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Fandom "Tears" (a multi-fandom RP)

In the Main TARDIS control room the Doctor thinks back to when he was in the velvet room and he drew his Tarot card...


"Well that's depressing..."

"So, when they fetch Aigis we'll head to Lastation to celebrate!"

"Doctor? You really don't want to go to Trenzalore fields do you?" asked Compa

"What? What makes you say that?" the Doctor asked in a bid to play stupid.

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Gathering her wits about her, Blaze crept over to the end of the alley and peered into the street, scanning the roads and windows for threats. The weather damage, overgrowth and abundance of abandoned items and vehicles immediately caught her eye and though she'd never seen them used she knew cars were not meant to just sit there and do nothing. Having either gotten lucky with this street or simply failed a spot check, she considers the coast to be clear and wanders out into the street, looking around at this strange new and totally not on fire world.
theManCalledSting said:
"Met him, when when the Cybermen invaded Gamindustri, Ever seen a Cyber-Dogoo? They look super weird. Then I bumped into him again when I was wandering around Leanbox with Lady Vert... My Lady challenged him to a video game... well actually she challenged him to a lot of them... and she couldn't even beat him... got himself banned from the Kingdom because of it, I tried convincing her to at least let him attend the wedding since he saved Nep and Compa from an army of Dogoo but you know Goddesses..." IF replied.
"I've never seen a Dogoo before." Clara replied "Let alone a Cyber-Dogoo." She smiled at the image of The Doctor playing video games "He does get competitive." She laughed "Chess, checkers, even Connect four. He said that a robotic dog beat him a chess once, but no one else has come close."

TehFanzyBillCipher said:
Holy... Said Seth to himself as the massive skeleton was sucked into the cloud and immediately destroyed. That was amazing! Now let's hope those other creatures won't get to us in time. Charlotte, can you tell me of your race's capabilities. Asked Seth, willing to inform himself to see if he could possibly find some on his home universe.



"Capabilities?" The creature asked "Other than what you've seen, I can poison and paralyse mortals with bites and my pheromones..."

"Basically whatever you'd expect from a giant spider-lady." Gregory butted in

The Jorōgumo led the group through the run-down streets of Domi and stopped in her tracks as her feet touched a pile of bones. "None of the Sontarans made it." She explained "The Tsuchigumo tore them to pieces." She pointed into the pile, showing the group that the pile was absent of any skulls before continuing to lead them to a building at the end of the street.

It was different from the other buildings, it appeared brand new as if it had been untouched by time itself.
[QUOTE="Some_Bloke]"I've never seen a Dogoo before." Clara replied "Let alone a Cyber-Dogoo." She smiled at the image of The Doctor playing video games "He does get competitive." She laughed "Chess, checkers, even Connect four. He said that a robotic dog beat him a chess once, but no one else has come close."

"Figured that much about him... But when we get Aigis, we'll go out shopping for some gear to better equip you two to fight Dogoo... I even snapped a pick of the lil' monsters with my phone." IF said as she showed a pic of a Dogoo on her phone

theManCalledSting said:
"Figured that much about him... But when we get Aigis, we'll go out shopping for some gear to better equip you two to fight Dogoo... I even snapped a pick of the lil' monsters with my phone." IF said as she showed a pic of a Dogoo on her phone

Clara stared at the image "Is that a disguise?" She asked "Those things don't look threatening. What kind of gear do we need to fight them?" The somewhat harmless appearance of the creatures reminded her of the Zygons and how they had masked their true form.
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[QUOTE="Some_Bloke]Clara stared at the image "Is that a disguise?" She asked "Those things don't look threatening. What kind of gear do we need to fight them?"
The somewhat harmless appearance of the creatures reminded her of the Zygons and how they had masked their true form.

"Nope, that what Dogoo look like... but they're dangerous if you're not equipped... Also how good are ya with a Sword?"
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theManCalledSting said:
"Nope, that what Dogoo look like... but they're dangerous if you're not equipped... Also how good are ya with a Sword?"
"I haven't used a sword before, but I know how to use an anti-Cyber gun." Clara explained
[QUOTE="Some_Bloke]"I haven't used a sword before, but I know how to use an anti-Cyber gun." Clara explained

"Cool, we have some in stock for Uni but I'm sure you can handle her guns..." IF said
theManCalledSting said:
"Cool, we have some in stock for Uni but I'm sure you can handle her guns..." IF said
"The Doctor doesn't like guns." Clara explained "I've never even seen him use one. I don't think he'd take the idea of me holding one very well, let alone pulling the trigger."
[QUOTE="Some_Bloke]"The Doctor doesn't like guns." Clara explained "I've never even seen him use one. I don't think he'd take the idea of me holding one very well, let alone pulling the trigger."

"Oh okay, then the sword then..." IF said as she hears metal clanking on the floor. "Hey, I think I hear someone walking towards us..."

@The Servant
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Domi System-Dying Universe

Revan: Following the group after seeing the giant bone monster consumed by the demon Yami, Revan removed one lightsaber hilt and kept a tight grip on it.

"That creature is not setting a foot on my ship," Revan stated with a hostile tone.

@Some_Bloke @TommyGun15
[QUOTE="Some_Bloke]"I've never seen a Dogoo before." Clara replied "Let alone a Cyber-Dogoo." She smiled at the image of The Doctor playing video games "He does get competitive." She laughed "Chess, checkers, even Connect four. He said that a robotic dog beat him a chess once, but no one else has come close."
"Capabilities?" The creature asked "Other than what you've seen, I can poison and paralyse mortals with bites and my pheromones..."

