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Fandom "Tears" (a multi-fandom RP)

WWE City
"I had to be careful." Constantine replied, opening the book "Another demon causing chaos around here would be a right pain in the arse, one I'd like to avoid." He quickly read through the book and tossed it to the ground, taking the other two books in hand. He began to scan them for dark magic with his pendulum.

In the distance, the Master's TARDIS fell instantly catching Constantine's attention "Bugger." He muttered

"So what was in the book?" asked Yang.
Gregory blasted three of the Ultron Sentinels to pieces with armour-piercing rounds. They were designed for taking down armoured soldiers, vehicles and the Exen themselves, to the bullets and to Gregory the Sentinels were no more difficult to take down. The final Sentinel was decapitated by Connor who dodged it's attacks before one lucky swing took the Sentinel's head.

"What kind of metal is this?" Connor asked in a curious tone, examining the sword

"Alien." Gregory stated, cocking the shotgun as he reloaded three more shells. "It's called Erekrese metal."

More Sentinels descended, pushing past Harley's line of defence. Ten Sentinels were now descending towards their position.

"Ah, shite." Gregory muttered "Can you two take out four of them?!" He asked "Thing only holds six."

"Gladly." Connor shot Gregory playful smile

"Okay. You take on those two." He said ordered, pointing to the right "Seth, you take on those two." He pointed to the left "After we take out these fookers, we need to go. We need to get the hell out of here! Bollocks to holding position."


Seth nodded and cocked his shotgun, ready to fire. He then blasted one of the sentinels that was coming for him. You know, I usually prefer a handgun but this'll do. It still feels a bit unnatural holding a shotgun. Said Seth while reloading.
WWE City

"Some poor bugger with daddy issues." Constantine replied "From the look of it, their dad was an abusive arsehole but the poor kid blames themself." Constantine continued, still scanning the book he had been handed for dark magic.



Gregory blasted six of the Sentinels away with his shotgun, taking them out within seconds of each other. As one flew towards Connor, firing hand-blasts he dodged out of the way and hit it from behind, slicing the Sentinel in half. The other turned it's attention to him only for Gregory to blast a hole in it's head with his revolver. The final Sentinel flew towards Gregory only for him to blast a hole in it's skull as well.

"I had him." Connor stated

"Sure you did." Gregory replied in a humorous tone, grinning under his helmet "Right, fook it let's go."

"Go where?"

"New York city. There's a group of heroes hidden there. They might be able to help us out."

One of the Sentinels battling Harley descended towards the group "Those heroes you speak of are dead." It spoke in a cold tone, using Ultron's voice

"What?" Gregory replied

"Apart from you and the one in New York, there are no living beings on this planet."

"You wiped out all life on Earth..." Gregory spoke in a shocked tone "Not just humanity, but everything..."


Before Ultron could continue speaking, Gregory shot the Sentinel in the head, killing it.

"There's nothing we can do for this world, the planet is dead and we will be too if we stay here." He hung his head and explained in a grim tone

"Where are we going?" Connor asked

"Underground. We have to find a ship, but we can't do that if we're fighting these arseholes all the time."

Harley finished off a Sentinel by crushing it's head while the remainder flew towards New York.

"That's right, run!" She shouted gleefully "Run away you cowards!"

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Titan Towers

CM Punk and Booker (@ryanpk200 ) made their way in the building...

((How does Constantine have two books? @Some_Bloke Yang only found one and Shovel Knight found another just recently and is about to give him the other))
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Titan Tower

Snake had found a suitably large ventilation shaft, and was currently smoking his cigar. He kept one eye on the hall below him, and D. Dog would growled if he smelled anything abnormal. Right now, it seemed it would be best to wait, and watch.
TommyGun15 said:
Titan Tower

Snake had found a suitably large ventilation shaft, and was currently smoking his cigar. He kept one eye on the hall below him, and D. Dog would growled if he smelled anything abnormal. Right now, it seemed it would be best to wait, and watch.
A Druid walked pass the two... as the druid walked pass them he left a trail of ashes before disappearing when the lights when out for a second
Morbus laughed at Ultron, "You really think i am gonna just give you my name so you can conquer my universe?", he laughed. "IF YOU WANTED TO DIE YOU COULD HAVE ASKED!", he yelled still laughing. He jumped forward, lunging at Ultron and slamming him into the ground, he then managed jumped from Ultron and landed back where he was originally. "That was a warning, threaten my universe like that again and i will stomp your systems out without a fair fight.", he threatened to Ultron. (Do i have permission to kill him or no?)

Armando was amazed by such sorcery, he took the cloth from his head and felt for the wound which was gone, "I thank you for that my friend, how did you do that.", he said putting his helmet back on.
theManCalledSting said:
A Druid walked pass the two... as the druid walked pass them he left a trail of ashes before disappearing when the lights when out for a second
(What's a druid? In this context I mean.)

Upon seeing the seven blights created in front of him and his remaining forces, Angron splits his forces up into seven groups before ordering them to enter each of the blights as he enters into a random blight.
TommyGun15 said:
Titan Tower

Snake sighed.

"Damn. Well, at least he didn't explode."
Snake found a note in the vent

theManCalledSting said:
Snake found a note in the vent

Titan Tower

Snake scanned the note and books, sending a transcript of them to Mother Base.

"Snake, whatever's going on here, I suspect that these aren't normal kids. All these notes seem to be the ramblings of people with severe mental disorders. I'd advise caution, even if they are kids. I'm sure we've both seen what children can be capable of."

(My thoughts exactly.)
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TommyGun15 said:
Titan Tower

Snake scanned the note and books, sending a transcript of them to Mother Base.

"Snake, whatever's going on here, I suspect that these aren't normal kids. All these notes seem to be the ramblings of people with severe mental disorders. I'd advise caution, even if they are kids. I'm sure we've both seen what children can be capable of."

(My thoughts exactly.)
"SNAKE! YOU BETTER FIND MY STATUE!!!" said Seth as he shoved Miller away to order Snake to find his statue.

Ultron did not attack Morbus but instead outstretched both arms as three thousand Sentinels broke through the ceiling of the fortress and faced Morbus, waiting for Ultron's command "All organic life will face total extinction." He spoke in a cold, emotionless tone "Starting with mankind. You are a cancer on this Multiverse, one I intend to eradicate."

((not just yet, @TehFanzyMetroid

@theManCalledSting , sorry. I'll edit it now.))


As Seth Continued his rant about his Statue, Snake hears a voice of a little girl... ((The Girl isn't there just her voice))

The Girl's voice asked "Have you heard of the man that cannot be destroyed? They set him on fire... They Buried him alive... but he keeps coming... back..."

"Most refer to me as Yami. I'm... a businessman of sorts."

As Yami spoke, his armor burst into purple smoke, reshaping itself into a violet business suit.

Titan Tower

"I saw it on my way in. It looks like they ripped the head off and replaced it with some deranged bear doll."

While speaking, Snake looked around for the source of the voice.
TommyGun15 said:

"Most refer to me as Yami. I'm... a businessman of sorts."

As Yami spoke, his armor burst into purple smoke, reshaping itself into a violet business suit.

Titan Tower

"I saw it on my way in. It looks like they ripped the head off and replaced it with some deranged bear doll."

While speaking, Snake looked around for the source of the voice.
Seth Metal began his tantrum as Snake continues to find the source of the voice...
The Geek: Brother Power fell through a tear into a dimension where particles are just tiny, flaming razor blades and subsequently died.

(I need more slots.)
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