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Fandom "Tears" (a multi-fandom RP)

TommyGun15 said:
Snake returned with the C4. He waited for the Doctor to finish his call before planting it.
"And Monaca... When I'm done with your little Dalek Factory... Run... Find a way to get off of your wheelchair and run!"
theManCalledSting said:
"And Monaca... When I'm done with your little Dalek Factory... Run... Find a way to get off of your wheelchair and run!"
Snake looked at the wretched thing in the glass Dalek.

"We should probably destroy the whole building. This might not be the only prototype."
TommyGun15 said:
Snake looked at the wretched thing in the glass Dalek.
"We should probably destroy the whole building. This might not be the only prototype."
"Problem with that is we'd be killing everyone else in this building..."
theManCalledSting said:
"Problem with that is we'd be killing everyone else in this building..."
Snake tapped the Doctor on the shoulder and pointed at a nearby wall. On it was a fire alarm.
theManCalledSting said:
"Then grant him his dying wish then..."
"Alright. When I give the thumbs up, you pull the alarm and we book it back to the TARDIS. Once everyone has evacuated, I'll flip the switch and this place will topple."

Snake began setting up the C4.
TommyGun15 said:
"Alright. When I give the thumbs up, you pull the alarm and we book it back to the TARDIS. Once everyone has evacuated, I'll flip the switch and this place will topple."
Snake began setting up the C4.
"Okay, give me the signal and we start running..." @apoliseno
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/Wrestlemania_32_logo.png.057dfc433665d2f8cd2e58485293e681.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="81159" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/Wrestlemania_32_logo.png.057dfc433665d2f8cd2e58485293e681.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Kevin Owens hit Ruby with a hard chair shot to the gut and then to her back. Owens then made for the cover the referee gets himself in position to count the pin.



Ruby then kicked out.

Kevin Owens then picks her up and throws her to the ropes to prepair for a "Pop-Up Powerbomb"

However Ruby in mid-air was able to grab his arm and bring him down for a "Crossface" Submission hold.

"ASK HIM!" yelled Ruby to the Referee as she begins wrenching back to apply more pressue to Kevin Owens.

Kevin Owens then attempts to free himself from the hold by prying Ruby's hands off of him.

Ruby losing grip decided to switch focuse to Owens' Arm and she then applied the "Disarmer" Submission hold, a Seated Fujiwara Armbar.

"TAP!" screamed Ruby as she pulled back on Owens' Arm.

The Crowd in the AT&T Stadium begin to chant "TAP OWENS, TAP!"

Owens tried to pull his arm away from Ruby by rolling her off of his back.

Ruby noticed this and flipped to his legs and quickly applied a "Figure-Four Leg Lock" then she raised her body with her arms to apply more pressure.

"TAP!" screamed Ruby but her arms were begining to loose their strength and she releases Owens from the Submission hold and backed up to a corner.

Kevin Owens used the Ring Ropes to bring himself back up in a standing position.

Kevin Owens then Charged at Ruby.

Ruby countered with a Belly-to-Belly Suplex which made the fans in the AT&T Stadium chant "This is Awesome!"

"Wow, I never knew Ruby can do that!" said Yang who was very impressed by her Sister's very fluid transitions between submission holds.

"The 'Bank Statement' into the 'Dis-Arm-Her' then once more to the 'Figure-Eight' and finally to a 'Bailey-to-Belly'! Ruby paying tribute to her mentors the 'Four Horsewomen' of NXT!" called Michael Cole.

Ruby and Owens where both lying on the matt.

The Dueling Chants of "Let's Go Ruby!" and "Fight Owens, Fight!" begin again.

Kevin Owens got up first and then Ruby.

Ruby then used the Ring ropes to increase her momentum as she ran at Kevin Owens.

Kevin Owens then countered it to his Finishing Manuver "Pop-Up Powerbomb" as he tossed her up in the air and forcibly slams her to the matt. He pinned the prown Ruby Rose.



Ruby kicks out once again! Much to the shock of the Intercontinental Champion!

"Oh my! The Heart and the Spirit of the One Diva Revolution just will not quit!" said Michael Cole.

Kevin Owens sat up and began to plan out his next move.

"I don't like the look in the eyes of Kevin Owens!" said Cole.

Furious by Ruby's persistance Kevin Owens as he made his way to the ringside area and in front of where Weiss and Blake are sitting. Kevin Owens searches for a new weapon to use on Ruby.

Owens found it... a 2x4 wrapped in Barbed wire.

