Tales of Salisonia: Rise of the Dragons [Official OOC Thread]

Roleplays to Check Out

I love how that went from having three things under it to only Paipai's Roleplay.





[QUOTE="Lucem Tenebris]
After Revision: I see Sue qualities and I'd like more detail about her ability to quickly analyze a foe to make sure it's not OP.

Just a question; What Sue qualities are you seeing :3

[QUOTE="Lucem Tenebris]
When she met Erina, how did they not get caught stealing sooner and how did they do it in the first place? It doesn't seem very likely that two weak and hungry little girls could evade capture for that long.

I had added into the post things about how this city was almost completely run by criminals- people would have feared the results of crossing Slohr as doing so could result in him retaliating. (The reason this would be taken as crossing Slohr is because he was 'In charge' of the orphans' in the city.)

[QUOTE="Lucem Tenebris]
Why was the orphanage owner like that and why did he treat them badly? How did nobody find out about this? Surely someone would've taken notice. Why wasn't Erina scared? She's in the same position as everyone else, so why did she not show fear? If the town was so corrupt, why didn't those of higher power put a stop to it?

Maybe you didn't realize that I revised the whole orphanage thing quite a bit...

[QUOTE="Lucem Tenebris]
For the end of the history, how did Erina carry Wynn so far? Again, it doesn't make much sense. How did Mr. Slohr find out they left? How did Erina knock out a grown man with a plank of wood? How did Erina get Wynn on a boat? Did nobody notice what was happening to them?

Almost a mile doesn't seem like a crazy far distance for someone to carry a person on their back. It would be tiring, but still not crazy.

Slohr himself hadn't found out that they had left- one of his goons had found out and chased them. He knew because he had been hit on the head by Erina. Knocking someone out with a plank of wood to the head isn't very difficult:

Immediately after biomechanical injury to the brain, abrupt, indiscriminant release of neurotransmitters and unchecked ionic fluxes occur. The binding of excitatory transmitters, such as glutamate, to the N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor leads to further neuronal depolarization with efflux of potassium and influx of calcium. These ionic shifts lead to acute and subacute changes in cellular physiology.

Again, people noticed, but this wasn't out of place for this town.

[QUOTE="Lucem Tenebris]
Wouldn't someone have stepped in? Wouldn't the shipowner see there was somebody getting on his boat? If Slohr had already caught up, how did Erina hold him off? When was Wynn asleep?

People would've been scared to step in because of the potential harm to themselves.

During the departure of a ship, the crew is very focused on their individual tasks, and wouldn't be likely to notice something like this happening. Wynn was thrown into a pile of rope behind barrels of rum that the crew was taking for the voyage. (That information is stuff I just made up- I'll add it into the CS if you think it works)

As for Erina holding the man off, she didn't actually prevent him from doing anything- she just acted as a sort of a meat shield to keep him occupied for the few seconds that it would take for the boat to be too far away for the man to stop it.

[QUOTE="Lucem Tenebris]
For the Wind abilities, no making the air super cold or super hot and other things of that nature. How does Wind redirect water?

Notice I didn't say that it could stop water- only redirect water. This is because liquid water is a relatively light material, and can be influenced by wind quite easily, similar to how when there is a lot of wind, rain can move at a near 45 degree angle.

[QUOTE="Lucem Tenebris]
Most of the new additions seem just to focus on Wynn's parents and more detail about the raid. Besides that, I don't see much change from last time.

And the stuff about Slohr and the village. 

[QUOTE="Lucem Tenebris]I've decided to try my hand at drawing females. Any suggestions?


Lemme post some of the things that I've been drawing today. Gimme a minute. 

@Lucem Tenebris


A reference sheet for Wynn's proportions.


My first drawing with Wynn using the reference, it seems to work fairly well, except for the legs. They just seem... off.


I believe I already posted a version of this that I worked out in photoshop, but this is the original drawing it was based on.

