Tales of Salisonia: Rise of the Dragons [Official OOC Thread]

So, who wants part in this RP? It's strictly realistic at first, but it quickly turns fantasy. If you'd like, there could be a side RP along with it that has no fantasy at all.


Can I join please? :D ))
Okay, I really need to finish my character, like now. I'm so ADD it's not even healthy.

Also, I might like that, Lucy.
Here's the basic outline of the RP: Well, I have everything planned out except a location for the convention. Basically everyone goes to the convention and does a meet and greet. After everyone meets up an announcement is held at the stage. GgAcE gives the announcement and soon the entire room appears to be comprised entirely of numbers, like the matrix. GgAcE soon turns to code as well and vanishes. Afterwards, beings comprised of the code attack the players. When it seems like the others will be killed, the players take on their avatar's appearance and gain certain powers after their bodies flash the same code and the numbers are rearranged. After barely managing to survive, a red orb appears on a monitor and explains what is happening. As it turns out, the entire world can be broken down into code, as well as all life. The Internet was made as a beta for a new world and it exceeded expectations. The online world made of superior coding was considered better than the actual world and the creators sought to overtake the original world. They needed ideas and creativity to be used in the new world and the RPnation site, created by GgAcE, was the perfect way to do this. Now with enough code to break into the real world, the Internet slowly overtakes, rearranging the code to destroy life as we know it and replacing them with more refined coding. When all seems to be going well, people with unique coding, the players, adapt to the changes in the world's code automatically and their coding changes as well. This why they take on the appearance of their avatar's and abilities. Now, it is up to these unlikely heroes to defeat the heads of the Internet network and the code creatures that have come about from it. Whether the players choose to save the world from changing or being about the new era, is completely up to them.

I already have an idea for a strictly realistic version.
Meh, yeah, but it just kind of reminded me of it. 
Anyway, I like it, might I add. 
Well, what do you know, it's 1:45. And I'm starving. I think it would be healthy to sleep... watch me wake up at noon tomorrow. T^T Sleep beckons me. Night.
Come on, I've been waiting for the next event at the Mountains for so loooooooooooooooooooong

Well, not really that long, but I'm impatient.
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/57a8be320b65e_PureCutness.jpg.17703d779ef4707ada5bfe69a858d6a9.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="7048" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/57a8be320b65e_PureCutness.jpg.17703d779ef4707ada5bfe69a858d6a9.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

The witch

Name: Bathelia Barkow

Gender: Female

Age: 20

Race: Kahao

Class: Witch


Bathelia pretty much looks like the picture you see above, but the only thing you can’t see is her ears. Bathelia has the ears of a Gazelle and has tiny, smooth, short horns on the top of her head.


Bathelia works for the king as his personal body guard; you will barely find her without the king. She currently works and mixes potions in the basement of the castle. The type of witchcraft she creates is called Eclectic witchcraft, which deals with experimenting in all kinds of different combinations of potions and creations. She simply has no religion or a belief like other witches and doesn’t create potions for her beliefs but only to find answers on the world around her. By doing this she presents herself as an uncommon witch and more like a philosopher.


Going through certain things in her life has made her believe that the rich are educated and worthy of holding knowledge as where the poor are all damned to be ignorant forever. She believes that everyone is below the king and no matter his age, he is still the most knowledgeable one of Bran. Knowledge holds all the power in this world and being a part of it has made her think she is the most luckiest person ever, for she believes no one who has come from her status has ever been able to understand the world. She believes all the knowledge in the world rightfully belong to those who are either wealthy with high status or like her and has been given the opportunity by someone with a high status.


