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Fandom "Tears" (a multi-fandom RP)

Mother Base

"Sure, you can join the rest of the men when they move on the tower. But for now we'll let boss do some recon, and extract any hostages they may have. It's mostly infiltration work, which I doubt is your area of expertise. No offense."

Titan Tower

"Sorry about that Boss, we had a minor incident. Everything is under control, and we've obtained some valuable information from our guest. Evidently the tower had been taken over by some children working for a D'Spayre. The children are at the top of the tower, and a group called the New Day is guarding the front of the building. Both have more information, but it's you're call who to go to first."
The Tower

After a moment of consideration, Snake decided that since he was already in the tower, and several floors up, it would be more efficient to listen in on the children. He whistled for D. Dog, and made his way up the stairs.
TommyGun15 said:
The Tower

After a moment of consideration, Snake decided that since he was already in the tower, and several floors up, it would be more efficient to listen in on the children. He whistled for D. Dog, and made his way up the stairs.
Near by was the new Day, injured from their encounter with Booker Dewitt... but bandaged up you guys

Xavier Woods played the Snake Eater theme on his Trombone...

the other two sing the theme itself as Snake made his way up the stairs

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Titan Tower

Snake stopped when he heard the theme. He turned to the men singing.

"Who are you guys? And how do you know that song?"
TommyGun15 said:
Titan Tower

Snake stopped when he heard the theme. He turned to the men singing.

"Who are you guys? And how do you know that song?"
Xavier Woods freaks out while Big E holds up a sign with a red exclamation point.


Woods then said "and I've! been! waiting! my! whole! LIFE! for this moment..."

they continued singing Snake Eater.
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TommyGun15 said:
Titan Tower

"Um... okay... I don't suppose you could answer a few questions for me?"
Woods stops for a moment and said, "As long as we join Diamond Dogs after."

"And if I get to pet the dog." said Big E in a rather intimidating manner...

((Hope Snake doesn't mind their musical Numbers))
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"Um... okay..." Snake said awkwardly.

"Well, what can you tell me about the kids that I hear have taken over the tower?"
TommyGun15 said:
"Um... okay..." Snake said awkwardly.
"Well, what can you tell me about the kids that I hear have taken over the tower?"
Xavier Woods then plays a Trombone cover of this theme


"Well, they're umm 'Make-A-Wish kids'... well that's what you'll get if you ask Cena but..." explained Kofi

"They're certainly not right in the head!" exclaimed Big E as he pets THE BIG DOG D-Dog

"Especially that green-haired girl, there's something really not right about her..." said Kofi

Kofi then shifted his head to look if anyone or anything was watching and caught a gimps of a druid walking by before disappearing...

"Plus ever since they killed 'Taker some bad mojo's been going on here..." whispered Kofi to Snake...

"TVs going on the fritz creepy lil' girls sings and I'm not talking about the Make-A-Wish kids..."

Woods Finishes the song and then added... "Snake, played PT? that's whats going on here right now..."

"Yeah you think we've taken guard duty just to check out the pretty sights?! I ain't staying here." exclaimed Big E

Kofi then handed Snake a map.

"You better head of to the Green-Haired girl's room... it's over here... some crazy stuff's been happening there... and a lot of pink paint's splattered all over the walls so you can't miss it."

"So can we join the Diamond Dogs now?" asked Xavier Woods.

((@TommyGun15 Well New Day just gave Snake a place to go and advance the plot... question is... can he trust them?))
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Titan Tower

"Yeah, you can join Diamond Dogs. Talk to Ocelot when you get to Mother Base. But for now I'll need you to put these on."

Snake handed each of them a small pack with some straps on it.
TommyGun15 said:
Titan Tower

"Yeah, you can join Diamond Dogs. Talk to Ocelot when you get to Mother Base. But for now I'll need you to put these on."

Snake handed each of them a small pack with some straps on it.
Xavier Woods plays the MGS love them on his trombone as they are jerked way to mother base.