"You better not think of even using that on her, you brute!" called out Weiss making Kevin Owens to drop the 2x4 and approch her.

"Or, what?" shrugged Owens

"Or I will make sure you'll never work in this company again!" answered Weiss with venom in her voice...

Owens mearly smirked and turned his back on Weiss for a brief second before turning back around and giving Weiss a hard shot with his elbow.

Owens grabbed Weiss by her collar and continued hitting her with more elbow shots.

"The Disrespect from Kevin Owens! She's not even officially cleared to compete and now he's attacking her!" cried out Michael Cole

"You! Keep! Your! Hands! OFF! OF! HER!!!" yelled Ruby from Off-Screen before nailing Kevin Owens with a Super Kick that brought the big man down.

Ruby then turned her attentions to Weiss and asked "You okay, Weiss?"

"Of Course I am, you dolt! I had worse! Keep your focus on the match!" Weiss Snapped at Ruby who only gave her a smile in responce.

Weiss blushed once she saw Ruby's smile.

Kevin Owens from off-screen hits Ruby in the head with a sledgehammer

"Taking a page from our COO, Triple H! This is why the smart money is on Kevin Owens! He knows when a oppertunity is in front of him and he's gonna take!" praised JBL

Owens then Grabbed Ruby by the hair and shouted at her, "You only have yourself to blame!" as he lifts her up for a powerbomb.

"Oh my! How many times have we've seen Kevin Owens used this to take out other WWE superstars?" said Michael Cole recounting the times Owens Powerbombed his opponents on to the ring apron causing them serious injury.

Ruby as if it was by reflex counter it into a huricanrana to the steel steps causing Owens to fall down in pain and give Ruby a chance to recover.

"Unfortunately this isn't a Falls Count Anywhere Match! Ruby needs to somehow lift Kevin Owens back on his feet and get him in the ring if she is going to win this!" commentated Cole

"What I tell ya! She's a stupid girl who has no business being in the WWE!" replied JBL

"Come on baby sis, you can do this!" Yang yelled at Ruby to get her back on her feet.

Ruby down on the ground heard her older sister's voice... and weakly said, "Yang?"

Yang then began a chant of her own, "Let's go Ruby!" she clapped rythmicly to pump up the crowd

"What's this! It appears that the WWE Universe is trying to will the One Diva Revolution to get back up on her feet and press on with the match!" stated Cole.

Ruby jumped back up to her feet causing the crowd to cheer wildly.

Ruby then focused all her agression on Kevin Owens. Hitting him with a combination of kicks.

The Dallas Crowd begin to chant "Yes!" each "Yes!" as timed to her Kicks.

"There's those educated feet of Ruby Rose!" commentated Cole.

Ruby windded up for an huge spinning heel kick to the side of Owens' head.


This caused Kevin Owens to fall down once more to the floor but it also took a lot out of Ruby herself and she as well collasped from exhaustion.

Ruby used all her might to stand up.

Kevin Owens stands up but dazed he then noticed Ruby and grabbed her by the shoulder and tossed her through the bottom rope and back into the ring.

Kevin Owens then searches for a different Item and finds a Table.

Owens brings out the wooden Table and tosses it over the top rope it narrowly misses the still prown body of Ruby.

The Crowd then Chanted "WE! WANT! TABLES!"

"Oh no..." muttered Weiss as she knows what this may mean for Ruby.

Kevin Owens then set up the Table for the finish.

He grabbed Ruby by the Hair and said, "This is where your fairytale ends, kid!"

Ruby gives Owens a spinning heel kick in responce and made her way to the top rope while Owens was still prown.

Owens however recovered and rushed at Ruby while she wast still perched on the top rope.

Kevin Owens gives Ruby a stiff shot with his elbow, he then climbed to the top rope and prepared to give her a Piledriver off the top rope and on to a near by table, the sight of Kevin Owens using his old finishing manuver caused the Dallas, Texas Crowd to chant "KILL! OWENS! KILL!"

Owens jumps off the top rope with Ruby and delivers the Piledriver through a table... Owens quickly made a pin as the referee began his count...


"Come on, Baby sis, you can do it..." thought Yang.


"Kick out you, Dunce..." thought Weiss.

Ruby kicks out of the pin much to the shock of Kevin Owens...

Weiss jumps up in glee in seeing this

"Like I said, Suigintou... Ruby's one tough Cookie..." boasted Yang with pride.