As a young child Bathelia lived in the lowest parts of Bran, the law and justice that she heard in fairy tales and books barely existed over there. All the knights and guards were either always drunk or they simply given up on the thought of taking their work seriously. Bathelia could never say she had a sad childhood, for she had friends to play with on her street and enjoyed the games that involved kicking cans, jumping in the puddles that formed after a rainy day, and of course lingering in the woods for a quick second and then easily run away after you get the chills through your body and the satisfaction of adrenalin. She had someone to take care of her, a person she called her mother but in fact Bathelia’s real mother is unknown. Bathelia was found in a felid of grass by a kind woman, who happened to be there to harvest some crops. Most women when upon seeing this child would notice right away that she was not human and easily walk past, trying to erase her from their memory but not this kind woman. No, she had much love for children of all kinds no matter if they are human or Kahao in Bathelia’s case. This woman took in the young baby whom possessed a resemblance to that of a Gazelle. Her horns were nothing but chubby tiny little nubs on her head and her ears the opposite, long and thin.

The time when she was able to think and understand the world around her was the time when she began to read books that she would steal from a nearby book store. Of course she thought stealing was wrong, her mother had taught her that but this kind woman who took her in didn’t have the money to buy her any. She only provided Bathelia what she needed, food, clothing, shelter, and the occasional sweet apple of which the girl loved. Bathelia read books about the world but soon figured out that the books were just based on hypothesis. For no one at the time had really gone outside the walls of Bran and any one in the generation who had lived outside the walls was dead at the time, so all the stories she heard were lies or fairy tales. These fairy tales entertained the neighborhood children but not Bathelia; she craved knowledge about her surroundings more than anything. When the thought of the world around her and what was outside the walls slipped her mind, she would read books about witchcraft and it took her mind to a whole new world.

By the age of nine Bathelia soaked up so much information about witchcraft but that wasn’t enough for her, she wanted to learn how to practice the art. She asked her mother all these questions about witches and such. Her mother immediately gave her a lecture about never to speak of such things, Bathelia learned soon that witches were feared where she came from. Bathelia thought this over and thought it was only natural for people like her mother and her neighbors to fear unknown and powerful things that worked in mysterious ways.

One day Bathelia’s mind got the best of her. Bathelia, at the age of eleven, had spoken of witches and witchcraft out loud to a few of her friends. She told her friends “Isn’t that intriguing? To learn an art that could possibly change your whole life and the world around you.” - Bathelia (to her friends). She had told them everything she knew and learnt from books and as of course what her friends did that every child would’ve done is tell their parents. The people of the small town were not happy at first they talked about it amongst each other and insulted Bathelia’s mother behind her back but that one simple sentence started a chain reaction to a horrible event in the future.

A few months later most people had forgotten about what she had said and some kids began to play with her again. She was happy and so was her mother. But happiness doesn’t last forever. Bathelia stole a medium sized pot one day and went into a securing area where she couldn’t be seen. She had stolen a few other things along the way and plucked some herbs out of the ground on her way to the forest near her town. She was in the process of creating a potion she had learned from a book, when a neighbor boy saw her. The boy soon ran away and told his friends and parents. This spread around as she tried and tried to get the potion right. She was about to give up because it had started raining and she was exhausted but she had already started the potion and needed to finish it. She tried again and this time it actually worked. She was so excited she ran home but when she came through the door she saw a few men from her town and her mother. They all looked at her, her mother looked at her relieved and the men looked down at her like she was a pest and she could tell her mother has been crying. The men left soon after. Her mother then began to break down and cry holding Bathelia tightly. Bathelia felt terrible for causing her mother to cry like this. Her actions and words caused everyone to become angry and upset. After that she stopped talking and thinking about witches, the world around her, and the outside world that she desperately wanted to explore. She never wanted to make her mother cry like that again.

Bathelia as all children do didn’t keep the promise she made to herself. Bathelia kept practicing the art of witchcraft in secrecy; she hid in a cave where she practiced the art, though it was hard to find her new hiding place. For it was in the middle of the forest surrounded by tall trees and the cave itself was hidden by some vines, this place became her second home. And to add on the suspension of the towns people grew down and no one bothered her again. At least not for long, we all know this would not come to a happy ending and what is about to be presented to you will cause sorrow.

