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Fandom "Tears" (a multi-fandom RP)

TommyGun15 said:
(No, he's just making sure Kane can't see where he's gone. He's going to read the books and keep looking around, probably making his way to the top of the tower.)
(Now that I think of it, it might be a good idea to take a break until tomorrow. Give the others a chance to get to the tower.)
((Like Booker and Punk))
WWE City Dump

Kirigiri sits on Flareup, who happens to be currently in alt mode... she's a tad annoyed that they're being delayed by Drake's issues and Cena's PSAs

"Hey guys look what I found!" called out Yang who found a book... "So should we read it?"



((@Some_Bloke @Morbuskid @Crenando @apoliseno do you choose to read the book Yang found in the WWE City Dump or will you ignore it and press on?))
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Oryx gained an excellent idea as the fleet began to approach, and said into the communicator, "Angron, I can warp you and your forces through my Blights. I will make sure none of your forces are Taken from the transportation. I can send you into all of their captial and escort ships, while I make sure none of them get to the ground. Do you agree on this... brother?" The term came straight from those World Eaters he consumed, they had fought and screamed of being battle brothers. If Oryx had to team up with Angron, he might as well figure out how he ticks and works.

Oryx snapped, forming tens of Blights around Angron and his ground forces. The pitch black burning spheres strangely did not burn anything but themselves, but foes of the Taken were slowed down. They glowed with a shadowy field around them, each Blight aimed for a ship.


The Doctor pointed Elliot to one of the windows, showing him that they were above New York. Several buildings had been destroyed during the three invasions, but SHIELD and the Avengers were on the ground on cleanup duty, helping put what was left of the city back together.

"Did they have technology like this back in your universe?" He asked, Elliot. "Nikola Tesla, in your universe...Well it's twenty fifteen, he's been dead for years."

Tesla looked up from his work and glared at The Doctor before going back to work. "Twenty fifteen is over a century away, in my universe. No one is immortal, Doctor."

"So explain what he's doing here, standing across the room from you." The Doctor asked Elliot


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WWE City

Constantine approached Kirigiri and took the book from her hands. "Be careful with that." He muttered "After what happened with the urn, I'm not about to take anymore chances."

He started to scan the book with his pendulum, searching for any sources of dark magic.


Constantine fortunately did not detect any dark magic from the book

"Uh dude? it's just a kid's book," said Yang contused by Constantine's actions
Above The Medusa cascade/ Aproximately 2086

The Master

Tap, tap, tap, tap. Tap, tap, tap, tap. The four distinct, annoying, mind-boggling drumb beats in the Master's head, boomed on as he floated in his TARDIS across the Medusa Cascade. It was kinda beautiful, in its chaotic way, the green of deep space cascade reflecting over the grey exterior of the Master's tardis. Unlike the Doctor's, his still had the chameleon circuit working, while the Doctor's was still stuck in police box mode. Some said it was better that way, that everywhere that blue box went it brought hope for those who saw it. Well, not for him. That blue box meant everything bad for him, but also good. It meant the Doctor was nearby, and he could destroy him. As he tought of that, the image of the current incarnation of the Doctor popped in his mind. Young, tall, probably considered handsome by females. He was a different enough person from his ninth self, so much more joyful and active, yet the Master knew that was just a facade. That deep inside, the Doctor was hurting, from the unbearable guilt that plagued him since he apparently destroyed Gallifrey. In a way, when the Master regenrated he chose this form for the Doctor. Young vs young. Timelord vs timelord. Madness versus guilt.

Suddenly, from beneath the TARDIS, a spiraling tear in the mere fabric of the universe, opened up before him, it's light being thousand times more than the greenish hue of the Medusa Cascade. Without warning, the TARDIS suddenly lost it's functions, and plummeted into the hole beneath, with no warning.


On the outskirts of WWE CITY, the tear opened gulping out the Master's Tardis, like a meteor. The fall itself looked glorious, like a meteor in it's blazing glory. With a loud crash, the spacecraft plummeted through buildings, an arena, and then other things. The last thing the Master saw before losing conciousness, was a man in a trenchcoat reading a book.

