[Tales of The Mastah] TotM - A KoC Fan Comic

Tales of the Mastah 13


Thanks everyone for the well wishes! Not as prompt as I would have liked but here is finally a new page of the Mastah's adventure.
But..but even Infernals need sunshine too! I mean, how's the MASTAH going to keep his awesome tan if he stays underground?
Dragonmystic said:
But..but even Infernals need sunshine too! I mean, how's the MASTAH going to keep his awesome tan if he stays underground?
Infernals don't need that big damn ball of plasma, heat and fire we call "Sun" (well Daystar...)

DukeGod said:
Dragonmystic said:
But..but even Infernals need sunshine too! I mean, how's the MASTAH going to keep his awesome tan if he stays underground?
Infernals don't need that big damn ball of plasma, heat and fire we call "Sun" (well Daystar...)

All suns/stars are radioactive fireballs. Also, while our RL SOL gives off light in all the visible spectrum, well, I can't spoil this because it's too funny.

I assume most infernals and demons for that batter are pretty tan if not positively sun burnt from going 5 days there and 5 days back across Cecelyne, the Endless Desert to get to Malfeas.
magnificentmomo said:
Quick, someone less lazy than me tell me what the side of the subway says!
Ba-La-I-Ne if I got it right


Oh, what you used to write it? No matter the brush I never seem to get a good High Realm writing =D
Inverse said:
DukeGod said:
Dragonmystic said:
But..but even Infernals need sunshine too! I mean, how's the MASTAH going to keep his awesome tan if he stays underground?
Infernals don't need that big damn ball of plasma, heat and fire we call "Sun" (well Daystar...)

All suns/stars are radioactive fireballs. Also, while our RL SOL gives off light in all the visible spectrum, well, I can't spoil this because it's too funny.
This explains much.
DukeGod said:
magnificentmomo said:
Quick, someone less lazy than me tell me what the side of the subway says!
Ba-La-I-Ne if I got it right

Oh hooray, new updates! Looks like there'll be a tussle.

Since I can honestly say I've not read one single word on Mountain Folk, would someone kindly explain what the tall thing is?
To be more specific, the Mountain Folk have 2 or 3 castes. The worker caste has dwarves and the artisan caste has elves.
Well, Dwarves, Elves, and Halflings. Warrior Caste= Dwarves, Worker Caste= Halflings, and Artisan Caste= Elves.

At one point they were all more akin to Artisans, but the Solars got all paranoid and ordered Autochthon to lobotomize his creations. This was one of the things that drove Autochthon to leave.

Mountain Folk are also incarnations of the Raksha who were caught up in the storm as Creation was made, trapped in Jade deposits.
Oh, I see. Thanks.

Huh, I didn't even know there were elves/dwarves/halflings equivalents in Creation. The More You Know, I guess.
Ok, so, somehow I've missed this thread until now. I love it! Keep it up! I always thought "the Mastah" was an awesome one shot character. I think you've captured his personality very well. I'm really looking forward to where this comic is going. Nicely done!
Tales of the Mastah 15


Sorry for the wait storms taking out my power forced me to do this page three times.

Hehe I am impressed people got the little easter egg with Blaine. I tossed that in as a reference to a thread in which I was saying life under the Yozi would be a lot like life in the City of Lud under the Blaine the Mono.

To get High Realm I use a web site here. Once I get the script I copy it into photoshop and apply a stroke to it to smooth out the imperfections of copy.

Thanks to everyone who's had good things to say about the comic.

I'd just like to stress again this is a fan comic so I plan to try and pay as much homage to KoC as I can while at the same time trying to avoid any fan work pit falls like author avatar characters. I want this comic to honor Keychain not annoying its author. I said at the start I couldn't get in touch with Jukashi before I started this comic to get his blessing so I always consider the next page of TotM to be at his sufferance.
Now I'm curious what kind of arrangement Yukiko has with the Jadeborn. Provided she didn't indeed use charms, she must have a hook on them somehow.

I wonder what charm the Mastah was loading up in panel 1. Got his voice all funky.
Exalts as a whole got a really big deal out of the jadeborn (they have a geas to obey, basically). Dunno if it extends to infernals, but it happened just by the time they kicked the yozis out if I recall correctly.
Synapse said:
Exalts as a whole got a really big deal out of the jadeborn (they have a geas to obey, basically). Dunno if it extends to infernals, but it happened just by the time they kicked the yozis out if I recall correctly.
The official list of offenses against the great geas goes as follows in order of severity

  • Breaking a sworn oath
    Committing an unwarranted attack against a Celestial Exalt
    Killing a Celestial Exalt
    Killing a Terrestrial Exalt
    Aiding enemies of Creation (Primordials, their servants, Wyld denizens or Darkbroods)
    Associating with enemies of Creation
    Accepting worship from mortals
    Subjecting mortals to Jadeborn authority
    Living or traveling aboveground without being in service to an Exalt
    Refusing to build an artifact for a Celestial Exalt—assuming he is capable of its creation—when properly commanded to do so

As far as I know their has been no official errata on how these apply to Infernal or Abyssal Exalted. I generally assume that the more sever ones trump the less sever ones when two rules of the geas conflict.
Also. Solaroids =D

Can't argue with them. Can't beat them to shit without being one or stronger yourself...

Oh, and if you don't kill they come back with a crapload ton of new power. Or their new incarnation...

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