Snake and D. Dog continued to use the vents to sneak through the base. Eventually, they found themselves near the top floor.
TommyGun15 said:
Titan Tower

"Huh? So those are the bears Seth was talking about. "I'll want to avoid those."

Snake and D. Dog continued to use the vents to sneak through the base. Eventually, they found themselves near the top floor.

"This place is a mess! Where's Seth to clean it up!"
Titan Tower

Snake turned on his I-Droid and took a picture of the boy.

"Miller, I'm sending you a picture. I think it's one of the kids."
Oryx warped forth Angron's forces, specifically sending Angron personally into the head of the fleet while Taken began to invade each and every ship. Giant Hive Arcana blasts rippled through space, cutting wounds into the very dimensional plane to cause horrific damage. The wounds would close after a few moments, but they were enough to rip through the sturdiest of hulls without shielding. With shields, it warped them to a point of near uselessness, like light around a star's gravity. Oryx would start taking as many of these aliens as he could, and some of the World Eaters, though he did so to save them and would return them at the end of the battle. Oryx decided to not summon any melee forces.

@Some_Bloke @Barbas
WWE City Dump in the Metal Gear Solid Universe

"Yo, Constantine... ummmm there's some weird suitcase here..." Yang said drawing Constantine's attention to a doll case @Some_Bloke


Titan Towers

CM Punk and Booker enter an elevator with surprisingly no trouble... and they reach the top floor @ryanpk200


TommyGun15 said:
Titan Tower

Snake turned on his I-Droid and took a picture of the boy.

"Miller, I'm sending you a picture. I think it's one of the kids."
Seth over the I-Droid said "YEAH THAT'S ONE OF THOSE STUPID KIDS!"

Snake also found a USB card in the vents... for some reason...
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Titan Tower

"Miller, I found a USB. Downloading contents to you... now. And have Ocelot put Seth and the New recruits through their paces."

Mother Base

"Understood Boss."


Ocelot stood at the Medical Platform with the recruits (all the wrestlers).

"Alright ladies, we're going to start with a simple run. If you look in the distance, you should just barely be able to see the R&D Platform."

Said platform was visible, but just barely. The platforms were connected by long bridges, with roads built onto them. People typically traveled around the base either by car, or using a helicopter.

"I want you to run to that platform, then run back here."

Harley took Yami by the hand and shook it enthusiastically with a giant grin on her face.

"Pleased to meet you, Yami! I'm Harley, Harley Quinn!" She shouted

"Yami..." Connor muttered

"Keep your voice down." Gregory ordered

"Oh relax, a sewer is the first place those robots are going to look for us anyway." Harley shrugged, letting go of Yami's hand.

Gregory heard a noise coming from around the corner and drew his revolver, only for a German Shepard limped into view. It appeared beaten and bruised but it's face lit up as it noticed the group. Gregory removed his helmet and crouched down. to meet the height of the dog.

"Hey boy." He spoke in a friendly tone, holding out his hand "I love dogs."

"Ewwwwwww..." Harley replied

"Not in that way." Gregory sighed, still focusing on the German Shepard. It limped towards Gregory and started to sniff him "Oh, who's a good boy." Gregory spoke in a friendly tone, reaching out and stroking it on the head. The dog turned around and began to limp away from the group, whimpering. Gregory stood up and followed it around the corner, only to realize the dog had been leading him to the dead body of his master, a young woman dressed in a leather jacket and jeans with long blonde hair.

He approached the body of the dog's master and knelt down, shutting her eyes as Harley stepped towards the dog and began scratching behind his ears. It licked her face "Oh who's a good boy?" She asked in a friendly tone and looked at Yami, then at Gregory "Can we keep him?"

Gregory reached into the pockets of the woman's leather jacket and took her wallet.