Suigintou only looked on at the match

'So this is 'wrestling'," the Rozen Maiden doll thought to herself as the Crowd began another "THIS! IS! WRESTLING!" Chant

"That was a three..." argued Kevin Owens with the Referee

"Sorry Kev, she kicked out." retorted the Referee.

Kevin Owens grabed the official by the collar and said, "You counted too slow!" and shoved the referee down to the mat.

Kevin Owens turned his attention to Ruby who was still down from the pervious move...

Kevin Owens grabbed Ruby by her hair and shouted, "DON'T YOU GET IT, KID! JUST STAY DOWN!!!"

Ruby in responce gave him a slap across the face.

"A Defiant Slap across the face of Kevin Owens from the one Diva Revolution!" said Michael Cole

"That's a stupid move, from a stupid girl and she's about to get what's comin' to her!" said JBL

The slap simply enraged Owens as he brough her up on his shoulders for an F5, a move made famous by one Brock Lesnar.

Before Owens performed the move he shouted, "Play Time's Over, Kid!"

Miraculously, Ruby reverses the F5 into a tornado DDT onto a folded steel chair leaving the two both down on the ground...

"Come on! Cover him!!" said Michael Cole

but instead of doing what was suggested, Ruby then lept to her feet and made her way to the top rope.

"What in the hell is she doin'?!" said JBL

"You Got to be kidding me, Ruby..." said Weiss as she clasp her hand over her mouth

"She's not actually thinking of doing that move, she never pulled it off!" stated Blake.

Ruby is now perched on the top rope and mentally prepare herself for the finish...

Her mind then flashes back to the performance center and how she was never really able to pull off the move... but this night was different... her whole team's here and they're counting on her, she stood up and performs a modified version of Neville's "Red Arrow" manuver which she calls "Crescent Rose".

She hits her target and quickly went for the pin...

The Referee quickly went in for the count




"I can't believe it! She's done it! Ladies and Gentlemen, we have a new Intercontinental Champion! Will things in the WWE ever be the same again?" said Michael Cole

Upon hearing the 3 count Ruby sat up and tears of joy started flowing from her eyes.

The referee then hands the Intercontinental Championship to Ruby as Rose Petals decend from the rafters indicating without a shadow of a doubt that she was victorious over the villainous Kevin Owens.

"The Winner and NEW Intercontinental Champion: Ruby Rose!" announced Howard Finkle

Weiss, Blake and Yang jumped the barricade to Celebrate Ruby's victory while "This will be the Day" played in the background.

Weiss hugged Ruby and whispered to her, "You almost got yourself killed."

"You never change do you, Weiss," retorted

Weiss then countered with, "Oh shut up," then quickly gave her a peck on the cheek causing Ruby to Blush and shut up.

Blake followed with a hug with the two.

Yang joined in on the Group Hug as Michael Cole comments on the scene, "Ruby Rose, this is your WrestleMania momment! And you've earned it!"

"While I may not like her, she has earned my respect, Maggle," said JBL

"I missed you guys," said Yang to her now found teammates as they raised their hands together to a cheering audience.

"Yang, where've you've been?" asked Ruby.

"I should be one asking that question, sis."



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The Merchant tightened his grip "Beyond your power, demon. But not beyond mine." He spoke in a bitter tone "I could tear you apart and take her soul by force...You are testing my patience." He tossed Yami to the ground.



As the group headed to Mother Brain's Lair, a group of Torizo Guards, the robotic chicken guardins made by the Chozo but replicated by the Space Pirates arrived. One of the more deadly creatures of the Pirates.


The Torizos were 2 and there was a constant buzzing. They arrived infront of The Doctor's group and looked at them with their blank eyes. They approached slowly, their bodies of flesh and metal clanging against the space station's floor. A distinct and loud buzzing and screech came from them in unison as they randomly leaped onto the group, claws fist to catch the Doctor and his allies with a surprising agility.



TehFanzyMetroid said:
As the group headed to Mother Brain's Lair, a group of Torizo Guards, the robotic chicken guardins made by the Chozo but replicated by the Space Pirates arrived. One of the more deadly creatures of the Pirates.


The Torizos were 2 and there was a constant buzzing. They arrived infront of The Doctor's group and looked at them with their blank eyes. They approached slowly, their bodies of flesh and metal clanging against the space station's floor. A distinct and loud buzzing and screech came from them in unison as they randomly leaped onto the group, claws fist to catch the Doctor and his allies with a surprising agility.





