Tales of Salisonia: Rise of the Dragons [Official OOC Thread]

You know, although we are all impatient with the reviewing of our CS' pestering them about it won't help, we can just pass the time chatting, tis what I do
[QUOTE="Kai'zen Makaira]You know, although we are all impatient with the reviewing of our CS' pestering them about it won't help, we can just pass the time chatting, tis what I do

Pssh. It's like handling a monkey slave. You gotta whip it to keep moving it forward!

Actually, now that I think about it, it's more like Gods, and we're waiting to see if we're going to Hell or Heaven. And then after waiting, they either say, "You're going to Heaven! Whoo!" or "LOL NOPE" and pull a lee-ver to make us fall.
But the more I bug it seems like they purposely take longer which increases the anticipation for an answer.

And on that third day when you read "Accepted." It is so gooood.

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MrLlama said:
But the more I bug it seems like they purposely take longer which increases the anticipation for an answer.
And on that third day when you read "Accepted." It is so gooood.

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Lemme change that for you, you screwed up.

And on that fourteenth day when you read "Denied." It is so baaaad.
Gaaah. Just review it, I guess. I need Lucem to figure out how our character's met for The Three Elemtents. :I

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"Until he/she met the fire/water Elementalist." *Fireworks and Confetti.* *Oscar received* I don't know...We could just keep it ambiguous?
Lucem Tenebris]"Until he/she met the fire/water Elementalist." *Fireworks and Confetti.* *Oscar received* I don't know...We could just keep it ambiguous? [/QUOTE] Wot. I'm going to come up with something stupid. Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk [URL="http://tapatalk.com/m?id=10 said:
now Free[/URL]
MrLlama said:

|General Information|

  • Lilliana Sage

|Biography of Lilliana Sage|

  • Lilliana is quite hostile and aggressive when talked bad about, or attacked, be it physically or in any other form. This was due to being disowned as a child over her sexuality, which is what makes her open-minded about other people. As everyone she has ever liked or loved has betrayed her in some fashion, Lilliana is more of the loner-type and will be a bit untrustful towards people. She is very motivated to working hard and tries to do everything independently. Although she seems very harsh and angry on the outside, which she usually is, once you get to know her and become friends with her, she is quite different and more of a sensitive, sad girl. A journal she uses when on-land is filled with many entries of her past and she regularly writes in new entries. A form of magic she likes to use is saying chants, instead of using normal means.

  • A few problems

    Personality: PLEASE make this longer, it describes who she is a bit but can you describe dislikes and likes, things that would make her mad? More examples? Please.

    History: Honestly the History centers around her Bisexuality, it doesn't really show any ACTUAL background of hers, what was she like in those days? It doesn't show anything about the process of discovering. I've had several bisexual friends that used to be straight and they all seemed to go through this phase of denial due to fears then a sort of revelation and then the ability to strengthen that, Well my friends were like that, don't know about other bisexual people but I'm straight so I can't really tell you or explain it to you *shrug* Her history is vague to be honest. It also seems to show types of advancement in Merfolk? I mean they sound human with the same traditions, I don't think merfolk really establish schools below the sea unless it's verbal or something or writing on rocks or sand? I'm just trying to be realistic with merfolk, they are a bit more harsh race like Pai describes. They are most likely more or less semi primal, studying how to kill and eat first and then going into that education crap, and honestly having her not being aware of regular things could add some in depth to her discovery of bisexuality and How she discovers the outside world, The three elements? Nothing about it is described in her Bio but Mord was also like that but he still had hints. What did she do after being kicked out? How does she go into human form? How does she adapt to the outside world? I have al lot more stuff but I'll put this down for now.

    I'm not gonna be very lenient with all the apps I'm gonna accept guys just a heads up :)
... They have human forms? I thought they just simply traveled on land using their reserve of water so they didn't really touch the ground.

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MrLlama said:
... They have human forms? I thought they just simply traveled on land using their reserve of water so they didn't really touch the ground.
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You said something about a Human form but nevermind, Your picture threw me off mostly because of the big tail ._. But no they don't have human forms, they're walking fish people
e@Cressy[/URL] Could you review my characters really quick? (page 289) I've edited them a couple times now but I've gotten no response as to whether or not they've been accepted. 
Timmy: why hath thou not been excepted yet MurfemrAWR?