"What are you doing?" Connor asked in a defensive tone, assuming that Gregory was trying to loot the body

"I want to know who she was." Gregory replied, only for his face to turn pale. The woman's ID card, her driver's license read that her name had been "Doctor Harleen Quinzell"

Gregory looked at the dog and Harley and then back at the ID card. Suddenly the dog's change of heart had made sense, how it had gone from trying to get help for it's master to licking the face of a madwoman. Even through the spear and the different lifestyle, it was able to recognize the scent.

"You can keep him." Gregory spoke "He's yours, after all."

"You mean he's mine to keep?"

"No." Gregory replied, tossing Harley the ID card. She caught it and looked at the picture, at the name "I don't understand." She spoke in a confused tone

Gregory knelt down so that their faces met "That's you, from a different universe." He explained in a sympathetic tone "In this universe you stayed a Doctor and you adopted a dog, this dog. It's why he recognizes your scent."

"But this can't be..."

"You're right, it seems like too much of a coincidence. The very sewer we're in has the body of you from this universe and your dog...I think that woman sent us to this spot on purpose."

With her very mention, The Woman appeared and clapped her hands sarcastically "Well done, Mr Nelson."

"Why?" He asked in a bitter tone

"I wanted to see how you'd react." She shrugged

"So you sent us on a suicide mission just to see how she'd react?" Connor asked angrily

"No. You are on this planet because it is close to the tear." The Woman explained "I chose this specific part of the planet to see your reactions."

"How did she die?" Harley asked, still looking at the ID card

"Bled out after being hit by shrapnel." The Woman explained "Her dog dragged her to safety, to the sewers but an average dog's just a dog. It can't perform life-saving surgery." She looked at the dog, appearing to spook him "Oh, the dog's called Jester by the way." She smiled and knelt down, healing the dog's wounds "You humans are so sentimental." She sighed "He'll slow you down unless I heal him."

After healing Jester's wounds The Woman stood up and walked away, disappearing.




WWE City

Constantine examined the doll case and began to scan it for dark magic "Weird suitcases that appear out of fucking nowhere aren't usually good news." He explained
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Age of Ultron

Yami crouched down next to the dog.

"Dogs are good animals. Strong. Loyal. Sensitive to things most people cannot perceive. I once had many dogs."
TommyGun15 said:
Titan Tower

"Miller, I found a USB. Downloading contents to you... now. And have Ocelot put Seth and the New recruits through their paces."

Mother Base

"Understood Boss."


Ocelot stood at the Medical Platform with the recruits (all the wrestlers).

"Alright ladies, we're going to start with a simple run. If you look in the distance, you should just barely be able to see the R&D Platform."

Said platform was visible, but just barely. The platforms were connected by long bridges, with roads built onto them. People typically traveled around the base either by car, or using a helicopter.

"I want you to run to that platform, then run back here."
Mother Base

Seth looked at Ocelot with a look of disbelief and said "You're kidding, right?"

Mother Base

"Why do you think the finish line is at the Medical Platform?"

Titan Tower

"Kid Paradise? That can't be anything good. I think I'll need to have a chat with this kid."

Snake whistled and D. Dog crept out of the vents. He slowly padded up to Nagisa,doing his best "Poor Pitiful Puppy" face.

(If you've had a dog, you know what I'm talking about.)
TommyGun15 said:
Mother Base

"Why do you think the finish line is at the Medical Platform?"

Titan Tower

"Kid Paradise? That can't be anything good. I think I'll need to have a chat with this kid."

Snake whistled and D. Dog crept out of the vents. He slowly padded up to Nagisa,doing his best "Poor Pitiful Puppy" face.

(If you've had a dog, you know what I'm talking about.)
Mother Base

"Why did I even bother asking?" said Seth as he began his run.

