Tales of Salisonia: Rise of the Dragons [Official OOC Thread]

@paipai900 Please kill this Kahao I'm travelling with, somehow. I don't know what to do with him.

Wait, that came out wrong. The bull, not the two other ones ...


Mooalally said:
@paipai900 Please kill this Kahao I'm travelling with, somehow. I don't know what to do with him.
Wait, that came out wrong. The bull, not the two other ones ...
Ooga looked through the forest brush at a bull fifty miles away. Taking herhis bow, shehe shot and killed the bull. Teleporting in, she skinned it. "Hay, yalls. Just skinning yalls bull. Don't mind the blood, it washes out."
My Elf is on 210, my first Dwarf is on 8, and my second Dwarf has drowned in this pile of crap we have created.

Wait, nope, 10.



1 FOR Civilian

MrLlama said:


1 FOR Civilian

Make another civilian. There are too many warriors and mages and things. For the economy!
You forgot about @Flabbysaurus's character. Lol. He was with Elvsyr, though. 

Mooalally said:
Make another civilian. There are too many warriors and mages and things. For the economy!
But... they're boring. xD

Even though all I do in Skyrim with one of my character's is act as a trader, so, I know how it works, but...

(Improved and expanded Character Revision 12 subselection Omega-63 post article Gamma Zeta Theta12a72[False Subset9] Array 94)



View attachment 26382


Wynn Kamui








Wind elementalist

Appearance Notes:

5ft 2in, 120lbs, green eyes.

Wynn has a stuffed bunny in her pocket that was given to her by Erina, a girl who became a sister to her when they both lived in an orphanage together for several years. She keeps this with her at all times, and cherishes it more than any of her other possessions.

She also has a slight abnormality in her gait, as when she was in that same orphanage they were often beaten for minor infractions. During one of those beatings, her knee was fractured; and lacking any medical care it healed back incorrectly.


Wynn is a very analytical person. She can quickly analyze a foe and adapt to them accordingly.She is also a very peaceful person, and tries to avoid and prevent violent conflict. Despite being a very logical person, Wynn is very adventurous. She decided early on in teaching herself how to control the element of wind that she needed to explore and analyze the effects of wind that many people overlook and give no importance to.

Wynn lost many of her loved ones throughout her life, and each of the deaths seemed equally as pointless. Her mother was killed by a mugger, he father was killed by a gang of bandits that would attack small villages, and Erina was killed trying to buy Wynn some time. Wynn is still very emotional about their deaths, and these emotions are her main flaw- when her loved ones are in danger, she makes rash decisions without analyzing the potential outcomes as she would usually do. Wynn can thus be easily manipulated into losing rationality.

She never wants to let a friend or loved one die pointlessly ever again. She would gladly give her own life to save that of her friend's.


Wynn's mother died when Wynn was young, so she was raised mostly by her father. Wynn's father was a very kind man, and he took very good care of Wynn.

Two days after the village burned, a group of traveling merchants found her cold and starving in the rubble. They took Wynn and fed her, but they didn't want to raise a child, so they left her when she was sleeping in the next town they stopped at.

This town was a small town by the name of (Whatever the name of the town near the enterances to the dwarven mines are) near the base of the (Mountain range near the dwarven mine entrance things). Wynn had nobody to help her do anything for the next two weeks after being abandoned at the city. She was very hungry, worried for her safety, sad for her family and village, and most of all lonely; that is until she met Erina.

At first they competed against each other for the people's sympathy- Whoever seemed more helpless would get significantly more from begging. One night, Wynn had been especially lucky with her begging, and so Erina had no food. Wynn saw her like this, and gave her a piece of her bread. This was the beginning of their friendship.

Erina and Wynn got along very well- both of them were orphans living on the street, and they had a similar sense of humor. They used their combined creativity and ingenuity to find ways to make it in the town- They did what they had to. They stole from some of the merchants, but only those that they believed could afford it.

However well this worked for them, it only took getting seen by the owner of the town orphanage once for the whole scheme of theirs to end. They were both thrown into an orphanage. The owner of the orphanage, Mr.Slorh, was not a nice man. He used his power over little kids to up his ego and make himself money. If we didn't do exactly what he asked exactly when he asked, talked when not spoken to, forget to address him as
Sir, we would be subjected to a variety of punishments: No food for two days, Locked in the cellar for days at a time, or when he got very mad he would just beat us.

For Slorh, his orphans were like an investment. By sending them out every day to beg for money, he made a fortune. However, effective as this was, the whole operation could be shut down by a single snitch. He was aware of this, so he constantly would make examples of the orphans, saying that they told someone what he was doing. He would then make everyone watch as he beat the perpetrator until they could barely be recognized. These scare tactics worked on everyone but Erina- she wasn't one to be scared by anything.

Along with the orphanage scheme, Slohr was involved in many other schemes, making him one of the most prominent criminals in this town. The town itself was nearly corrupted beyond repair, and so anyone who valued their lives or the lives of their loved ones wouldn't even attempt to report the wrongdoings of the many criminals.

