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Fandom "Tears" (a multi-fandom RP)

ryanpk200 said:
@TehFanzyBillCipher (Did you post in the TWD yet? I haven't been on much so I may have missed it.)
[Yeah. Don't remember what page but it was just Darius saying to join the club and saying who he was and presenting Shovel Knight. He explained to Crane about how he fights aliens in his home universe.]
TehFanzyBillCipher said:
[Yeah. Don't remember what page but it was just Darius saying to join the club and saying who he was and presenting Shovel Knight. He explained to Crane about how he fights aliens in his home universe.]
(Some_Bloke said some stuff. I was wondering about that. His characters sent us another letter. It was addressed to your characters so I didn't want to cut in.)
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apoliseno said:

A café-Neptunia Universe

Drake: After washing down the last bit of his first sandwich with his drink, Drake cleared his throat to explain.

"Well, where I come from, ancient Greek mythology is real and the gods of Olympus, uh, intermingle with mortals to create demigod children. I am a son of Hades, god of the Underworld and a few other wonderful things. And, as I've learned through my adventures, the gods have Roman counterparts and a whole other mess off Roman demigods who built a "New Rome" in California. I've also seen Egyptian mythology and Norse mythology in my universe as well. Yeah, so I spend my time at a camp full of Greek demigods doing fun camp stuff like arts and crafts, archery classes, sword fighting lessons, lava rock wall, and more fun stuff. Anyways, what about here?"

MAGES. drinks a can of Doc P and says, "Just about what you have in your dimension and so much more, just recently had some Cybertronians staying over, I think one of them was a Captain Rodimus of the Lost Light."


Omega Station; Laboratory (Sonic 06 Alternate Universe)

The Omega Station was a coastal facility. That much could be discerned at first glance. Its metal and concrete spread across much of the beach and cliffsides of the area and the pipework of its forges and bays poked out of the ground. Sewage pipes trickled congealed muck and waste into the unnaturally low tide of the burned world and smokestacks gently breathed their own brand of ash into the thick sky above. The intestines of the facility were carved miles deep; corridors and subterranean factory floors the likes of which once worked tirelessly to bully the world above as their creator decreed. Now, though, they were dormant, and had been for a very long time.

Despite their derelict status, the manmade shapes of the Omega Station still held the secrets and strengths of the greatest height of the old world. One such secret had been disturbed by two creatures very recently. One was a purple cat, her mane in poor keep and her eyes strained by many hours of exhausting struggle and plenty of sleepless nights. The other was a sickly hedgehog, his black and grey quills slicked back behind his head. His cracking fingers poked at keyboards and consoles in the room the two were in. A large ring of unmarked technology was embedded in the wall. Within the ring were odd scorch marks that lacked streak or direction; just a circle of soot on the wall. The pale faced hedgehog lacked a mouth and his eyes were glassy and unfocused. Whoever he was, his body was naught but a flesh puppet on strings, if it was even flesh to begin with. The purple cat sat in the corner quietly, arms around her shoulders as she waited.

Eventually he spoke, his voice dislocated and strange, as if he were speaking not from a mouth but from within one's head. "Yes. I have found his path." he said. Blaze looked up and got to her feet, hurrying over and looking at the consoles in concern, not finding anything she understood of this mess of technical terms and strings of code. Her brow furrowed in total lack of understanding. "The coordinates, which means where he went, are still in the computer" he said slowly and carefully to the not unintelligent but decidedly uneducated feline.


"I have programmed, which means told, the computer to send you there as well when it's activated, though you will have to be standing in the portal for it to work or its last use will be wasted. I will not be able to follow. You understand this?" he asked her, lowering his head to meet her gaze as he held her shoulder. The gesture would have much more meaning if his eyes weren't glassy and creepy, but she nods. He pats her back and resumes computering. She heads over to the portal and stands in the wall mounted ring, waiting. After a few moments he looks over to her and she takes a few breaths to relax before giving him a stern look and straightening her shoulders.

"Do it." she commands and he nods, pulling a lever. The room rumbles to life as the ring shudders and the metal parts begin to move in a circle around her. She closes her eyes and clenches her fists, trying not to panic. Old world technology was often unpredictable, frightening and above all dangerous, and this could be no different. Her scars from dozens of previous mishaps with the centuries old weapons and machines of the world instilled a keen wariness in her that she found difficult to suppress...