Titan Towers


"Tsk, who let this filthy mutt, in here?" Nagisa said as he tried shooing THE BIG DOG D. DOG away


Some_Bloke] [SIZE=24px][COLOR=#b30000]WWE City[/COLOR][/SIZE] Constantine examined the doll case and began to scan it for dark magic "Weird suitcases that appear out of fucking nowhere aren't usually good news." He explained [/QUOTE] The Doll case burst open as a Small Gothic Lolita doll emerged with massive black wings from a bright light emitted from the Case itself... The Doll extended its hand to Constantine expecting him to kiss the ring on her finger... The Light attracted some of the Junk Monokumas to our heroes... [IMG]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/danganronpa/images/b/bb/Junkmk.png/revision/latest?cb=20141130004501[/IMG] [doublepost=1443315520][/doublepost](([URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/21211-tommygun15/ said:
@TommyGun15[/URL] @Some_Bloke ))
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Titan Tower

D. Dog growled and pulled a small baton from his pouch. It cracked with electricity.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/57a8c4c679f9c_ddog.jpg.6e7cc407d8c1353266881f33a6bb7e04.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="76939" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/57a8c4c679f9c_ddog.jpg.6e7cc407d8c1353266881f33a6bb7e04.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

D. Dog slowly advanced on Nagisa.



  • d dog.jpg
    d dog.jpg
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WWE City

Constantine examined the doll case and began to scan it for dark magic "Weird suitcases that appear out of fucking nowhere aren't usually good news." He explained
Seth was amazed and shocked. He wanted to once again talk to the woman but she dissappeared before he could butt in a word. He sighed. She could've atleast told us where we could find a ship or zap one here. Said the boy, a bit annoyed.

[Next time, could you not have The Woman dissappear, cuz Seth had 2 occasions where he wouldve talked to her but didnt have a chance due to the mostly one sided posting.]
Titan Tower

Nagisa soon bumped into something behind him. Well, technically someone. Specifically Snake, who grabbed Nagisa and pinned him to the floor.

"Who. Is. D'Spayre?"
TommyGun15 said:
Titan Tower
Nagisa soon bumped into something behind him. Well, technically someone. Specifically Snake, who grabbed Nagisa and pinned him to the floor.

"Who. Is. D'Spayre?"

Morbus simply made two Shadow Machine guns into both of his hands. He then had a shadow cigar take form into his mouth. "Hasta la Vista, ya bucket-a bolts.", he said in which an array a bullet-shaped shadow projectiles sprayed from the barrels and tore through the robots that came at him. That was just the thing, how did bullets go through metal, well those bullets were made up of dark matter which is heavier and more sturdy then metal. So the robots were holed and all of their vital pieces such as engines or computers were hit killing them instantly like a human. "Well you see funny thing is mister Ultron, i am not human, i am a demonic-angelic being that comes from Purgatory, the only way you can get to purgatory is if you had a spirit like a human, or if i let you. And seeing how you could not possibly kill me as you are a creation to mankind and not god, so in others words your about to get messed over like a tsunami hitting a campsite.", he said while he made his two violent weapons of anti-light disappear. "Now, i am not like the avengers, to them i am a god stronger then Odin and Loki combined. To you i am a master of puppeteers. To the world i am the dark messiah and the spirit of vengeance (No offense ghost rider xD ).", he said as he lifted his hand to the sky in which it was engulfed in flames.


(Also, @Crenando i basically said thank you to your character as Armando and asked how he did it.)

"So...Can I keep him?" Harley asked both Gregory and Yami

"Yes." Gregory replied, crouching down again "You alright?"

"Why do you care?" Harley asked

"You're part of my team." He spoke "Like it or not we're stuck with each other. I need to make sure everyone on my team is alright...Otherwise we could all die on this planet."

"She might have messed with my head, but I got a dog out of it." Harley shrugged "I always wanted a dog but Mista' J would never let me have one...Well he did buy me a puppy, only to shoot in front of me...The positive outweighs the negative." She smiled, before ignoring Gregory and going back to letting Jester lick her face "Who's a good boy?" She asked in a friendly tone

"I forgot that you're already insane." Gregory smirked, walking away from Harley and approaching Seth and Connor

"Do you have a plan?" Connor asked

"I just thought of one now..." Gregory muttered. He approached Harley and Jester, crouching by their side "Harley, see if you can talk your samurai friend into telling us where we can find a ship."