Snake can only shake his head.
Titan Tower

Snake hid himself under a cardboard box, placing another on top of D. Dog, and the two made their way to the "Green-Haired Girl's" room.
TommyGun15 said:
Titan Tower

Snake hid himself under a cardboard box, placing another on top of D. Dog, and the two made their way to the "Green-Haired Girl's" room.
The Lights of the building begin to flicker on and off as they made their way... pass numerous surviving Heel Superstars like


The walls were lined in a mix of pink and graffiti that read YES!
Titan Tower

Snake switched his night-vision goggles on and off as needed. The walls were creepy, but after going through The Sorrow's little song and dance, not much scared him anymore.
TommyGun15 said:
Titan Tower

Snake switched his night-vision goggles on and off as needed. The walls were creepy, but after going through The Sorrow's little song and dance, not much scared him anymore.
((Love the MGS3 call back))

Chanting was heard from outside...


As Snake and THE BIG DOG D-Dog made their way to Monaca's Room, they spot the once Demon Kane now Corporate Kane sipping Coffee minding his own business


Corporate Kane spits out his coffee as he seemingly noticed Snake but in actuality is just mad at the YES! Graffiti

"When is Seth going to clean up this mess..." said Corporate Kane as he returned to enjoying his Coffee
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Titan Tower

Snake thought briefly about Fultoning Kane, but decided that there were more pressing matters. He pressed on until he reached Monaca's Room.
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TommyGun15 said:
Titan Tower
Snake thought briefly about Fultoning Kane, but decided that there were more pressing matters. He pressed on until he reached Monaca's Room.
The Door to Monaca's Room was slightly ajar and was clear it had no one in side...

Inside however was a rather disturbing shrine to Junko Enoshima, the founder of the Ultimate Despair.

Written in Pink were the words

"Enoshima Junko is my Sister, Lover and Savior..."

"I love her to death."

"May despair spread all over the cosmos upon her return."

Pictures of Junko Enoshima where littered on the floor covered in pink...

The Room felt more fit for a crazed stalker rather than a "Make-A-Wish Kid"

Kane trips on the box Snake was hiding in but fails to notice Snake himself... @TommyGun15
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Titan Tower

While Kane was on the ground, Snake pressed the barrel of his gun against the back of Kane's head. D. Dog pulled out his knife and growled at Kane.

"Alright, tell me what you know about Junko Enoshima and the Make-A-Wish kids."
A Book was found among the the pictures...




Kane chuckled at Snake's threat as he was a tad bit mad at the "Make-A-Wish Kids" himself they only pay him in peanuts... literally.

"There's a book how about you read it, It's basically one of those kid's Diary..." said Kane "Plus I have no earthly clue who is Ms. Enoshima."
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TommyGun15 said:
(I'mma go with Option C. Interrogate Kane, and read the book.)
((Option C makes me laugh because I think of TNA))

Kane Stood up and dusted his jacket and handed another book to Snake. "So how's about you go your way and I go mine..."
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This new book features a blue haired boy that the New Day never mentioned




((If snake reads this as well... nothing really happens...))
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Titan Tower

Snake thought for a moment.


He pulled the pin on a smoke grenade and dropped it at Kane's feet. Under the cover of the smoke he and D. Dog took the books and vanished.
TommyGun15 said:
Titan Tower
Snake thought for a moment.


He pulled the pin on a smoke grenade and dropped it at Kane's feet. Under the cover of the smoke he and D. Dog took the books and vanished.
Kane shrugged and walked away...

when they were gone... Monaca's room's lights flash and the room was set on fire with the Undertaker's symbol in the middle...

((@TommyGun15 is Snake going back to mother base?))
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(No, he's just making sure Kane can't see where he's gone. He's going to read the books and keep looking around, probably making his way to the top of the tower.)

(Now that I think of it, it might be a good idea to take a break until tomorrow. Give the others a chance to get to the tower.)
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