Tales of Salisonia: Rise of the Dragons [Official OOC Thread]

TheInfamousHavoc said:
When I started roleplaying, I did everything wrong... Sometimes, I'll look back on a past roleplay and facepalm till my head hurts.
I used those star things for actions guys. SRSLY. *shakes my head


A prick or not, that doesn't give anyone the excuse to be a meanie.
I'm Lilliana, I am supposed to be mean to a prick.

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Thank Nevenarius AcE is making an OOC tab, next time this will only be for character creation and reviews. I swear.
Yeah I kinda agree with @Ineffectivd to some extent, I'd love if we didn't ooc so much crap on here and make it just for apps, it bugs me but I'm not being mean about it or as Kaos said a 'Holier than thou' prick.

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Cressy said:
Yeah I kinda agree with @Ineffectivd to some extent, I'd love if we didn't ooc so much crap on here and make it just for apps, it bugs me but I'm not being mean about it or as Kaos said a 'Holier than thou' prick.
*5 cents inserted*
*10 cents inserted* Hah! I inserted more money than you! But, I do agree. ^^ Next time....next time...sequel...next time..
Cressy said:
Yeah I kinda agree with @Ineffectivd to some extent, I'd love if we didn't ooc so much crap on here and make it just for apps, it bugs me but I'm not being mean about it or as Kaos said a 'Holier than thou' prick.
*5 cents inserted*
Honestly, the phrase is two cents, but I may just be cheap
I remember my one-liner days like it was yesterday. *reminisce

However, I really wish it wasn't a part of my past. v.v

Anywhoozies, I'm basically saying that if someone is being a poop, being just as poopy only makes bigger and smellier poop, yeah?

*no cents because I like to keep my money
I am on Facebook. All I see are posts about "Ooh, if I had a man to take my breath away!"


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MrLlama said:
"Ooh, if I had a man to take my breath away!"
[QUOTE="Wynn Kamui]Not gonna be on tonight. Not feeling motivated enough to work on my CS even more :P

Oh my gosh, is that your signature?

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