After Bathelia’s seventeenth birthday her mother had made just enough money to give her to go buy a cake, she was suppose to spend this money on a cake for celebration but of course things didn’t go according to plan. As Bathelia was walking along the market, just to pass by and go towards the bakery but something caught her eye that made her stop in place. In the back of the market was a carriage that labeled “lespels”Which of course meant ‘Spells’. In the market they always scrambled words up when selling items that were illegal and they always looked closed but thankfully Bathelia learned from one of her friends, that if you do want to buy illegal items then you have to go to the back and knock five times. So being the curious girl she was, she went up and around the back, then knocking five times. A handsome man with Brown hair and green eyes opened the back door to the carriage, giving Bathelia a long and sincere smile. Bathelia was welcomed into the carriage and sat down across from the handsome man, he placed items in front of the girl and told them of their magic capable abilities but of course she was not interested. Bathelia told the man that she wanted a spell book, one with a good price and held the most newly found spells, along with this she also asked the man if he sold any notebooks. The man gave her a lowered price and handed her a notebook for free, Bathelia planned to write down her own spells in the notebook. She thanked the handsome man and couldn’t help but feel heartbroken that she was already leaving so soon but her mother would worry if she took more time. Actually she wasn’t even thinking of her mother at the time, she was so focused on the thought of getting back to her cave and starting on a potion. She stepped out of the carriage and the handsome man told her something strange. “You’ll have to come see the capital of Bran one day, I’ve already been and it’s magical. There they accept witches and have all the knowledge that you seek for, I’m sorry Bathelia.” With that the man went back inside the carriage and rode off, Bathelia was confused for a moment, she never recalled telling the man that she read books or anything of the sort, not even her name. Then it immediately hit her, The handsome man was in fact the boy who caught her in the forest practicing witchcraft, she must have made an impression on the boy, seeing how he is now involved with spells and witchcraft.

After getting the new spell book and some convincing excuses on why she never returned with the cake, Bathelia was off the hook with no suspicions and gladly returned to her cave to try some new spells out. Though this time she decided she would practice the spells outside the cave and in the middle of the forest, not far from her cave so she could retreat any time she needed too. Once she started to practice mixing potions and combining herbs with other materials, it caused an amount of smoke to appear above the forest. Of course this smoke was certainly not smoke from a fire for the smoke was of the color Green and when the village saw it, they knew what had caused it and that was magic. The village had had enough of Bathelia’s wickedness and formed a riot to stop and most likely kill the young girl but her mother was the first to confront the other villagers before they reached Bathelia. As Bathelia continued to conjure up potions and practice spells, she hadn’t noticed a new kind of smoke forming outside the forest, for something was burning. Bathelia’s mother had taken the ultimate sacrifice and claimed she had been the one practicing witchcraft and only used Bathelia as a pawn for running errands and such. The village was blind fully consumed with fear and set their anger on a situation they never understood. The kind woman who raised Bathelia was locked in her own home and was burned along with her house. Bathelia didn’t learn about this until later that night when she walked up to the field, ready to return home to her dear mother and then when she saw the ashes spread across the field, the pile of remaining wood where her house used to be, and no mother in sight, she broke into tears knowing what had happened.

After her mother’s death, Bathelia took the advice of the handsome man and went into the capitol of Bran; once she was there she was in a state of shock. For there were books everywhere, even books of magic and no one feared anyone for the guards took their job seriously. She was amazed on how many books they held in one single store and was more surprised when they handed out books for free, they held them in a library and the only condition was that you must turn them in once you’ve finished them. But even though Bathelia could take books for free there was one problem, Bathelia was broke and spent most the money she had left to make this trip possible. Being the curious girl she was, she soon figured out that people would hand out money if you entertained them, so Bathelia began to work on a street corner and show simple magic tricks, some spells, and even used her charm. This worked for a while and she earned enough money to go buy groceries, she thought she did but as it turns out things are much more expensive in the capitol of bran for one pastry in bran was worth more than a sack of potatoes from her homeland. She ended up only getting a limited supplement of food and then resorted to stealing. Bathelia was intentionally too fast for anyone to notice right away that they had been robbed and made this a permanent way to get what she needed.

