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Fandom "Tears" (a multi-fandom RP)

[QUOTE="Some_Bloke]The Woman looked over as Kevin Nash, the Agent of the Unknowns and a member of the New York Giants carried Kathy Krisp away.
"Oh no, he took your cat-wife. Now you can inherit what she has in her will!" She grinned

The New York Giants then return to their world of New Legacy Inc.
theManCalledSting said:
The New York Giants then return to their world of New Legacy Inc.
[QUOTE="Some_Bloke]The Woman looked over as Kevin Nash, the Agent of the Unknowns and a member of the New York Giants carried Kathy Krisp away.
"Oh no, he took your cat-wife. Now you can inherit what she has in her will!" She grinned

"Dammit my Wife was not originally like that, TOFEE CRISP VAMPIRE DID IT" Elemento yelled following the Giants through the Tear before it could close "GIVE ME BACK MY WIFE" Elemento yelled
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Hulk Hogan

Upon being summoned, Hulk Hogan begins to do various poses with his arms while cutting a promo.

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Barbas said:
Hulk Hogan
Upon being summoned, Hulk Hogan begins to do various poses with his arms while cutting a promo.

"Hmmmmmm I don't know, maybe tell you TO GET THE F@#$ OUT MY WAY BECAUSE I AM IN NO MOOD FOR THIS CRAP" Elemento yells as he puts his Martial arts skills to use and tries to Power bombs Hogan (I still can't see your spoilers @theManCalledSting )
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Hulk Hogan

Quickly standing up like nothing happened, Hogan points at Elements with his finger and begins to shake it before delivering the devastating Finger Point of Doom.
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Barbas said:
Hulk Hogan
Quickly standing up like nothing happened, Hogan points at Elements with his finger and begins to shake it before delivering a devastating big boot.
Elemento gets up and hits Hogan repeatedly, then Kicks him in the no no zone, runs after Kevin Nash, into The WWE stadium

Moving around while in the air, Hogan falls down to the planet and dilervers a super elbow drop to Elemento.
Barbas said:
Moving around while in the air, Hogan falls down to the planet and dilervers a super elbow drop to Elemento.
Elemento just barely dodges, slams the Stadium door on Hogans face.
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Hulk Hogan

No selling the impact, Hogan begins to walk around while shaking his arms before repeatable punching Elemento.
Barbas said:
Hulk Hogan
No selling the impact, Hogan begins to walk around while shaking his arms before repeatable punching Elemento.
Elemento Casted his forcefield spell and Ran after Nash, with Hogan hot on his trail"Why does my magic feel so weak in this universe, damn the forcefield will not hold for long" He said Catching up to Nash, and finding himself surrounded by Nash and Hogan as his forcefield broke. "well shit" He said
TommyGun15 said:
Yami leaned backwards, laying on empty air.
"Alright. But heed what I said. I doubt there is anyone in this little group of ours that doesn't have their own agenda."
"I'm taking advice from a demon." Gregory muttered, smiling sightly "Bugger, things have really gone down the shitter, haven't they?" Before leading the group through the tear and back onto Domi. He started walking towards the ships, constantly searching the area for any threats when he heard an inhuman screech approaching the group. Gregory drew his katana and held the spear, turning to Akane "Alright, love what the hell was that thing?" He asked

"Jorōgumo..." She muttered, a look of fear on her face

"Those spider-tiger things?" Gregory asked Mil and Akane

"Correct." Mil nodded it's head, drawing it's shotgun "We should get ready."




Peaceswore said:
Neither Drake or Zoro knew who the hell these soldiers were but they were on their side for what the two could guess. "Lucario! Use back away and use sword dance!" Drake ordered before going to one soldier that was helping an injured person. "Can you tell me what the hell is going on? I'm hoping you know something because I swear I was in a forest." Drake said as he made sure to stay out of the working men's way.
Zoro who was in the middle of the horde raised a brow at the new men that stormed in to help. He would question as to what was going on, but he had to take care of these pest first.


"We're not really the best person to ask." Said Alpha-6. "We haven't been here very long. Like us tou fell through a tear and that brought you to a different universe." Alpha-6 healed the person and ran over to her team. "You should come with us." She said.


Alpha team caught up with Nikita and Tesla and saw the robot. Alpha-1 yelled "Shit! We got a Sectopod! Several large missle launchers came out of its back. "Scatter!" Yelled Alpha-1.
Drake blinked at this and had no clue how to come to grip with what the man told him. There was a sudden roar and a zombie crashed threw window appearing right next them. The zombie went straight for the wounded person that the other was carrying, Drake eyes widened as he moved away. "Lucario! Aura sphere!" He shouted. Moments before the zombie could hurt anyone an aura sphere went through it's head. Taking a small breath he looked at the guy. "Other dimension huh? Okay...... I...I didn't not see that one coming. I'll help you evacuate the wounded." He said as he looked back over at the main horde. "Where did that other guy go?" He asked unable to see the green hair man in the horde.


The said man was walking around utterly confused. "Where the hell am I? Damn creature, I thought it wanted me to follow it...but I don't see anything." He grumbled as he scratched his head. He kept walking around till he saw a bunch of those solider guys from earlier. He walked up to them and saw they were getting ready for something. "Oi! One of those crab humans lead me here! Do you know where we are?" He asked before his eyes moved over to the mech. "..... That a friend of yours?" He asked with a casual yawn remaining completely calm despite the fat the robot seemed to be a threat.

[QUOTE="Elemento Neutralis]Elemento gets up and hits Hogan repeatedly, then Kicks him in the no no zone, runs after Kevin Nash, into The WWE stadium

((You're in the New Legacy Inc. Universe you're suppose to go into Dario Culo's van))
Barbas said:
Growing annoyed at his forces inability to capture the academy, Sauron sends out his newly equipped Orc Army to continue the seige.
Yang's question rang through everyone's heads....

"Wasn't it a bit too easy?"

RWBY-verse (Reality)

"How was your nap?" said a Large Robot.


"Wh-what happened?" asked Professor Ozpin.

"Dream Crabs," the Robot showed off a Dream Crab that he removed from Ozpin.

"Ozpin! We have much to discuss..." said a man in the shadows...

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