Tales of Salisonia: Rise of the Dragons [Official OOC Thread]

Hm, I'm typing up my post at the moment, but I'm not sure how much ten gold pieces would be worth. ;-;

How much food do you think Fayette can buy with he gold she currently? ><;;
TheInfamousHavoc said:
Hm, I'm typing up my post at the moment, but I'm not sure how much ten gold pieces would be worth. ;-;
How much food do you think Fayette can buy with he gold she currently? ><;;
Just wondering- What time zone do you live in? :3 

Cressy said:
If you keep Capsing all over the place and constantly ranting I won't review your app.
So does that mean I get reviewed first because I don't have a caps lock key? ;)
I shall wait in the valley of darkness and...cat-faces until a decision has come to me and ONLY THEN shall I stop being creepy
TheInfamousHavoc said:
Hm, I'm typing up my post at the moment, but I'm not sure how much ten gold pieces would be worth. ;-;
How much food do you think Fayette can buy with he gold she currently? ><;;
1 Gold= 10 dollars

1 Silver= 5 dolllars

1 Bronze= 2 dollars

1 Bran= 1 dollar

She has 100 dollars at the moment, you can decide how to use it, I guess.
paipai900 said:
1 Gold= 10 dollars
1 Silver= 5 dolllars

1 Bronze= 2 dollars

1 Bran= 1 dollar

She has 100 dollars at the moment, you can decide how to use it, I guess.
She got 'hundred dollahs in her pockeett...

I'm sorry but I'm going to have to drop out of this. I just realized I was in way too many RPs. I'm sorry Q~Q
[QUOTE="Wynn Kamui]There was a reference hidden in there. Maybe the song isn't as popular where you live :P

She, she, she's running, lost in the tunnels. This is fricking insane. 

Nico said:
I'm sorry but I'm going to have to drop out of this. I just realized I was in way too many RPs. I'm sorry Q~Q
It's alright Nico. We'll be together behind the veil. *badum tsssst* Odde will now die a tragic death...so young, so much potential...
paipai900 said:
She, she, she's running, lost in the tunnels. This is fricking insane. 

It's alright Nico. We'll be together behind the veil. *badum tsssst* Odde will now die a tragic death...so young, so much potential...
Haha. We will :3. Awe poor Odde x3
Cressy said:
Can I murder Odde...haha i'm kidding...heh.
Do itttt! Lol if you want to, he must die. Or become an NPC, grow up, find a job, meet a girl, get married, have kids, raise kids, meet grandchildren, and die.

(Improved and expanded Character Revision 83 subselection Delta[40]-19 post article Gamma Zeta Charlie19j12[False Subset9 ] Array 94)

@Cressy @paipai900 @Lucem Tenebris


..::Wynn Kamui::..









Wind elementalist

Appearance Notes:

5ft 2in, 120lbs, green eyes.

Wynn has a stuffed bunny in her pocket that was given to her by Erina, a girl who became a sister to her when they both lived in an orphanage together for several years. She keeps this with her at all times, and cherishes it more than any of her other possessions.

She also has a veryslight abnormality in her gait, as when she was in that same orphanage they were often beaten for minor infractions. During one of those beatings, her knee was fractured; and lacking any medical care it healed back incorrectly.


Wynn is a very analytical person. She can quickly analyze a foe and adapt to them accordingly.

(For example, say she sees someone who looks like this:


She would be like

'Oh, his hair isn't particularly well groomed, so it would be reasonable to say that he doesn't have a background as a noble or any type of royalty, and if he did than he didn't particularly care for that type of lifestyle. The fact that the clothes are baggy and don't look as if they fit him extremely comfortably means that either he couldn't afford to get new clothes, which is unlikely for someone who appears to be a powerful mage; or that they were stolen. Because he has a scowl on his face, one could infer that he is angry (Duh). If he's burning down stuff and nearly engulfed in his own flames, obviously the thing that caused him to be angry wasn't something as small as a one-off remark by some random passerby. Instead it is more reasonable to assume that he was doing this out of revenge for something that was done to him or his family/loved ones. Seeing as how the flame around his hand isn't particularly contained, it is safe to assume that he doesn't want to or doesn't have the ability to accurately control his magic. The answer to this most likely is the former or the combination of both, because it was already determined that someone made him mad, so he probably doesn't have much care for their stuff or life. Further supporting this is the fact that he doesn't he isn't using his staff to assist in the precision of his magic.

