Tales of Salisonia: Rise of the Dragons [Official OOC Thread]

[QUOTE="Cheto an]meh, grammar when i make a character is not a priority, i want the main source of info to be there. when i start posting, and playing my character, then things change and i have fun

Fair enough I just didn't some want someone roleplaying like "derp face wiz walkeng throo a forist and he found the kiing andd kild him becuz he wuz a haf dragon for no reeson wutsoeveer".
[QUOTE="Cheto an]dwarfs have, in almost every source i have knowledge of, almost always been short, and incredibly stocky people. im 5'7" at almost 197 last height and weight, so not that far i'd think, besides that, 110 years of martial training and smithing would build an ass load of muscles. think about it, ever seen a smith in a game, aside from the elder scrolls series, that wasnt the most physically built NPC, or the biggest character in a book?

But the thing is, 5'7" to 197 Ibs is properly proportioned.

Ahem. Anyway, don't take me too seriously. I don't have any power in this RP, just trying to provide some tips.

And, uh, where did his father learn how to smith?
dwarfs, its almost like an auto skill, they all learn it, well aside from maybe the females, but even then some of the more...butch...female dwarfs might learn to smith stuff
MrLlama said:
No. Bad Llama. No. I thought we discussed this already.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_10/57a8be51ccbbb_hqdefault(2).jpg.1620acd0e135f53709d593788161ee93.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="8540" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_10/57a8be51ccbbb_hqdefault(2).jpg.1620acd0e135f53709d593788161ee93.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Pictures are hard to find... Can you wait a bit longer and use your imagination for it?

|General Information|

  • Jack Runeric

|Biography of Jack Runeric|

  • Jack is a bright and cheerful guy to most people that meet him. He sometimes tends to rush into things and gets hurt but can take control when necessary. He's a loyal and good friend to anyone he happens to travel with.

  • Sorry if this turns out to be horrible and not at all looking like the ones above, I'm new to this.
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Hey @Kagemaster I'm not a mod or anything so I can't accept or reject your character but I can give you some advice as your characters history and perosnality is lacking a bit.

I have a few questions about his history which could help you add more to it:

How did Jack survive the attack?

Why did he take the food from the camp and how did it seem abandoned? Was it empty? If so why would the bandits leave it with no one guarding it.

Who was this man? What his name, what did he do for a living?

What age was Jack when began his training? Describe how it was for Jack, difficult, fun?

Anyway I have no say as to whether your accepted or not I just thought I'd give a couple of ideas to add in to flesh out his history.
Flabbysaurus said:
Hey @Kagemaster I'm not a mod or anything so I can't accept or reject your character but I can give you some advice as your characters history and perosnality is lacking a bit.
I have a few questions about his history which could help you add more to it:

How did Jack survive the attack?

Why did he take the food from the camp and how did it seem abandoned? Was it empty? If so why would the bandits leave it with no one guarding it.

Who was this man? What his name, what did he do for a living?

What age was Jack when began his training? Describe how it was for Jack, difficult, fun?

Anyway I have no say as to whether your accepted or not I just thought I'd give a couple of ideas to add in to flesh out his history.
Yeah I have a tendency to do that. These are all excellent questions though!

1. Jack was out in the woods whilst the attack happened.

2. The camp was a small area with about 10 bandits living there, they where out raiding a nearby village when Jack stumbled upon the camp. The fire was out and two of the tents had been packed up along with the fact that nobody was there. Also he was about 8 at the time, he wasn't as good with finding details. These bandits are also well... bandits. They're often drunk and never give guard to the camp.

3. The man was but a simple hermit talented in the ways of Contracting with nature. His name is Reynor, and he doesn't have a job, he survives by sending out creatures he has a contract with to hunt, and he tends a small garden.

4. Jack began his training at age 8, and the training was the most difficult thing he had ever done. Many times he would sustain injuries from failed contract attempts.

PS: Squirtle is the best pokemon
Flabbysaurus said:
Awesome! You should try and implement these things into your history so he's a bit more fleshed out. Damn right squirtle is the best
Already taken care of. Have you posted your character yet?
Please stop filling the thread with even MORE crap, we've gained a bit more of a reputation for having a crap filled thread, try to use ooc place or ooc comments
Why? There is already another thread for Cs, so might as well just turn this into the OOC.

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@Kagemaster Please add more to the personality section. Incorporating things for why he's the way he is. Also, please list some weaknesses. Every person has some weakness or another, so it would be good to include that into the CS. Although, it's pretty small, I just thought I'd point this out: Aviator jackets don't exist.

The same goes for the history. Please add much more to this and make it as detailed as possible. Where was Ethel located? Please go into a lot more detail about the bandits and the raid. Who were these bandits? Why were thy raiding? Why did they kill people instead of just taking supplies? How did Jack, who was four at the time, survive. It seems highly unlikely that he would survive when his parents couldn't. Bran is at peace, so it would be highly unlikely for this event to happen in the first place.

Why did everyone hate him? How did he become an outcast? How did he know that they felt this way? How did Jack come to find the bandits? How was he able to take food without getting killed? Again, Ed four, so things like this would be impossible. Why did the bandits not chase after him? On another note, why did they kill people other than Jack. Only he stole food, meaning thy shouldn't have had any quarrel

with anyone else. A child at fours years of age probably wouldn't have been able to steal much food with tiny arms, so it probably wouldn't have even been an issue with the bandits.

How did a child at the age of four manage to survive a week on his own with only giggle and a book. Realistically, he would've been dead within a few hours or a day at the most. Go into more detail about Reynor and his relationship with Jack. What kind of training was this and what was included in it? Why did Jack leave? How did Jack survive on his own. A fifteen year old wouldn't stand much of a chance, supplies or not. How would he even carry the wagon? Why would nobody steal from him? A child with a wagon fun of supplies would be very tempting. If he had supplies, how was there no time to eat, sleep or, drink? How would he even live off of berries and bark?

This paragraph is going to talk about Contractors. Contractors are people who form bonds with up to two beasts. It isn't really something that can be taught, so the entire training would have to be omitted, more or less. Retain doesn't seem like a Contractor, as he wasn't said to have a familiar. Jack wouldn't be a Contractor either. Right now, he's a Civillian with no skills traveling the kingdom. Again, he would most likely have been dead for a long time. Contractors cannot use magic, so the spell book that Jack has would be pretty useless.
@Kagemaster One last thing, please don't go heavy on his depression on thoughts of suicide. Based on his history and being driven by his father's words, it doesn't seem like he would still have those traits. Having a constantly depressed character like that, along with a tragic past, would make them fall into the dreaded Sue category. 
Also, for anyone that wishes to create a character from here on out, please post your CS in the new Charcter Creation thread.
[QUOTE="Lucem Tenebris]@Kagemaster One last thing, please don't go heavy on his depression on thoughts of suicide. Based on his history and being driven by his father's words, it doesn't seem like he would still have those traits. Having a constantly depressed character like that, along with a tragic past, would make them fall into the dreaded Sue category. 
Also, for anyone that wishes to create a character from here on out, please post your CS in the new Charcter Creation thread.

No... Anything but a Sue! I see what you mean though, I shall make changes accordingly.

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