Nikita stepped in front of the Doctor, shielding the Time Lord with her armour before flying towards the Torizos at full speed. Tesla replied to this by opening fire with his shotgun.
Nikita stepped in front of the Doctor, shielding the Time Lord with her armour before flying towards the Torizos at full speed. Tesla replied to this by opening fire with his shotgun.


The shotgun bullets only slowed the one Torizo down as it ran towards Tesla and Stevenson. The other one jumped in the air to swipe their claws at her when she came close, causing her to fall. The other one threw explosive seeds from his mouth and Stevenson and Tesla.
TehFanzyMetroid said:
The shotgun bullets only slowed the one Torizo down as it ran towards Tesla and Stevenson. The other one jumped in the air to swipe their claws at her when she came close, causing her to fall. The other one threw explosive seeds from his mouth and Stevenson and Tesla.

The Doctor used his sonic screwdriver on the explosive, causing it to go off before it could reach Stevenson or Tesla while Nikita simply stood to her feet, brushing off the attack and drew her energy sword, aiming for the Torinzo's head.

Tesla continued to open fire with his UV shotgun, switching to the UV mode and blasting the Torinzo with ultraviolet light in an attempt to blind it.

Near Skylar's location, and large Orc patrol consisting of sixty Orcs armed with swords and bows following a large Orc Captain passes by. Spotting the trespasser hiding under a catwalk, the Orcs surround the spy as the Captain speaks.

"Look like we have an unwelcomed visitor, boys. Bind him in chains and bring him to Barad Dur!"
TommyGun15 said:
Yami lifted himself to one knee. He glared angrily at The Merchant.
"What use have you for her soul? Tell me that and I will surrender it."
"Use?" The Merchant asked, almost appearing confused by the question "None. I only believe that those that serve my interests should be rewarded."
[QUOTE="Some_Bloke]"Use?" The Merchant asked, almost appearing confused by the question "None. I only believe that those that serve my interests should be rewarded."

Yami frowned.

"Very well. You gave me your reason, and I will give you her soul. That was our bargain."

Yami bowed his head and held out his eye, an image of Harley still curled up within.
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TommyGun15 said:
Yami frowned.
"Very well. You gave me your reason, and I will give you here soul. That was our bargain."

Yami bowed his head and held out his eye, an image of Harley still curled up within.
The Merchant took the eye, clutching it in one hand and shutting his own. Golden energy surrounded his hand, causing it to glow and he smiled in response. When he opened the palm of his hand, a light blue flame was in place of the eye.

"May you drift towards the far green country under the swift sunrise." He spoke in a soft tone, releasing the soul. It drifted to the skies of the planet and disappeared "Unlike the other two, I have a few friends in the afterlife who aren't demons." He explained "It's waiting for her."

"Is you're right, does that mean?.." Gregory asked

"Those we love are waiting for us on the other side?" The Merchant asked "Yes, however the Joker will not be waiting for her. He has far too much innocent blood on his hands."

The Merchant turned away from Yami and began walking back towards the Knights "Are you coming or not?" He asked "We know how to defeat Ultron."



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Reborn World

How are we supposed to kill him! He's basically a god! Exclaimed Seth, not knowing how they were supposed to kill a god.


The Torizo jumped back mid air before gurgling out other explosives onto Nikitia, having dodged her swipe. The other one ran at top speeds to The Doctor to tackle him onto the ground as the UV lights only stunned him before getting back to business.


Drake: Dodging a seed attack from one of the Torizos, Drake slammed his right foot into the ground and a line of green flames snaked towards the Torizo assaulting the Doctor and encircled it. Lines of green flames shot forth from the ring and subdued the creature, pulling back on its arms and legs. It took all of his focus and energy just to keep the one pinned.

"Doctor, run! I can't hold it much longer!" Drake yelled.

Kaiden: Having followed the Doctor's group, Kaiden jumped from the shadows and launched a Nova Bomb at the Torizo in the air before taking Raze Lighter out, hoping to intercept the thing.

RWBY Universe

Skylar: Having been found out, Skylar stepped forward with his hands held in the air.

"I have come without hostile intentions. I wish an audience with your leader," he said with a quivering voice. It wasn't secretive that he was scared.

Titan Tower-Metal Gear Universe

Arrow: Oliver didn't condone the Doctor's decision, but he might as well play along with them for now.

"Then get these people out of here! No bombs will be going off if even one civilian is left. And Snake, I'll hold you accountable if you kill a single innocent. You won't like that," Oliver said menacingly.

@theManCalledSting @TehFanzyMetroid @Barbas

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