Tales of Salisonia: Rise of the Dragons [Official OOC Thread]


..::The Mailman::..

(He isn't known by anything else)

Gender: Male







..::Appearance Notes::..

He always has a bag full of mail, and he also has a flag on his back with 'Bran Postal Service' written on it.


He is a very quirky person, and is very fit because he is always running. He always seems to be in the right place at the right time for someone to want to send a letter.


He has been the mailman of Bran for his entire adult life, as his father was before him. His father's father, his father, and so on have all been mailmen.

..::NPC Capabilities::..

So basically if anyone wants to send a letter, they can. He always happens to be at the right place, so you can send the letter from anywhere BUT it takes two real life days for the letter to get to the recipient.

So anyway, the reason I want this to be a character is so that I can have him interact with people if I want him to :3

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Well, I might not be on much.

No one cares? Okay. >_>

@TheInfamousHavoc, do you mean that one with that one dude? :D


Okay, I'm over it.
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KKK, no big thing I need to complete and I have permission to kill ze Nico, I shall work on it!

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O.K., un-sleeping now so I'll be able to work on the reply! It won't be as good as to how I am thinking it will be, though, since I'm on a phone.

And what are the monsters in the labyrinth/caves, @paipai900.

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Name: Gavin Xilheart

Gender: M

Age: 31

Race : Human

Class: Ranger

Appearance Notes: Short black hair with gray eyes. Not so bulky but well built. 6'2" in height and 160 lbs in weight.

Personality: Gavin tends to show no hesitation when killing. He had always hunted animals down without any remorse in killing them. He tends to be quiet when there's nothing that interests him. Any information about his parents would peek his interests though. And also, even though he has such a personality, Gavin is a caring man for those who deserves it and for those who he see is fits for his caring. Also, Gavin is a man of his words. Gavin also tends to be a stubborn man, he will not listen to anyone other than himself.

History: When Gavin was a child, he lived with his parents near Ellengarde Forest. They a normal family of huntsman. His father would go out to hunt animals and then trade some meat for money. The money was used for their things that they could not obtain or taxes. Food was not a problem, whenever his father hunts, he always brings back food that can last for 3-4 days. This was enough for them to survive. They would just take water from rivers. And sometimes, animal fur was either sold or woven into clothes. But they do not need too much clothes so most of the Fur or hide were sold. They also have a vegetable garden where his mother would grow all kinds of vegetables.

Everything was going well. When Gavin was 26, he was already going on hunts with his father so that they could procure more meat. He would learn the way of tracking from his father. How to deduct certain things to track down an animal. And he would learn stealth, because a quiet foot was needed when trying to sneak up on an animal, who's senses are far more superior then normal humans. His first kill was an Elk, where he was able to to fire an arrow about 10 meters away and hitting the Elk on the head. His father praised him for that, being praised by an old man and especially by a father was something.

One Day, he wasn't able to join his father hunting because he overslept. He wanted to go catch up with his father, but his mother stopped him from doing so and needed help with the land so that she was able to plant seeds. He understood and started mowing the garden so that it would suitable for planting. As he would mow, his mother from behind would follow planting all kinds of seed that he wouldn't know.

At the night, his father never came home. He was getting worried and asked his mother if he was allowed to go out and look for him. But his mother disagreed and reassured him that he would be back. When his mother was preparing dinner and Gavin doing nothing but make more arrows for his long bow that his father made for him. The door slammed open and his father, all bloody and injured, appeared and fell to the ground in great pain. Gavin and his mother rushed to his aid, hoping that he would be okay. Then his father told him what had happened.

He was hunting and following this Elk to wait for it to stop in it's track. When it finally stopped, his father drew his bow and someone.. or something appeared out of nowhere and scared the Elk away. The thing was able to sense his father as it started running to him. His father ran away but for some reason, his skin started to get scratched, his body filled with pain and bruises, it was as if the thing was just toying with him.

Now afraid of the monster. Gavin picked up his bow and was about to take care of it once and for all. But his father stopped him from doing so. He told him that he would run to the nearby village to call for help and warn the others. Gavin tried to fight back but his father's words were absolute. He nodded and rushed out of the place and towards the nearby village where he ran without stopping for minutes and minutes until he finally arrived and everyone looking at him as if something was wrong with him. He then called out for help as a few men knew his father and was a good friend of him offer their help and joined Gavin back to their house.

They finally arrived at the place and when they went inside, no one was there. Not even a single soul can be seen except Gavin and a few men carrying swords, hatchets and spears. They searched the entire house and his parents were never found. The men thought Gavin was lying, got angry and left him alone there. But he was sure that his parents were just here just minutes ago.

Gavin waited for days for his parents to come home. But they never came back. He watered the plants in the garden and cooked himself his own meal from the meat of the animals that they hunted down. For days he had waited and no one came home. He decided he would look all over for them, hoping that one day he would find them.
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Name: Kratos Aurion (its a hard A, not to be confused with kratos from the god of war series, kratos from tales of symphonia)

Gender: male

Age: 110

Race: Dwarf

Class: Paladin

Appearance Notes: stands at 4'3" weighs in at 175 lbs, all muscle

Personality: Kratos is a religious fanatic with an extreme, some might even say irrational hate of the undead. outside of those factors, Kratos is your normal dwarf, loves his drink, country jigs are his favorite kind of music from a bard, anything raunchy.

History: Kratos was raised in a large city in the Cantillia Mountains with his small family, mother, father and an older brother. His father was a retired warrior trained in the use of the war hammer. His mother is a simple weaver that dabbles in a little witchcraft now and again in order to augment her clothes that she sells with extra effects. Kratos's father trained both Kratos and his brother in the many fold use of the hammer, one can do combat with a hammer, build structures, forge items and so much more. Kratos and his brother would spar for hours on end, always under the careful and watchful eye of their father. Kratos's father also trained his sons in the art of weapon and armor smithing. As such, Kratos crafted his first war hammer at the age of 20 as well as a set of armor to go along with it, nothing fancy, but still very solid dwarven work. This armor and hammer now sits in a display case, intended for Kratos's children that will never come to be. Later on in his life Kratos would craft such a magnificent set of armor and a war hammer of exquisite craftsmanship that he still uses to this day, nearly 60 years later. Kratos, after crafting the armor, went to the church to become a holy warrior, feeling that was what his father had lacked in his time as a warrior, the desire to serve a greater purpose and support the gods. Several long years of training, and a blessing later Kratos became a full fledged dwarven paladin, a force to be reckoned with. During his travels after becoming a paladin, Kratos ventured into the lair of an evil necromancer where he was forced to deal with hordes of undead, spiders, and the like, along with the necromancer, alone. Kratos barely made it through the encounter and many speculate that this is where is extreme hate of the undead in any form came from, possibly also his religious fanaticism.
If you type your character's name in the search bar, and type your user name under "posted by member:", it shouldn't be too hard to find.
We didn't know there was one. That's why. >->

I found my characters! I still feel like I had a fifth one, though...
"This thing" if you're referring to the mad, violent bull that we are all riding on named RPNation, which wants to buck us off and break our ribs then yes. You are the only one.
Mooalally said:
"This thing" if you're referring to the mad, violent bull that we are all riding on named RPNation, which wants to buck us off and break our ribs then yes. You are the only one.
Oh, oh, does this mean I get to be a master bull rider and you're just rodeo clowns?

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