@theManCalledSting @everyone else in wwe city
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Elias said:
Above The Medusa cascade/ Aproximately 2086
The Master

Tap, tap, tap, tap. Tap, tap, tap, tap. The four distinct, annoying, mind-boggling drumb beats in the Master's head, boomed on as he floated in his TARDIS across the Medusa Cascade. It was kinda beautiful, in its chaotic way, the green of deep space cascade reflecting over the grey exterior of the Master's tardis. Unlike the Doctor's, his still had the chameleon circuit working, while the Doctor's was still stuck in police box mode. Some said it was better that way, that everywhere that blue box went it brought hope for those who saw it. Well, not for him. That blue box meant everything bad for him, but also good. It meant the Doctor was nearby, and he could destroy him. As he tought of that, the image of the current incarnation of the Doctor popped in his mind. Young, tall, probably considered handsome by females. He was a different enough person from his ninth self, so much more joyful and active, yet the Master knew that was just a facade. That deep inside, the Doctor was hurting, from the unbearable guilt that plagued him since he apparently destroyed Gallifrey. In a way, when the Master regenrated he chose this form for the Doctor. Young vs young. Timelord vs timelord. Madness versus guilt.

Suddenly, from beneath the TARDIS, a spiraling tear in the mere fabric of the universe, opened up before him, it's light being thousand times more than the greenish hue of the Medusa Cascade. Without warning, the TARDIS suddenly lost it's functions, and plummeted into the hole beneath, with no warning.


On the outskirts of WWE CITY, the tear opened gulping out the Master's Tardis, like a meteor. The fall itself looked glorious, like a meteor in it's blazing glory. With a loud crash, the spacecraft plummeted through buildings, an arena, and then other things. The last thing the Master saw before losing conciousness, was a man in a trenchcoat reading a book.

@theManCalledSting @everyone else in wwe city

"Flareup, we got some company..." Kirigiri said noticing something crashed behind them...

WWE City

Drake: Right before the object crashed near the group, Drake hopped off his rock and grabbed a skinny metal pipe about the length of a staff out of a pile of garbage. He began walking away without offering any real explanation as to why he was leaving or where he was going. As he was walking and heard the crash, he stopped and turned his head, but starting walking just a bit faster.

apoliseno said:

WWE City

Drake: Right before the object crashed near the group, Drake hopped off his rock and grabbed a skinny metal pipe about the length of a staff out of a pile of garbage. He began walking away without offering any real explanation as to why he was leaving or where he was going. As he was walking and heard the crash, he stopped and turned his head, but starting walking just a bit faster.

And when Drake was out of view...

The Discount Randy Orton, "Raging" Andy Organ, appeared.


and gave him an RAO outta nowhere...

and then a group of Monokumas dragged Drake to a helicopter where two men in bear suits wait for him
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Age of Ultron
Harley said nothing to Yami in response and instead just laughed maniacally as she continued to smash Ultron Sentinels. She looked down at Yami and grinned at him as she decapitated a Sentinel with the spear.

"This is all well and good, but we still have to find a way off this doomed planet." Gregory spoke, turning to Connor and Seth "She can't fight forever."

Five Ultron Sentinels descended towards the group, making their way past Harley. Around two hundred Sentinels were focused on her at this point as the majority had flown back to New York in an attempt to protect their leader from Morbus.

Gregory drew his katana as the Sentinels approached and handed it to Connor.

"Your weapons won't work against their armour. Hopefully this will. If it can tear through Exen soldiers, it might just work against these bastards." He explained, drawing his sawn-off shotgun. "Seth, I want you trying to blind these fookers. See if your shadows work against them."

The Sentinels flew towards the three men.

"Get fookin' ready!" Gregory shouted in a demanding tone.



Age Of Ultron

Seth nodded and took the shotgun and blasted a sentinel that was coming at him. He was sure if his fear would work but he tried to emancipate some fear into the robots while he shotgunned another.

WWE City

Shield Knight and Shovel Knight tried to find a way out of the dump. Shield Knight hovered while the Shovel Knight pogo shoveled to see anything outside. No luck, they were too far in. Shovel Knight then decided to do what he did best, dig. He and his beloved dug through the trash to either find a way out or something interesting.