Erina and Wynn hated this very much, as did all of the seventy - some kids in the orphanage. After Wynn's leg was broken during one of Slorh's especially violent tantrums, Erina snapped. In order for Erina to escape with Wynn, She hit the man Slohr had hired to watch over the orphanage over the head with one of the peices of wood that was being used to keep a window from sliding shut. She carried Wynn over her back for almost a mile to get to the harbor. By the time they got there, though, Slohr's goon had caught up to them. Erina makes the decision to put Wynn onto a boat that was leaving, then she tried to buy enough time against the man for Wynn to be safe. Wynn only woke as the boat was just drifting away- she could never see what truly happened to Erina, but she always assumed her to be dead.

..::Wind Elementalism::..

Wind Elementalism is a relatively lesser-known form of magic, and thus the full potential of it has yet to be determined. The magic itself is difficult to use offensively, so it is often used as a support for other magic users.


The patron God of Wind elementalists is Nevenarius. Nevenarius gives the power of wind as a type of magic that requires dedication and skill to perfect.


Wind is the movement of air from areas of high pressure to low pressure. Therefore, in order to use the element, one must change air pressures. This can be achieved with the medium of a magical item, or, more commonly, techniques from Fire and Water Elementalism are employed. To create an area of high pressure, the air is cooled using techniques used by Water elementalists to create ice. Then, to create the area of low pressure, the main technique of Fire Elementalism is used, albeit in a much weaker manner.

Although techniques from other elements are crucial in Wind Elementalism, this does not mean that Wind elementalists are capable of using the other elements. Those techniques are used in a much more subtle manor, and thus lack the potency to be used by themselves.

Because Wind simply changes the flow of air, it takes an extreme amount of force to actually lift objects that are otherwise not designed to be lifted. Therefore an average Wind user couldn't actually directly attack someone else.

A Wind user's main advantage is it's influence on the other elements. Wind can be used to put out or enhance a Fire elementalist's attacks, and it can also be used to redirect
some Water techniques.


The weakness of most Wind techniques is any type of physical attack. Wind cannot be used in such a condensed form as to combat physical items like swords.

@Kai'zen Makaira

Round Two!

:D Oh, and you forgot Gender, but whatever. xD
Name: Sounds a little Matiao, but I'm pretty lenient at the moment because of oatmeal.

Age: Y U NO IN SCHOOL?! Oh wait. There's a war going on. LOL

Race: Mmkay. ^^

Appearance Notes: Cooleos, bros.

Personality: Time to take out the big guns. I've noticed a lot of people have tragic backgrounds, but I'll pass this one off just like the rest of them. Salisonia is in PEACE just to smack the sense out of the next person. But, you're fine with his personality. ^^ Gotta love dat oatmeal.

History: TIME TO RELEASE THE KRAKEN!! I think it's fine. ^^ Lol

Time to wait and see what Sebastian says....
Okay guys, this is a drawing of Wynn fighting that I've been working on all day today, It's not nearly done, but at this point I need people's opinions on the proportionality of the drawing.


paipai900 said:
@Kai'zen Makaira
Round Two!

:D Oh, and you forgot Gender, but whatever. xD
Name: Sounds a little Matiao, but I'm pretty lenient at the moment because of oatmeal.

Age: Y U NO IN SCHOOL?! Oh wait. There's a war going on. LOL

Race: Mmkay. ^^

Appearance Notes: Cooleos, bros.

Personality: Time to take out the big guns. I've noticed a lot of people have tragic backgrounds, but I'll pass this one off just like the rest of them. Salisonia is in PEACE just to smack the sense out of the next person. But, you're fine with his personality. ^^ Gotta love dat oatmeal.

History: TIME TO RELEASE THE KRAKEN!! I think it's fine. ^^ Lol

Time to wait and see what Sebastian says....

How I wish that you were the only one reviewing my CS's lol...
I'm going to make some noodles. Anyway, just to give you guys a heads up, I'll be gone longer than usual tomorrow since we're going hiking. ^^
I wanna be a magical blacksmith so that I can possess a person and use their body to make their own weapon since I will never make that type of weapon ever again, at least not in my own body. <3

paipai900 said:
@Kai'zen Makaira
Round Two!

:D Oh, and you forgot Gender, but whatever. xD
Name: Sounds a little Matiao, but I'm pretty lenient at the moment because of oatmeal.

Age: Y U NO IN SCHOOL?! Oh wait. There's a war going on. LOL

Race: Mmkay. ^^

Appearance Notes: Cooleos, bros.

Personality: Time to take out the big guns. I've noticed a lot of people have tragic backgrounds, but I'll pass this one off just like the rest of them. Salisonia is in PEACE just to smack the sense out of the next person. But, you're fine with his personality. ^^ Gotta love dat oatmeal.

History: TIME TO RELEASE THE KRAKEN!! I think it's fine. ^^ Lol

Time to wait and see what Sebastian says....

God I love oatmeal right now, and again just let me know exactly what problems there are, and I will mend them ASAP
[QUOTE="Lucem Tenebris]I'll review them after I've added more sugar to my system. I need to be alert for stuff like this.

Ok, thank you :3

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