Electrical bolts arced all up and down the room as the metal ring spun faster and faster until it was a blur, shaking the entire structure and creating a deafening hum. The noise builds and builds, the room getting brighter and brighter, until her conscious vanishes in an instant with a flash that would blind most species completely. The ring is all that's left, and even as the equipment begins to spin down with a lowering whir parts begin to melt and fall away until the room comes apart at the seams, that entire half tearing away and collapsing down into a cavernous network of wires, beams and other excessively technological things that kept the portal running. The revolutionary technology tumbles down, down, down below with not even a sound of impact long after it vanishes into the dark.

Mephiles approaches the edge of the room, peering down into the abyss with a sharply raised eyebrow.

ATLANTA, not Boston (The Walking Dead)

A portal manifests abruptly in a wet, dark back alley with a crackle and snap. It buzzes threateningly and after a moment Blaze is... 'deposited' into the alley, facefirst. She crashes to the ground in a murky puddle, defying the age old legend about cats always landing on their feet. The portal snaps out of the universe, leaving her alone, face down in the puddle. She groans and pushes herself up, wincing and blinking the water out of her eyes before sitting herself against the alley wall to wipe her face dry.
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Histoire recites another passage of the prophecy.

"As Metal Men stand on Gamindustri, Darkness Rises, So Old that it was not seen by the keeper of History."

@Some_Bloke @apoliseno @TommyGun15

Within Aigis' Room in the TARDIS

Histoire's recital of the Prophecy is being broadcast through out the whole TARDIS

"The Girl who walked in the dark hour

She shall walk in the dark once more

Once The Doctor walks on Trenzalore"


-System Rebooting, System Rebooting-


-Initiating Full Mechanical Analysis. Please stand by-

"...Where am I?..."

As Aigis' inner workings began the restarting process the female android subconsciously found herself floating inside of a pitch black void. She tried to move, but her limbs wouldn't budge. She tried speaking and yelling, but no sound would come out of her mouth. Aigis' body was left to the mercy of the dark void that surrounded her, with nothing else but her thoughts to keep her company.

"What happened to me?...What's going on?...Is this the end for me?..."

-Analysis complete. Minor damage taken to the movement system. Heavy damage taken to the memory system. Please seek attention immediately. The Anti Shadow weapon, Aigis, is ready. Initiating awakening process-

Aigis attentively listened to the male voice that echoed through the dark void before she slowly began drifting back into reality. A part of her knew that something terrible must've happened in the real world, but her damaged memories made it impossible for her to remember what it was. Not knowing what expected her on the other side made Aigis began prepare for the worst case scenario.

"The Girl who walked in the dark hour.

She shall walk in the dark once more.

Once The Doctor walks on Trenzalore."

The sound of what seemed to be some sort of speech was the first sign for Aigis that her mind was slowly returning to her body. Though very distant and faint at first with each passing second the voice gradually became louder and louder. Aigis could clearly hear each word that the voice spoke, but the meaning behind them was a mystery to her. Feeling a swift charge of energy flowing through her body made Aigis slowly begin to open her eyes only to almost immediately close them again after a bright light blinded her sight. Feeling that her eyes had finally adjusted to the light encouraged Aigis to look around. The room in which she laid was almost completely made out of a material that looked similar to metal and as far as she could see there were signs of another being inside of it.

"...I need to get out of here..." Aigis thought as she cautiously began standing up. If she was in fact kidnapped by an enemy Aigis knew that this could be her only chance to escape. With her guns ready Aigis silently moved towards the door.

(I apologize for any grammar mistakes that I may have missed correcting. Also, let me know if I made any mistakes regarding the RP)
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TommyGun15 said:
Yami began to cackle madly, black flames covering his body. In a flash of dark fire, he vanished.
Above them, a cloud of inky black shadow hovered over the Gashadokuro. A pair of gigantic arms, long and thing for their size yet still as big around as a tree, shot out of the cloud, grabbing the huge skeleton by the head. The beast was dragged into the cloud as Yami's laugh howled overhead. For a few moments there was the sound of breaking bones, gnashing teeth, and laughter. Then a rain of bones, most of them old and decayed, fell from the cloud. After the rain stopped, the cloud dissipated, and was gone.
"Holy shit." Max muttered "I need a drink."

