[Tales of The Mastah] TotM - A KoC Fan Comic

The Infernal are not Exalted according to their personalities, but according to what the Yozi who gave a shard to a demon wanted the bastard to become. So you can have stuff like this =D
DukeGod said:
The Infernal are not Exalted according to their personalities, but according to what the Yozi who gave a shard to a demon wanted the bastard to become. So you can have stuff like this =D
More or less. The exaltation's shard still tracks awesomeness.

Thanks for the comments!

Yep the Mastah took social skills as his second pick and put a fair number of points appearance so yea he is pretty good looking, Tsukiko though has a full five points in appearance.

Infernals actually seem to have pretty dull names compared to other Exalted, none of the obnoxiousness of the Alchemicals or Abyssals.

The Mastah is indeed a Fiend which I agree is a bit of an odd fit for him, we'll see why the Mastah was selected for Exaltation by Yozi and why he was made a Fiend instead of Slayer in the future.

I plan on keeping the comic going as long as people keep enjoying it (or until Jukashi tells me to stop). If people are really enjoying it I'm willing to keep the comic going into a full Exalted epic, if TotM wears out its welcome and the forum stops enjoy it then I'll just make it a single story arc and wrap things up as quickly as I can.
You do realize that if this goes on long enough, the Mastah is going to end up making a guest appearance in Keychain proper.
LaFreeze said:
Infernals actually seem to have pretty dull names compared to other Exalted, none of the obnoxiousness of the Alchemicals or Abyssals.
Weeeeeeeeeeell... They do have the "Insufficiently Awesome when it Counted the Most" flag. Maybe it's how the demons punish them? O.o
Try Incessant Turbulence Born Of Obnoxious Subtlety.
How DARE she make a shirt??

Also, Mastah is a pretty good min-maxer! He took just the right Flaw to have some RP-potential, get some pretty good BP and still barely get affected! Now if we find out he got Throwback...(too bad we are exactly sure that he don't got Permanent Caste Mark. But maybe Beacon of Power?)
Tales of the Mastah 10


Heh, thanks for the vote of confidence but I'm not sure Jukashi has even seen Tales of the Mastah yet much less likes it. I think we're more likely to see a cameo from some of the Agents of Yu-Shan characters next time take a look at heaven.

I think the Mastah probably let Kimbery make some suggests when filling out his character sheet.
Must say, the Mastah does look better with clothes on. Or is it jealousy on my part?

Anyway, funny that you should have shown Lixue using a chain of SWLiHN charms to create a shirt... I once made an Infernal character whose main schtick was doing stuff like that. It was the only Infernal I've ever made... yet.

Also, I didn't get the "Lothario" reference, can someone explain it to me?
What is that symbol in panel 5? The one being corrupted?
An Exaltation of the Solar variety.

@Locnil: Well TK abilities seemed like they had a lot of story/humor potential, plus they fit in well with Lixue's personality and urge. Personally it seems odd to me though, I would have thought TK charms would have been more of a Sidereal thing myself. Particularly given how sneaky they get once you can move objects invisibly.
He's off to a good start! *cheer*

Hm, interesting. I figured Lixue would be a Slayer (radioactive fire speech) favouring SWLiHN (telekinetic crafting charms), but it seems she also has Szoreny or Kimbery charms? Intriguing...

You seem to have misspelled Autochthon in panels 3 and 4, not that I blame you. An extra h after the t should do the trick.

I'm not sure if Tsukiko is teaching him about Lunars with flashcards in that one panel or repeating that psychic test Bill Murray was running at the start of Ghostbusters.

Also page 10 should have Autochthon's name fix now. Thank you for pointing that out and for all the enthusiasm toward Tales of the Mastah.
Woah, wardrobe switch for Tsukiko.

He might not be a Slayer, but it's nice to see that he had as least some talent for Martial Arts.

It seems like both chicks are intrigued by his physique. Common tropes would dictate that one hated his guts. I approve of this turn of events.
Tales of the Mastah 12


Glad you are enjoying the characters so far.

I do realize I'm taking some creative liberties here with Kimbery's charms which are normally poison based but I think acid just works better for a comic rather then the less visual poison.

Never apologize for doing some custom charms!!

Also, "Exalted Canon" what's that again?

(using your thread once more for my own personal purposes. I am one hell of a dick/bastard xD . For anyone who actually reads either of my threads(The Exaltification and my fanfic, with a pretty good amount of views but no comments) sorry but there'll be (even more) time before I can actually produce something for either. The notebook with my work sorta fried...)
Yeah, there should be some acid charms in Kimbery's tree.

Also, fanservice in the first dozen or so strips? AWESOME!

So, is Tsukiko a Laughing Wounds Stylist, then?
Great is your love. Mine is just as great.

IF you are lacking inspiration, I'd suggest posting a thread about your comic on the GiantITP forums, LaFreeze. There're many Keychain fans there and it moves significantly faster than here. It might be able to inspire you? :)
Oh, sorry I posted something on DA but I forgot to mention it here. In short I can't wait to continue Tales of the Mastah, but right now my father was in the hospital so I've been spending most of time there or helping him at home while he is on the mend as he's been very sick. I can't wait to continue TotM, I've got a fight scene in the works and I'm really looking forward to those pages but I probably won't get back to normal updates until my father returns to work which we hope will be next week. I'll try and get an update done this week and hopefully it will be back to 2 - 4 updates a week after that.

Glad to here people are looking forward to more pages. If I had a laptop I'd be able to get these things done the go but alas the Yozi have only blessed me with a desktop so I've got to be home to advance the Mastah plan.

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