Me: Because...IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-WILL ALWAYSE HATE YOUUUUUUU- *uses a baseball bat to hit Timmy and send him flying into space*

Timmy: weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
Murfemra said:
e@Cressy[/URL] Could you review my characters really quick? (page 289) I've edited them a couple times now but I've gotten no response as to whether or not they've been accepted. 
Timmy: why hath thou not been excepted yet MurfemrAWR?
Me: Because...IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-WILL ALWAYSE HATE YOUUUUUUU- *uses a baseball bat to hit Timmy and send him flying into space*

Timmy: weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

Murfemra said:
View attachment 26133
Name: Khile Redforth

Gender: male

Age: 21

Race: human

Class: Knight

Appearance Notes: His hair is short, brown, and spikey, he is fairly tall (a little over six feet) and is surprisingly light for his age and size

Personality: Khile's the fun guy that people like to hang around. He tends to joke a lot, even in combat sometimes, but his jokes never seem that rude or offensive. He's happy and carefree, but doesn't lie to stand around patiently. He has a thing for running around all day long, so he's fairly hyper-active. People know for a fact that he got this from his older brother who was even worse about pranks and energy than Khile. Thankfully, Khile had the combination of his strict parents and his civilized younger sister to make him more well-behaved.

There are, however, certain situations Khile doesn't do very well in. For example, if one of his friends becomes sad, he will try to cheer them up, but he doesn't exactly know how. He struggles to say encouraging speeches and any really good line that he thinks to say is usually used the next time his friend gets sad. Really, the best way he can cheer you up is by letting you know that he at least cares enough to try and cheer you up. Now, when he gets angry, things get interesting. Khile isn't usually prone to anger issues, but absolutely will not tolerate it if someone picks on one of his friends. The resulting incidents usually lead to "smack-talk" and even fist-fights, which gets him in trouble a lot.

Perhaps the most depressing thing you may ever see is when Khile himself gets sad. He goes into a temporary state of 'grey hopelessness' and tends to unintentionally make it harder to cheer him up. The truly sad part is seeing a usually cheerful and bright man suddenly turn grey and melancholy. This usually only happens when something close to a tragedy hits. Sometimes, Khile just gets sad in such a way that he

smiles, perhaps to let somebody know he's ok just in case they're watching.

- (trust me, there needs to be a space here *-*) -

History: Living in one of the "smaller" parts of Bran near Elugarde, Khile was raised by two strict parents and grew up with an average sister plus a joker of a brother. As you can imagine, he takes off after his brother, only HE ended up getting in trouble less thanks to his sister (who had him play with her in exchange for clearing his name with their parents). He usually passed the time by playing jokes on his brother (occasionally his sister, but she was obviously the favorite child as Khile and his brother so clearly found out, and didn't want to cause too much trouble), having wooden sword fights with his brother, drawing sketches of knights fighting monsters and such, and also had to play with his sister so he would be on both her good side and their parents' good side. He was always fascinated by combat (mainly because his brother had a tendency to get in fights with schoolmates which, in Khile's opinion,"looked cool") and swore that he'd one day be a great swordsman. He had talked it over with his parents and after two long weeks of nagging them to find him an instructor, his parents finally agreed to get him a trainer. By fifteen, he had begun training to be a swordsman. His parents settled on an instructor of the name "John Stanford", who Khile thought was pretty good at sword-fighting but he thought that Stanford was all-too strict (Khile then came up with the theory that strict people only trusted strict people). Stanford was one of the few knighting instructors in the community and was the kind of man that looked "wimpy" in that he was tall, slender, and had a thin-combed mustache. However, he was also the kind of man that could very easily beat you in a swordfight, so he was well-respected. He was fairly good at it by the time the family friends were offering to knight him. On of these families was the Kailar family (whom got along well with Khile's parents, the idea of which Khile never quite understood) who were very kind and quiet people who had one, young son. Once Khile was 18, he was already ready to be knighted which was requested by the Kailar family and his parents. After the successful ceremony, the Kailars asked Khile's new lord if they could ask him to do one simple thing for them. They said that their only request was for Khile to listen to and protect their son (a request their lord, thankfully, approved on). Khile didn't understand why, but the very next day, Mr. and Mrs. Kailar were murdered with only their son surviving in the family name. Khile finally understood what they meant and, following his better judgment and the code of honor he was now bound to, vowed to protect their son for the rest of his days. He had proposed to his parents that he was going to move out to find a place where Sky would be safe. His parents didn't exactly jump at the idea, but Khile was able to move out at this time so, after a day's debate, they let him go (at the same time, they were also wishing that Khile's brother would take the hint and move out sometime soon too). They knew that Khile had taken his first big step in becoming a man and they did not intend on getting in his way.

