Tales of Salisonia: Rise of the Dragons [Official OOC Thread]

Feel free to enter the tunnels when your group has gathered (if not, at least get the permission of the missing person/people so they know) and I'll get things started with a few events for each group. Remember to stay with one another until the first event has happened to your group, after that, go crazy. This time, could you tag the player if their character is in your post to make it easier for me to include people. Please and thank you~!
I actually have no idea what's going on in the mountains 'cause I haven't really read any of the stuff concerning it...

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Wirh Havoc wanting the CS, and blah blah blah, you guys saying she could say she couldn't really see what they looked like, it won't always work.

Depending on where they meet and the time of day (If they meet outside, though I doubt it with the event going on), it would be obvious what he/she looked like. If he wore a cloak, though, it would change everything and she wouldn't know what he looks like. Then again, she might do something with her character looking at something on him, etc. and would need to know what that thing looked like. That is, if she described it in her own post, and that also goes in-line with when he is close enough to her character.

Blah, blah, blah.


@Wynn Kamui

Sorry if this was already mentioned, I lightly skimmed over the posts. I noticed the ring finger (The finger next to the pinky; Sorry if I'm getting the name mixed up.)looks a little oddly bent. It's near the knuckle, and it seems a little skinny compared to the pinky. Then again, I am a terrible artist and you probably did do it correctly. For the finger seeming a little thin, I'm just basing it off of my own and others fingers, so again it doesn't really matter, especially since there are so many variations in everything on the body.

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I need some confirmation on the exact abilities of wind magic- I'm quickly writing up something for the RP, but I wanna know if this sounds OP.

She spends almost an hour on compressing air into a single point in the air, and when she releases it, the force is enough to knock her over.

OPinions? (See what I did there?)
Kasai said:
Hey Wynn, what program did you use to draw that person, by the way?
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MSPaint for the initial outlines and coloring, then I used photoshop for the shading and relining.
OH, Kasai. PFFT, GIRL. YOU ARE NOT going to shank Elvsyr! She'll use her spooky Illusion Magic to look like a bush.

*jumps in a bush.* "ARM A BUSH!"

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WELL. I just posted in the RP. If anyone wants to interact, I'm walking towards a town near the southern foothills of the Cantilla Mountains. 
Keep in mind I wrote that post in like 15 minutes... So don't expect it to be any good.
If you want, you can interact with Arzur(He is old, though.). I currently have him with Nico's character early on in the labyrinth. Problem is, Nico left so I'll (Most likely Pai, actually. If she wants.)have to make up a way that his character and beast-cat-IForgotWhatItWas-thing died. My character would probably have to end up injured, too, since he can't fight as well as he used to.

So, your choice. If you don't want to interact with him I might find a way for him to get with my other character. If Pai is fine with that.

(It'll be kind of weird interacting with myself. xD I know how each character would react, though, thankfully.


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MrLlama said:
If you want, you can interact with Arzur(He is old, though.). I currently have him with Nico's character early on in the labyrinth. Problem is, Nico left so I'll (Most likely Pai, actually. If she wants.)have to make up a way that his character and beast-cat-IForgotWhatItWas-thing died. My character would probably have to end up injured, too, since he can't fight as well as he used to.
So, your choice. If you don't want to interact with him I might find a way for him to get with my other character. If Pai is fine with that.

(It'll be kind of weird interacting with myself. xD I know how each character would react, though, thankfully.


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Whatever you want, really. I can't really help it if you initiate an interaction with me... Isn't the labyrinth in the Cantilla mountains? I don't think it would be too difficult to get him to me, if you want. 
And were you referring to a Kahao?
I learned from the master.

Hey, where's Flab and Ixy? I have the urge to gorge some flesh. I mean... >,> Role-play. Yeah, that.

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No idea. I'm not really sure which one of them posts before the other ( .-.)since I had Elvsyr talk to Arenam but it wasn't really much, and she looked back at... Wurtever Ix's name is.

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Kasai, the trick is not cookies. Nobody wants cookies. You need the SUPERULTRAFABULOUSJIGGLYCOOKIEZ!!!!

GAHHHH! I can't tell if it's good or bad that my anxiety makes me type so much unrelated crap.

It makes me write A LOT(Just ask Wynn... She saw it in a PM. That was terrible in there.), which would help me make longer RP replies... But at the same time, like I said, it is a bunch of stuff that isn't related. ... I just repeated myself.

But maybe I found the secret to making me write long posts!

Ugh. Sorry in advanced if I'm even more annoying than usual because of this.

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