Tales of Salisonia: Rise of the Dragons [Official OOC Thread]

The only thing is that people might play themselves differently than how they really are. For example, if they are a nerdy kind of person, they'll make themselves the cool guy jock. There's also a supernatural element that will be added.
....what am I...? I'm pretty bipolar but I tend to be outgoing, I didn't get that leadership award for nothing. So, I'd make a sweet, shy, and introverted guy.
I WILL NOT ALLOW IT. But, I already have The Secret Service to work on and all the other RPs... AND FREAKING WALKING DEAD IS COMING OUT SOON!!!
I will be idea guy and you can make the actual thread. I have most of this story worked out anyway. 
My life will get busier in October. Season 4!
Super pumped for TWD and Frozen!!! xD Omgomgomg I'm just going cray! Oh. I have to design a costume in four days. Whatever.
Oh, I had an idea like that because that's what it was like at the site I used to RP at. ^~^ Until it started to suck and everyone either left or started to hate each other. 
I need to stop listening to Three Days Grace and Breaking Benjamin... it starts to get depressing. T^T
Mordaedel said:
Oh, I had an idea like that because that's what it was like at the site I used to RP at. ^~^ Until it started to suck and everyone either left or started to hate each other. 
I need to stop listening to Three Days Grace and Breaking Benjamin... it starts to get depressing. T^T
But when you're listening to TDG you won't be scared and lonely
Mordaedel said:
Why is it so hard to find someone who cares about you? Fine... it's never too late to get out alive.
That's right, if we get knocked down, we get back up and stand above the clouds, ignoring the pain that we feel in our time of dying, so that we can start a riot, and end up living the good life
paipai900 said:
I care about you, Mor. *huggles*
The joke

your head 
Well, the only thing I have to say about that combo is that it's all over, but I'd let it die over and over if that means I can go home
(We were quoting song titles to fit into to context, Pai. xP *Awkward huggle.*)

Well, life starts now. I guess I'll just have to find what lies beneath.

(I suck at this. x| )

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