"Basically whatever you'd expect from a giant spider-lady." Gregory butted in

The Jorōgumo led the group through the run-down streets of Domi and stopped in her tracks as her feet touched a pile of bones. "None of the Sontarans made it." She explained "The Tsuchigumo tore them to pieces." She pointed into the pile, showing the group that the pile was absent of any skulls before continuing to lead them to a building at the end of the street.

It was different from the other buildings, it appeared brand new as if it had been untouched by time itself.

So you would not be able to see in the dark, then. Or you can, like other spiders. Asked Seth, now seeing his question was dumb.

Café-Neptunia Universe

Drake: Setting down his drink and reclining in his chair after finishing his meal, Drake pondered about the information he had just been told. It wasn't much, but it sounded like this world was just like his, only mixed with anime. Wonderful. That explained the not-so-threatening 'monsters.' What got him, however, was her mention of the Transformers. He wondered if they were the crappy Michael Bay knockoffs, or the OG Transformers from G1 he saw when he was young.

"Well, doesn't sound too difficult. If it means anything, I've faced off and won against gods and the equivalent of gods in my world. Couldn't kill them because I don't have the proper tools to kill them, but they wish they were dead," Drake said thinking of Surtur. "Anyways, you mentioned Transformers. What's the deal with that?"

apoliseno said:

Domi System-Dying Universe

Revan: Following the group after seeing the giant bone monster consumed by the demon Yami, Revan removed one lightsaber hilt and kept a tight grip on it.

"That creature is not setting a foot on my ship," Revan stated with a hostile tone.

@Some_Bloke @TommyGun15
Yami appeared beside Gregory, thousands of new eyes blinking across his skin for a moment before closing and fading. Since Yami couldn't insult Revan directly, he'd settle for sharing his views with Gregory.

"Oh, is he going to get that guy who can stop us? What was his name? Michael McDoesn'texist?"
apoliseno said:

Café-Neptunia Universe

Drake: Setting down his drink and reclining in his chair after finishing his meal, Drake pondered about the information he had just been told. It wasn't much, but it sounded like this world was just like his, only mixed with anime. Wonderful. That explained the not-so-threatening 'monsters.' What got him, however, was her mention of the Transformers. He wondered if they were the crappy Michael Bay knockoffs, or the OG Transformers from G1 he saw when he was young.

"Well, doesn't sound too difficult. If it means anything, I've faced off and won against gods and the equivalent of gods in my world. Couldn't kill them because I don't have the proper tools to kill them, but they wish they were dead," Drake said thinking of Surtur. "Anyways, you mentioned Transformers. What's the deal with that?"

"Your guess is as good as mine," MAGES. said. "The only ones I am familiar with are the crew of the Lost Light, but the Warworld... I feel like I've seen it somewhere before."
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theManCalledSting said:
"I don't think the Doctor's ready to go to Trenzalore Fields..." said Compa with a worried look on her face
"Well, I can wait. But we can't stand around here forever."

(@Some_Bloke you know someone's going to take advantage of the multiverse falling apart...)

Amidst all the chaos in Remnant with Daleks and Orcs burning cities...

The Criminals of Vale took this as an opportunity to loot Dust from shops and factories.

Roman Torchwick delivered a ton of Dust Crates to a mysterious woman in the shadows

"Oh, that's all? I was expecting more..." said the mystery woman...

"There, we've gathered all the dust in Vale, just like you asked... what more do you want!" Roman Torchwick exclaimed furiously

The lady waggled her finger in disapproval on Torchwick's manners, "Now now, say something nice..."

A White Fang member walked up to her and began a rant, "Well I would if we weren't sticking out our necks for you to gather Dust while the whole City's burning! I don't think the pay is even worth--" Before he knew it he was vaporized by the lady's weapon.

"Now, Roman... go on, say something nice..."

"Do you wish us to raid the Schnee Dust Company itself?" Roman said nervously

"Good boy."
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Domi: Dying Universe

Syeron stood next to Revan, drawing her lightsaber "He's right, she's too dangerous." She spoke in a grim tone

Gregory shut his eyes and sighed as the two Jedi spoke "Dammit Revan." He muttered "If you were going to tell her to bugger off, you should have done it when we were actually leaving this planet!" He snapped "Not when we're about to find the one thing we need!"

"So you never intended to get me out of here?" The creature asked, a look of anger on her face

"We have two ships." Gregory explained frantically "His ship and the Goose."

"Goose?" She asked

"You know, like Top Gun?" He asked, trying to shot her a reassuring smile. He was relieved to see that anger had changed to confusion and turned to Revan "She'll be on my ship in the prison bay." Gregory tried to reassure the Jedi

"And after that? Do you think the Knights will just let her go?" Syeron asked

"We talk to that Merchant fella and get him to dump her onto a world with her own people." Max butted in

"Own people..." The creature muttered "They'll kill me for what I have done!" She snapped

"Well we'll find a universe where they don't want you dead." Gregory tried to reassure her "The Multiverse is a 'ell of a big place."

She nodded in response and continued to lead the group towards the building, turning her attention to Seth "See in the dark, yes I can do that. Why do you ask?"

Gregory approached Revan and Syeron "The next time you want to throw this mission out of the fookin window, let me know in advance." He spoke with bitter sarcasm "I don't like working with creepy spider-lady monsters either but I'm using her to find this blade. The thing we both need. I need to kill Ultron and you need to kill the Emperor."


@The Servant
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[QUOTE="Some_Bloke]As Clara and IF heard the sound of metal footsteps, Clara began to step back "Right, em. Let me do the talking, but if anything goes wrong, you get ready to run, okay?" She spoke in a frantic tone

"What and miss out on the Exp and Credits? Fat Chance, not the first time I fought them!" IF said in a determined tone.

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