Tales of Salisonia: Rise of the Dragons [Official OOC Thread]

Well, we have final decisions now. Lana's character does not have to be in the council. Auras will not be allowed and wind will not share relation with life and nature.
[QUOTE="Lucem Tenebris]Okay, that makes a lot more sense now. No, he doesn't have to be in he council. Roam free!

Thank you, I was about to cry myself to sleep. xD

So is my CS accepted or have you not read it?
[QUOTE="Wynn Kamui]I dunno what to really do now... Wynn's entire character was based off of auras and wind.

Well, what are you using the wind for?
MrLlama said:
Well, what are you using the wind for?
I wasn't. In order to not be too OP, actually manipulation of wind was reserved for people who have studied and trained in wind magic for more than 20-30 years.
Well, you are officially screwed with that character unless you raise your age and/or studied for that long. ._.
Judging by how long it took for me to come up with a story for Wynn, write it out, revise it, and submit it, I won't be done until next Monday at 4 am.

I'm gonna have to take a break :/

I'm pretty disappointed at much time I wasted on it :P
God I hate wednesdays . . . Classes start at 9:00, go until 4:00, I have to get any discrete mathematics homework done before thursday, and then there's an evening class at 8:45 until 10:00 . . .

So you'll have to forgive me if I don't post a single damn thing tonight
[QUOTE="Wynn Kamui]Judging by how long it took for me to come up with a story for Wynn, write it out, revise it, and submit it, I won't be done until next Monday at 4 am.
I'm gonna have to take a break :/

I'm pretty disappointed at much time I wasted on it :P

She's a wonderful character, might I add, just not for this roleplay. I'm sorry. ^^

Thanks, I guess I may try to reuse her in another RP... But then a bunch of other stuff would have to be changed to accommodate that RP's lore :/  
Might as well post this here- this was gonna be the introduction to Wynn in the RP. Probably screwed a bunch of stuff up geographically in this, but still... I worked hard on it and would hate for it to be a complete waste :3

..::Wynn Kamui::..

Wind Elementalist

-_- _-_ -_- _-_ -_- _-_ -_- _-_ -_- _-_ -_- _-_ -_- _-_ -_- _-_ -_- _-_-_

Wynn had been hiking around the mountains for several days now, trying to locate the source of the energy she's been feeling. She has recently found herself feeling something; sensing faint auras from different things. Although she has almost no experience with it yet, she knows that something bad happened near bye. Things died. A lot of things; It's almost sickening.

'This isn't working' she thought to herself. 'Wandering around aimlessly doesn't seem to be productive at all'

'There are too many living things in these mountains... I can't focus on any single source of aura, much less one that could be anywhere in these entire mountains. That's not even to mention the facts that she also has to focus so intently on my footing- the terrain in this area isn't the easiest to traverse.'

'That's it!' She thinks to herself, 'I just have to sit still; clear my mind... Duh'

She's disappointed in herself for for taking so long to come to such an obvious solution.

She immediately changed direction and began to hike towards Haraktu point, where she'd been camping out the last couple days.

The view from Haraktu point is beautiful- there is a wide variety of beautiful terrain in plain view. Closest to the peak, near the base of the mountain, there is a river with a section of rapids flowing through a forest. In the distance she can see a medium sized town, the tops of the tallest houses barely visible over the tree line. To her right, closer to the mountain, there are many giant boulders, some broken and some intact, stacked upon one another.

Wynn sat at the edge of the cliff and closed her eyes. She focused only on the surroundings, on nature.

The rustling of the wind in the trees;

The rush of the rapids going through the forest;

The distant sound of a city marketplace, far enough to not be bothersome, but it still makes a presence.

After almost an hour of meditating in this manor, analyzing and appreciating nature, it started to work- The auras were beginning to become apparent- it was not longer quite as blurry and jumbled as it was earlier. Wynn slowly opened her eyes and looked at the forest. It's working! She can associate these auras with the different areas of nature; the forest had a bright green aura. It was doing well, the energy it emitted was very... good. No ill intentions, which is to be expected of plant life.

Looking at these auras made Wynn a bit of a headache... She could deal with it, though.

She shifted her gaze towards the other parts of the mountains, halfway between where she was and a village on the horizon. There she could see a very bright aura concentrated to a relatively minuscule area- a very small area; some type of magic user user maybe? It was moving at a relatively quick pace, probably with the assistance of some sort of magic; but to where?

Wynn follows the assumed path of the being, and then she sees the entire reason Wynn had come to these mountains in the first place. In between two giant boulders is an opening into the ground- this was all covered with a very dark red aura that made her sick to look at. This was the source of the dread she'd been feeling, all inside of this cave- what could have happened there?

She tries to focus even harder on the crevice, hoping that a clearer look at the auras would give some hints to what happened, but this increase in effort begins to make her headache much worse- almost unbearable. Her mind wasn't ready for the strain of an additional sense, and it reacted quite violently. Wynn cringes from the sudden increase in pain, and the auras disappear. She'd lost her concentration.

Wynn stood up and looked over at the cave, this time without the auras. That's where she needs to go.

Although the headache still persists, Wynn is determined to get to the cave.

'Next time I need to hold back when looking at the auras' Wynn thinks to herself, making a mental note.

The closer she got to the cave, the dark aura seemed to effect her in odd ways. She would feel dizzy for moments, and began to feel sick to her stomach. Wynn takes her first step into the cave- It's not what she expected. It's as if someone used the guise of a cave to hide the entrance to some sort of royal labyrinth. There are many branches that she could explore, but there's no way of telling which one would lead her to the source.

'Unless' Wynn thinks to herself, 'I look at the aura... Just for one second. To see which way the source is'

She closes her eyes and tries to call up the same feeling she had when she first saw the auras clearly. The feeling comes to her more easily this time; the auras become more focused.

She opens her eyes, but doing so was like lifting the floodgate- Her headache gets exponentially worse, her entire being feels like it is on fire and frozen at the same time. Wynn tries to scream, the pain is so overwhelming, but all of her muscles have been involuntarily slackened.

Wynn collapses to the floor, feeling her grip on consciousness lessen. Moments away from losing consciousness, a bright aura appears above her- the same one she had seen before, also running towards the darkness.

"What the..." is all that Wynn could hear the figure say before passing out.

Some of the colors seemed to have disappeared as a result of copying and pasting the post, and since I'm on my phone I can't really change that easily.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_10/ImageUploadedByTapatalk1380760012.490020.jpg.e35d84d17ab8f6bc89735673c6fe32c4.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="7397" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_10/ImageUploadedByTapatalk1380760012.490020.jpg.e35d84d17ab8f6bc89735673c6fe32c4.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

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