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Fandom "Tears" (a multi-fandom RP)

Domi System-Dying Universe

Revan: Upon hearing Gregory's words, Revan shot him a cold glare under his mask.

"No one else may be able to see the thing inside your spear, but I can feel the evil inside that weapon. You would do good to leave it in this system before it corrupts anyone else. The being inside of it is dangerous, demented, and rolling in darkness. For all our sakes, dispose of it." After his warning, Revan started walking back towards the rest of their group.

@Some_Bloke @TommyGun15

Various Locations-Neptunia Universe

Drake: Thinking it was high time he left the café and went on his merry way to try and find more out about this world, Drake felt his pockets for his wallet, but started to get worried when he couldn't feel it. Now he was gonna look like a jerk. He didn't even have any drachmas on him either. He turned back to his newly found companion.

"Hey, uh, Mages, I kinda left my wallet in my other universe. You mind sparing a few dollars to pay?" he asked while trying discreetly to look for exit strategies if things turned south.

apoliseno said:

Various Locations-Neptunia Universe

Drake: Thinking it was high time he left the café and went on his merry way to try and find more out about this world, Drake felt his pockets for his wallet, but started to get worried when he couldn't feel it. Now he was gonna look like a jerk. He didn't even have any drachmas on him either. He turned back to his newly found companion.

"Hey, uh, Mages, I kinda left my wallet in my other universe. You mind sparing a few dollars to pay?" he asked while trying discreetly to look for exit strategies if things turned south.

"It's MAGES., with a period in the end also check your pocket, you have money, you did fight that dogoo," MAGES. said
apoliseno said:

Domi System-Dying Universe

Revan: Upon hearing Gregory's words, Revan shot him a cold glare under his mask.

"No one else may be able to see the thing inside your spear, but I can feel the evil inside that weapon. You would do good to leave it in this system before it corrupts anyone else. The being inside of it is dangerous, demented, and rolling in darkness. For all our sakes, dispose of it." After his warning, Revan started walking back towards the rest of their group.

@Some_Bloke @TommyGun15
Yami watched Revan walk away.

"So... I don't suppose I'm allowed to kill him?"

Cafe-Neptunia Universe

Drake: Raising an eyebrow at both her weirdly specific name and that she said he got money from killing those slimes like some sort of RPG, Drake decided to humor her in stuck a hand in his jean pocket. Funny enough, there was actully money in his pocket. He raised both eyebrows in surprise.

"How....how in the Hades did that get there? I didn't pick any up..." Drake pondered.

apoliseno said:

Cafe-Neptunia Universe

Drake: Raising an eyebrow at both her weirdly specific name and that she said he got money from killing those slimes like some sort of RPG, Drake decided to humor her in stuck a hand in his jean pocket. Funny enough, there was actully money in his pocket. He raised both eyebrows in surprise.

"How....how in the Hades did that get there? I didn't pick any up..." Drake pondered.

"Welcome, to Gamindustri."
DomI System: Dying Universe

"No, Yami." Gregory snapped behind Revan's back as the group was led inside "He may be a bit of a knob, but he's a good man and he's useful."

The interior of the building was without light, almost as if contained inside was nothing but emptiness until the Jorōgumo took one step forwards, causing the building to light up. Marble columns covered the interior, holding the ceiling in place. On the ceiling was a painting of several Earth-like planets burning. Some appeared to be breaking into pieces while others had the planet's surface on fire. In amongst all of this destruction was a wolf, a book, a golden coin and a small pot of ink surrounding a large horned and dark crown.

"What are you doing here?" A voice spoke, catching everyone's attention and causing a shiver to go down Max's spine as a hooded figure stepped out from behind one of the pillars. "Akane, what brings you back here?" It spoke, it's voice somewhat feminine

"I..." The Jorōgumo began

"Akane." Gregory muttered "I suppose that means I don't have to call you Charlotte anymore."

"Silence, mercenary." The hooded figure snapped bitterly "I have asked Akane a question and I expect an answer from her."

"These people seek the God Killer." Akane explained

"They need it to kill the being known as Ultron Prime, I know." The hooded figure spoke "What brings you here?"

"I need to get to Gladius."

Two tears opened from behind the group.

"What the 'ell?" Max spat "You can create these things!?" He drew his revolver, aiming it at the hooded figure

"It was you! All of this suffering is on you!" Syeron yelled angrily, drawing her lightsaber

"No. It is not." The Hooded figure replied

"Oh Bullshit!" Max snapped "Prove it."

