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Fandom "Tears" (a multi-fandom RP)

IF then notices the unconscious Drake, "oh and hey dude, take this." she said as she gave Drake a Life Fragment that revived him.

"Would of used it on the Doctor but he tells me it doesn't work on Timelords..." IF explained

TommyGun15 said:
Snake though for a moment.
"Yeah, she did now that you mention it."
"Yeah, that's Uni... I wonder where her sister Noire is..." asked IF

"She informed me she left mid-battle to attend to very urgent matters in Lastation," informed Histoire.

"What could be so urgent that she'd leave mid-battle for?" asked IF


We see the Autobots chilling at the Basilicom

"So when's the CPU showing up? I wanna enter my new EXPUP-a-tron to the expo!" asked a very impatient Wheeljack.

"Three more hours, Wheeljack. Please be patient" informed Kei who was a rather androgynous looking girl


"You said that three hours ago!" countered Wheeljack.
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theManCalledSting said:
"Yeah, that's Uni... I wonder where her sister Noire is..." asked IF
"She informed me she left mid-battle to attend to very urgent matters in Lastation," informed Histoire.

"What could be so urgent that she'd leave mid-battle for?" asked IF


We see the Autobots chilling at the Basilicom

"So when's the CPU showing up? I wanna enter my new EXPUP-a-tron to the expo!" asked a very impatient Wheeljack.

"Three more hours, Wheeljack. Please be patient" informed Kei who was a rather androgynous looking girl


"You said that three hours ago!" countered Wheeljack.

"Well, we can't really worry about that right now. We've got bigger problems at the moment."
@The Servant

Optimus delivers the Doctor, Clara and Compa to the TARDIS.

"Quick we got to get inside! Before any of the Mister Robots start shooting at us!" said Compa frantically as she and Clara aided the Doctor into the TARDIS.

"Aigis, sorry if this wasn't a meeting you were expecting, I wanted it to be much more fun... but..." the Doctor said weakly.

"Come on, Doctor. You need your rest, Nurse's orders!" Compa ordered.


After leaving the room in which she had awoken it didn't take long for Aigis to realize how much of a tough task it was to actually find a way out of that metallic fortress. With all of its twist, turns and empty rooms it wasn't a surprise for Aigis to find herself completely lost more than a few times. In various occasions Aigis would hear the sounds of footsteps and voices slowly approaching her, which forced her to hide inside any nearby room until she felt there was enough distance between herself and her "captors". Aigis slowly began to feel desperate to the point in which she almost tried smashing down wall after wall in an attempt to escape, but didn't after realizing her actions would probably trigger an alarm.

" I can't be spotted, at least not right now..." Aigis thought as she clenched her fists out of frustration "...Just keep walking...Just keep walking....Just keep walking..."

As she took a stiff turn Aigis noticed how the hall ahead of her lead into a...strange looking room. Unlike the rest this one was far bigger and was filled with different kinds of techs Aigis couldn't even identify. Just as she was about to step into the room the sound of door opening made Aigis jerk back into the hallway. As she peeked out of the door the female android saw a group of unknown beings entering the "fortress". As the door behind them closed Aigis caught a glimpse of the outside world.

" Alright, I found the exit. Now all that I need to do is hide and wait for them to le-"

Just as Aigis was about to retreat her gaze met with that of a man who was being aided into the room. As far as Aigis could see the man seemed to be badly hurt, and when he noticed the presence of the female android Aigis could clearly hear him say:

"Aigis, sorry if this wasn't a meeting you were expecting, I wanted it to be much more fun... but..."

Without a second to spare Aigis dashed into a nearby empty room where she stuck her back against a wall and aimed her fingers towards the door. Not only had that man spotted her, but he somehow knew her name. Aigis felt both fear and anger taking over her mind as she attentively watched the door in front of her, ready to fire her guns if she needed to.


The TARDIS shook, wildly.

"What's going on, I'm getting Dizzy!" screamed Compa.

"We're crashing!" Exclaimed the Doctor.

"Crashing? How? You Didn't set any Coordinates!" Clara frantically told the Doctor.

"I don't how! But more importantly, do any of you know how to fly this thing?!"


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At the arrival of "Godzilla", a thousand Sentinels descended and started attacking the beast while one approached the wounded Jeff. "I'LL FOOKIN..." Before he could finish his sentence he was tossed into a wall by a Sentinel who ignored the Mary Sue and approached "Godzilla" Five approached Elemento "You believe you can hurt me?" It asked "You took out fifty of my Sentinels, but for every Sentinel destroyed one hundred take it's place. You cannot stop me, so bend the knee of die. Those are your choices."

The Sentinels were caught off-guard by an attack from Godzilla, giving Elemento time to escape.


Unknown Universe

"I can see you, Yami." The hooded figure spoke "What do you intend to do, Gregory?"

"You already know." Gregory shrugged

"Yes, but I want everyone to hear. You intend to study it and use it's power, what for?

Gregory looked down at the ground and then back up at the figure "Wipe the Exen from existence!" He yelled "How is that selfish or unjust!? Oh, I'm sorry are you a fan of genocide, is that it!?It Do you enjoy watching entire planets wiped of life!? Do the screams of children entertain you!?"

"It is unjust as you will be committing genocide." The figure stated

"The Exen are not a species." He stated, gritting his teeth They are a cancer that is slowly killing my universe and everything in it! If beings like you can have all of this fookin' power, you can prevent genocide, war, death. Yet you call us unjust as you stand by and do bugger all!?! He yelled angrily

"If that is your view, then I will not allow you to have the God Killer. Leave this place or I will be forced to use violence, Nelson."