TehFanzyMetroid said:
Age Of Ultron
Seth nodded and took the shotgun and blasted a sentinel that was coming at him. He was sure if his fear would work but he tried to emancipate some fear into the robots while he shotgunned another.

WWE City

Shield Knight and Shovel Knight tried to find a way out of the dump. Shield Knight hovered while the Shovel Knight pogo shoveled to see anything outside. No luck, they were too far in. Shovel Knight then decided to do what he did best, dig. He and his beloved dug through the trash to either find a way out or something interesting.

Shovel Knight found something of note...


((@TehFanzyMetroid will the knights read it or bring it to Constantine))
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WWE City

Drake: Groggily opening his eyes, Drake attempted to rub his throbbing head, but realized that he was restrained by something tying his hands together. He opened his eyes fully to see himself in a helicopter surrounded by....Monokumas. Of all the things to encounter in WWE City, a bunch of Monokumas. Fantastic.

"Uugh...what the hell is going on? Where the hell am I?" he not so politely inquired.
apoliseno said:

WWE City

Drake: Groggily opening his eyes, Drake attempted to rub his throbbing head, but realized that he was restrained by something tying his hands together. He opened his eyes fully to see himself in a helicopter surrounded by....Monokumas. Of all the things to encounter in WWE City, a bunch of Monokumas. Fantastic.

"Uugh...what the hell is going on? Where the hell am I?" he not so politely inquired.
The two bears took off their helmets revealing themselves as the Miz and R-Truth


"You see, you're en route to our little headquarters where we'll be having you thrown into a portal that leads to another universe..." said the Miz

"And you're gonna do it 'cause of that mind control device we placed on ya!" said R-Truth

WWE City

Drake: Scoffing, Drake laughed.

"Mind control? What's next, Invasion of the Body Sn-" Drake was interrupted mid-sentence as he felt the effects of the device take hold. "Alrighty then. What am I supposed to do when I get there?"

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theManCalledSting said:
Shovel Knight found something of note...

((@TehFanzyMetroid will the knights read it or bring it to Constantine))


Shield Knight! Come look at this! I found something! Yelled the short knight after he finished reading it. The red one also read it. Well, that is... Strange... Let's give it to that summoner, he looks like someone who would know something about this strange piece of paper. Said the woman as they brought it to Constantine for examination.
apoliseno said:

WWE City

Drake: Scoffing, Drake laughed.

"Mind control? What's next, Invasion of the Body Sn-" Drake was interrupted mid-sentence as he felt the effects of the device take hold. "Alrighty then. What am I supposed to do when I get there?"

"Clear the way for the Awesome Truth to start planning a way to to bring those dumb kids down and take back WWE City as our own!" said the Miz as he kicks Drake off of the Helicopter and into a tear leading to the AOU universe...

"ALSO WATCH OUT FOR SPIDERS!!!" screamed R-Truth

((@Some_Bloke Constantine has another book to check for Super Evil Undertaker Magic))
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WWE City

"I had to be careful." Constantine replied, opening the book "Another demon causing chaos around here would be a right pain in the arse, one I'd like to avoid." He quickly read through the book and tossed it to the ground, taking the other two books in hand. He began to scan them for dark magic with his pendulum.

In the distance, the Master's TARDIS fell instantly catching Constantine's attention "Bugger." He muttered

Gregory blasted three of the Ultron Sentinels to pieces with armour-piercing rounds. They were designed for taking down armoured soldiers, vehicles and the Exen themselves, to the bullets and to Gregory the Sentinels were no more difficult to take down. The final Sentinel was decapitated by Connor who dodged it's attacks before one lucky swing took the Sentinel's head.

"What kind of metal is this?" Connor asked in a curious tone, examining the sword

"Alien." Gregory stated, cocking the shotgun as he reloaded three more shells. "It's called Erekrese metal."

More Sentinels descended, pushing past Harley's line of defence. Ten Sentinels were now descending towards their position.

"Ah, shite." Gregory muttered "Can you two take out four of them?!" He asked "Thing only holds six."

"Gladly." Connor shot Gregory playful smile

"Okay. You take on those two." He said ordered, pointing to the right "Seth, you take on those two." He pointed to the left "After we take out these fookers, we need to go. We need to get the hell out of here! Bollocks to holding position."


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