That's what I mean by quickly analyze- make logical observations about a person's motivation or history from what I can see. Not too overpowered, as it is an ability that I have in real life :3

That being said, my observations can be completely wrong and are often overthought.

She is also a very peaceful person, and tries to avoid and prevent violent conflict. Despite being a very logical person, Wynn is very adventurous. She decided early on in teaching herself how to control the element of wind that she needed to explore and analyze the effects of wind that many people overlook and give no importance to.

Wynn lost many of her loved ones throughout her life, and each of the deaths seemed equally as pointless. Her mother was killed by a mugger, he father was killed by a gang of bandits that would attack small villages, and Erina was killed trying to buy Wynn some time. Wynn is still very emotional about their deaths, and these emotions are her main flaw- when her loved ones are in danger, she makes rash decisions without analyzing the potential outcomes as she would usually do. Wynn can thus be easily manipulated into losing rationality.

She never wants to let a friend or loved one die pointlessly ever again. She would gladly give her own life to save that of her friend's.

Wynn is also violently hates Fire Elementalists because of what they did to her village when she was little. She immediately acts hostile towards to them.


Wynn's mother died in a mugging when Wynn was young, so she was raised mostly by her father. Wynn's father was named Karzen Kamui, when he was young he was a military engineer for the kingdom of Bran. Because of the peace in Bran the need for new innovative weapons was little, he retired from that job when he was 30. For the remainder of his life, he worked as a smith for the small town of Raginta.

Karzen met his wife, Noria, while he was working as a military engineer, but they lost touch shortly after his moving to Raginta. They happened to run into one another when Noria was moving in with her parents who also lived in the same village as Karzen. She had also left her job as a military engineer for the same reason as Karzen. They got married two years later, then a year after that they had Wynn.

After 3 years of being married, Wynn's mother was killed during a mugging. Details of this are unknown due to lack of witnesses and evidence.

When Wynn was 7 a group of bandits named Ichisoku o kika attacked the village. The members of the village were hardly equipped to handle any attack, much less one directed by the Ichisoku. They mercilessly killed all of the people in the village because their leader (I'll consult with Kai'zen about what his character's father's name is gonna be) was looking for a some magical artifact that he thought someone in the village owned. Nobody knows exactly what he was looking for, only that he was very adamant on getting it into his possesion.

Upon seeing that an attack was imminent, Kinzoku hid Wynn in a small cellar under their house. The cellar was very small, only big enough for one person. For the next 36 hours, Wynn sat huddled in the cellar listening to the sounds of burning and screaming. The screaming only lasted for the first few hours, though.

Wynn began to get very hungry, and because she hadn't heard any sign of life outside for several hours, she felt safe leaving the cellar. She emerged to find that the entire town had been burnt down, there was not a single person in sight. It was as if the village had been abandoned for many years, even though it had been barely a day.

The town was in such bad condition that Wynn couldn't find a single thing to eat in the ruins. There may have been food, but it was either so burnt that it could not be eaten, or she couldn't have found it because she didn't know where to look because everything was beyond recognition.

Two days after the village burned, a group of traveling merchants found her cold and starving in the rubble. They took Wynn and fed her, but they didn't want to raise a child, so they left her when she was sleeping in the next town they stopped at.

This town was a small trading city by the name of (Whatever the name of the town near the enterances to the dwarven mines are) near the base of the (Mountain range near the dwarven mine entrance things). Wynn had nobody to help her do anything for the next two weeks after being abandoned at the city. She was very hungry, worried for her safety, sad for her family and village, and most of all lonely. Wynn lived off of stealing food from the carts of merchants while they were distracted conversing with someone else. She slept on the outskirts of the town under a broken cart that was overgrown with vines.

At first they competed against each other for the people's sympathy- Whoever seemed more helpless would get significantly more from begging. One night, Wynn had been especially lucky with her begging, and so Erina had no food. Wynn saw her like this, and gave her a piece of her bread. This was the beginning of their friendship.

Erina and Wynn got along very well- both of them were orphans living on the street, and they had a similar sense of humor. They used their combined creativity and ingenuity to find ways to make it in the town- They did what they had to. They stole from some of the merchants, but only those that they believed could afford it.

