Tales of Salisonia: Rise of the Dragons [Official OOC Thread]

Oh! The Seeker's Peak should be a volcano! That way I get to sacrifice someone! I mean, what? What sacrifice? Psssssh. 
I've noticed, Sebastian has never played a woman.... Hmmm?
I'll just put down female in my history, for now that is. 
As my character will be a more "advanced/lucky" Water Elementalist, what are some of the things she could do, and is she able to freeze the water or no?
NO NO FREEZE NUH (Just for the fact I want my char to be original and be unique with freezing ;- ;)

But isn't she a merfolk? If she freezes wouldn't she risk freezing her water reserves..? IDK but....MEH
No, I meant wa...

I am not a frog that freezes solid in the winter. I am a Water Elementalist taking part of "The Three Elementalists". I WILL CONQUER YOU ALL! Get your facts straight, stupid Gunther penguin-thing.
Gunther would pimp smack your little land shrimp and eat it.


I meant when you used your elementalism but nvm, don't use ice :3 pl0x

|General Information|

  • Lilliana Sage

|Biography of Lilliana Sage|

  • Lilliana is quite hostile and aggressive when talked bad about, or attacked, be it physically or in any other form. This was due to being disowned as a child over her sexuality, which is what makes her open-minded about other people. As everyone she has ever liked or loved has betrayed her in some fashion, Lilliana is more of the loner-type and will be a bit untrustful towards people. She is very motivated to working hard and tries to do everything independently. Although she seems very harsh and angry on the outside, which she usually is, once you get to know her and become friends with her, she is quite different and more of a sensitive, sad girl. A journal she uses when on-land is filled with many entries of her past and she regularly writes in new entries. A form of magic she likes to use is saying chants, instead of using normal means. She generally hates people that are snobbish, or simply people in general, and dislikes the taste of most meats. If they are the only thing to eat, she will eat it. Otherwise, she tries to sticks to fruits, vegetables, and the likes. Lilliana has Alektorophobia, or a fear of chickens. Any time she can see or hear a chicken, she'll instantly start to get anxiety and try to get as far as possible from it. If it isn't possible to get away, she will possibly get a panic attack and begin to cry while on the ground.

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[QUOTE="Lucem Tenebris]My character will be a male. I have the appearance, history, and personality. I only have to write them down, but I'll do that after a nap. My throat hurts very much right now.

O.K., I'm just keeping him as the friendly traveler that is now a guy, for now, anyway.

This thread is moving considerably slower than usual tonight...


Any news about my CS...?


[QUOTE="Wynn Kamui]

This thread is moving considerably slower that usual tonight...


Any news about my CS...?

I swear, paipai is torturing me by liking my posts then not responding. What are these mind games you are playing!?
[QUOTE="Wynn Kamui]
I swear, paipai is torturing me by liking my posts then not responding. What are these mind games you are playing!?

Would you prefer she didn't like your posts and pretend she's not online?
I have news about it.

It wasn't accepted and needs stuff added to it. I hope this satisfies your hunger. 

What should I do with my king? He's been in a bar, drinking, for like a week, he's probably dead...

Well, he's a dwarf so he wouldn't die from alcohol.
MrLlama said:
What should I do with my king? He's been in a bar, drinking, for like a week, he's probably dead...

Well, he's a dwarf so he wouldn't die from alcohol.
There's been a Dwarf King added to this RP and I haven't been notified? 
Right, found it
... I am the Dwarf King. I told you that the other day when I said "Bow down to your Dwarven King!" or something similar.

I AM THE DWARVEN KING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Even though you already know now. 
@paipai900 You didn't add me to the King of the Dwarves spot on the playable characters... *cries*
This roleplay could easily turn into some Game of Thrones in terms of

(Sort of a spoiler but at the same time isn't, BE WARNED!

a lot of main characters getting murdered or killed in some way
[QUOTE="Wynn Kamui]Robbing Banks

Mr Llama and Paipai like robbing banks. Confirmed. 
But seriously- an ETA on my CS would be nice.
MrLlama said:
... I am the Dwarf King. I told you that the other day when I said "Bow down to your Dwarven King!" or something similar.
I AM THE DWARVEN KING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Master ... I will lick your boots ...
MrLlama said:
Just go to what Lucem said, he had a novel there.
I did everything Lucem said to do lol...

I guess I can go change the names of the village and stuff though... 
Llama, link me to one of your Character Sheets that was accepted.
There's still more. The review is broken up into two separate parts. The first is prior to the revision and the second is afterwards.
What if you copy my style?! :o

Well, any race you care for? I have two elves, a dwarf, and a mermaid, though she isn't accepted yet.
[QUOTE="Lucem Tenebris]There's still more. The review is broken up into two separate parts. The first is prior to the revision and the second is afterwards.

Ah okay. Now to find that review...

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