TBD (Ampersand & GinjaGen)

Ha, yeah it did!

I think the best coop writing is when everyone knows what's coming so they can tailor their writing towards it, if necessary. So, here's what I had in mind.

We clear the way towards the maintenance access door and are about to leave when Rudii refuses to come with us. He insists on finishing the data transfer with Lodo, despite the basement filling with smoke and embers. We escape through the tunnels and as soon as we come surface-side, Vrath and his friends are waiting for us. I'm picturing us opening a manhole cover and literally being lifted out by two of his waiting goons. Down the street we see Rudii's shop collapse in a fury of flames as we're escorted at gunpoint into a waiting van.
i like that plan! And one of them reaches the top first, says something along the line of "Crap," and then when the others question and join whoever at the top, they see them surrounded with Vrath just standing there grinning.
Awesome, I'm excited to get back on track. I've hardly been home since I achieved freedom, but things will settle down in the next day or so. We'll get our pace back.
Hey, I'm still alive! So sorry for peacing out--I took a much needed month-long vacation away from computers or internet. I was seriously burned out after that gig.

I'm going back to read up to our last posts and get into the mood again.
Yay! Life! Hahaha no problem! I would take a vacation if I could! I'm jealous! Did you have a good time?

As usual, no rush ;)
Hey, let me know if I bounce too far ahead in one post and if you want me to cut it in half so Ayala and Kader can interact in that moment. I'm trying to get the plot moving quickly so we can get some good traction into our adventure!

We're off to see the big boss man. And spoilers, Lodo just may make it out of the electronics shop with a certain something of data inside him.
I'm working on my post now! I will definitely let you know if you go farther than I would like, but I don't think that will be a problem. (I'm pretty sure Kader wants to get the heck out of the sewers).

As for this scene, I was just basically gonna have them say "crap"
Oh no, I totally missed your last post! I thought you got busy or something and it was still your turn. I'm on it!
Hahaha, not a problem! That's exactly what I thought I'd done! And like I've said many times before, I'm never in any rush. :)

How've you been?
Summer has been great! My buddies and I rented a 15-passenger van and drove all the way across the US to GenCon last month. It's the worlds largest tabletop gaming con--boardgames, RPGs, you name it. Other than that, keeping busy working. Business picked up quite a bit recently.

How about you?
Wow! That's awesome! I'm super jealous! I've driven across the US before, but never for fun exactly! Was GenCon good? Find any good games?

Congratulations on the increased work! Money is good, though I hope you also get rest!

I've been alright. Had lots of work and schoolwork this summer, but it's nothing new. Did make it to the beach on one of my days off, thankfully, so I officially call the summer a success!
Ha, money is good! Though, so is rest.

GenCon was fantastic! There were so many amazing games and people at GenCon; our crew brought back quite a haul. My personal find was the Cypher System Rulebook. It's an RPG system, like Dungeons & Dragons, but much much simpler, and far more versatile. It's not limited to just fantasy. It's been great for introducing friends to RPGs who've never played before--I just started running a cyberpunk campaign and they really love it so far.

With summer break over, are you excited to be back?
I left it open at the end there in case Ayala wanted to yell any last minute remarks to Duncan. Or to Vrath as he carries her away.


So I'm setting the scene up for Kader to use his hacking/computer skills to get them out of there (leading us out of the compound, and eventually off-world), but not before a certain someone comes to their immediate rescue.
Sorry I didn't see your previous message!

I'm glad Gencon was great! Cypher System Rulebook... I'm going to have to take a look at that! I have some cousins who are interested, but found D&D a bit hard to get accustomed to.

I have mixed feelings about being back at school and work, but then again, It's getting me where I want to be, so I guess I can put up with it :P

And thank you. I was thinking of quips for Ayala to yell at Duncan... and Vraith.... They're both going to get some interesting insults.

And Kader is going to LOVE that. (The hacking, not the rescue)

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