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Fantasy Team Hades



Jet lead the pack, being a fleet footed Son of Hermes. The rest of the group was at maximum a half kilometer behind him, following at their own pace. Team Zeus was holding a strategy meeting on the thirty second floor of the Empire State Building. This is why they sent him first. Members of the Hermes family can go anywhere. Walk on walls, water, even walk on air with a running start. Picking up the pace with the building in sight, he launched himself off the ground hard. His eyes lit up a dark blue as he activated the power of Hermes, his feet hitting the air beneath him as if it were a solid object.

He tapped the microphone on his inner cheek with his tongue to activate it. It was created by Hephaestus, a valuable piece of technology that Jet had stolen before Zeus' disappearance. It was so sensitive to vibrations that all Jet had to do was lightly hum to get his message across to the rest of the group.

"Coming in contact with the Empire State Building in thirty seconds. I will land twelve floors below their meeting point. If you fucks are late, I'm leaving. Hermes' only instructions for me was to get you in the building."

He landed on the outer wall of the 20th floor, scaled up five more levels and pushed a grappling line into the wall. The rope used the magic of Hephaestus (another stolen trinket) and the rope extended downward indefinitely.

"Thirty seconds."

@XXXIwolf @ColonelMustang @IronManatee
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"There's the rope, all right team let's pick up the pace we've got a schedule to keep." Decker grabbed the rope and gave it a strong pull before he began to climb up. As he climbed Decker began to hum a tune as he wonder what their main objective was. "Hey Jet, do you know or remember what our objective here is? I mean I'm pretty sure I was nursing a major hangover during the meeting and for the life of me can't remember."
Serenity was surprised when she heard Jet's voice through a small speaker in her ear. "I'm sorry that I don't want to get all dirty. You know these clothes weren't just some cheaply made clothes. They come from overseas and are made out of real silk.", she started holding a preach, feeling that Jet had especially adressed her since she was the last in line.

As they walked closer towards the Empire State Building she noticed a rope hanging from the wall. She sighed heavily. "Climbing? Me?.. Why couldn't we simply do it the easy way...", she thought to herself. When she arrived at the end of the building she paused for a moment before grabbing the rope. "Alright, here we go.", she murmured under her breath as she heaved herself up.
Juliette let out an inpatient growl. How did she get stuck behind Serenity? Oh yeah she had been tasked in making sure Miss. Prim and Proper was actually on time for a mission for once. Giving a slight chuckle at Decker's hangover comment she decided to chime in.

"Okay basic run down we are to crash the enemies meeting and get as much info as we can," she told the older man her voice a dull monotone. Turning off the mic she looked at Serenity as she continued to climb at an agonizingly slow pace.

"Come on Ser speed it up would you," she growled out at the girl.
Lisa follows behind the rest of her team. It was a good thing she has experience with annoying brats like these loons. "Bunch of rookies." She mutters under her breath and rolling her eyes. She was use to breaking entries, doing any criminal activity of any sort. She was more experienced. These people were quite annoying. Especially the drama queen up ahead worried about looks. If she wore a dress at these kinds of things, it was a bad idea. Most likely to get killed. Shit if she cared who dies. She was out for herself. That's why she was a follower for Hades. She was tolerable and able to speak at the right time knowing just what to say or do. Her black gloves holding onto the rope tightly lost in thought.

"Focus, ladies. Serenity, are you sure you want to be climbing a rope with a dress on?" Jet chuckled. She may not be the blood relative of Aphrodite, but ooh... Yeah, he'd hit it. "How's the view, Juliette?" He teasingly called down to the girl behind Serenity, who would be immediately under her as they climbed. Looking down on the assortment of demigods climbing the building, he nodded. This was only the first wave. [Those who have not yet posted, but have a CS, may join at any time as part of the second wave of attacks, if the conflict has not ended yet.]

Jet hummed as they climbed up to his a few feet below him. He tapped the glass in front of him and tossed up a Blackout. [it's like an lightly updated version of an EMP. It's focused on a specific building.] Hephaestus's version would have done a better job, working instantly instead of taking a few seconds to take full effect. As well there wouldn't have had to be any preparation before use. It would have just worked. Sometimes Jet wished that Hephaestus would have joined their side instead. Oh well, that should be good enough for now.

As the building's light flickered black, Jet busted open the window and ushered the other demigods inside. As they made their way, Jet launched himself up the building to the level where Team Zeus was holding their meeting. With a red can of spray paint, he wrote "Team Hades" across the exterior windshield and launched off the wall at nearly 100 mph.

"Have fun kids!"

Begin Conflict

[Okay so all this means is that you're going to temporarily move into the main chat for the duration of the conflict. The reason I made two separate chats is because both teams aren't going to be at the same place at the same time, and if you have two large parties talking about two different events at different locations, then it could get really confusing as to what's going on. So, for the duration of the Conflict until I make a God or Jet post that ends with 'Conflict End' at the bottom, we will be continuing the roleplay in Main Chat. PM me with any questions.]

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