"He's not a samurai anymore, now he's wearing a violet suit." Harley explained, continuing to scratch behind Jester's ears

"Who the hell wears a violet suit?" Gregory muttered "Oh, wait tell him I take that back. I don't want to piss of the guy who might help us."

Harley looked at Yami "He says he takes it back about the violet suit, are there any spaceships lying around?" She asked

The Woman reappeared and watched the group with her arms folded "Seth, I believe you have some questions for me."




WWE City

Constantine stepped away from the doll and stared at the approaching Monokumas, summoning a winged goat-like demon armed with a spear to combat the Monokumas.

"I've seen too much voodoo bullshit to trust strange dolls." Constantine muttered, turning his attention to the doll.

WWE City

Constantine stepped away from the doll and stared at the approaching Monokumas, summoning a winged goat-like demon armed with a spear to combat the Monokumas.

"I've seen too much voodoo bullshit to trust strange dolls." Constantine muttered, turning his attention to the doll.

"Given you're current situation... I suggest you kiss the ring..." said the Doll as the Junk Monokumas slowly surround our heroes
Yeah, first of all, can't you zap us a ship because, if you haven't noticed, we're stuck on this wasteland and will probably die due to no life here if we stay here any longer. Secondly, how do we know that you won't turn on us once you get the power from the void universe thing to make yourself stronger to compete with those bigger organizations to become a wolf instead of a rat. Last of all, how do you know we won't go rogue and escape with the power.Anyone and everyone that hires people with more then ordinary powers have a sort of insurance plan, something to keep them in check. Its a bit suspicious that you didnt notify us of anything. Asked Seth. He never really trusted anyone deep down and the lady didn't earn his trust just yet.

"Thor claimed to be a God." Ultron spoke "Yet he died against my forces. You are powerful but you will still can die. Nothing is truly immortal..."

Every single Sentinel on the planet flew towards his location. As billions upon billions of Sentinels descended, surrounding their leader and Morbus, Ultron looked upwards "I know when a being is capable of defeating me, or killing me, however. I do not possess the arrogance of Hank Pym, of the human race and I know exactly how to defeat you."

Ultron flew upwards as the Sentinels swarmed Morbus, leaving the planet behind and flying towards the nearest tear.

((Ultron will reappear later @TehFanzyMetroid


WWE City

"Not a chance, love." Constantine replied

WWE City

"Not a chance, love." Constantine replied

Our heroes are now attempting to fend off more Monokumas and a new enemy... by the name of "RAGING" ANDY ORGAN

"Look, Constantine, I know you're don't like creepy dolls but at this rate maybe you give it a try..." said Yang clearly frustrated with the current situation
"Thor claimed to be a God." Ultron spoke "Yet he died against my forces. You are powerful but you will still can die. Nothing is truly immortal..."

Every single Sentinel on the planet flew towards his location. As billions upon billions of Sentinels descended, surrounding their leader and Morbus, Ultron looked upwards "I know when a being is capable of defeating me, or killing me, however. I do not possess the arrogance of Hank Pym, of the human race and I know exactly how to defeat you."

Ultron flew upwards as the Sentinels swarmed Morbus, leaving the planet behind and flying towards the nearest tear.

((Ultron will reappear later @TehFanzyMetroid

Regretting asking the questions, Seth remained calm, miraculously. Alright. Said the boys. He mumbled something about how she should be the one in hell, using them as pawns. He also mumbled something more clearly about with the power he would've been able to reason with them. Do you, no, would you tell us where or about where the space ship is placed or will we just die trying to find it. Coldly asked Seth, not liking her after her threats.

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