"You stepped through a tear when you entered this building." The hooded figure explained "Do you think the Centurions would leave the God Killer here, with only a few enchantments to protect it from beings like what you call The Merchant? They also created me."

"What for?" Max demanded

"To see if your intentions for the God Killer are just as a last line of defence. I must confess, I am disappointed."






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The Doctor contacts Clara on her phone, "Clara sorry to cut the welcoming with Aigis a bit short but we're needed outside, right now."

"We have very urgent matters to attend to, Doctor," said a voice that was undoubtedly Optimus Prime


Café-Neptunia Industry

Drake: In this situation, Drake could only think that he had no info and he was screwed.

"Game...industry? What is that, the name of the country?"

theManCalledSting said:
The Doctor contacts Clara on her phone, "Clara sorry to cut the welcoming with Aigis a bit short but we're needed outside, right now."

"We have very urgent matters to attend to, Doctor," said a voice that was undoubtedly Optimus Prime

As Clara stepped out of the TARDIS behind The Doctor a look of shock was on her face at the sight of Optimus "Just when you think you've seen everything." She smiled
apoliseno said:

Café-Neptunia Industry

Drake: In this situation, Drake could only think that he had no info and he was screwed.

"Game...industry? What is that, the name of the country?"

"Gamindustri is the name of the land... though this version of Gamindustri... feels a lot different from the one I originate."
theManCalledSting said:
"The Story of Demo Reel does not hinder the wrath of Ultron."
"KATHY , GRANDMA GET BACK" Elemento yelled as he Transforms into Divine form level 2 and pulled his sword. "I may not be from this world, but I can obviously see who the bad guys,are here, Now WHO ARE YOU AND WHAT DO YOU WANT" Elemento said to the Ultron Sentinels "And what is this about the Wrath of Ultron" Elemento adds as he enters a battle stance.

@Some_Bloke @Crenando
[QUOTE="Some_Bloke]As Clara stepped out of the TARDIS behind The Doctor a look of shock was on her face at the sight of Optimus "Just when you think you've seen everything." She smiled

"We must head to Trenzalore, I sense an ancient presence is awakening, something that can be more dangerous than the Last Great Time War," Optimus said.
"Not if I have anything to say about that!" said fat grandma as a portly Canadian fella came out of the hatch.

"Hey guys It's me. Phelous!" He said, distracting the ultron sentinels.

Fat Grandma shouted down the hatch "Quickly- Don't you sass me, get out here!"

Suddenly, a man in bright, colorful man in sports equipment jumped out!


Cafe-Neptunia Universe

Drake: Seeing an opportunity to get some information, Drake decided to take it.

"Well, then tell me about that version of Game..industry and how it's different from this one."

apoliseno said:

Cafe-Neptunia Universe

Drake: Seeing an opportunity to get some information, Drake decided to take it.

"Well, then tell me about that version of Game..industry and how it's different from this one."

"It's about the same, just... the soil... it feels off..."
theManCalledSting said:
"We must head to Trenzalore, I sense an ancient presence is awakening, something that can be more dangerous than the Last Great Time War," Optimus said.
"What is it?" Clara asked "More importantly, how do we stop it?"


Age of Ultron

"I am Ultron." One of the Sentinels spoke "Until recently I believed it was meant to wipe out all organic life, but I saw my true purpose in this Multiverse. Organic life requires me guidance, my rule to stop it from destroying itself." It explained. It grabbed Phelous by the throat, lifting the Canadian into the air "Will you bend the knee and accept my rule?" It asked


@Elemento Neutralis

Domi: Dying Universe

"I know you seek to destroy Ultron, but have you asked each other what you mean to do once Ultron is destroyed?" The Hooded figure asked

[QUOTE="Some_Bloke]"What is it?" Clara asked "More importantly, how do we stop it?"

"Unicron," was all Optimus said as the Doctor switched course to Trenzalore fields...

Cafe-Neptunia Universe

Drake: Sighing out of ADHD boredom, Drake took the appropriate amount of money out of his pocket and set it on the table as he stood up.

"Well, thanks for bearing with me long enough for lunch, thanks for finding a place for lunch, and thanks for the help out there during that fight. I'm gonna go walk around, explore, and see if I can get in touch with my peeps back home. Catch ya later!" Drake turned around and gaver Mages a slight wave with his right hand as he started to walk away.


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