This probably didn't help to much though, as from what I have seen you are much better at drawing than me :P
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I do see what they are getting at with Erina walking a mile whilst carrying Wynn on her back. If you think about it, what is the chance of a young girl being able to do that?
MrLlama said:
I do see what they are getting at with Erina walking a mile whilst carrying Wynn on her back. If you think about it, what is the chance of a young girl being able to do that?
Just realized that they weren't fourteen at this point. I'm bad at math. Let's lower that to almost a kilometer.
[QUOTE="Lucem Tenebris]Kirke?

Yeah! Oh god that is my favorite anime ever... Too bad the creator had to go and die. He will be missed :,(
..::Raiko Moyasu::..





View attachment 26338

Appearance notes:

Raiko has amber eyes that look red when he uses his fire magic. He has a staff that he believes is one of the ones confiscated from the mages who were imprisoned shortly before his escape. The origins of the staff are thus unknown. The remainder of his garb is made up of assorted items that were confiscated from the mages, so some of it doesn't fit him very well.


Raiko has lost his hope in the world- every time he places his trust in someone, not only have they betrayed him, they seem to have gone out of their way to harm him. He is very mistrusting of people and has little experience with dealing with them. He doesn't like being alone but he will stay that way if he has to. It is in his nature to be a kind and hopeful person, but after the betrayal he felt he has buried those feelings within himself.he is angry and determined to find his parents not stopping until he destroys them and their precious gang. Raiko's goal is the only thing that keeps him going and has sustained him.


When he was young, his parents led him to believe that they lived a normal life- They traveled a lot and never settled down in one place for more than a month. His parents were the leaders of a gang that was well-known for their cruelty. His parents were especially cruel and only softened when they were with each other. His mother was kind to him but mostly ever taught him to take care of himself, but his father was a gruff man who only taught him how to fight and steal. His father never showed any tenderness towards Raiko, and only ever treated him as a common bandit. One night, when Raiko was 9, their group was moving once again, in a risky attemp to ride past Bran through Samaria. A large squad of Bran's soldiers who recognized them from an investigation about a village massacre two years prior attacked, arresting a large amount of the bandits, including his parents and himself. Raiko was arrested and put in the same jail as his parents. When evaluated for placement, he was placed in the same area as his father, because they assumed that Raiko would have the same power as him. Raiko had little knowledge of his fathers power, but he had seen him light campfires and other small flames. The cell he was held in had many magical seals that were made to hinder the use of magic. For the next few years, after hearing multiple conversations about his fathers flames, he tried to conjure fire in his cell, but the most he could manage were some sparks. For all the energy he was putting into the flames, barely anything seemed to happen. One day there was a great commotion as a group of criminal mages were put into cells, and because Raiko had no history of potent magic, he was moved to another cell to accommodate the new inmates. The new cell had no magic seals to subdue mages. Next thing he knew, he saw his parents walking down the hallway. Thinking they were coming for him he called out to them, and reached out his hand. His mother stopped, gave him a look that was filled with disgust and left him, his father just ignored him completely. Shocked and deeply hurt he tried to further beckon them with his fire to make them notice him. Little did he know that those tiny sparks he was able to make while bound by magical seals would be considerably multiplied without the seals. He caused a massive explosion, creating a hole in the cell block he was in. His parents, using him as a distraction, escaped and left him in the jail. When Raiko roused he was in a tree, his prison uniform filled with holes and cuts.


All of Raiko's abilities in magic are random and uncontrolled because he has no experience using a medium (A staff in his case). This being the case, he has much potential as a Fire Elementalist, but the lack of control over the element can cause much more harm to himself than his intended targets. When using a staff for his magic, he has much more control, but the potency is severely lowered.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_10/57a8be475d44f_2013-10-1022.02.41.png.2ceec69f8c2e719e7393143a078a17dd.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="8022" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_10/57a8be475d44f_2013-10-1022.02.41.png.2ceec69f8c2e719e7393143a078a17dd.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> 
What I have so far. I probably won't even finish this.



  • 2013-10-10 22.02.41.png
    2013-10-10 22.02.41.png
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Sorry about not being able to post today •3• I got a bad case of life @-@ anyway, still waiting to see if I'm excepted or not. Kinda...getting anxious.... *squeezes a spoon and snaps it in half* ....just a bit

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