"Me too." Gregory replied "Right, let's find this blade and get the fook out of here."

The Jorōgumo had a horrified look on her face as the Gashadokuro's bones fell to the ground. She looked at the spear "Demon." She muttered, a tremble in her voice.

"No such things as demons." Gregory reassured her "I don't really know what Yami is, but I know he's not a demon."

"What makes you so sure?"

"Let's just find this blade." Gregory spoke, scanning for energy signatures. Mil activated it's omni-tool and attempted to scan as well.

"I know where it is!" The Jorōgumo shouted

"Syeron, can you do that thing to see if she's telling the truth?" Max asked, getting a nod from her in response. She knelt down so that her face and the face of the creature met

"Why are you helping us?" She asked, waving two fingers in front of her face

"I want something in return. A way off this planet."

"Deal." Max stated, shrugging is shoulders

"Max, can I talk to you for a second?" Gregory asked, leading him to a corner in the cellar.

"Are you mental?" He asked

"Maybe." Max shrugged "I haven't had a drink since we were in that castle."

"We can't trust it." Gregory snapped

"I think we can. Look at her face, Gregory. She's desperate and afraid. If she can help us find this blade, we won't have to stay on this shithole of a planet for long. Christ knows what else is on this rock."

Gregory studied the creature's face "If you try anything Charlotte, I will kill you. It will be slow and painful." He threatened, getting a nod from the creature in response. She walked to the cellar door and led the group outside.


@The Servant
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theManCalledSting said:
"I am Histoire, the Tome of Gameindustri and the keeper of its secrets... though what lays in Trenzalore is unknown even to me."
"Incorrect, human, the metal men that Histoire speaks of are my people!" said Megatron.

"Oh I have to! I'm already in Gamindustry... and it's being over run by Transformers... you know like that toy! The one that transforms into a cannon thing!" said the Doctor as he tried to describe the Galvatron toy G1 Galvatron in Doctor Who - TFW2005.com
"But those are just toys." Clara replied, slightly confused "Just stories. Doctor, what is going on?"
[QUOTE="Some_Bloke]"But those are just toys." Clara replied, slightly confused "Just stories. Doctor, what is going on?"

"Sorry, I'm still trying to figure that one out... I remember one of them being a Dalek. Besides, the universe is very very big, Clara and we're all stories in the end." the Doctor answered Clara

"So, Clara wanna go welcome the Doctor's Patient with me?" asked IF
theManCalledSting said:
"Sorry, I'm still trying to figure that one out... I remember one of them being a Dalek. Besides, the universe is very very big, Clara and we're all stories in the end." the Doctor answered Clara
"So, Clara wanna go welcome the Doctor's Patient with me?" asked IF
"Okay." Clara shrugged "Is she okay?" She asked, concern in her voice
[QUOTE="Some_Bloke]"Okay." Clara shrugged "Is she okay?" She asked, concern in her voice

"Well she just got up but it wouldn't hurt to check it out," replied IF.

@The Servant
theManCalledSting said:
@The Servant
"Trenzalore is where The Doctor dies." Clara replied grimly "When we travelled there it was to rescue some of our friends. I can't imagine how he felt, seeing his own grave, seeing the TARDIS destroyed..." She paused "I met him because my Wifi stopped working, what about you?" Clara tried to change the topic, not wanting to think about her friend's tomb or stepping into his timeline.
[QUOTE="Some_Bloke]"Trenzalore is where The Doctor dies." Clara replied grimly "When we travelled there it was to rescue some of our friends. I can't imagine how he felt, seeing his own grave, seeing the TARDIS destroyed..." She paused "I met him because my Wifi stopped working, what about you?" Clara tried to change the topic, not wanting to think about her friend's tomb or stepping into his timeline.

"Met him, when when the Cybermen invaded Gamindustri, Ever seen a Cyber-Dogoo? They look super weird. Then I bumped into him again when I was wandering around Leanbox with Lady Vert... My Lady challenged him to a video game... well actually she challenged him to a lot of them... and she couldn't even beat him... got himself banned from the Kingdom because of it, I tried convincing her to at least let him attend our wedding since he saved Nep and Compa from an army of Dogoo but you know Goddesses..." IF replied.
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