Tales of Salisonia: Rise of the Dragons [Official OOC Thread]

Why do all the water and grass Pokemon look so weird in my opinion. I mean, who, who just started Pokemon, wouldn't choose a fire Pokemon?
Generation 1: Couldn't pick, Generation 2: Cyndaquil, Generation 3: Torchic (Didn't really like any of the starters, Geneation 4: Piplup), Generation 5: Oshawott (Snivy was a close second), Generation 6: Can't choose between Fennekin and Froakie.
Generation 1 (Red and Green. Blue was released later, as well as Yellow. Green never came to America.): Charmander, Squirtle, Bulbasaur, and Pikachu in Yellow. (You could get all starters in Yellow), Generation 2 (Gold, Silver, and Crystal): Cyndaquil, Chikorita, and Totadile, Generation 3 (Ruby, Saphire, and Emerald): Torchic, Treeko, and Mudkip, Generation 4 (Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum): Piplup, Turtwig, and Chimchar, Generation 5 (Black, White, Black 2, and White 2): Oshawott, Snivy, and Tepig, Generation 6 (X and Y): Froakie, Fennekin, and Chespin.
Chikorita has the best defense of the starters and is very strong early in the game, but things are more difficult later on. Chikorita is more for the advanced players.

Todadile has the highest attack and learns a variety of powerful moves, probably making it the strongest starter. However, Totadile doesn't learn many strong water moves and water Pokémon are the most common. Totadile is more for intermediate players.

Cyndaquil is the fastest starter and has the best special attack score. Cyndaquil's fire moves aren't too strong in the beginning, but they become more powerful as he levels up. Cyndaquil is more for beginner players and makes the game much easier.
MrLlama said:
Should I capture the first few Pokemon I meet? O:
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Yes. If there's a Magikarp anywhere, immediately try to catch it. It's one of the strongest Pokemon in the game, with the highest attack and third highest special defense. It's speed isn't too shabby either.
*falls flat on face

I feel like all my OOC posts consist of apologizing for my delays. I really need to get on top of my schedule. ;-;
@Moolally < Did that work? And how do I catch a Magikarp, there is a lot of water if that means anything

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MrLlama said:
@Moolally < Did that work? And how do I catch a Magikarp, there is a lot of water if that means anything
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1. No because you spelled my name wrong.

2. Use a super rod (because that's what's needed for the AMAZING Magikarp) or Surf on the water, and then when it appears, throw a Master Ball at it, if you have one.
MrLlama said:
Um... Can you even do that in Crystal?

Now did it? And should I catch doubles of a Pokémon?

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If you're asking if tagging works from tapatalk, it does, but why don't you guys start a PM conversation for your Pokemon chatting, rather than cramming up the sign up sheets
Because this basically turned into a chatting thread. I mean, come on.

Anyway, since you're playing Crystal:

Right before the union cave, talk to the fisherman inside the Pokemon center. You will get an old rod. A tool not fitting of such a majestic and powerful creature like Magikarp, but it will suffice. Go to the north where there is a pier. Fish, and you will most likely catch a Magikarp. Catch it.

And unless the Pokemon is powerful and you want to have doubles of it, you probably shouldn't.
@Lucem Tenebris

Woot, a teammate! (With a pretty face!
xD )

Can't wait to see the rest of the profile. *thumbs up

I'm trying to find the profiles of the people on my team. ;-;

I found Cress's, but the other two are nowhere to be found...

@Izaki Nakajima @Rifleman

Tell me where your character sheets are. >
:o I demand it!

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