Tales of Salisonia: Rise of the Dragons [Official OOC Thread]

He'd be 70 by human standards, so that'd be acceptable. Aki has a character at tthat age as well. Just remeber that he couldn't really do much.
He wouldn't be able to fight much even if he had to. So, how are you gonna use him since he can't leave the Council?
[QUOTE="Wynn Kamui]Speaking of reviewing characters- Could you check out Wynn's character sheet? I can re-post it if you want.

Should mention that in the Personality section. ^^
[QUOTE="Wynn Kamui]Speaking of reviewing characters- Could you check out Wynn's character sheet? I can re-post it if you want.

I still need to collaborate with @Cressy to review your character. She adds things to the RP that the two of us need to go through as a team, rather than seperately.
Now I so wish I could just become some character from Dragon Ball Z and send a giant ball of energy into Ellegarde.
[QUOTE="Lucem Tenebris]I still need to collaborate with @Cressy to review your character. She adds things to the RP that the two of us need to go through as a team, rather than seperately.

Oh that's okay ^^

By the way, this is probably important to mention:

Because of how closely the element of wind interacts with nature and life, a big part of wind elementalism is seeing things about that relationship. Different people perceive the relationship through different mediums, depending on their personality and the way they think. (Wynn sees them through auras)

Although this can give them a tremendous advantage, being able to see the power a being has, wind elementalists don't have much in terms of offensive or defensive magic.

Actually, a lot of this could be better explained if I just sent you the starting post I've written out that I plan to begin with. I'll do that in a second :3
[QUOTE="Wynn Kamui]Oh that's okay ^^
By the way, this is probably important to mention:

Because of how closely the element of wind interacts with nature and life, a big part of wind elementalism is seeing things about that relationship. Different people perceive the relationship through different mediums, depending on their personality and the way they think. (Wynn sees them through auras)

Although this can give them a tremendous advantage, being able to see the power a being has, wind elementalists don't have much in terms of offensive or defensive magic.

Actually, a lot of this could be better explained if I just sent you the starting post I've written out that I plan to begin with. I'll do that in a second :3

Personally, I don't approve of the Auras. Even if they don't fight, that gives them a tremendous amount of information on an individual. I also don't see much relation between wind with nature and life. Wind is something that simply moves from a high pressure system to a low pressure system. Nature and life seem to have no connections with it in my view.
Yeah, but the lore in this story seperates life and nature completely as there are two different goddesses.
Well, it depends how you guys feel, but wind is also thought of as being spiritual in some cases, which could deal with life.
Y'all are amazing. ^^ I'll be checking on what's happening once in awhile, gotta get going for a bit. Thanks Sebastian and Cressandra for doing this. ^^ I put the RP in your hands temporarily. xD
I guess it would be a bit more accurate to say that the magic in wind elementalism closely with nature and life, not so much the element itself.

Also, looking at the auras requires a huge amount of strain on the mind, and a long period of meditation beforehand is required to be able to see with any clarity. Because of the fact that it takes an immense amount of time to accurately look at, it would be hard to use this information offensively. Dark auras even have adverse physical effects when looked at closely; intense pain and nausea, and a burning sensation throughout the body.

Regarding there being two separate goddesses for nature and life, neither would be complete without the other. Yeah, nature would still exist- but it would just be a bunch of rivers going through rocks and mud. No plants, no animals, nothing like that at all. Without nature, life would have a very difficult time manifesting itself. Where would the plants live without nature, and by extension the animals?
Does my character HAVE to be in the Council? Is there any way I could work that into another reason as to why he left, so that he wouldn't have to be in it?
Maybe I should make a heritage list of the gods later...or even just a list and description of them..?
[QUOTE="Wynn Kamui]I guess it would be a bit more accurate to say that the magic in wind elementalism closely with nature and life, not so much the element itself.
Also, looking at the auras requires a huge amount of strain on the mind, and a long period of meditation beforehand is required to be able to see with any clarity. Because of the fact that it takes an immense amount of time to accurately look at, it would be hard to use this information offensively. Dark auras even have adverse physical effects when looked at closely; intense pain and nausea, and a burning sensation throughout the body.

Regarding there being two separate goddesses for nature and life, neither would be complete without the other. Yeah, nature would still exist- but it would just be a bunch of rivers going through rocks and mud. No plants, no animals, nothing like that at all. Without nature, life would have a very difficult time manifesting itself. Where would the plants live without nature, and by extension the animals?

Although that may be so, there's nothing stoping them from passing on information to another person. The use of Auras also add more topics that will be left up for review between Cressy and I. I still find the use of it as an OP skill.

If they wouldn't be complete without each other, it would be pointless to have two godesses. They govern different forces all together, which is why there are two to look over each. Varia and Reina have no relation that would intertwine life and nature.

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