However well this worked for them, it only took getting seen by the owner of the town orphanage once for the whole scheme of theirs to end. They were both thrown into an orphanage. The owner of the orphanage, Mr.Slorh, was not a nice man. He used his power over little kids to up his ego and make himself money. If we didn't do exactly what he asked exactly when he asked, talked when not spoken to, forget to address him as
Sir, we would be subjected to a variety of punishments: No food for two days, Locked in the cellar for days at a time, or when he got very mad he would just beat us.

For Slorh, his orphans were like an investment. By sending them out every day to beg for money, he made a fortune. However, effective as this was, the whole operation could be shut down by a single snitch. He was aware of this, so he constantly would make examples of the orphans, saying that they told someone what he was doing. He would then make everyone watch as he beat the perpetrator until they could barely be recognized. These scare tactics worked on everyone but Erina- she wasn't one to be scared by anything.

Along with the orphanage scheme, Slohr was involved in many other schemes, making him one of the most prominent criminals in this town. The town itself was nearly corrupted beyond repair, and so anyone who valued their lives or the lives of their loved ones wouldn't even attempt to report the wrongdoings of the many criminals.

Erina and Wynn hated this very much, as did all of the seventy - some kids in the orphanage. After Wynn's leg was broken during one of Slorh's especially violent tantrums, Erina snapped. In order for Erina to escape with Wynn, She hit the man Slohr had hired to watch over the orphanage over the head with one of the peices of wood that was being used to keep a window from sliding shut. She carried Wynn over her back for almost half a kilometer to get to the harbor. By the time they got there, though, Slohr's goon had caught up to them. Erina makes the decision to put Wynn onto a boat that was leaving, then she tried to buy enough time against the man for Wynn to be safe by acting as a sort of meat shield (Remember, it's not like Wynn was the man's objective, his objective was to get
both of the girls). Wynn only woke as the boat was just drifting away- she could never see what truly happened to Erina, but she always assumed her to be dead.

..::Wind Elementalism::..

Wind Elementalism is a relatively lesser-known form of magic, and thus the full potential of it has yet to be determined. The magic itself is difficult to use offensively, so it is often used as a support for other magic users.


The patron God of Wind elementalists is Nevenarius. Nevenarius gives the power of wind as a type of magic that requires dedication and skill to perfect.


Wind is the movement of air from areas of high pressure to low pressure. Therefore, in order to use the element, one must change air pressures. This can be achieved with the medium of a magical item, or, more commonly, techniques from Fire and Water Elementalism are employed. To create an area of high pressure, the air is cooled using techniques used by Water elementalists to create ice. Then, to create the area of low pressure, the main technique of Fire Elementalism is used, albeit in a much weaker manner.

Although techniques from other elements are crucial in Wind Elementalism, this does not mean that Wind elementalists are capable of using the other elements. Those techniques are used in a much more subtle manor, and thus lack the potency to be used by themselves.

Because Wind simply changes the flow of air, it takes an extreme amount of force to actually lift objects that are otherwise not designed to be lifted. Therefore an average Wind user couldn't actually directly attack someone else.

A Wind user's main advantage is it's influence on the other elements. Wind can be used to put out or enhance a Fire elementalist's attacks, and it can also be used to redirect
some Water techniques. (Similar to how rain is effected by wind. Not a ridiculous amount, but still reasonable.

Wind can also (somewhat) prevent other Elementalists from rapidly changing the temperature of their elements. So Wynn could prevent someone who is a weaker elementalist from making water into, say, ice.


The weakness of most Wind techniques is any type of physical attack. Wind cannot be used in such a condensed form as to combat physical items like swords.

I changed that names to sound less Japanese, and I expanded on the only other thing that Lucem said that I should expand on (That I saw him say to expand on, at least), the ability to quickly analyze people. 
And why did those spoiler boxes split into two... 

I fixed the spoiler boxes.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_10/upload_2013-10-11_10-34-36.png.ef0049bc053c8fa71050b129a62a1868.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="8034" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_10/upload_2013-10-11_10-34-36.png.ef0049bc053c8fa71050b129a62a1868.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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[QUOTE="Kai'zen Makaira]You could have Odde get killed by a surprise attack from stailers or something, just place him in the right spot.

Or choose a random number then look it up on 1000 ways to die...
Make a Stailer stab him in the eye! 
Or have a drunk and burly blacksmith named Boris rip his arm off and beat him to death with it!
My character is officially screwed, LOL. Great, an old man in a labyrinth by himself busy making fire so his hands are full whilst there are things in the darkness just waiting to tear away his saggy little flesh.

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