Gregory clutched the spear "No." He stated

"No?" It asked, somewhat taken aback by his statement

Gregory flew towards the hooded figure, screaming angrily and aiming for it's head. It quickly stepped to the side and grabbed the spear, pushing Gregory. The push threw Gregory across the room and into one of the pillars. He tried to stand. "Stay down." The figure stated, examining the spear only for a laser blast to strike it, hitting it directly in the face. This caused it to drop the spear and turn it's attention to Max.

"Shit." He muttered, seeing that his attack had no effect on the figure

"Max Valentine of the station New Cape town. You also intend to use the God Killer's power for your own gains."

"Oh fuck off." He spat "My home is being torn to pieces by the crime lords who now run it. If I take charge...No, you know what I don't need to justify myself, not to you."

He drew his two revolvers and opened fire, every single shot hit the figure but none of them seemed to have any effect on it. The figure continued to walk forwards only for it to be attacked from behind by Syeron. Using her lightsaber she sliced into it's back only for the figure to ignore the attack and continued walking towards Max. She jumped in front of the figure and hit it with a barrage of lightsaber attacks. On the fifteenth swing, the figure grabbed her by the arm.

"Enough." It stated, hitting her with the back of it's hand, throwing her to the ground in the process.




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[QUOTE="Some_Bloke]At the arrival of "Godzilla", a thousand Sentinels descended and started attacking the beast while one approached the wounded Jeff. "I'LL FOOKIN..." Before he could finish his sentence he was tossed into a wall by a Sentinel who ignored the Mary Sue and approached "Godzilla" Five approached Elemento "You believe you can hurt me?" It asked "You took out fifty of my Sentinels, but for every Sentinel destroyed one hundred take it's place. You cannot stop me, so bend the knee of die. Those are your choices."

Phelous pops out and says, "GREAT CONTINUITY!"

(Elemento is with the others hiding in the sewers with the "TMNT Coming Out of their Shells Tour" Turtles)
Compa looses her balance and feel right into the room where Aigis was Hiding, "OOF! Sorry Miss Android for bumping into you like that!"

@The Servant
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Unknown Universe

Revan: Deciding it was time he leant a hand, Revan clipped his saber hilt to his belt and generated a ball of lightning in his hand. The lightning then raced up his arms and he pushed them out at the hooded figure, sending both an amped up Force Push and a torrent of Force Lightning towards it.

"You are keeping from us a weapon that can exterminate a godlike being with the goal of subjigating all organic life in the multiverse and an Emperor from my own universe with the goal of total erradication and consumption of all life and the Force in every universe he can find! You call us selfish with our needs? You are the one who is selfish!" Revan made a bold claim, but the emotions in his words carried over into increased power in his lightning as he walked forward towards the being.

@Some_Bloke @TommyGun15
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Few minutes had passed since Aigis began hiding from the wounded man and his peers. A small part of her was convinced that the wounded man had never called out her name and that it was all her imagination, which managed to calm Aigis down for a moment. After gathering enough courage she quietly began walking towards the door, but just as her hand grabbed the doorknob the whole room began to violently shake. Was this some sort of alarm system? Without any more time to think Aigis backed away from the door and pressed all of her weight against one of the corners of the room.

"It's okay, it's okay. Maybe they still don't know I am here. If I keep quiet and don't move out of this room I will most surely remain unnoticed." Aigis had only just finished her thoughts when a female teenager stumbled into the room out of the blue. "......."

With her back still against the corner of the room Aigis quietly eyed the girl in front of her. She seemed to have stumbled into the room out of pure look, and as far as appearance went the girl seemed innocent enough. However, this wasn't enough for Aigis to let her guard down as she knew how deceiving looks could be.

"...Who are you? Where am I? Why am I here? Why is everything shaking so much?" Aigis asked with a blank expression and a cold tone. If it weren't for the fact that her hands were trying to hold onto the walls to avoid losing balance Aigis would've probably aimed the guns hidden within her finger tips at the girl. While this wasn't the approach she would've usually taken Aigis knew that she couldn't seem weak at a time like that.

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[QUOTE="The Servant]


Few minutes had passed since Aigis began hiding from the wounded man and his peers. A small part of her was convinced that the wounded man had never called out her name and that it was all her imagination, which managed to calm Aigis down. After gathering enough courage she quietly began walking towards the door, but just as her hand grabbed the doorknob the whole room began to violently shake. Was this some sort of alarm system? Without any more time to think Aigis backed away from the door and pressed all of her weight against one of the corners of the room.

"It's okay, it's okay. Maybe they still don't know I am here. If I keep quiet and don't move out of this room I will most surely remain unnoticed." Aigis had only just finished her thoughts when a female teenager stumbled into the room out of the blue. "......."

With her back still against the corner of the room Aigis quietly eyed the girl in front of her. She seemed to have stumbled into the room out of pure look, and as far as appearance went the girl seemed innocent enough. However, this wasn't enough for Aigis to let her guard down as she knew how deceiving looks could be.

"...Who are you? Where am I? Why am I here? Why is everything shaking so much?" Aigis asked with a blank expression and a cold tone. If it weren't for the fact that her hands were trying to hold onto the walls to avoid losing balance Aigis would've probably aimed the guns hidden within her finger tips at the girl. While this wasn't the approach she would've usually taken Aigis knew that she couldn't seem weak at a time like that.​

"Oh Hi! I'm Compa! I'm a Nurse, from Planeptune! We're in the Doctor's TARDIS, it's a super neat-o Time Machine! And you're where because the Doctor wanted to save you! You where super damaged from a fight with a big scary monster from Mars! Also the TARDIS is going out of control as it's traveling through Time and Space!" Compa explained to Aigis, "Now that I introduced myself, how about you, Miss Android, what's your name? And You're very pretty."
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