Tales of Salisonia: Rise of the Dragons [Official OOC Thread]

It's fine if my character is a bit wealthy, right? I'm going to try to sort of play it into his history and his current clothing is of a more expensive kind. He isn't going to be filled to the brim with whatever the currency is, but still more than the average person. He won't ever really use it, either, it's just kind of there and he'll have some available with him.
I can already tell my personality is going to suck for this character. He is an old man, old men can't be anything other than calm. They're just too adorable. <3 Unless they are the old wizard guy from LoTR. 
Is Sebastian or Cressandra still on?!
It's fine now, I asked Seb. 
Finally done with my CS. I think it's a lot better than my one for Elvsyr, though still not the best. :P

Will someone else post something so it won't morph into a double-post? <3

|General Information|

  • Arzur Rynildi

|Biography of (Arzur Rynildi)|

  • Arzur is almost always calm, and never anything else than calm except for being noticeably sad at times, though that is rare. Growing up in wealth, and a father who was in the Council of the Elves, you would think he would be a bit snobby, or at least a little un-caring for lesser folk. He was actually quite the opposite of that. He was found always handing out coins to the poor elves in Ellegarde, even if it meant being chasticed by his parents. That's how he always was, helping the less-fortunate. If he found someone talking badly to one whom they thought as "lesser" than them, he would quickly get angered and immediately step in to tell the aggressor to back off and occasionally brawled with them. He would also anger quickly if someone harmed the one's he loved, be it physically or emotionally, and easily goes into a rage to protect his loved ones. At his current age, though, he is very reluctant to fight and will only do so when it is needed. He rather not fight due to the fact he won't be able to do too much.

    In his later years, being a well-trained swordsman who later trained others, he either had a lot of patience or none at all. If you are messing around with him and wasting time, he will not wait for you. If you are actually being true to him or trying your hardest, he will wait an entire lifetime. When he speaks, he has that sense of being wise in his voice that comes with many older-folk. One of his fears is the death of Elvsyr, if she died before him, or him dying and leaving her alone. He loves her like his own daughter and will be greatly hurt when she dies, but at the same time, he does not want to leave her all alone, as he knows she will become completely devastated. This is part of the reason why he left Ellegarde to travel in the first place, so that she wouldn't have to be faced with that event. Another reason he traveled was to simply gain knowledge on many different topics. A desire of his is to find Elvsyr and to finally reunite, even with his fears.
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MrLlama said:

|General Information|

  • Arzur Rynildi

|Biography of (Arzur Rynildi)|

  • Arzur is almost always calm, and never anything else than calm except for being noticeably sad at times, though that is rare. Growing up in wealth, and a father who was in the Council of the Elves, you would think he would be a bit snobby, or at least a little un-caring for lesser folk. He was actually quite the opposite of that. He was found always handing out coins to the poor elves in Ellegarde, even if it meant being chasticed by his parents. That's how he always was, helping the less-fortunate. In his later years, being a well-trained swordsman who later trained others, he either had a lot of patience or none at all. If you are messing around with him and wasting time, he will not wait for you. If you are actually being true to him or trying your hardest, he will wait an entire lifetime. When he speaks, he has that sense of being wise in his voice that comes with many older-folk. One of his fears is the death of Elvsyr or him dying and leaving her alone. He loves her like his own daughter and will be greatly hurt when she dies, but at the same time, he does not want to leave her all alone, as he knows she will become completely devastated, which is part of the reason why he left Ellegarde to travel in the first place, so that she wouldn't have to be faced with that event. Another reason he traveled was to simply gain knowledge on many different topics. A desire of his is to find Elvsyr and to finally reunite, even with his fears.

  • Couple things;

    Why would he just immediately accept to train her? I mean, that's an awfully big commitment... Should probably expand on that.

    How did they meet? Did he just 'find' her, or did something happen that would later influence his choice to train the girl?

    Also, you should expand on the personality- with each of the examples about his life, you should say why it's significant.

    That's just my two cents, though. No real authority behind it :P
Hey guys,

Due to some conflicting IRL issues, I won't be on very often for a bit. Hopefully it'll be resolved soon, but I just need to take care of some things. I hope you all understand. ^^" I'll still be on, just not as frequent. :3


paipai900 said:
Hey guys,
Due to some conflicting IRL issues, I won't be on very often for a bit. Hopefully it'll be resolved soon, but I just need to take care of some things. I hope you all understand. ^^" I'll still be on, just not as frequent. :3


You told them that you needed an apprentice in the art of liking absolutely everything.

They didn't believe you, but I always did.
[QUOTE="Wynn Kamui]

Also, you should expand on the personality- with each of the examples about his life, you should say why it's significant.

So, put an example in there, or what?

Read that wrong nevermind. I'll try to! :P
MrLlama said:
So, put an example in there, or what?
Read that wrong nevermind. I'll try to! :P
Okay, I personally think it's much better now- the only thing left to his personality is a weakness. Yes he's a calm and collected person most of the time, but what makes him get angry or aggressive? He should have something that gets him angry and act in a way that he normally wouldn't.
[QUOTE="Wynn Kamui]Okay, I personally think it's much better now- the only thing left to his personality is a weakness. Yes he's a calm and collected person most of the time, but what makes him get angry or aggressive? He should have something that gets him angry and act in a way that he normally wouldn't.

*scrunches up like a tomato* Hm. I have something but it kind of deals with what is already said, though it should probably work. >.> 
Sounds so taaaaaacky, but does it work? o-o

yeah, it works pretty well, except-

1: Simply fearing her death doesn't seem like an actual weakness in her personality- maybe he could lose his cool when people wish her harm?

2: Dat run on sentence 
Also, you imply she will die before him when you say 'He will be greatly hurt when she dies'
No, it's in the first paragraph. :P  
And I just added someone to that, too, with losing his cool. 
Well, I guess my personality thing is pretty much all of a paragraph, so ignore what I just said.
[QUOTE="Lucem Tenebris]@MrLlama I'll review your character when I get home. Sorry for the wait.

It's fine, I've been getting help to improve it by Wynn, so it worked out.
Once thing I can mention right now is the problem with his age. The aging rate between Elves and humans is a difference of only ten years. By what you put for his age, he would've been dead for around one hundred years.

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