The law soon caught up with her wrong doings and eventually gained custody over her after an amount of physical contact that was not pleasant. Bathelia was not normal for she had advance agility, speed, and sharp eyes that could detect almost anyone’s movements. She was trialed for Theft, Treason, and harming a law enforcer, thus the most likely punishment could have been death for her but someone had saved her that day. The new ruler of bran had called off the trial and had released her from her chains that kept her hands binded together.

When Bathelia was roaming around the city at the age of eighteen, she had noticed a group of people in funny costumes and she wondered what was going on. She soon figured out that the Capitol of Bran was holding a celebration for the birth of Bran and it was custom to wear things they wore back in the beginning, including the unique hairstyles and clothing. So Bathelia counting herself as a new citizen of Bran partook in the activity and dressed herself in a dragon mask, many people were doing this and others were dressing up as a different race or a historic Hero such as Igniste or one of the creators of this world. Bathelia had so much fun that day and even performed for the people showing them her skill in Magic, and then when the sun went down, Bathelia had an encounter with someone. A young boy who looked around the age of fifteen or sixteen wore a mask that had a smile stretched far too each side, it was almost creepy in a way. She had noticed him from the crowd because it seemed wherever he went people would step back; she thought it was strange but continued to perform her skills in magic. When she had finally finished up and bowed, thanking the people for coming and once she turned around right in front of her was the boy with the creepy mask. She was so startled but stayed quiet and kept a calm posture but her eyes gave away that she was surprised and startled. Bathelia was older then the boy but still felt the need to talk to him in a sort of manner.

((Dialogue between the boy and Bathelia))

Boy: “……..” He stayed quiet and examined the girl peacefully, taking his time to remember every detail.

Bathelia: She blinked a couple of times and tilted her head to the side. “…Is something wrong~?” She didn’t dare to use the words ‘little boy’ for she suspected there was something off about the boy and using such words would offend him.

Boy: “……..” Still no answer, for he felt no need to say anything.

Bathelia: After the boy still didn’t reply, Bathelia decided to just leave him. “Okay~ well have a nice night and make sure to get home safely.” She smiled sweetly to the boy and moved her hand down to try and pat his head.

Boy: He instantly grabbed the girl’s wrist before she could lay a hand on him and tilted his head up so he could look at the girl. “I want you to show me your magic capabilities; if you disappoint me I will have no choice but to send you back. Is that clear~?”

Bathelia: She stood silent and wondered what the other meant or why such a small boy was speaking in such manner and tone. Who exactly was the boy hiding beneath a mask, was he being serious or was this some kind of joke and why was he so interested in her magic. You could find many wizards and witches among Bran more dignified than she was, so why her.

Boy: The boy released her wrist and his hand fell to his side, he stayed silent waiting for Bathelia to do as he told her. Otherwise if she didn’t he would send her back but he knew the girl would do as he said. ‘Back’ where you ask, well of course this boy would send her back to her home village a place where they look down on magic and far it. How he knew this, well it will shortly be revealed. “…..” He stepped back and crossed his arms, leaning against a pole that held light at the top. “Well are you going to continue to ask yourself questions or are you going to do as I said Bathelia~?”

Bathelia: Again the boy had surprised her, she would have continued to ask questions but right now she needed to show this boy some of her magic skills, she didn’t know why though. “I’ll show you a simple spell~ One that can ma-“ Her words were cut off by the boy.

Boy: He glared softly at her and spoke, interrupting her sentence. “I don’t want a simple spell, I want you to show me the best you’ve got~ I suggest you empress me so you can have a well lived life here in Bran or you can go back to that filthy place you call a home.” He was referring to Bathelia’s home town and he was correct, compared to the capitol it was retched.

Bathelia: She nodded her head in return and began to look around, then she pulled out her spell book and her notebook which contained a list of combinations of spells that combined and reacted to each other. “Just give me a minute to look through and pick one~” With that she started to look for a spell that would impress the boy.