View attachment 26134

Name: Sky Kailar

Gender: male

Age: 11

Race: Half-breed (half elf, half human)

Class: Elementalist (Earth --> Nature --> [Vegetation] )

Appearance Notes: skinny (an adult man might be able to wrap both hands around his waist and have his thumbs and middle fingers touching each other. Hopefully you're picturing this right) and light (a little more than 61 pounds), about 5 feet tall, fairly pale

Personality: Sky has always been a surprisingly calm boy, even when his parents died when he was 8. Everyone thinks it's because he's half elf, but nobody's really sure. Nobody really paid it any mind as it ever got in the way and nobody ever paid enough attention to Sky to theorize any ideas, his parents just assumed that he was the "lucky outcome" from having a child. Sky almost always has a very slight smile on his face with half-open eyes, as though he's always in a trance. His biggest downfall is that he takes lies all too seriously and may unintentionally harm anyone around him who lies, specifically for profit.

When someone lies for profit, Sky sometimes accidentally points out there lies (as he can identify them very well; he pays very close attention to how peoples' tones of voice change) without thinking and, in the worst cases, may summon a few thorny vines to mess up the scene. This usually leads to Khile giving out a lot of apologies and paying for damages, as well as Sky feeling guilty about his impulsive actions. Sky's hatred toward lies is probably his greatest weakness but also one of his greater strengths. Usually, it just gets Khile in trouble (seeing as though Khile's responsible for the kid).

Khile also has those moments where he wonders what it'd be like if his parents weren't killed and ends up depressing himself. It's these little moments where he appreciates Khile as though they were brothers and hopes that they can stay that way forever. After all, Sky believes that a brother is nothing without his brother, so that may be just another reason why he looks up to Khile with such respect.

History: Sky had a different sort of family. Other than his father and mother, he had no relatives and as to why this was, this was never explained to him. Furthermore, his father was a human and his mother was an elf. They always told him about the strange story of how they met (the two of them fell in love when they had to tend to a bunch of soldiers during a war and their hands met over a pair of scissors). Sky's half-elven heritage gave him a closer connection to nature, which in turn led him to going outside often and wandering around (which usually led to his panicked parents having to find him after ten minutes of his absence). He was raised in a simple household, learning basic knowledge but also to see the good in all creatures, which he tried his best to do. His father and mother were both doctors and taught him a few things about medicine. However, he was far more interested in botany. His parents never minded it, so everything got along fine. Once, he had met an old mage who had taught him about calling upon plants and manipulating their growth in useful ways which, thank to Sky's elven side, Sky found he was able to do (after his parents agreed to let him train with the mage). He wasn't especially god at it, but it was enough to impress his parents which made him more than happy.

He had a strong bond with his mother and father as he never took the time to befriend anyone else. They were his everything and he knew they always would be, but he wasn't expecting what happened in the future. When he was only 8 years old, Sky's parents were murdered one cold night. The murderer was soon after caught and identified as "Olketh Tellingsworth", a man who had a grudge on Sky's parents for years. Sky never knew why the man hated his parents so much and he had no idea why the man would want to murder his parents, but he did occasionally hear the neighbors gossip about how Olketh was "mentally unstable" and how he and Sky's parents had "Public issues" and "financial troubles", none of which an 8 year old would understand.

His parents had knighted a boy named Khile to protect him, but Sky never understood how his parents knew that they were going to die. From that day on, he and Khile wondered the world in search of adventure and a true home. Sky's biggest dream was to find one of the great dragons as his parents would always tell stories about them. Sky's parents were the kind of people that paid attention to history and would, as such, tell Sky almost any legend they could think of (aside from the more "unhappy" legends). Sky's personal favorite was of the dragons of old and would always tell Khile the stories his parents had told him. Sky had always believed that one of the dragons may have survived as children tend to believe in the possibility of such fantastical creatures. Sky has always been a "hopeful" child and though others may tell him otherwise, he can't stop thinking that there may just be at least one more dragon out there in the world. Sometimes Khile would ask Sky what he would do if he ever managed to find a dragon. Sky would always just smile and say that t would be his proof to the world that hope still exists. Khile still has no idea what Sky meant, but he knew better than to question the dream of a young boy like Sky.
Not bad at all, the story is pretty well balanced, I do ask if you could add just some more paragraphs to sky's app, I don't see many problems with Khile aside that wouldn't he try to find out who killed Sky's parents and why they killed them. But aside from that if you fix it you're accepted.

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