Boy: He leaned on the pole once again and yawned, he was quickly getting bored of this girl. “Hurry up won’t you, I don’t have all night.”

Bathelia: She had finally stopped turning the pages and looked at the page she left at for a minute. “Hmm~ I’m sure this will be perfect.” She looked at the boy and smiled softly. “Sorry but to continue with this I need some items. Will you help me~?” Of course Bathelia didn’t need his help; she just needed him to turn around for a moment.

Boy: He raised a brow at Bathelia, did she really expect him to move or do anything. “….” He sighed and nodded his head, giving into her request. “Very well, what do you need~?”

Bathelia: She smiled and pointed towards a stand. “See that fruit over there~? Well I need it to complete the potion and you must hurry before one of the herbs I grabbed earlier loses its freshness.” Bathelia was just talking nonsense and really wanted the boy to turn away for a quick second.

Boy: He looked over at the stand and frowned. “Honestly how poor are you~? You can’t even buy your own food, how sad.” He did what the other asked and went over to the stand to buy the fruit. But once he had returned to hand the girl the fruit her face had changed, the mask she was wearing looked more realistic.

Bathelia: She now resembled to that of a dragons face, she used a combination of spells to create a type of spell that would allow her to take on any type of form she wanted. “Do you think I look good~?” She laughed a bit and then returned her face to normal; she took off her mask and bowed to the boy. “Thank you~ and that’s my capability, Shall I tell you more~?” She tilted her head up a bit to look at the boy as she bowed.

Boy: He smirked underneath the mask he was wearing and extended his hand to the girl. “Fine~ you have impressed me a bit but that’s only because your ability to change form might be proven useful.”

Bathelia: She took his hand and shook it, feeling a bit nervous as the boy spoke for he sounded kind of wicked in tone. “Sure but I can only change my form by using a spell and depending on how strong it is or the health of the items used for the spell will vary the time of how long it lasts.”

Boy: He barely listened to the girl, for his mind was somewhere else and he couldn’t be bothered by her boring details for long. “…Hn~ I guess were done here then Bathelia, I’ll be seeing you soon enough~” With that the boy placed his hand over his mask and removed it, revealing a smirk on his face almost as wicked as the smile on the mask.

Bathelia: She looked at the face of the boy and found it very familiar. When she realized who it was, she was shocked of his presence.


“My name is Zilocke Mērkis and I’m the King of Bran, you are now my Loyal Protector.”

And so a deal was made between a poor girl with the capability of a witch and a boy who had been through much of his life that has misguided him. What do these two souls wish to accomplish~? And what makes them so similar to each other, or are they two different halves of a story~?



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Where do you people get these pictures? :o And how do you humans have the patience to make bios and role-playing posts so long? And where do you get the skills? Also, why would a guy want to role-play a girl?
@applicantabovewhosenameIcantspell well, your brother told me he was the one to do all the work, but anyway, she looks amazing! ^^ I'd prefer that you add a bit more to the personality but the history explains a lot about her personality. ^^ Accepted!~ 

Mordaedel said:
Where do you people get these pictures? :o And how do you humans have the patience to make bios and role-playing posts so long? And where do you get the skills? Also, why would a guy want to role-play a girl?
*SLAPS* Sexist. >:( I roleplay as guys a lot of times! *acts all angry* lol
Mordaedel said:
Where do you people get these pictures? :o And how do you humans have the patience to make bios and role-playing posts so long? And where do you get the skills? Also, why would a guy want to role-play a girl?
No he had no patience at all >~> I was the one to do most the work and typing it up. ;~;
In the end it all comes down to how comfortable the person is with themselves... But that is a whole other conversation
[QUOTE="Sol The Hastag]noob queshun: how do you do that dice rolling thingy?

Oh, Kuya Sol... xD First you post a reply then on the right side there's an option that says "More options" then you click that and choose the roll dice option. :3

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